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Go to the Old Fort.


Someone puts on a show at Hillcrest Park and I think FWFN has one.


What time at Hillcrest?


Around dark, probably 9:30-10


JBWess, I want to say big thank you for putting on the display tonight!! It was wonderful. our family attended in 3 generations and all were very happy to be there with so many appreciative likeminded citizens. Bravo!!


Thanks for coming out! Can’t wait for next year!


We watched from the Italian hall down the hill, big crowd there too! Thanks!!


If FWFN is doing fireworks then why can’t the city. Makes no sense


Fwfn doesn't have to virtue signal.


I can’t answer it any better than this.


What exactly is "virtue signaling" about them not having an event at the waterfront?


Do you know who does Hilcrest park one? I have a couple I can contribute


If you search back a bit in this subreddit, he posted about looking for donations a day or 2 ago! You may be able to find out where he lives


The city noticed they could say 100k by not doing fireworks and say they are doing it for truth and reconciliation, but Ottawa is still having them? Don't get me wrong I am all for truth and reconciliation for indigenous people, but the fireworks for everyone to enjoy in the city, especially kids. Shame they are still withholding them this year.


Someone told me there weren't fireworks put on by the city out of respect to the indigenous community. But FWFN is celebrating with fireworks? I'm confused...


White people doing white people things😂


Good we fought hard for this country bringing my whir behindnto the rez and we lighting 300 fire works


I’ll take what he’s having.


What are you trying to say


Virtue signaling


Its not to celebrate Canada day though.


It was disrespectful to put on fireworks while gravesites were being found. That time has largely passed. The reason the City isn't putting on fireworks this year is 100% budget.


Dont care i sparked them on the rez , how u gonna tell others not to light them then do it urself, i celebate my land and my country coming to the rez to light off 300


I'm going to play the kazoo at your mother's funeral.


You can do it at mine, I'll leave it in my last will that the embalmers not allowed to empty my stomach contents and instead of the ass cork they use a kazoo so we can play a duet. For those that don't know, when you're embalmed they cork you like a bottle of fine wine to prevent leakage. It's called an[ AV plug](https://mortech.co.nz/image/cache/catalog/Consumables/adhesives%20closures%20seals/AV%20plug-1000x1000.jpg), not to be confused with an AV club though anal retentiveness factors into both things. They also give you a set of spiked contact lenses to keep your peepers closed because where you're going you don't need eyes to see.


To bad i dont have a mother,, so imma come see urs when im done with my 300 fireworks on my land in the rez we rent out


Ur mama fav hobbie was getting f'ed in the ass by ur dad well my dad was laying lead i to people for the land that natives claim is stolen cause they rather get drink and put blame on the past and everykne else why they still in the same shitty error


Your dad shot people and took their land and that wasn't stealing?


That is not that is called war


Which war was that?


I think during a war and you want land you got to fight for it or lose it, you got to fight for everything you want dont put on others and idk why its being dragged to our gens , its wasnt us here its just being milked at this poiny like we need to cut off the payment plans


What war are you referring too? Colonization was not a war, it was and is false promises in a foreign language in written form that know one understood. Maybe take your family and put them in a swamp and charge you 6x the price on basic necessities and see how long it takes your family to feel wronged.


Gravesites may and can always be found. All politics…. Lame


There was a larger context in play.


No its no


Cause it's a lame excuse


I just came from the marina and it was awesome. Aysanabe was better than fireworks.


I'm all for having talented artists come to tbay but it's really sad to drive by the Marina at 7pm for it to be completely dead on Canada Day when several years ago it used to be packed. There's no way this is the option that people prefer. 


Amazingly agreed. Politics ruins all.


Well no… it wasn’t but ok.


I think there's some kind of rough neck thing going on at Hillcrest. Not sure how politically charged it is now I believe initially it kinda was


Nah.. it’s not political - I know the guy, and he just likes to see sparkly explosions in the sky. Can guarantee the thought process isn’t much deeper than that.


Hard to distinguish between the actual guy and attendees opinions some times. I just know I saw a lot of MCGA types who ruined the Canadian flag commenting on it and I think that might have skewed my association with the event itself


It’s not political in any way. It’s literally just fireworks lol


Everything is political first to some people, they can't be helped, it's their entire identity.


The bordercats put on one of the best shows this weekend. I think that was 2 of 3 shows they're doing this summer and they're always really good. You don't even have to go to the game. You can sit on the auditorium lawn and watch them.


Starting to think I need to move to a city that hosts successful events.