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I love that it comes out June 4th. Great troll


Is June 4th a significant day for the ccp? Edit: I now know it is the date of the Tiananmen Square massacre


Nope, nothing of any significance happened within the People's Republic of China on the June 4th comrade. Day was a joyous day of camaraderie and peacefulness within the republic, as are all days.


[Absolutely nothing happened that day.](https://i.imgur.com/egRcKXW.jpg) people, especially students, were peacefully staying at their home.


[Commemorated with this plaque](https://live.staticflickr.com/3394/4639616958_d403241bd6_b.jpg)


Actually there was a heat wave, so the government arranged for a friendly water fight so people could Cool down. Even arranged busses so people from other regions joined in


Yeah so hot and friendly they needed to water down the roads too during the after party.


Fun was had by all Tianan men and Tianan women




They did, to [this song](https://youtu.be/c3_NntYhzV4)


Only the women. There was no Tianan men square... dancing.


And Tianan children too.


Even helped push people into the nice cool drains near the streets. What nice fellows


Someone already linked to the [Wikipedia article about the June 4 massacre at Tiananmen Square in Beijing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre), but all joking aside, June is the date the People’s Liberation Army moved on the protesters who were seeking reforms.


May 35th is…. Think tanks


>Think tanks Like, when you gather people together to come up with ideas to solve large scale problems?


Lmao ze dong


Fuck you, I have hot coffee all up in my nose now


Yep, but more like they impress ideas upon people to squash out the problem.


No. And whatever you do, not click [this link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre?wprov=sfla1) to find out what was not important on June 4th


"Why don't you ask the kids at Tiananmen square..."


Was fashion the reason why they were there?


It's the date that marks the Tiananmen Square massacre. Even saying the words "June 4th" in Chinese is a sensitive topic because everyone knows what it references but no one (In China) wants to acknowledge or talk about it.


Dude is going from internet vid funny to top tier comedian in no time flat!


I think he had been into stand up for awhile. Like if you go to his YouTube and scroll way down you can find videos of him doing stand up out of character


The standup was basically how he got into Uncle Roger. I think he did the character a bit during his shows, make some TikToks over lockdown which everyone fell in love with, now here we are


He had a meandering stand-up career prior to his success as the Uncle Rodger character.


How very unfortunate for the chinese fans of Nigel. On [Internet Maintainence Day](https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/03/asia/tiananmen-june-4-china-censorship-intl/index.html) of all days..


Does that mean Uncle Roger will re-upload the video of him collaborating with Strictly Dumpling, the one he took down after the backlash from his Chinese fans because Mike Chen criticises the CCP https://youtu.be/XE21yx0q2OU


Great question! I'm wondering, too, since this is the cause of their *falling out*. Edit: Clarity


It's a shame as no politics were even discussed.


It would be even more of a shame if politics had been discussed. Politics should be discussed and light should be shed in dark corners where there are demons.


But then we have to deal with demons and there aren't any goddamn Doomguys in this universe.


The Doomguys go wherever they're needed.


The ability to discuss politics is literally the foundation of political agency, which is the foundation western democracy. Places like China feel the need to pantomime mechanical democracy, but without political agency it is a farce.


I need the tea, I love watching them both I didn't know there was a fallout between them


Basically all there is to it. They did a video together, Uncle Roger then deleted the video and apologized saying he wasn't aware of Mike Chen's "incorrect"views on China after Chinese fans complained because Mike is an outspoken critic of the Chinese government. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/china-critic-mike-chen-tells-055023251.html Personally lost all respect I had for him at that point and haven't watched a thing since.




> Mike Chen as a Falun Gong member Oh shit. Falun Gong does have criticism toward the CCP but none of their criticism make any fucking sense and seems to revolve around the fact that they're a massive cult and the CCP doesn't allow them to operate freely.


