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That is a *ridiculously* good price -- congrats! 🙂


Thanks! There goes my luck for the rest of the year.


Lol! Nah, hopefully this bit of good luck generates/attracts even more. 😊


Wow. Great deal. I'm so glad it came at a time to be really helpful for you. Your good luck isn't used up. It's gonna last, and things are gonna get better. 😀


That’s extremely kind of you to say thank you 🥹


Congrats! These things are super useful- let’s be real, the average meal just doesn’t need all the space a big oven has.


I got one similar to this 6 months ago for $50 and I was happy with that price. It was brand new in the box never used, the same model was still for sale in a big box store down the street for $150. When I got it home, I realized there was a part missing. Luckily, a few weeks later I went to a thrift store in the next town over and found the same part for a different oven for $.50 and I was able to just cut it down a few milimeters and it worked just fine. I use it almost every day so it has already been worth $50.50. You'll get your money's worth even faster than me!


I have an older one of those countertop ovens. I love mine. I use mine constantly. It's about 15 yrs old.


Incredible. Tho I hope you are someone who needs it and not a reseller


My family can definitely benefit and it’s not being resold, as soon as I washed the racks we immediately made a pizza lol! We are a family of 4 in between housing and this really saved the day since we don’t have an oven, we originally went in looking for shoes but couldn’t pass this deal up.


Lovely! I'm glad your family is enjoying this absolute steal


Sorry for the scum of the earth resellers down voting you


I'm not surprised


I had no idea my tiny insignificant side hustle made me scum of the earth. I didn't downvote. Just stumbled upon this dramatic interaction. I rent a booth at a vintage shop and rotate my personal finds through it. I keep things until I find cool new things, then sell the stuff I replace. I have been Thrifting 3 times a week for 30 years. Not sure why that's scummy. I'd be a hoarder if I didn't have an outlet for my treasures to be passed on. It's a completely beneficial, healthy FUN hobby. That I make minimal profit from.


That also makes a percentage of my house and bills a tax write off. 😎👍🙌


Congrats, what a deal!


I have the same one. But not for 50 cents :( That metal border at the top of the door gets super hot. https://preview.redd.it/g2p49d02058d1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=55147ba6a9896febc943fff53e80e608dd6a81cf