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Yes it is under spiritual direction by Tai Situ. It was established by Kalu Rinpoche, run by Lama Norlha Rinpcohe, then when Lama Norlha died, it was taken over by Tai Situ Rinpoche. They still teach karma and shangpa kagyu there and the three year retreat that was established by Kalu rinpoche back in the 70s.


Sorry, bur Mr. Norlha has done a parajika offence, a disrobing Offences, and he was no buddhist teacher. The four transgressions which incur a Parajika, the penalty of automatic disrobal, are as follows: 1. Engaging in sexual intercourse with another being of either sex., 2. Stealing something of value (which includes smuggling, cheating or deliberately avoiding payment of a tax)., 3. Purposely killing a human being or encouraging him or her to commit suicide (this includes inciting another to murder somebody and it also includes convincing a woman to have an abortion., 4. Boasting that one has realised a high spiritual attainment, knowing that one is lying. For example, claiming to be enlightened, to be Maitreya Buddha, to have entered Jhana (deep meditation-ecstasy) or that one can read minds when one knows that one hasn't reached any of these states. Should any monk or nun do any of these then you may know them as no longer holding the status of Buddhist monk or nun. They must disrobe. Should they attempt to hide their transgression and not disrobe then it is said that the bad karma produced is extreme indeed! more Info: [https://www.buddhistdoor.net/news/lawsuit-alleges-decades-of-sexual-assault-at-tibetan-buddhist-monastery-in-new-york/](https://www.buddhistdoor.net/news/lawsuit-alleges-decades-of-sexual-assault-at-tibetan-buddhist-monastery-in-new-york/) [https://www.timesunion.com/hudsonvalley/news/article/ktc-monastery-buddhist-leader-rape-lawsuit-18519994.php](https://www.timesunion.com/hudsonvalley/news/article/ktc-monastery-buddhist-leader-rape-lawsuit-18519994.php) [https://www.buddhistnews.net/un-proces-allegue-des-decennies-dagression-sexuelle-au-monastere-bouddhiste-tibetain-de-new-york/](https://www.buddhistnews.net/un-proces-allegue-des-decennies-dagression-sexuelle-au-monastere-bouddhiste-tibetain-de-new-york/)


That is 100% true and I am in no way defending lama norlha. He is a rapist.


thanks for your comment. What I unfortunately cannot understand why he is not condemned and rejected by the other lamas and teachers of the Karma Kagyü tradition and other Tibetan Buddhist tradition? why they still defend him and present him as a holy bodhisattva?


He is a samaya breaker of the highest order and is burning in vajra hell for all the poor nuns he raped. One of the nonsense lines that is fed to people is that nobody can judge a lama. That is the exact opposite of what it says in our scripture. Students are supposed to thoroughly interview and check their teachers. Also, in the kalachakra tantra it says that it is proper for you to withdraw from a teacher who has gone insane even if you have taken empowerment from them. So many people just have blind faith in anyone called tulku or rinpoche. I think this is the lama norlha situation. Another big problem is that lama norlha by many accounts was a meditation master and had siddi. People mistake that for enlightenment and forget guru rinpoche's injunction; "Even though your realization is as high as the sky, your conduct must be as fine as flour." In fact, some of these lamas, tulkus, and rinpoches display emotional outbursts and infantile entitlement, they harm sentient beings, they teach in ways that suit them rather than to the capabilities and abilities of sentient beings, they are self-congradulatory, they don't lament the miseries of Samsara, they are greedy, they seek and demand praise, they care about their reputation, they are unable to bear deprivation and hardship, etc. Enlightened beings have no need for praise, inclusion, congratulations, comforts, or reputations. They constantly think about death and the miseries of samsara. Thus, they always have compassion in their hearts. Discussion of the horrific reality of Samsara does not bother them. Their conduct is as stainless as they can make it because they fear karma.


Look I met Lama Norhla once, even had the privilege of giving him a ride to where he was staying, and I got the impression he had realization. We need to not be so hasty in our judgments of teachers.


Don't be embarrassed to ask. Lineage and devotion to lineage is a foundational topic in Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism. Also a little complicated with the spread to the West, western teachers, schizms, etc, so best to ask and see what they say. At my Kagyu center, one of the beginner class series is just about the lineage history.


Palpung follows Tai Situ Rinpoche and HH Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, you may know this already, and it's probably the case for your Kagyu center if you live in Norh America (in terms of Ogyen Trinley Dorje at least) but I've noticed most European Kagyu centers tend to follow Trinley Thaye Dorje.


During my many years in Europe I found that most Kagyu centers there also follow Ogyen Trinley Dorje, as that is the mainstream of Kagyu lineages.  My impression was that’s pretty much only centers directly related to Sharmapa or the Norwegian guy whose name I can’t remember just now that follow Trinley Thaye Dorje. 


That makes sense, thanks for the insight.


Yes, Tai Situ Rinpoche is the spiritual head as far as I'm aware. Lama Norhla Rinpocche was the abbot, and Tai Situ Rinpoche was his root guru. I'm not sure who the abbot is now, since Tai Situ obviously doesn't live there, but ultimately he oversees it.


So Tai Situ is like the Pope and the monastery is like a church?


Tai Situ is more like an Archbishop or Cardinal. The monastery is New York is more like a Cathedral. Do your reading if you want to be associated with this group. There is a history here. Just be aware. If you do join, then no surprises. Better do make your choice and commit to it than finding out later and feeling dismayed. I would join the group FWIW.


Thank you for that tip. I had no idea of the history here. 😞. I couldn’t find the group FWIW. Where is it?


You posted it. You're the OP. You posted the name of the group and its city.


Oh duh! I didn’t understand the acronym FWIW For what it’s worth. I thought you meant that was a group. Sorry I’m with the older generation without all the handles. Thanks for your comments


It's not quite like that, but Tai Situ Rinpoche is basically the top person they'd look to for spiritual authority, along with HH Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, head of the Karma Kagyu lineage itself. Though the lineage is currently in schism and there's another smaller branch that has a different person who was declared Karmapa by an opposing Lama. It's complicated Tibetan religious politics. But it's not really analogous to Catholicism exactly.


The Karmapa is like the Pope (both are referred to as "His Holiness"); and a monastery is like a Seminary/monastery/nunnery. Tai Situ is second in command. A Buddhist "Center" is like a church. Btw, since the 1990s, there are now 3 Karmapas, and 3 lineages--- a power struggle in the disruption of the Tibetan diaspora; but the Kagyu Karmapa has expressed a wish for reunification in his 2018 New Year's address. So please don't abandon the study of the Dharma because of the political shenanigans, or even the sexual scandals; honor what is valuable and pray for virtue and healing to prevail. The teachings are sacred and powerful and true and so useful, even though imperfect humans are in charge of transmitting them through the generations.


It is my understanding that it was also Lama Norlha’s express wish that the monastery and its dependent centers be transferred to Situ Rinpoche’s care.


What does transferred to his care mean? Is that like he's now the spiritual director or is it like bringing the business model under the same roof?


Yes, Situ Rinpoche is now the spiritual head and it’s part of his wider mandala.