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“Self investigation like a Florida sharifs station” was a fire line


Bar of the fucking year


It was a great line but there have been a lot of banger bars this year


Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A-Minorrrrrrrrr


Beat your ass and hide the Bible if God watchin.


He is really good. Y'all know he is going to make a hit record in a couple of years and someone is going to pull this gem out of their pockets. As soon as he becomes financially successful, fat people will say he is shaming them and demand a boycott.


Well if that happens it's his own damn fault.


Tell me you didn't understand the point of the song without telling me you didn't understand the point of the song. He clearly isn't shaming fat people, in fact quite the opposite. Do you think fat people can't understand song lyrics?


Reading comprehension is at an all time low. They wanna blame Covid but out school system is a royal pile of trash




*Diabetes, Help us Jesus.* I almost choked.


Dude is talented. Can’t say for his playing because it’s a basic chord progression, but his song writing and how he carries his notes is pretty impressive for someone so seemingly young.


He's mechanically playing really well regardless of how basic the chord progression Being impressive isn't always about complexity, it's about consistency


Playing and playing and singing are a whole other ballgame. Then playing and singing standing up is even harder. You have to have your shit nailed down pretty tight and solid regardless of how easy the chord progressions are.


This is a good song. Nothing cringe about it.




This used to be an actual cringe subreddit...in a reddit long, long ago in a galaxy far away


He used to be the front man for a band called Dead Indian, you should check them out.


Also Welles.


>so seemingly young Dude's nearly 30. Is that still young? Please say yes, I turn 31 a week from today.


If you don't make any involuntary noises when you get up, you're still young.


Oh god, it's too late for me. Don't mourn me, I had a good life.


You don't need to be a virtuso to write a good song. 99% percent of the shit on the radio is the same four chord progressions and some studio musician playing lead to make Taylor swift sound good.


Did someone say [the same 4 chords?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOlDewpCfZQ)


https://youtu.be/d7BK-QfRMt0?si=FWRGIBDofO5U0IeD "Payola" and https://youtu.be/bfA2p6Em7bI?si=aXY2nwReAjsGXBpu "Whistle Boeing" are the fucking heat. Jesse Welles is Oliver Anthony but with actual wit and talent.


The sharif don't like it.




All of his songs hit so hard!!! Cancer , Whistleblower(this one’s chorus will get stuck in your head) , Olympics , War is Murder


What's his IG handle?




I am viscerally attracted to this man




Whistle Boeing has been in my head all week and I’m fine with it


Just went and listened to whistle-blower. It really is hella catchy!


War is murder is such a good soooong. He also has a lot on his youtube (:


He's giving me some Phat Bollard vibes. Super catchy stuff.


Does anyone else remember in the 90s when everything became low-fat? [Fat in food was demonized, and was replaced with sugar](https://www.google.com/search?q=low+fat+craze+90s&oq=low+fat+craze+90s&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDU2MDFqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8), in particular high fructose corn syrup. Good times for those of us growing up being told to be low fat only to then have Olestra sharts.


Yep along with the classic of 'eating eggs every day will kill you'


Food Pyramid scheme.


I still don’t buy yogurt because of this. I want fat in my greek yogurt and have it sugar free. But the only option is fat free disgusting crap.


Larger supermarkets should have Fage which has a full fat 5% option. Pretty much the only yogurt I buy now cause all the other Greek yogurts are just as you said.


Jim Morrison has a new sound.


Kinda looks more like John Fogerty.


It’s like they had a baby


I was thinking Richard Ramirez


I fucking cackled so loud my dog woke up to check on me.


Kinda looks like Evan peters


I was thinking young Mick Jagger


It's his cousin Marvin. Marvin Morrison?


He never ever learned to read or write so well but he could play a guitar just like a-ringin a bell


I enjoyed this


You should see his “War Isn’t Murder” song. The guy’s a really talented writer.


i liked his fentanyl song a lot


Who is this?


His name is Jesse Welles, his TikTok is just “jessewelles”


Just found him, thank you!


He has a youtube channel as well, same name


Yeah I’m an old person so that’s what I found, thanks for the heads up! He is so amazing, the lyrics plus the music… I can’t get enough


Right? His voice is amazing too, as a singer idk how people have raspy singing voices like that


I am an older person and this harks back to a former era of music, but with a whole new modern twist. I think the world needs this music.




