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TEMU $15.99


But wait you won a prize, only $0.01… just add it, it’s yours. Anything up to $14.99 qualifies. Oh what’s that there’s a $10 purchase requires to get your $0.01 gift, don’t worry, how can $9.99 be so much, congrats you hit $10, oh what’s that’s your bill is now $18.96, some items are not free shipping… On No’s, Anyway!


Fucking hate temu, they sold my data and now a fucking bank is calling me for a credit that i never request or took


This & **SPREAD THE WORD!!** Temu **does** give you good offers. As a customer, they may seem like a cheap and legitimate option. They even sell product at a loss. Anything to get you through the door. #THIS IS BECAUSE YOU ARE THE PRODUCT! The comment above yours makes it seem like they're just another slightly scammy site. They are not. They are so much worse!!


I can’t believe anyone ever bought into it. It was obvious from the beginning that it was a scam, playing on impulsivity and FOMO. This dude I worked with was talking up this major deal he got on pants that were normally 80 bucks for 30. Then, a week later was complaining about them ripping and saying “I just got them”. Well, no shit dude. You’d think it’d click. Pretty much right after that I heard they were selling info and I just thought thank Jesus I didn’t ever give into that hype.


Did they fake the Rain too?


I was thinking that too. It seems really heavy on the car roof, but barely anything on the windscreen. The ground seems very dry when she's setting up the tent as well.


She seems pretty dry herself too


but she took shower with clothes on


She’s a never nude, like Tobias lol












There were cutoffs in here?


There's dozens of us! DOZENS!




I have a visceral reaction to seeing someone fully dressed in the shower even tho I understand that for the video they can't be naked.  Like a wet sock but all over your body....pass.


Look at the windshield. Dry. Moon roof wet. Filters are getting crazy.


Also no rain gets in the car at all when the doors are open


I was looking at the stream in back ground. Looks fake rain, ya. Plus the sound is just like constant rain with a microphone outside, not rain hitting plastic tent… ALSO with no ground floor, that water is gonna pool right through there.


Look at the ground inside the tent. There is 0% chance it would be dry with that amount of rain. It's also Chinese, so 99% that it's either CCP propaganda or a paid product promotion. **edit:** Looks like I've upset the CCP shills. Oh no. Thanks for the "suicide hotline" report. And the barely coherent DMs.


It's all an ad. This is an ad for all of the bullshit she's using.


Also when she first sets up the Inside of the tent is dry on the ground


Not that this isn't staged, but do you not get the massive raindrops that feel like buckets of water dumping on you?? Those are my fav cause they normally happen on half-sunny days and then I get to see a beautiful rainbow :)


its clearly a hose - the rocks are all dry - and when they film in the car - the sky is blue and sunny and the 'rain' is falling from off camera. I like the inflatable bed thing though


Not a drop is hitting the river at the beginning of the vid


Look at the river, no rain hitting it. Also the foliage in the background would be bending with water weight with rain that heavy.


Even the front windshield is barely getting when while rain pours down on the roof.


Must have. She’s camping on a river bed. It was raining when she started the video and still raining by the end. No way that river bed isnt flooded. Psa: if you’re camping. Don’t camp on river beds. Flash floods happens and will take ya down river.


Camping and rafting, 2 for 1.


Ooo idea for the next fake product video.


Probably. The ground is bone dry in the interior shots. That doesnt really make sense on a rainy day when camping.


Especially when your camping spot is a fucking riverbed.


All I can add is that my experience camping/backbacking in the rain is *very* different. The last thing I want to do is get wet AGAIN, after desperately trying to dry out my boots, clothes, pack, and try to keep all my shit in the tent dry. Either everything is some level of noticeably damp or everything is damp and some stuff is soaked. Sometimes it’s bad enough to wait a day to dry shit out. 


Completely fake look at 1min 2 seconds in. The windscreen is dry and has no “rain” but the sunroof still has water landing on it. Actually it’s the same at 9 seconds in. No water on the front but water on the top


Water isn't even hitting a third of the sunroof at 18 seconds


its an advertisement. look how many products are in it. its an ad.


Yep, water didn't even hit the windshield while the top was getting all the action


Bottoms need action too


There are zero ripples in the water in the background, so I’d say yes, it’s fake.




Definitely a hose


Some one forgot to spray the water hose over the front windshield. You had one job, fake rain guy!


