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"I banged a black guy. I'm allowed to say it"


Out of curiosity I listened in on the Twitter live thing she was in last night and she was asked if she had slept with a black man before, to which she said no. The weirdos from InfoWars hosting the live also asked her body count, her weight, her bra cup size, her heritage (they kept saying they think she's Jewish because of her nose), and a bunch of other weird shit. I'm not sure if people realize this, but what she did has emboldened a lot of racists to come out of the woodwork. There were several white people in that live happily spewing the N-word. There was also only one (1) black man in the live (or at least only one that had speaker access). But as some others in this thread have stated, a lot of the people on the conservative side don't trust her. One of the guys interviewing her last night even started out by saying, "I don't like women \[in politics\]," before going into his own views on politics.


Yeah, my theory is she was rage baiting to become a pundit but did it in the most ham fisted way possible. It got the attention she was looking for, but unless you get in with the elites you get in with the extremists whose entire identity is to suppress women. It doesn't matter how much you spout the same garbage, to those guys she will just be another woman to them. It happened to faith Goldie, it happened to Tomi Karen, this new lady is just getting the speed run because she did it in the most speak the quiet part out loud way possible which used up any capital she had in the alt right grifter pundit circuit.


That’s awesome, she thinks she did a thing and all the mouth breathers she’s trying to attract are like “you should shut up. Women shouldn’t do politics. Did you bang a black guy? You look like you have a dick, are you a man? You look Jewish.” Ya get what you f’ing deserve!


Everybody realizes that she emboldened racists


She posted that she did it intentionally to break into right-wing/conservative media. She's really happy it worked.


>right-wing/conservative media The hottest grift going.


For 5 minutes and the online right started calling her a jew and/or having jewish ancestry I don't think she's Jewish, but the online right feels like they pegged her as one




Clout to be had by rage-baiting, too.  Getting it from both ends...of the US sociopolitical spectrum.


YO. ON GOD. Like she’s *actually* smart as hell, cus she’s certainly not ugly and she knows that if she got enough attention and caused enough controversy Fox News would most definitely LOVE to have her lmfao


That's not smart, that's just having zero morals


If that's what you call smart, you dumb as hell boy. That's what almost *everyone* in right-wing media is doing.


> she’s certainly not ugly  Yeah... I don't know about that. (And I'm not sorry for saying that)


Except a lot of the right-wing doesn’t want her because she isn’t “white” enough. 🤣 Her own plan backfired on her.


Crazy thing is she will be a senator in a few years


She's already headlining the Republican National Convention


I don't know if you're even joking. They did bring on a nurse from WV during the pandemic who was MAGA, that was the extent of her qualifications. She shot someone in a domestic dispute not too long after her appearance.






Gotcha, searched her name and it says she was found not guilty, I was hoping for information on the shooting but there isn’t much.


If you search Mingo Co corruption, it's a fun read.


……the general search results or?????


I'm seeing she endered a non guilty plea but was still charged with malicious wounding. She went to her car during an argument to get a gun to shoot the woman she was arguing with.


I’d appreciate a link




The right wing thinks she is a psyops and don't think she's white enough.


No lies were told


And we’ll have all these creators to thank for it


When did the likes of Tom Holland and Ariana Grande become our nation's legislators?


Y'all know she's now gonna get a huge following, become a celebrity, and run for office right? Like the amount of hate she is getting is only gonna fuel her inevitable campaign run. Or we stop right now and we ignore her. Don't get Rage baited. Can we all agree to ignore her and skip over this content from now on? Pleaaaaaase?


“Screw all those successful weird nerds! I was pretty in high school and that’s what really matters at the end of the day.” That’s what I’m hearing and what she’s not hearing. Jeez…she is a queen bee high school bully that never grew up, watched everyone else around her grow up and is ”secretly” pissed off that she’s found herself with no minions to bow down to her. So she’s puffing out her chest and saying hateful things to get attention. I think she’s doubling down though because she’s scared. She didn‘t realize that trolling or whatever she thinks she’s doing has actual consequence.


Gotta love people that cannot move past high school because it’s the last time anyone paid attention or cared about them.