WE enjoyed this




Tell him to PLA it again


Reddit mods did not


That falsetto was just 🤌 👨‍🍳


Does he have a song on slim thick?


Oh how this made me chuckle.




Had me in the first half before I realized it was satire. Honestly, it needs to be a more discussed issue. Quit making terrible, addictive foods you greedy fucks! Edit: I'm not saying people should avoid responsibility or that individual behavior isn't to blame at all. I'm saying that companies make terrible, convenient food that hooks us. Further, people who constantly work suffer or from mental health issues (etc.) are going to opt for that convenience. Yes, they could just eat less of it, but part of having a stressful life means we have a greater desire to over consume. Just because it's possible to lose weight, doesn't mean it's easy. If it was, no one would be overweight. We as a society need to break down barriers to weight loss so people aren't fighting an uphill battle to be healthy. Sources for good health/fitness info on Youtube: FitnessFAQs ScottHermanFitness AthleanX Greg Doucette (kinda annoying, but his nutrition stuff is good) Mulligainz (no nonsense look at nutrition. Says "cunt" a lot) JeffNippard DoctorMike (overall health. Handsome as hell) RenaissancePeriodization SquatUniversity Also, if you can afford it, get your physicals and blood work. Have them check your testosterone or hormones or whatever if you're really struggling in case there's an underlying medical issue.


But what about the shareholders ☹️


Interesting point. A CEO is not allowed to make a decision that hurts the stock value. If the CEO of Crappy Junk Food Inc were to try and replace their crap junk food with healthy snacks, they would be removed.


Someone should recognize that run away capitalism is inevitably harmful to society and come up with an answer to it!!


Straight up. This capitalism sucks and should be burned to the ground.


I'm right there with you.


Yep. And if someone were to, say, start a company that makes healthy snacks, they'd never even be considered competition for these corporations.


Why doesn't anyone ever think about those poor shareholders!?!?


Shareholders’ kids need Christmas presents too! /s


I need your kids to be addicted to my soda and snacks for more moneyyyyyy


People making snacks and pop looked at what Philip Morris was rolling in and said "I need me a slice of that pie Muhahah".


Won’t someone think of the shareholders?!?! ![gif](giphy|69QYIqHQQEVbO)


The shareholders can go fuck themselves. There is not a single thing that they improve, from gaming to food, they ruin all


How could you say that?! They.. they.. they hold shares!


Technically it’s ironic not satiric but yeah same


The use of words expressing something other than their literal intention. Now that is irony!


This is the kinda comment I can get behind.


>Satire is a genre of the visual, literary, and performing arts, usually in the form of fiction and less frequently non-fiction, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, often with the intent of exposing or shaming the perceived flaws of individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society. A prominent feature of satire is strong irony or sarcasm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire I'm no expert, but this sure seems to fall within that definition of satire. Also saying it's ironic not satire seems wrong given the above irony is a typical part of satire.


I got fat because I was poor. I worked 2 full time jobs so I didn't have time to cook or exercise. Even if I did cook, one of my jobs didn't provide us a refrigerator or microwave to store or heat our own food. It was at the mall, so I had to eat mall food. I would get the meal that gave me the most bang for my buck which was either the country buffet (Everything is essentially fried or covered in butter) or the Chinese food place that gave you a ton of food, or but ultra-processed snacks that would keep without refrigeration. Sometimes I got too much food, but I hated wasting food when I was so poor so I'd make myself eat it anyway. I had 1 day off a week and I used that day to catch up on chores like laundry and cleaning. I wasn't going to use the very little time I had for myself to exercise, I used it to relax and have what little fun I could so I avoided being alone with my thoughts cuz then I'd have to face how shitty life is. Then I got a single, better job but it was so stressful that I literally couldn't lose weight cuz of all the cortisol. So it's not always about just the food. It's about time, money, hormones, mental health (if the only moment of joy I get out of my day that keeps me from killing myself is from the dopamine rush of a doughnut cuz the 5 minutes it takes me to eat it is the only amount of time i have for enjoyment, then I'm eating that doughnut even if it's not healthy), etc. It really sucks, too, when doctors act like it's not only your fault that you're fat but that it's so simply and "easy" to lose weight and be healthy, just exercise and limit your calories.  *added an edit as a reply to this comment because it's long, but it adds perspectives which I hope help the ppl that can't seem to understand view points other than their own. 