This, plus the group is big trumpers because enemy of my enemy blah blah blah


Uncle Roger is happy to censor for the ccp until it happens to him. The tea is he's a hypocrite.


read the comment chain below, Uncle Roger distanced himself from that guy not because of the CCP but because the guy is a Falun Gong cult member


I mean this is very clearly a viral marketing scheme for his PPV special. He 100% knew he would get cancelled by posting that clip. I say good on him. Even cynical consumerist opposition to the CCP is better than being a sycophant


I was a fan of Mike Chen until i learned he is part of a cult, [on top of other shit hes done.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MikeyChen/comments/vfzd3r/why_do_people_hate_mike_chen_a_summary/)


People at the time were saying it was because Mike Chen is linked to Falun Gong. So yes he’s against the CCP but he’s also part of a cult…


Oh, wow, ok. That would explain why the hate against uncle roger died down because, dude, fuck FG. Edit -- From a Washington Post article: "Li Hongzhi, the head of this illegal organization, spread such heretical ideas as an 'earth explosion' and a 'global doomsday.' Some practitioners were so obsessed that they were driven to insanity, committed suicide and killed their loved ones. Mr. Li preached that Falun Gong can cure diseases and that medical treatment is bad for practitioners. Therefore, according to incomplete statistics, across China some 915 people have died from practicing Falun Gong." Tl;dr Being anti-FG does not equate to being pro-CCP. You can hate two things.


Falun gong is not an enemy of my enemy is my friend. Falun gong is insidious and malicious and wants to affect and infiltrate your government. They prey upon your preordained disdain for China and love to languish in the "lesser of two evils" grey area. It's a Chinese version of the Korean moonies. Give them a chance to start purging and they will, with the zealous fervor of a religious crusade. They are not your friends, they are not your allies, they are a hyper religious God king cult that's mad because they aren't in power. They have every reason to keep shifting the Overton window, stoking hatred, fear mongering, grifting, etc etc etc.


I wish more people knew this. The Falun Gong window ads are everywhere.


We went to see Shen Yun when it came here having no idea it was backed by Falun Gong. The dancing and music were really cool but holy shit were we not ready for the propaganda that was interspersed throughout the whole thing. Also it had some Chinese opera piece right in the middle. That was the worst "music" I have ever heard in my entire life that wasn't purposefully bad.


For those who don't know Shen Yun is a Falun Gong organization and the far right newspaper Epoch Times is also run by the Falun Gong.


I used to see them in union Square Park in NYC. they'd put themselves in cages and talk about how the CCP is destroying their (what they portrayed to be as ancient) religion.


Do they own that paper, The Epoch Times??


And on the topic, The Washington Times is owned by the Moonies. Really wish Google would stop legitimizing both papers and stop showing these two on the front page results as if they both aren't just straight-up far-right propaganda


While we're on the subject, the International Business Times and Newsweek are both published by folks affiliated with "The Community," a different Korean cult led by David Jang.






I deliver mail and had to deliver Epoch Times to every resident on my route. Think it was right before the 2020 presidential election….


Do you have evidence backing this claim? Not trying to troll, asking a genuine question. I've been watching him for a long time, just trying to make sure I don't fall into a cult manipulation.


He worked with new tang television before starting his youtube channel. https://web.archive.org/web/20220510054620/https://grow.acorns.com/how-mike-chen-became-a-youtube-star/ Wikipedia also mentions it but cites the source above.


I read that article, having no idea what Falun Gong was. The article just says, "Chinese meditation exercise that’s been banned in China". Wow huh. I thought the Chinese loved meditation, why would that be banned? So I looked up their full wikipedia page... "They are known for their views against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and their anti-evolutionary stance. They also operate Epoch Media Group, which is known for its subsidiaries, New Tang Dynasty Television and The Epoch Times newspaper. The latter has been broadly noted as a politically far-right media entity, and it has received significant attention in the United States for promoting conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation, and producing advertisements for former U.S. President Donald Trump. It has also drawn attention in Europe for promoting far-right politicians, primarily in France and Germany." ^^Oh.


I live in the US and have received a couple of The Epoch Times. It's like if Fox had a newspaper, but worse if you can believe that.


> Falun Gong's cosmology includes the belief that different ethnicities each have a correspondence to their own heavens, and that individuals of mixed race lose some aspect of this connection Jeez


He keeps a pretty low profile about it, but he's definitely a practitioner of Falun Gong https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2624286031232647&id=1440743146253614&paipv=0&eav=Afafcyrtli2zc1NEHtBPKC-teh6I-Ey0ZqNs1tQabj1tBRhu3bq6CAuqZhLcQBubl3Q&_rdr


Thanks! That's pretty clear cut.