This reminds me of the post on AITA the other day about the mom with two daughters. One was the popular girl in highschool, the other was booksmart and called a *loser* for it. Both graduated and went to college. Now, booksmart graduated college, makes good money, has a house, car, and is going on vacation. Popular girl threw a tantrum about it nOt BeInG fAiR. Mom said popular girl was the *"loser"* now. 🤭🤣🤣


I'm hearing more "I was pretty *enough for the podunk little town I grew up* in high school *but now I'm a NYC 3 and I'm angry about it and want to punish everyone."*


Looks like she found what gets her attention so now she is gonna double, triple, and quadruple down on this.


It’s unfortunately a lane/career path these days. She can spin this into a ton of money because there are always people who eat this shit up and entire networks exist that are dedicated to feeding those same people a ton of garbage. I’d also like to point out that she’s complaining about nerds into a device that’s hooked up to the Internet while sitting in a vehicle. Pretty much everything that is required for us to hear her message was developed by none other than the nerds of the world. Yet here she is thinking she’s somehow better than these kinds of people. She’s just a hateful individual who other hateful individuals will gravitate towards.


Stop giving this girl views that she can monetize. Let her own faults be her end.


That’s why I’m watching here, no one gets money for my views


But then h3h3 won't get any views *he* can monetize. It's the symbiotic relationship of outrage creators and drama channels.


Does h3h3 support Palestine? He’d be a real piece of shit if he doesn’t.


Don't know and don't think it could substantially lower my opinion of him if he doesn't.


She will keep getting views cause she is hot. Simple as.


Be white, unapologetically say the N word, and become a right wing celebrity!


If liberals just ignored her then she wouldn’t get nearly the same fame and money from trolling them and the alt right backing her. Creating their own enemy.


Nah bigots and racists need to be called out on their shit. Maybe the right needs to quit propping these people up as victims and join in calling out toxic behavior so there's no safe spaces for people to feel comfortable using this type of language.


Free speech is supposed to allow criticism of those in power, not the usage of racial slurs 😭😭


I love how these people always cry “but the first amendment!” when they say something offensive and get called out for it. As if the people calling them out aren’t also exercising their first amendment right. The first amendment allows you to say what you want it doesn’t protect you from criticism lol


Some of the criticism can get pretty wild/personal but yeah, the racial slurs thing is not the idea.


criticism falls under free speech, so if getting wild and personal criticism is the price someone is willing to pay to say a slur than so be it, feels like a fair exchange


It most definitely covers that. The same thing that would protect you from going to jail for saying Trump is a Nazi fascist would absolutely protect you from going to jail for saying Obama is a n-word monkey. It works all ways, that’s why it’s free speech, not just the speech you don’t like. Theres no idea that’s “not the idea”. *Some people’s greatest political criticism might be a racial slur.*


The government isn’t allow to lock you up for saying a slur. Hate speech is such a nebulous definition. “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” is broadly accepted to be a hate-driven call to violence. Should the police be able to lock up college students for reciting that chant?


I read somewhere she got fired from her job. 🤷


as was her plan all along.


On her Twitter she's saying it was a "mutual firing" between her and her boss lmao




Following the incident Gaddis’ employer, Rophe of the Carolinas, which provides home health services for the elderly, announced its decision to let her go in a statement. “A newly hired employee made inflammatory remarks on social media that do not align with the values and beliefs of our company,” Rophe wrote. “We want to make it clear that these sentiments are not representative of our organization, and we do not condone or support such behavior,” the statement continued, adding that it is “owned and operated by African American female and immigrant owned businesses.”


Yes I also saw another video that stated she was fired


She's giving major 'I scored four touchdowns in one game for Polk High' vibes.


Why is anyone giving this loser any attention.…


Man the right wing grift is so easy to get into and cash in. She’s barely been known and will probably be streaming with some other loser on Kick soon.


I think this was her goal in the first place. It’s all an act to get into right wing media. Hell, the ingredients she was putting in the bowl didn’t even make sense. It’s all fabricated to get attention.


what is the name of this podcast


H3 podcast


I’m not gonna lie, when I was pretty sure that she was about to apologize after doing her soul searching, but instead said that she couldn’t find a care, I kinda chuckled. 