Hard agree. Our society is not constructed for people to be happy and healthy. I like to say that weight loss is simple but very difficult. Eating less calories than you burn per day and exercising more is what it comes down to, but actually being able to do that is surprisingly difficult. Not to mention the amount of terrible advice on social media, which is usually pushed by a profit motive.


I second that. I am apart of the group of people who lost weight during Covid, my lowest in my adult life. After Covid it immediately came back. Why? I had the time and energy to exercise before and after work, which was extremely less demanding. I could focus on my diet and meals, was allowed to disconnect, happiest and healthiest I had been maybe in my entire life


I've spent the past several months looking for work and have been living healthier than I have been since high school (minus the canned corned beef I 'cooked' last night LoL). Overall, I've been eating much cleaner and walking at least a mile and a half most days


That cortisol will get you. That’s no fucking, joke. It was a huge challenge for me when I decided to get healthy post college/first job. I had to really develop healthy thinking and habits. I was working out all the time but stressed out and not resting well. I’d end up just gaining weight by bulking up. I was super strong but also bulky fat and felt like shit.


Yeah addicts just stop being addicts! I am not addicted so you shouldn’t be either and I should know because I’ve never been addicted to anything! 


Addiction doesn't mean you're incapable of saying no, it just means all the internal resistance to it is drastically lower than the average person's. It means it takes more willpower and self control to overcome. Most people greatly benefit from help because no problem exists in isolation. Addicts generally struggle not because they're addicted, but because they're stressed and the addiction is a coping mechanism for the stress. Support structures break the cycle of stress and addiction coping. This is why AA isn't just people slapping you when you try to get a drink. They talk, vent, and de-stress so you are less likely to feel like you need the drink to cope. I fell hard into drinking when my grandpa died and the drinking was how I coped with the loss. Once I was able to move passed the loss, the need to drink faded away. I've never been to AA, but I stopped drinking constantly because I didn't need it to cope with the stress anymore. I had other ways of coping.


The only thing I've ever been addicted to is self-righteousness and bigotry. Pepsi doesn't count. Be like me!


Agree with everything you said except the recommendation for AthleanX. His advice is generally on the right track but with no scientific back up and occasionally he'll just completely blunder. Like recommending certain types of food depending on your "body type". Dr. Mike even did a video where he tore him to shreds for talking nonsense lol.


I'd call it semi-satire. Yes, corporate America tries to keep you hooked on that sugar rush, but at the same time that doesn't absolve you of your responsibility to not keep suckling its sugar tits. At least I don't think he intended his lyrics to be an either or proposition kind of thing.




It's not about people forcing you to eat junk, it's that companies produce junk food for profit. They make it addictive and use misleading marketing to hook people. Personal responsibility is important, but weight loss shouldn't be a struggle against those unethical practices. It should be something people take on while surrounded by support.


where do you live that vegetables are among the cheapest foods you can buy?? wtf


1 person having problems is personal impulse control. 50% of a nation is *an epidemic*. Think before you speak. It does wonders (:


It kind of *is* impulse control though? It's as easy as making sure you pick the right foods when you're at the grocery store. Resist the urge to grab those cookies and chips and pick up a bag of salted nuts or grapes you can chuck in the freezer instead. I've found winning the fight while shopping made weight-loss and eating healthy infinitely easier. If I don't have a bag of garbage food lying around to make it easily accessible, then I'm good to go. The hardest part is shopping right. Given how often people are happy to blame corporations and stores but never take responsibility, and that's become the American way, I'm more inclined to lean in to that the US reinforces and tolerates a shitty blame-game rather than owning their failures and learning from them.


Well its a balance, sure you can say its personal and there is absolutely personal responibility in life. But if you as a kid are given a really unhealthy diet and then become obese while in elementary school, it can fuck with your impulse control immensely. And then it turns into a cycle of defeat, where you can be unhappy/stressed about your health which leads to impulse eating as a way to get dopamine to the brain. Also it is not just a US issue, it is also a issue in UK and Mexico. And it is deeply tied to capitalism. Still like you said, if you love yourself you want to get healthy, it will take accepting personal responsibilty for the issue. It is also easy to become fat just from having a deeply stressful life, like a person you love breaking up with you, and you sink into 6 months of drinking you can easily gain 30 pounds or even more depending on the stress outside of eating.


exercise and eat less. the 2 things nobody is willing to do. And then the entire scam diet industry is born. Just eat nothing for a month and youll lose weight. Yeah you will but youll gain it all back next month because you didnt learn anything from your quick results scam.