He used to talk about it more in his older vids.


He really into some woo-woo stuff and has another channel dedicated to it. I still like his food stuff, but he's a bit odd lol


>just trying to make sure I don't fall into a cult manipulation. On that note, make sure you don't watch his channel Beyond Science as it's beyond cringe. But if you do, it does tell you a lot about his beliefs.


* TIME TRAVEL?! The Government might have already achieved this! * SHOCKING Discovery: Great Pyramid of Giza can ‘FOCUS electromagnetic energy’ * CAN You SEE DEAD People?! Steps on How to Contact the Dead! * ALIENS were our GODS in the past?! Are just some of this video titles. Who doesn't want to learn about science from a guy who believes in "pyramid power"...? /s


> CAN You SEE DEAD People?! Steps on How to Contact the Dead! I mean, I can. They're shockingly conspicuous. They usually just remain in one place, sprawled out, totally immobile. If anyone has trouble seeing them I would recommend an eye exam. Also extremely easy to contact. They don't even try to duck your calls. You can say whatever you like to them, they don't go anywhere. Not terribly engaging conversationalists though, on the whole. Not sure why you'd want to talk to them, but it is easy.


Not being able to see dead people would be way more paranormal!


Imagine being in a crowd and a sniper is taking shots at people. Everyone around you is running scared, panicked, and all you can see is someone dissapearing once every few seconds.


He is sponsored by organizations owned by them, but I wouldn't be too worried about cult influences through food travel videos.


> but I wouldn't be too worried about cult influences through food travel videos. That's literally part of the problem though, slipping small things into seemingly innocent content.


Can you please name them? I'd like to differentiate them from his other sponsors.


Damnit. I've watched Mike for years, but if he's a follower of FG, I can't support him any further. I'm unsubscribing after work.


I can't believe the face-eating leopard still ate my face after I gave it my friend's face to eat.


So he took the video down and made an official statement that essentially denied reality to throw Simply Dumpling under the bus and sugar up the CCP? Even after all that to appease the Chinese government, they went on to dump on all his social media accounts? Seems like appeasing such a government doesn't get rewarded. Good luck, uncle guy. Let's see how this plays out for him.


You realize he isn’t just now releasing a follow up video to an incident that happened in 2021? He made these jokes knowing China was watching and would get mad. He probably learned from the aforementioned incident. I think he also knew that every media outlet on the planet would pick up the story… just in time for his new special, coming out on June 4th! He wasn’t trying to appease the CCP and failed. He tried to get millions of dollars of free publicity right before the launch of his special and its working brilliantly.


Uncle Roger so smart, definitely much smarter than Jamie Oliver.


Talk about damning with faint praise.


on a separate note, do the majority of people who watch uncle roger know that his accent is fake and put on for show as a persona?


Pretty sure the majority, he has moments in his videos where he clearly breaks character and loses his accent for a second. “Sorry children”


Yeah I thought like most videos he ends up saying "sorry children" in his normal voice. With the pornhub chime.


Thats my only thing I dislike about his comedy. There are some jokes that are just overdone and too recycled. He's a funny guy, and it's good to have some "themes" that you revisit. But I wish he'd just let some jokes be done lol. Still watch some his stuff every now and then when I get the chance though.


Listen, if you asked Gallagher when he was alive if he wanted to stop smashing watermelons because it felt stale he'd tell you it didn't matter how many watermelons he had to smash because he kept getting paid to do it. Uncle Roger isn't going to drop this bit until it stops making him money.


This is a good point. Supply and demand, baby.


Trailer Parks Boys said that exactly. They said they are gonna keep doing the characters untill it's not lucrative and the majority of the fan base tells them to stop. Most of the fan base loves the old stuff more then the new, but still support the cast in whatever they put out.


Theres a thing about bits. They start funny, then they just become bad, but if you commit to the bit it comes back around eventually and becomes funny again.


Also many of his videos start with Nephew Nigel so it's pretty obvious they're the same guy


I always wondered why you never see them in the same room together. I just figured one of them was Batman.


I’m not gonna lie as an Asian guy I don’t love it. Feels borderline minstrel show the way he acts like he doesn’t know the word “is” and all that


It’s the asian equivalent of Larry the Cable Guy.


