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The papers are all reporting that they practised a back 3 in training today


I'd love to see 3-5-2. Maybe not this same layout but definitely a 3-5-2


Lay out was just how it was set up on the site. I wouldn't have full backs that advanced.


I would probably rearrange the midfield to be 2 holding midfielders, a 10 and our wide players. With the 2 at the front being dedicated forwards.


Yeah more rice mainoo sitting deep foden behind Bellingham and kane. Or Bellingham behind kane and toney. That's what's good about a 3-5-2 you can tinker and experiment more


Yeah I seen that. he has to change formation 3 at back makes perfect sense. We don't have a left back and tripper and walker have struggled at full back


I actually think this isn't too far away from being accurate... It would bold, brave and potentially effective.


Yeah hope he does change formation. Needs to be brave and bold now. Being safe and edgey has been a struggle


I think this is more than likely but not konsa in the middle. 


No I know. It's more what I think Southgate would do . I'd play stones in middle and gomez left maybe Konsa right instead of walker.


Why is Trent always so high up in these lineups and why is Foden still in the team?


Most team selectors seem to only offer a back five with fullbacks, or a back three with wingers. Hardly any of them seem to place wingbacks where they would actually play.


Ah that makes more sense, really weird stuff


I’d take Foden out and put Watkins up with Kane. Pace in behind and Kane gets to drop, which he would do anyway. Bellingham is a threat in the air, more than Foden and when you’ve got Trent you need options on the end of those crosses. Mainoo did well but I’d be tempted to bring Wharton in and put Rice as an 8. He doesn’t do well as a 6 in terms of moving the ball through the lines, Wharton may be more natural at it.


I think XI wise this makes the most sense and what he’ll go for, but swapping Stones and Konsa and Bellingham and Foden


That's a sexy line up


It's pretty solid, to be fair. I'll never get used to seeing Saka in that position, but needs must I suppose. The slight change for me would be Gallagher for Foden at the start, just simply to harass the ever-loving shit out of Xhaka. You stop him, and the Swiss movement stops ticking (ho ho)


Trent and saka are not tracking back. Trent is a dreadful defender, and saka is not a wing back. Saka will run his guts out but putting that reliance on TAA to cover the right will be a leaky ship for certain.


With 3 at the back though it gives you cover and rice and mainoo sitting deep playing walker right cb gives taa some help. Saka is a hard worker he would do a good job for us. You are hoping against Switzerland they are doing more attacking than defending


Trent is not a dreadful defender at all. Just isn't quite Walker standards


I know this won’t happen but getting Palmer in there for Foden to get some extra width would help us stretch the game more, I’d still be a bit worried we end up with Jude, Kane Foden getting in the same positions with Saka and Trent on an island out wide


2 up top Bellingham playing alongside kane foden behind. Kanes been marked out of games and dropping to deep. Have foden in the no.10 kane and Bellingham up front more adventurous and brave. I wouldn't begrudge palmer starting he's looked good when he's come on


Love it. Foden and Kobie mainoo as 8s 👌


You could switch and try new things with a 3 5 2 you can't with a 4 2 3 1. Foden and mainoo in the middle of the park Bellingham. Kane up top. Play on front foot. Can't go wrong 👌


I definitely think the two 8s and one 6 structure works better in the midfield than the double pivot and a 10 . It allows better ball players like Foden and mainoo to drop a bit deeper and help Rice with the build up play. Bellingham kind of buzzing around kane up front would be dangerous. The two 8s and wing backs can support the attack when we have the ball in the opposition half. Saka and Trent would dominate the wide spaces and get plenty of balls in. I 100% back the switch to a back 3 with proper attacking wing backs like trent and saka. What i dont want is walker as rwb and trippier lwb. That would be even worse than the shite we've been serving up in the tournament so far.


Couldn't agree more, it's not working that at all. Walker and tripper have been shocking. Tripper you can forgive he's not a left back never has been he needs to change that . I want to see Arnold whipping balls in foden in the middle. Create some chances. We have seen plenty of the ball but in final 3rd it's not been good enough


Not bad. I would swap Bellingham for Foden. And then put Toney up front.


Gordon left wing Surely?


Again mate it's more who I think Southgate would play. I think saka has been poor I'd prefer Gordon or palmer yeah he needs to change system and 2 or 3 players