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Amazing amazing episode. I'm glad Bert got angry. Bobby and Bert are spot fucking on about the complete unnecessary need for agents. They are just another gatekeeper. Employed but have direct control over their bosses future. A backwards power dynamic.


Posted this on badfriend subreddit and I had no idea ppl hated Bert! I thought this was a great episode.


I don’t hate Bert I’m honestly just tired of his shtick. It’s just not for me and I honestly never found his stand up funny, but he’s seems like a chill dude whos living it up. He also talks sooo much without stopping lol This episode was good though he did talk non stop, but idk how to say it didn’t feel that bad. Lol


Bert’s just lame. He had one good story and milked the living shit out of it. Dude could have easily moved on from it and tried creating more content or other projects but no 10 years later makes a movie on the same story he’s told over 1000x. To put that fucking story in his Netflix special twas peak lame. I guess everyone has to hustle tho..


I agree that story put him on the map but he *has* moved on from it and done tons of other stuff. I get the sense that he doesn't even really like telling that story anymore but it's basically his "Free Bird" at his point.


Ya I mean out of all the known comedians in the circle he’s not my favorite. Some I like better for stand up some for pods. Like I love santino. His standup is ok. Tom I love for both. He’s def at the top. Bert I prefer pods but I still watch his standup. Bobby I just love for Bobby. It just depends.


It’s kinda funny cause I don’t really like most comedians stand ups either lol Andrew Santino is hilarious on podcasts and his stand up was funny enough. Tom segura is definitely funny at times, but I prefer his stand up over the pod lol Always been a fan of Bobby too since I was a kid so yeah feel ya on that.


I always find it hard to talk about since I don't want to come off as someone that is just talking shit and putting others down. That being said, I personally don't like the whole podcast comedian thing going on. All these big names in comedy right now are, honestly not as funny for how big they are. With people I talk to, we always come to the conclusion that we have bigger, greater laughs when watching their podcasts than their stand up.


Nah dude it’s your opinion and your allowed to share it who tf cares if they disagree. Lol You so right though, but I always wonder why that happens lol like why can’t they translate them being funny on the pod to the stage. The only comedians stand up set I’ll actually sit down an watch is Bill Burr that’s it. His podcast is funny in clips when he’s not talking about sports.


You're right. Plus being a hater feels kinda good lol I think it comes down to them being genuinely funny so they automatically think that makes them comedians. Bill Burr is a great example. His podcast feels like a podcast and his stand up feels like comedy while both being hilarious. I'm hoping more comedians in that "style" get the spotlight as I'm pretty tired of the crowd work all these guys do.




Why to which part


Why peeps hate Bert


They watch him in anything


Idk. It’s all crazy talk


Well I don't exactly hate Bert but when you have shit pointed out about him and the things he does you kinda can't unsee them. And I'll be courteous and not do it for you since you seem to like him.


Weak minded people hate everything.


The swell of hate is getting [strong](https://youtu.be/WH1IhgsReaA). I’m not sure if it’s warranted, unsubscribed a couple years ago.


I'm halfway through the video and so far this seems like bullshit. He's just hating on pretty normal comedy tropes. Bert is kind of annoying but...this seems like nonsense. Edit: so, I finished the video. That's just a dude hating on him. He makes a lot of claims with zero evidence. It's all baseless accusations and opinions. If I'm being real, I don't find Bert funny. I'm not his demo. This video is fucking silly though.


yeah he's kind of a lot. says a lot without saying.... anything. nothing


Lol at Bert making K cry and Bobbys face


One of the best episodes in a while! That agent beef is crazy.


Good episode. Usually Bert is a tough listen and he had his moments still here but it was enjoyable.


Fuck agents.




Was it? Both Bert and Khalyla seemed like they were trying to push what they were saying lol




He is always talking about his love for his wife - to a suspicious degree. Get the vibe he cheats. Kahlyla’s response seems forced and almost manipulative. And I’m not a K hater.




Ok glad you have talked to both of them extensively about their thoughts and feelings




>Or to remain so convinced about your own take on their thoughts and feelings, while being dismissive of another’s. Bert would want it that way


wow , the biggest take away was agents drama. That is just wrong and all of these comics are suffering for some bullshit. They both need to drop their agents tomorrow. I’m glad it was aired out publicly as agents are never going to spill that stuff and their petty dealings. Kick them where it hurts , which is their paychecks as they are getting a percentage of the cut in profits from these big names. eye opening and sad …. Its the classic fame game … the more popular you get , the less people start being real to you. It’s all smoke in mirror , and probably why you see that lurking insecurities creep on both of them.


I'm confused on why Bert got upset and they changed subjects and cut some stuff out


He was talking before in the episode about his insecurities and inner dialog about where he thinks certain people hate him. He's had a number of instances over the years where people he thought were friends ended up reneging on things they previously agreed to, and Bert found out on the podcast it's because the agent representing his friends is in a beef with his agent, and he's angry that all his self-doubts about people holding him back were true, and that agents and not 'the talent' have been 'sabotaging' his career from the shadows


Good analysis. Bert must have second guessed the “foam shoe beach ret*rd” joke quite a bit. Glad he’ll get some closure on that one.


Bert mentioned a few comedians he was working on getting for his tour ending up randomly falling through. Once the thermostat story was brought up about the beef between the agents, he asked Bobby what other famous comedians Bobby's agent/firm represents... which happened to be those previously mentioned comedians that "randomly" fell through, even though they had personally confirmed wanting to partake. This was his realization that this agent beef over the temperature of the thermostat was the reason for things falling through. There also HAS to be more things that have fallen through then just those few comedians from his tour that he mentioned.


I’m late, but [Joke WRLD’s video today](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D-N8P_X-ycg) paints the picture for you. TLDW: We watched Bert find out live that he’s lost huge opportunities to work with friends and comedians like Tim Dillon and Bobby Lee because of two grown agents and a thermostat beef. He had no doubt been stewing on why these guys kept backing out of deals with him, and he probably wanted to punch his agent out in that moment.


Bert is great. Finally a good episode


I agree. Bert was great.




I’m not a Bert fan and don’t really go out of my way to listen to his guest appearances but this was a solid episode


Still can't get the picture of baby Jabba out my head!! Hilarious


Matt Blake and Nick Nuciforo are the agents I believe


Best one yet bro. Love y'all


He might as well have just sat in the room on his own. Everyone else speaking takes up like 1 minute of the podcast.


My favorite bizarre exchange in this one at 1:03:28. Someone clip this: Bert: I’ve never been a darling in the industry. Bobby: Ok good.


Bobby needs to to just end this podcast and do bad friends it’s so much better




Don't hate on Gill and George like that


What was the thermostat beef


Guess you'll just have to listen to the exact podcast that this entire thread is discussing.


Watching Bert and Bobby would make a fun pod not better then bad friends but def entertaining. Just my opinion but Kalyia doesn’t add much entertainment not a big fan


Why people downvote the truth




Is it just me or did Bobby seem coked up or on some kind of uppers this episode?


He’s just trying to match Bert’s energy


Great episode


I don't understand why a lot of people keep saying Bert is a narcissist when a lot of times, his issue is being insecure about people not liking him. It's like they don't understand what a narcissist is.


8 minutes, that’s all I could take. I think I’m done with a tiger Belly