Hmm, actually that sounds about right


The Larry character is insane lmao dude is smart as hell and leaves his four seasons hotel and hops on a private jet to go to a sold out show full of rednecks who are like “look ma! He wears sleeveless shirts and talks just like me!!! So relatable! He even likes beer man who would’ve thunk!!!”


Jeff Foxworthy popularized the redneck genre, dude got over with one single joke "You might be a redneck", and developed his entire brand around it. Larry and others like him (Bill Engvall is another) were spawned by Jeff Foxworthy during their comedy tours.


Bill doesn't have much redneck specific comedy at all, he's honestly kind of just a blue collar dork/cliche 90's dad, he's got some pretty decent specials. Most of his comedy is just about raising a family that he occasionally refers to about being in Texas


Yes, I always considered him the more sane person of the group. His sets didn't just dive straight into making 50 redneck jokes.


Tater salad was pretty great too. Still is funny today (Ron White).


Ron White was also definitely the most audacious of the four too. I remember him having a joke about everyone being a little gay, which is about the last thing I'd assume you'd want to say to that kind of crowd, but he sold it so well nobody cared. That takes real guts and charisma to pull off.


Ron White is a badass, by the far the best of that bunch,


The best part about him to me is I've met hundreds of guys that act in a slightly toned down manner but exactly like him. It's a very, very good satirization of southern culture.


The audience is well aware of who and what he is. They just find his character funny because he's like a super played up combination of people you meet growing up in the south. Your comment just sounds ignorant and like you desperately need to feel superior to someone.


the same way Letterkenny has different characters to overact each of the local stereotypes in Canada. Some people like it, others don't, and that's ok. edit: words


If you don't like it then you also probably don't like Canada Gooses, which means you have a problem with me, and I suggest you let that marinate.


I believe most of them do, but I can tell you from experience that some of them don't.


I can tell you that I had around 12 coworkers go see him in Alabama and none of them believed me that he fakes his southern accent. I don't think his audience is as aware as you make it out to be. At least not in the deep south. I mean, these are the same people who think a New York Real Estate Mogul with a literal golden toilet is down to earth and relates to the hard working oil hand.


You're vastly overestimating the intelligence of his following.


I thought it was funny the first time I saw him clowning on Jamie Oliver, but it got really old really quick


Yeah, it wears thin really quick. Not a big fan of the "there's only one right way to enjoy this thing!" kind of Schick, even if it's "parody".


In fairness to him he makes a point to go easy on people who explicitly state they are making a dish “their way” and is only super hard on the professional chefs who claim to me making “authentic” food then make it in a very non-authentic way. I don’t remember what video but there is one where he does his whole thing of roasting basically everything the person was doing then at the end goes “this is his version of this dish, so whatever he does is fine”. That being said if you don’t enjoy it that’s obviously fine. I’m not trying to change your mind, just wanted to add a bit of context.


I mentioned this to an Asian friend (Chinese Malaysian, same hometown as Uncle Roger) and he expressed similar feelings, and is happy he's banned. I was a little surprised at the intensity of the feeling, personally, but everyone's got their own things going on. The main thing he said is that he hates how white people will use the silly accent around him as though they have a free pass because they're "just referencing" Uncle Roger.


Funny enough, I was introduced to him via my Asian friends. I don’t think there’s anything uniquely wrong with playing an absurdist character - it’s a time-tested comedy trope. Larry the Cable Guy, Tyler Perry’s Madea, all the Andy Kaufman stuff. Hell, *Borat* is an absurdist Asian character with a fake accent played by a Jewish man. It pissed off the Kazakh government. And he was based off Cohen’s Russian doctor, in the same way that Uncle Roger is based off of people in Ng’s life. And I mean, I’m an old Soviet that finds Borat hilarious. Kazakhstan was a home for my grandmother. I guess the larger point is that comedy is subjective. Some characters are successful and others aren’t. Execution is everything. And you can’t win everyone, clearly. Enjoy it, don’t enjoy. Who cares. I appreciate your friends main issue. Never assume that the existence of a professional comedian gives anyone the same social capital to do their schtick. Especially white folks doing a racialised character.