Oh shit you're right. They couldn't even fake the rain right


Temu rain 🌧️ $9.98


I swear I feel braindead because I knew it had to be fake. I didn’t even notice the dry windshield. This is why I’d never be a Reddit detective, let alone a police detective. I’d have a guy with a bloody knife in his hand and still ask if he saw the murderer


The ground under her is also dry, the water in the background doesn't have any ripples or splash and she seemed pretty dry and not at all worried about anything getting wet. Definitely ''controlled" fake rain.


Nothing like one time use products for a TikTok just to be dumped immediately after.


I just really enjoyed how it kept upping the ante on more random and larger shit. Like some type of comedy skit. 


I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty I've got whosits and whatsits galore You want thingamabobs? I got twenty


But who *cares* No big *deal* I want *mooooooore*


I want the *moon…* I WANT TO LIVE ON THE *MOOOOOOOON!*


7 year old me: "THAT'S A FFFFOOOOOORRRRRRKKKK!" *points aggressively*


We camped in the Steens mountains in a small campground next to a guy like this. He drove in in a midsized rv and then proceeded to unpack and set up various stuff and nonsense till it looked like a little village over there. He stayed two days by himself and packed up the entire absurd thing and left. Most of his vacation time (from what we could see during the evening when we were in camp) was spent unloading and setting up and then tearing down and repacking.


I was like “oh dope tent. Oh the car has inflatable mattresses. Ok I guess she’s taking a shower now. Wait she’s got a whole ass wok? And some sort of heating fridge but not a microwave? And a projector? How long does this woman plan on camping for?”


As long as that battery lasts -- about an hour.


Thats what I was wondering. If she's using her battery for all of that, is she gonna have enough power to go back home/get to the charging station?


She’s a Google employee on the outskirts of town. She’ll be there forever


Oh thanks! I never could catch what all these Diktok ads reminded me. Totally! A comedy where a character is wildly over-preparing something. It's like that scene from "My stepmom is an alien" where she cooks an 8-course meal for breakfast.


When she busted out the laptop and projector and hairdryer I lost interest, it stopped being about camping and started being about travel. Personally I don’t see the point of bringing electronics besides a cellphone / GPS. The point is to disconnect. Bringing all that gear is a chore and a pain, you might as well sit at home.


Yeah I feel like the tent kept getting larger too. Maybe it was comedy 


Thats because these videos are actually ads to sell those products. It's a common thing (especially for Chinese items)


videos designed to sell products?!?! Never heard of such a thing


Leela: Didn't you have ad's in the 20th century? Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No siree!


IIRC, in 2016 MLB suggested putting ads in the bases on the field. People protested hard.


What're you China say?!


China is so very different from the west!


Yeah, especially in CHINA. This is absolutely unheard of in the west. We're used to our good ol' clean influencers who take their videos to NOT sell things at all whatsoever lmao


I thought was a commercial


Well I can't read the language to see what it says haha. Either way, that's what it is. There's got to be a reason everything's label is specifically pointing to the camera


its an ad. all of the stuff online is an ad. every influencer is an ad.


> Chinese items you mean just Items


I know. It’s all I can think about when I see shit like this. As a frugal minimalist it gives me anxiety.




Companies should be taxed based on a life cycle rating. Make it completely unaffordable to sell Australians shit products.


But not those dirty New Zealanders.. they gotta pay, they gotta pay big!


Funny you should say that. I used to work for a large electrical chain that sold DIY items as well as complete rubbish (mostly, there were a few outliers) electrical items. New Zealand made up around 5% of the turnover but about 35% of the customer service enquiries (I was bored one day so I did the stats). A huge proportion of the enquiries were people complaining that they had bought some piece of shit product from some Chinese factory's rejects bin for less than the cost of a happy meal and they wanted to get it repaired. It made me quite happy to know that there were people who still thought this was a thing, but sad knowing what the reality was. Australian customers never thought like this.


Okay, but like the air matress that converts your car interior entirely to a bed is pretty rad. If there were one for my car I would 100% get one, if only just in case I have to live out of it some day. One of those with a foam topper would be good enough to sleep on for some time.


As someone who camps a lot... Why the fuck would you go camping just to recreate every single luxury you have at home? That being said, the car's fold flat seats and inflatable mattress setup seems super legit.


Because the outdoors is fun to enjoy, but it doesn't mean you need to sleep on the ground in the cold.