Stress typically makes people less likely to work out and eat more. It's like no one understands that 99.9% of addiction problems are induced by stress, not by the addiction or the target of the addiction. While it make it easier, cheaper, or more convenient, at the end of the day, addiction is a stress coping mechanism. Support groups don't go after the source of the addiction, they help addicts cope with the stress in healthier ways to avoid using the addiction as a coping mechnanism.


Trust me, you don't want to discuss the endemic nature of fatness in America on Reddit. Not sure if you've been around here long enough, but fatpeoplehate was a real subreddit. A VERY popular subreddit. It definitely contributed to my suicidality for a while. I'm really glad to see even one corner of Reddit trying to understand the systemic nature of fatness. Now, everyone please go listen to Maintenance Phase and leave people the fuck alone about their bodies.


As a former fat person I can tell you this: this isn't anything to do with "systemic nature of fatness" and everything to do with learning to become disgusted with your state of being, being worried about your long-term health prospects, and get mad enough to do something about it. It requires zero wealth and zero time to eat less food. If I can do it, you can do it. Trying to blame anyone but ourselves is a complete waste of time.


I guess you missed the part where I suggested leaving people the fuck alone about their bodies. I don't need to "do it." I'm happy with my body right now. I can't believe you have internalized the judgement of others so strongly that you are *recommending* self-disgust as a motivational tool. That's fucking sad.


I'm not sure how it works in the US, but [Obesity costs the NHS in England £6.5bn a year](https://healthmedia.blog.gov.uk/2023/06/07/government-plans-to-tackle-obesity-in-england/), which is just under 4% of [the total budget of NHS England](https://www.health.org.uk/publications/long-reads/health-care-funding#:~:text=Planned%20NHS%20England%20RDEL%20in,small%20increase%20of%200.2%25). So we'd all benefit from lower rates of obesity. That money can either be saved, invested in other areas or, most likely, just given to cronies of senior Tory Party politicians.


Or, hold people accountable for bad eating and/or exersizing habits. There is nothing wrong with unhealthy food. Having too much of it and not exercising is. This is more of a cultural problem than an industry problem.


Wow, they’re great! Good sound, good writing.


He has a lot of really great original works. He has one called War Isn't Murder that's pinned to the top of his account right now that makes me cry uncontrollably. His @ is jessewelles


[That](https://www.tiktok.com/@jessewelles/video/7361438833356918062?lang=en) and his [Cancer](https://www.tiktok.com/@jessewelles/video/7357722069871676718?lang=en) song are some of my favourites. For others who haven't seen him before, he also sings his songs a few times on this account as well, so if you look, there may be a slightly better version for becoming an ear worm for you specifically. Two other versions of Cancer, https://www.tiktok.com/@jessewelles/video/7360316268077026606?lang=en https://www.tiktok.com/@jessewelles/video/7350675762355260703?lang=en Or you can see his songs on his YouTube https://youtu.be/U4o9JpqYyZw?si=d9NpSvNHk_80NQ0K


Daaaaang dude 🔥


Seeing him getting posted outside of folk punk circles makes me so happy 💜


I've never really engaged with this type of music before but I like it a lot! Any recommendations for beginners to the genre?


The mountain goats is one of my all time favorite bands. His voice may be grating to some (not me) or at first, but what an incredible storyteller.


*Matt Pless* is gonna be the closest to Jesse sonically/lyrically  *Pat the Bunny* and his various projects (*Johnny hobo, Wingnut Dishwashers Union*) is the commonly held "legend" of the genre, *Mischief Brew* is another. *Days N Daze* is probably the most popular commercially (they hit the billboard hot 100 once), and then theres the creators of the genre are *The Pogues* and *Violent Femmes* back in the 80s


Defiance, Ohio and This Bike is a Pipe Bomb are still in my rotation, 15+ years later


john prine, billy joe shaver


His song about cancer is great too!


Can you link?


[YouTube link](https://youtu.be/U4o9JpqYyZw?si=Lu8ifqXVosokY-qx)


"All the food on the shelf was made to generate wealth, without a care of how it affects you and me"


Dayum. Good lyrics. Cool voice.