Cohen's Ali G character was also originally based off well off Jewish, Cypriot and middle eastern kids who went to the same suburban London private school as him who, struggling to find an identity, tried to act like tough black street dudes. I grew up in that area around the time was in (one of my step-sisters went to school with him) and knew tons of kids like that. I found it a shame they went more in to the character being working class as they added elements of his life to the show, and then the movie.


Yes we do, it’s fairly obvious considering his fluency. There are tons and tons of bloggers like that: exaggerated French accent, exaggerated Russian accent, Italian, German …at least he roasts Jimmy Oliver and we praise him for doing this


I mean yeah roasting Jaimie Oliver is pretty universal


Flula Borg is an example of another comedian who does it. He still has a German accent, but cranks it up to 11 because it sounds funnier.


He is Malaysian and uncle rogers accent is typically malaysian english or singlish. He is portraying a typical uncle uncle that sits in a hawker centre gosipping and sipping kopi.


What is a hawker centre?


At their core they're basically food courts, originally they were used as a way to consolidate food carts into a more sanitary and controlled environment. Of course if you build a food court that regularly attracts crowds of people then you'll get other businesses moving in to take advantage of that. Oftentimes you end up with something very similar to a western mall, except comprised of smaller independently owned shops. They're an entire culinary tradition at this point though and at least two hawker stalls in Singapore have won Michelin stars, so they're not to be underestimated. The food they serve is more the equivalent of a diner with nostalgic and familiar dishes than a food court chain restaurant.




> emotional damage That's [Steven He](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/emotional-damage).




I think because although the comedy is bland and repetitive, from a cooking standpoint it’s somewhat interesting and informative.


Yeah at first I thought it was pretty weird. But he seems to be pretty popular in Asia so who am I to judge. He’s done a lot of shows in Malaysia. Also he’s not the joke so it doesn’t play into minstrel. If the entire character was a way for white people to laugh at an Asian man then it would be different but it’s not.


He’s Malaysian


That's my thinking too. My personal rule on "is this bad" is considering who or what is the object of the joke, who are we laughing at here. If that's a race/religion/orientation/identity - not okay. If it's an individual, a concept, an event, a personality - that's fair. I mean, if Uncle Roger is a stereotype then so are Key and Peele. No, they aren't, they're making ethnic humor and that's fine.


> he’s not the joke you're not fooling anyone, his entire appeal is his exaggerated accent. take that away and it's just a normal dude saying dumb shit.


The joke is any random dude off the street in Asia can ID the heinous mistakes in these western influencers’ attempts to make standard asian dishes. The accent and speech is to play an immediately identifiable character of an asian dude with less experience in western culture because an Asian dude living in London fluent with western culture just wouldn’t be as surprised by shit like chili jam in fried rice or straining your rice in a colander. The point is not to laugh at the exaggerated accent by itself for five minutes. Not quite the same because western culture is so pervasive globally so these mistakes the other way around aren’t quite as prevalent, but it would be similar to watch an american dude reacting to the weirder japanese interpretations of american style pizza and burgers. Which would also be funny cause they do some wild shit with our staples. And would probably work better if he played it as a character who looked like the most exposure he’d ever had to asian culture was Panda Express.


Of course? Whenever he says "im sorry children" when he makes a sexual joke he does it in his normal voice


I thought that would be pretty obvious to anyone. If people don't know he was a data scientist who has previously studied and worked in the US. I think I came across his github repo as well. So ya he speaks good English without a strong accent.


uncle roger breaks character at times - I’d be surprised if his fans don’t know it’s a persona


As a Vietnamese person, I can't stand it


It was funny when I was telling my Asian friends about it. It was not so funny when I saw non-Asians laughing AT it. Kids will run up to Asians yelling "Bin CHILLING" or "NI HAO MAAAAA" and run away laughing.


I thought it was fake. But then I saw his comedy bit and thought maybe it's real.


it is fake. irl his accent is only slight. plenty of interviews on youtube of him with his real voice and talking about the uncle roger character


I work in China and my students were absolutely devastated by this news lmao idk how they’ll ever recover


I know the Chinese government is hair trigger sensitive to jokes about their country. But are the Chinese citizens and such also this infuriated? Or do they not care/think about it as fervently as the government?


Mostly the older people and young people that the indoctrination has worked on




Emotional Damage!