> frugal minimalist u can just say you're broke, you're in good company here


Go camping to live exctly like at home


![gif](giphy|l41Yp8HvXdUHMqgik|downsized) *Tom Haverford enters the chat*


Treat yo self


DJ rooooooooombaaaa


I think it's fine if they seek comfort outside of their home. Not everyone goes camping for the same reasons and goals. In my experience most "campers" look for the comfort of home as much as possible. I have met very few people who love the outdoors and stay out of the comfort of their home. /r/onebag /r/Ultralight /r/vagabond etc are a minority and not everyone in these communities actually go all the way either. As long as folks don't trash the environment, respects common sense/rules, respect wildlife, by all means, I personally don't mind.


I grew up ultralight backbacking. My parents loved that shit, and I gotta tell you.... While I still appreciate hitting a trail with a single man tent and a titanium spork, I'd absolutely love to have this chicks setup. Minus all the tchotchke shit, mind you.


van camping is okay. good as a basecamp for cycling or fishing or cross country skiing etc. the reality is it's difficult to park anywhere scenic, you're always close to a road, and when it rains on the sheet metal roof it's LOUD. I didn't like the tent extensions to the vehicle because packing up wet dirty tents and groundsheets is the shittiest part of camping and kills the convenience


>the reality is it's difficult to park anywhere scenic, you're always close to a road, and when it rains on the sheet metal roof it's LOUD. East of the rocky mountains definitely, these aren't problems out west tho


yeah. there are certainly some issues with the practicality of what she's doing. I think I was kinda responding to the general vibe and the sentiment of gatekeeping backpacking/camping.


Yeah this kind of camping gatekeeping is dumb. I've done "real camping" before, sleeping in a hole in the ground for a week. But I enjoy going to parks with my camper, it's still a vacation because I travel to new places and spend most of my day outdoors still.


It’s not real camping unless you sleep completely naked with no shelter, like our monkey ancestors


ooh ooh, eee eee, ground is cold, need to pee pee


Yes. When I go backpacking I have a pretty minimal set up. My one "comfort" is a third pair of socks. I rarely even have a fire unless it is a small one just to dry out my boots. I'm not as hard-core as many backpackers. But it would be a pretty pathetic argument by any gate keepers attempting to claim it wasn't "real camping." When I go car camping I take every comfort I can. I used to even take a futon mattress, sheets, and regular blankets. But I had to trade off cargo space for other stuff. Like my chain saw. We've had people bring smokers. Two friends brought a walled shelter and played Warhammer 40k once.


Going comfy camping with friends and spending the weekend playing D&D sounds kind of amazing.


It is super relaxing. You mostly don't have shit to do between set up and breakdown if you don't want to. One weekend trip was just me, my best friend and his brother in law. It was going to pour pretty much the whole time. So I brought my big canvas tent and a smaller tent to sleep in. They had fairly large tents that they set up perpendicular to my canvas. Then we tarped the whole thing so we had a nice dry courtyard. We just played games in the canvas tent most of the time.


That stuff is better than my home.


If you're doing a road trip, living like this at campsites is honestly amazing.


The other one that bothers me are the ones in the train. They set up this entire shrine to take a train somewhere and all I see is crinkle shrink wrap and plastic shit being set up by some clueless being with main character vibes. Just completely oblivious to the world around and beyond them


Yes.. I also like to shower with my clothes on ..


Would've been way easier to simply walk outside. Avoid the hassle of setting up a shower tent and faucet and all that.


The clearly faked rain only hit the top of the car and not anywhere else would not do a good job cleaning you


also like....... there's a free shower outside


Took too long to find this comment


Started off pretty cool. The perfectly shaped bed cushions and the tent extension is a neat idea. The rest of it is just showcasing  a bunch of junk items 


Yeah, the bed thing rocks.


That's the one thing I haven't seen before. I can get a tent and attach it to my SUV but turning the whole area into sleeping area??? Hmm....


Yeah, the idea of comfortably camping in my car under a full sized moon roof is super cool.


You realise this is an ad, right? Right?? All this shit is for sale, the entire point of the video is as an ad for this cheaply made shit that will almost certainly break as soon as you use it. It's like wish.com for influencer bullshit.


Yep, im guessing aliexpress as when you google "Iceco water heater" thats the first result. Bet that tent leaked like a fuckin sieve after about 2 minutes of use.


The rain is the most funny part, it rains on top of the sunroof, but bot anywhere else lmao




Lil nice catch didn't notice that.


Hot damn $700 on AliExpress


Aliexpress is for people outside China; they just ship things from Alibaba. These vids are from Douyin and are aimed at the Chinese market so the products would be on Taobao or JD mainly.