A *lot* of people are going to hear this song but not hear the message. Other countries don't have as high rates of diabetes because they stop companies from designing addictive unhealthy food. Often because (in the case of most EU countries as well as Canada) they have a vested interest in a healthy populous because it keeps national healthcare costs low.


his voice is so fuckin good


I actually liked it?


He smoked a few packs himself


I like his rasp! There's so much variation in the human voice. I love hearing singers with unique sounds


I really enjoyed that


This person is talented!


scrolling the front page of my reddit feed when all of a sudden. THAT'S JESSE! ![gif](giphy|kpVq1t7ARQKMU|downsized) Good on you Jesse. You've done a lot of fire work lately. Keep it up!


I am not he! But you know him? Very cool! He's been doing massive numbers on tik Tok recently


He went to college with my daughter (both in the music program). Had dinner with him before his gig in KC several years ago, and visited with him a few times during their college years. My daughter obviously knows him better than my wife and I, but he seems like a talented young man with a really good head on his shoulders.


I’m fat and I agree. lol.


Did you hear the whole song? "it's your own damn fault" was sarcasm


I listened to whatever played on Reddit. And while the song can be sarcasm, there’s plenty of truth too. Could I have a salad filled with veggies or a pizza? Choices play a huge factor. And please do not tell me how expensive it is to eat healthy, I just spent less than $25 for 6 meals. (Time is money too, so I get the convenience of cheap fast food, and the luxury of prepping my own food.)


> Could I have a salad filled with veggies or a pizza? Choices play a huge factor. One thing that is often forgotten is the fact that the choice is not equally easy to all of us. For example poor people smoke more, as the dopamine hit is more important in their tough daily life than living healthy in the long run, than it is for people who have it easier. Same correlation with food.


The argument that "normal" food is more expensive is so wild. I honestly don't know where it comes from or how it's even possible that people believe it. The best part is that now on top of that now there's a ton of people defending paying unbelievable prices to get a DoorDash or whatever with all the puerile excuses you can imagine. So you have a guy saying he works a shit job, has no time, no money, and when he's home he just wants to relax and pay a fortune so another guy with a shit job, no time and mo money delivers him unhealthy food.


He got really close but stopped at the shelf. It's a good song, but Coca Cola ain't placing those high calorie cookies and bottles full of sugar on your shelf.


Nope, just spending millions to make things as addictive as possible...


This is a serious BOP!!!! I would replay.


God damn, love this guy


Great book on this topic - [Ultra Processed People](https://www.amazon.com/Ultra-Processed-People-Science-Behind-Food/dp/1324036729?dplnkId=4d14bf8d-631d-4223-8843-0440ab88d2a5&nodl=1) by Chris Van Tulleken


Bro this fucking claps…nowhere near cringe LooooooL


You realise this song isn’t anti fat right?? This guy is phenomenal


I mean 2 things can be true at once. The profit driven approach to food is insidious and not healthy at all, and there should definitely be more restrictions on ingredients. But you also are responsible for what and how much you put in your mouth.


You shouldn't be downvoted. There's an addictive element to the problem, obviously, but many people dont come to terms with reality, make excuses for the norm, and keep the destructive cycle going thoughtlessly and without effort to change. I liked the song, though. It's an important side of the problem to be aware of.


This reminds of that dude with a red beard singing about working class issues and pivots to fat people


except that this guy actually points out that these corporations have specifically developed food that is extremely cheap and terrible for you. what he doesn't point out is that those same cooperations are making healthier options more and more difficult to obtain. that other guy has a lot of well placed working class angst and gripes but has unfortunately bought into the propaganda that it's actually people on welfare's fault.


John Fogerty’s kid can write music too, well shit.


The focus on unhealthy food as a scapegoat for obesity isn't really a very complete picture of the situation. They have mcdonald's in europe and they're not all fat because they have unhealthy food options. The issues are healthy food is often more expensive (and thus not properly subsidized), less available (because it's more perishable) and honestly the most important thing is just that americans get substantially less daily exercise than most countries. People drive everywhere and our cities are set up to account for that. You don't walk to the store to buy groceries or walk to the train to get to work like you might in europe. Blaming coca-cola for selling high calorie soda is really not helpful because there will always be someone else willing to fill the gap. Even if suddenly every major snack and drink company turned around and made all their food healthy, someone else would just start selling junk.