If that guy gets banned too they're on life alert.


The ccp is soo sensitive it’s fucking ridiculous


Looks like you're banned too, now.


Lol I wouldn’t be surprised


-1000 social credit


“Banned by a national organization” is hella street cred for the resume


No! They are great. We love the ccp. All power to the chairman! ![gif](giphy|xT5LMPj8P20jjOqZ5C)


Any joke against a dictatorship is a severe threat. Once people learn to laugh at you, all absolute power is lost


China has a population of 1.5 BILLION and a military budget of $225B. Compare that to America: 330 million people and $800B military. The leaders of China are terrified of losing control of their massive population and will do anything to hold on to that. Anything. NBA wants to criticism their government? You're out, we'll find another sport for our people. Disney wants more DEI in their work? You're out, we'll produce our own content.


Congratulations, your social credit score is now -2000


Black fucking mirror 😵‍💫




Nooo, Jackieeeee!!


Magic must defeat Magic!


One more thing!


Mf better not apologize either like last time.


Are you talking about the Strictly Dumpling thing with Mikey?


Probably? All I remember is that he apologized for calling the sovereign nation of Taiwan a sovereign nation. I might be wrong, I just remember him apologizing to the CCP.


Are you not thinking of John Cena? He said Taiwan was it's own country and then made an embarrassing video grovelling to China saying he didn't mean it


Bing chilling 🥶


He might have family in China




Bing Chilling




And then there’s Li Haoshi, [the Chinese comedian they recently arrested in Beijing for making a joke about the army](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-65637208).


Tangentially related, my mother (nationalized American) actually brought this up to me a few days ago. And me, being raised in the US, free speech and all, asked her about it, like isn’t it a thing to be concerned about, the fact you can just be arrested for making a bad joke. From her POV, she’s like “yeah, but there are taboos and he shouldn’t have made that joke which basically compared the chinese military to dogs.” I just find it interesting since there isn’t a clear list of taboos so you can mistakenly say something and then get the government up your ass, or you could be targeted and they can say that whatever you said was taboo.


Jamie Oliver's, sticky with pepper jelly, finger prints are all over this action by the CCP.


He’s not actually banned, just was given a temporary suspension. All of his Chinese social media accounts are still up. He’s just playing this up as an act to get support from anti-China sentiments


Or he's just trying to generate a ton of media buzz for his new special which literally releases in less than a fortnight.


he doesnt say he was banned in this clip, he says suspended. im not seeing anything wrong


The people complaining here are laughably soft emotionally. Should George Lopez be canceled for doing over-the-top Hispanic impressions and accents during every comedy special? Or Chris Rock where he obviously embellishes an accent of a black person? What about Robin Williams when he goes full "stereotypical white person" with his whole demeanor and verbiage? This is a character. One of his own goddamn heritage, meaning one he has a right to portray however he wants. He even has plenty of non-character moments to highlight how it's an act for comedy sake...


Don’t even get me started on Bobby Lee.




I still can't believe this is that ladies [original song](https://youtu.be/6jDHRW6fngg) I was positive it had to be lipsyncing a silly anime soundtrack or something


Wtf did I just watch lmaoooo


Yo what the fuck?


In more homogeneous/Asian dominant/Eastern societies, the accent is not offensive and many people find him funny there. In more heterogeneous/Asian minority/Western societies, his accent is offensive because it's exactly how other races will make fun of Asian culture and stereotypes. It's viewed negatively because racism is not generally a positive feeling. It's understandable how people will have mixed feelings on his caricatured accent based on where you're from and your own personal experiences with racism. Just because one half of the world is fine with it doesn't mean the other half has to automatically approve of it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of people making those comments about the accent are white people who have never had exposed to FOB Chinese immigrants.


The only comments I’ve seen saying they didn’t like it were Asians. It looks like only the white people are defending him throughout the whole thread. It’s a little telling.