You (non Chinese) can buy off of Taobao thru Pandabuy


Yep a Chinese ad. The entire thing is fake to make it look super nice, but none of that stuff would all fit in that EV mini van, there’s no way it can make ice either and nor would be comfortable to sleep in and stay warm enough in real world situations(overnight in the rain). Lastly, that rain looked fake, likely running water with a hose.


I love that 10 seconds in you can see it pouring on the sun roof and not a drop on the windshield


Not raining over the pond either


Nice catch. I missed that first time.




When she setting up the air mattresses, her rain coat is dry. Not one drip of water dripping off it even though the whole sun roof is getting drenched. Also the floor/rocks are dry as fuck. They would be wet and slippery.


I honestly haven't seen these in awhile but yeah they're ads and they're also intentionally meant to piss you off so you engage with them and discuss them just...like...we're doing right now. She showers with her clothes on. it's raining but it's not. and we talk about it. It's the same way karma bots here will repost something from last week or a few weeks ago and put an obvious mistake in the title. like "look at this cute baby cow" meanwhile it's a goat. we always fall for it and then complain about it. just as intended. we're creatures of habit.


It’s same ad videos of the Chinese super elite middle class living like it’s 3024. Woman walks in, door is futuristic with face recognition lock. Automatically locks behind you. Shoes are gobbled up by a plastic bag machine to be fumigated for future use. Then the luxury apartment is shown with absurd tech toys to just make dinner look so easy. Then you get to eat your dinner is this vast living room that is almost IMAX quality. All the while every item show has their name/model blasted on screen to make you see it.


I couldn't watch all of it because I got way too peeved at this poor woman setting up a campsite for 50 zillion people with nobody helping her lol.


>Lastly, that rain looked fake, likely running water with a hose. I didn't clock that at first, good spot lmao


There’s a part where the top panoramic roof is drenched yet the front windshield bone dry. 😂


She’s perfectly dry getting into and out of the car most of the time lol


I agree it’s fake, but sleeping in the car is warm enough over night to sleep in. I don’t quite see the dif between sleeping in the car or having just a tent which I’ve slept in heavy rains in for weeks at a time (we even camp in winter in NE when it’s under 30°) r/carcamping Plus i have an ice maker i bring camping that just needs a regular plug. I’m sure she had a power inverter. (Also typical to take camping) or yah know, a cooler with a few bags of ice in it lol. But i agree most of this was unnecessary shit that’s going to be a pain in the ass to pack away. Plus that bacon looked raw af


Yeah that’s a good point where did she put all that stuff in that vehicle to bring it there in the first place? And if this was real can you imagine packing all that stuff up while it’s still wet?


Try this one instead. This dude camps in his K-Car. There are many videos like his. I would love to do this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzsi5tXxkdA


Yeah, they’re ads, but does anyone else kind of enjoy watching these? I like the sheer ridiculousness of them trying to solve some small problems with these over-the-top, maximalist products lol Like “Oh no, my regular boring old salt shaker shakes too much salt! Luckily, I have this Smart Shaker™️ that comes with a built-in camera with Meal Scanning Technology™️, so I can use the Smart Shaker App™️ on my phone to shake out the perfect amount of salt!”


I just like that the cat came camping.


Cat at this point looks also like an accessory, probably gonna find one on sale on teemu like the rest of her gadgets


Order it and when it arrives you find that it's just a large rat with white fur glued to it


The way i cackled lol


There are 2 cats


I wonder how long will those air mattresses hold up?


They don't know where the cat poops. 🤷


Wheres DJ roomba?


The first thing I thought of when I saw this was Tom going camping.


Is it just me or does it seem silly to camp next to a river while it's raining? ( I do see that the river/steam is hardly moving . . . . But)


This isn't camping this is an ad for Temu


Pretty sure it's also not raining.


Depends entirely on the local geography. If it's something fairly upstream, local rain won't really effect the water level.


The fact she's camped on a stoney river bed without plants suggests that the river rises to that area fairly regularly. Either way it's generally pretty dumb to camp near a river like that, even if it isn't raining locally. Like you said, it's the rain upriver that you need to worry about, and depending on the river that could cover a very large area


For anyone reading and planning camping trips: Yes, definitely a bad idea if you have better sites available even just like 3m/10' up a bank should be more than enough. In this case though, they left as soon as the cameras stopped recording.


Would the car even have enough battery left to drive off the following morning (assuming she even slept there for real)?