> They have mcdonald's in europe and they're not all fat because they have unhealthy food options. We don't have American McDonalds in Europe. Yeah, we can get a big mac menu with coke. But that's a big mac with around 100kcal less than in the USA. Do you want a large coke with that? That coke is only 1fl.oz larger than the USA small coke cup. And that does not come with free refills. Source: https://metro.co.uk/2024/02/05/mcdonalds-menu-uk-us-mcnuggets-fries-difference-20225917/ and https://www.businessinsider.com/we-found-every-difference-between-uk-and-us-mcdonalds-2020-5?international=true&r=US&IR=T. Exact values differ between countries (and likely with time, these are 2020 and 2024) but will follow the same general pattern.


Skinny-Fat/Normal Weight Obesity exists too. Skinny-Fat ppl eat garbage and make poor lifestyle choices too. Lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, drugs, alcohol consumption etc. can cause a skinny person to have the same health risks of an obese person.


Hes not wrong, on all points. Major food manufacturers have intentionally made garbage food that is very addictive. But most people also have free will, the ability to exercise and use just a modicum of self discipline.


free will doesn't really come into play when grandma won't let you leave the table when you're 8 years old until after you've finished your plates and had seconds because she lived through the depression and raises you to stuff your face as if you won't know the next time you'll be able to eat. The science of eating less and exercising more is easy to describe. Getting apes to change a cultural and social behavior beneficial to their evolution and survival is not.


Free will and addiction don’t work very well together. Same with self discipline. When addiction is involved - whether food, drug, drink, or sex - those abilities are severely compromised. Edit: why would you send me reddit cares over this 🤦🏻‍♀️


We hook them with the processed food addiction really early, so in many ways it is the worst, it isn't like they are advertising Marlborough cigarettes to 6 year old children but, we sure market fruit loops and cookie crisp to them.


School provided lunches even


So the reddit cares thing, I've noticed in practically every post I've visited this morning that people are getting them. I did, too, for something totally innocuous. My tinfoil hat conspiracy is that someone created bots to instantly do this site wide, in order to get it banned/removed from the platform.


You say that, until somebody is sexually abused as a child and develops an eating disorder as a coping mechanism knowing that the food gives them comfort and if they gain enough weight they won't be a victim to as much unwanted sexual advances. Then they have to resolve all that trauma to start on the process to recovery. But I am sure that most people out there have no struggles like that.


Thank you for this comment, honestly. I've been on both spectrums of eating disorders, 200 pounds overweight, and then 30 pounds underweight. Being overweight was using food as a coping mechanism for my assault. After feeling enough shame, I became anorexic and had to be hospitalized. People who say "just eat healthier" or "have self-control" really don't understand the psychology behind why people eat a lot.


It's a good message, these big corps don't care about our health. But we can't simply blame them and be done with it, it's up to us to make conscious decisions to take care of ourselves.


As a fat person currently getting thinner, I endorse this song.


I like it


I love this


Michael Hurley Jr. ?


Good stuff buddy!


Reminds me of Jim Morrison kinda I like it I’ll like it less when I get fat but for now it’s ok


This slaps


He ain’t wrong


This is a bop.


This guy's songs are all fire




New banger just dropped!


I love this man


I used up my entire supply of willpower to not send this to my parents.


Who is this, I’m a fan


Great new age folk sound. Almost outlaw country.


this should be the new national anthem for USA


Jesse Fuckin Welles!


I really like this guy.




90% sure this is a Zach Bryan song performed by Mick Jagger’s country bumpkin American bastard baby


That was clever!!!


That's really fucking good. Gotta laugh at dumb fucks trying to down vote the video on some subs lmao, such losers


If you liked this, check out Todd snider. He has a similar sound and just as much of an opinion. This song reminded me of “carla”, but “happy new year” is rad too


I like to think this is the dis track to Randy Newman's [Short People](https://youtu.be/8bfyS-S-IJs?t=54). I believe Randy's was satirical and maybe this guys is too. If not its still pretty funny.


If you don't educate yourself on what you're eating or make good choices, then it is your own god damn fault you're fat tho


I thought this guy was being sincere at first, then as the song carried on I realised he was being sardonic. Nice.


There are so many things that I like about this video. His voice, the lyrics, the politics and sarcasm, the look. Everything about it screams "post more".


Some work needs to be done, but overall, a song whose lyrics aren't about a wrong an ex boyfriend did. A pleasant surprise.


I meaaaaaaaaan He’s not wrong


We have Jim Morrison at home: