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Sounds weird, maybe your flicking your wrists or tensing them when your punching which is causing soreness. (Not saying anything wrong with a flick jab but definitely could be a problem flicking your wrists on every type of punch or even keeping you wrists over flexed could cause some sorness I'm guessing). Im no doctor, if your not doing anything weird with your wrists and your definitely not flicking then about like a mad man then get some gel hand wraps, those things that look like gloves that are ment to replace hand wraps. Maybe something like that could keep your wrists stable and give you support while your play, maybe even regular handwraps but idk why that seems more uncomfortable to me but if you got some handwraps lieing about wrap em up with a focus on your wrists and try playing.


Yeah probably flicking your wrists. TOTF unintentionally rewards flicking your wrists due to the way it measures the speed of your punch rather than actual force. You wouldn’t hit a bag like that cos it’d hurt.


thanks yall. Ill let it rest some and put some wraps on when I try again. This is one of the few exercises I do that I actually enjoy. Do the wraps prevent flicking?


The wraps keep your hands from bending at the wrist, so that should help stop the pain. Maybe once you develop the habit of keeping the wrists straight, you can try without the wraps again and see if your technique improved.


Waiting on my Gel hyabusa wraps. Mostly because I dont remember how to do wraps


There's lots of videos on YouTube. For VR, you don't need to worry about the knuckles of course, so I put extra on the wrist.


Wrap your fists and see if that helps?


probably overextending, the inside of my elbow started hurting like a bitch since i overthrew, try to not flick too hard with your wrist


I had a similar thing happen, and using hand wraps seems to prevent it.