You’d be surprised at how little energy all that stuff actually uses. The average European house uses about 10kWh per day, and there is no way that even this cheap crap is using that much energy. A small car battery tends to be 40kWh, with most these days in the 50-100 range, so, yes it’ll use some range, but they’ll have plenty to drive out, unless they drive in almost empty.


Yeah I camp at music festivals in my EV. 4 nights in 90-100 degree heat blasting the AC for 12 hours a day and I only use around 30-35% battery.


Tesla has a camp mode which will run the climate control all night. Doesn’t use much of the battery apparently.


She's using V2L and taking power from the car to her appliances.


Her next ad is a portable charging station.


Just fucking build the entire house while you're at it. What's the point of camping if it's no different from home?


My thoughts exactly lol Oh I can't wait to spend 5 hours setting up this camp site so that I can...lay in bed and watch a movie with my cat?


To be somewhere else. This is really just an RV (Recreational Vehicle) with extra steps.


Yes I used to be a self righteous gate keeper for the outdoors as well. Then I got with my excellent SO who just so happens to have extreme mobility issues. So now we camp with a few extra luxuries and frivolities. I bet we spend more time outdoors than the internet haters. Who cares how people are camping, as long as they arent littering or disturbing wildlife. People forget that not everyone is lucky enough to have a fully functional body. Should people not camp because it’s been made too comfortable? What about my 65 years old parents that need refrigerated medication, should they ignore technology that makes camping attainable and just never go camping because the internet says it’s not real camping?


You hit the nail on the head. People camp for more than one day at a time, we used to go for weeks up in the mountains in Colorado when I was a kid. We had trailers, we had tents. But this was a vacation, not a survival trip. My grandparents and family from all over came, not everyone is fit to "camp" as these people seem to prefer it. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't enjoy it. Camping in this century can mean whatever you want. The point is you're out of your normal environment and enjoying yourself. I can never understand why would people gatekeep that?


They’re enjoying a vacation not trying to reenact a Japanese Soldier standard of living in New Guinea


10 tons of oil and 50 tons of ore was wasted for all this crap that will be used two times before it ends up in a landfill.


They probably left that shit there when they were done filming the ad.


I reckon they kicked a buffalo on the way out too


This must be the ingenuity people are talking about when they say Capitalism incentivizes innovation.


That is a cool blow up bed. Perfectly fits the car.


What is the point of driving out into a place in nature, spent 4-5 hours setting up your camp like you were in a city apartment, spend your time indoors watching films, then spend 4-5 hours packing everything back up and driving home? Wouldn't it be easier just staying in the city?


The rain was the planet weeping at the sight of all that useless, one use plastic shite.


Got to love disguised ads


Nothing about this is camping. I wonder how many people are in the background setting all this nonsense up


This woman every time it starts raining while she's driving: "Guess I gotta go camping again!"


She forgot the toilet literally more important than shower


China is filled with these stupid 1 use items they’re fucking addicted to this stuff


At some point you should just stay home


Wtf takes a shower with clothes on? I mean, I know this shit is faker than tits, but still.


If I can touch em, they're real enough for me.


Whoever made this has clearly never been camping before.


I get that it’s an ad, but why you mad son?




If this was real, I’d probably never leave that campsite. It looks nicer than my house.


It is kind of funny how we go so far out of our way to basically bring our house camping with us so we don't actually have to be outdoors.


Camping with a cat and an inflatable mattress


Jesus, why bother going camping?


Please next time just get hotel room. Im already tired when watching this. It’s needed for hours installing and reinstalling it. Hell no


Did a pacific crossing with an iceco fridge, it took a gigantic shit and stopped working. Had to dump it I don’t know what my next fridge is but it’s not an iceco.


I want a show of survival experts testing those temu installations in practice, where do I pay?


...gets bored and leaves after half an hour


You'd be done with the trip by the time you finish setting everything up.


Where is this endless amount of power coming from? Or is she going to be stranded out there when her car battery dies?


I would go camping if I had a setup like that.


Is this a Temu ad?


Just one big ad for consumerist junk creating a perfectly clean consumerist fantasy of """""_ camping"""" that appeals to some people. Utterly unrealistic and pointless. A horrible influence on people.


I know this is absolute bullshit and all... But damn, it looks so cozy.


Honestly that's a vibe


At that point, why not just stay home? I go camping a lot, never had a need for most of this stuff. You're not camping, you're just staying home with extra steps.


Looks like chinesium crap


You go camping and make everythjng set up like you're at home. Why go camping then?


Wheres the two trucks and 4 labourers thar clearly brought all the additional shit you see?


Plastic soup camping