In high school we had boarder-students that lived pretty much on the premises of the academy (Religious affiliated with an abbey) in a house one of the teachers and his family lived in. Pretty much all of them were rich Chinese students. We had one that would literally show off their gold jewelry and expensive shoes, etc. They all pretty much spoke with some form of perceived "stereotypical" accent as that's just how they sounded when trying to fluently speak English. Had a friend that went with me to see Pain & Gain with The Rock and Mark Wahlberg that was one of these students. Great guy, and if you know the movie there's one part where they have a chainsaw they're using to...cut some meat...and it gets stuck. They try to figure out why and The Rock makes a comment like "Oh there's the problem, it's made in China" and my friend stood up in the theater, with the most stereotypical Chinese accent ever, and just went "That's racist" while pointing at the screen. We both lost it and the most uncomfortable people were definitely the white people in the audience who were just laughing at the joke beforehand (China bad and poor quality haha)


Bro, who just stands up and shouts at the screen at a movie theater


The complaints of colored people are always dismissed offhandedly, "oh, it's probably just white people who complain about this". His accent is a full on caricature it's not even comparable to Chris Rock type exaggeration


No. He does not speak like an Asian-American. He speaks like how many Asian people who have some fluency in English speak. His character is supposed to be "your" uncle who is a bit weird and talks a lot. A lot of asian people like his content because he reminds them of their own relatives. I'm not even Malaysian but many of my relatives back home speak with the same tonal inflection he does.


> He speaks like how many Asian people who have some fluency in English speak. See, this is part of the problem imho. His accent is straits chinese cantonese-english, which in Asia is really only common in Malaysia, Singapore, and among more educated/english-exposed Hong-Kongers. Uncles and aunties who are Hakka, Teochew, or Hokkien *do not* speak like that. In another world where sinophobia and anti-asian racsim isn't the problem is it today, it wouldn't really be a big deal - but a huge part of anti-asian racism is essentially just reducing hundreds of different races, nationalities, and ethnicities into one giant chinese-looking blob. You don't have to be a racist to inadvertently spread racist behaviour, but he bases lot of his comedy on the lowest-hanging fruit knowing full well it's contributing to casual sinophobia and people of his skin color being the target of more microaggressions and casual racism. You just have to assume at this point he's okay with this, and speaking as a Singaporean Chinese with a Malaysian relatives, I'm most definitely not okay with it.


its always wild when people claim "white people are the only ones complaining" since those statements remove asian voices as much as the supposed white people complaining. In complaining about white people talking on our behalf, you got knuckleheads talking on our behalf lol. Asians arent a monolith. There exists a bunch of asians that arent a fan of uncle roger's style of comedy. I wish nothing but success for the dude but man can i not stomache his content. Honestly, i felt the same when fpsrussia was a thing a decade+ ago too...


I don't like how you're framing the discourse here. It's disingenuous. Criticism of this guy's schtick can be perfectly valid and warrants conversation without immediately being dismissed as being "soft emotionally". For me, the key difference between George Lopez/Chris Rock is that the embellished voices serve a carefully written joke. The impression is a layer on top of a joke that attempts to be funny on its own. In the case of Uncle Roger, the accent *is* the joke. Take away the impressions in a Chris Rock bit, deliver the same words with a white American accent, and you're still left with a joke. Uncle Roger isn't like that. You're not supposed to laugh at any specific joke - you're supposed to laugh at *how he talks*. The idea that the way he sounds is funny as opposed to the things he says is funny makes him distinctly not like Chris Rock or even someone who I find wholly unfunny like George Lopez. In that way, he's closer to how America found William Hung's American Idol audition hysterical. Do you see how that comes across as mean-spirited and hurtful to Asians? Humour is ultimately subjective so I don't take issue with enjoying Uncle Roger's content, really. I take issue with your blanket dismissal of what I consider to be perfectly valid concerns people have with what he's doing.


Bet he still won’t re-upload that video with strictly dumpling


This is an ad.


Which part gave it away? The part when he said buy my DVD?


Man... he pulled a calab video with Mikey Chen off you tube because he learned after doing a video that China didn't like his Mike's anti-CCP stance. How the turn tables.


It's probably more because Mikey Chen is a member of a literal cult, the Falun Gong. The same cult that is anti-science, against homosexuality, and not accepting of interracial marriage ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


They want the same exact China but with more forced religious worship of their God king thats also Jesus reincarnated. But they're anti ccp, so they must be good /s


It’s good enough for the CIA!


I know it's a bit, but his fake accent is annoying as fuck.


Fuck the CCP