I laughed only because she used “care” instead of “fuck.” She uses a racial slur, but apparently she’s too scared to use a perfectly normal swear word? Tf


At least she was being honest


Zach Louis live at The Echoplex. Aug 11th.


What’s wrong with farm girls :(


so true. i get called names when i say i’m a farm girl on the internet. people think it means i’m some weird conservative who drinks raw milk and is anti vax, etc. like dude i just want a farm…


Is raw milk good though?


please stop 🛑


The problem with raw milk is it's only good straight out of the cow. The whole reason for pasteurization is to make milk shelf stable by killing off the microbes that make it go bad and/or give you food poisoning. Unpasteurized milk can easily kill you if the farm isn't clean enough or it sits too long.


Tastes great, way better than normal. But it's difficult to find a farm that does it right (needs to be very clean at the farm and shorter window where it's safe to drink). Just avoid any weirdo conservative nonsense farms and stick with the more normal ones that sell it and it's fine. I was lucky that the farm I found it at was only an hour away, and even then it was $10. I just wanted to try it to see the difference. It really does taste way better but I don't drink enough milk for it to be worth that much hassle.


Actually, came here to say this. She's a clear asshole and deserves the hate but then notice how everyone starts to make a bunch of generalizations and assumptions they then imply are demeaning (or rather, think are ALREADY implied): trad wives, farm girls, etc. The hosts are kinda doing the same thing in reverse to the other side. Not defending her but I don't think these people are better.


It’s satire, the hosts don’t actually think there’s anything wrong with farm girls.


As someone in the south it didn’t feel like satire. Jokes aren’t that funny when they’re exclusively making fun of a specific group of people.


it's a throwaway joke on a comedy podcast, don't take yourself so seriously


That was about as mild as it gets. Just because you don’t find it funny doesn’t mean it isn’t satire or a joke.


And that is what she chose to do with her 15minutes of fame. She chose to be a racist cunt.


Well she's getting much more than 15 minutes now since everyone keeps talking about her and giving her publicity


Hey... let's give her more and more and more and more screen time. That's sure to make her go away. Let's keep giving Culture War profiteers clicks, and keep reposting their content, and keep building their awareness and engagement. I'm sure that's how we'll get to a better society. I miss the days when village idiots, bigots, fundamentalists, and other fringe elements were treated with an eye roll or a shrug and then totally ignored and forgotten. We have literally GIVEN them their megaphones, their personas, and their bank accounts by being insatiable content guzzling whores with seemingly no standards or accountability. Not a care in the world that our knee jerk emotional reactions are the literal basis for these clowns to build their best lives. Letting the fox into the hen house, and then hand feeding it, is a bold strategy for getting out completely disposable dopamine hits. Well done everyone. Well done.


Ah yes. My n word was taken out of context, so I will retreat to all the safe white spaces where racism is accepted to explain that racism is not that bad, rather than debate my true intentions in an open forum where there are different experiences and views than mine. Big brain move here, and of course they don’t see anything wrong with their behavior. They closed themselves off and stopped taking questions and comments


the fact that she immediately needed the words of men to prove her point really shows how trad she is, well trained to depend on men for anything involving thinking


Edge-trad-wife-lord wtf ever.


I like it when people get increasingly unhinged and lose control as they show their true colors. It makes me smile. The Internet is FOREVER.


It’s crazy. Becoming a right wing grifter is the easiest and most lucrative job in the world. The ONLY thing keeping you from doing it is your consciousness


Right after this segment there was a fantastic weather report.


I always say this because I don't think the majority of people walking around care and walk around like sociopaths. But Free Speech is ok. Verbal hate crimes aren't. Your allowed to do the Verbal hate crimes it's part of free speech no one will stop you from incriminating yourself. But you're not free from consequences. "Oh look it's the consequences of my own actions"


"Thank God somebody came out with new bait so we can make more content"


I mean yeah. The amazing part is that she admits as much, in so many words.


It’s the same hoe from my video! Yinz notice she’s in the passenger seat of a vehicle too poor girl doesn’t have her own ride


“Guys why are you getting mad it’s just a word” *makes a whole video because people are saying words about her*


I think racist people choose that path because they’re so unimportant, unskilled, or boring that they use their race to feel better than others. Imagine having nothing going on in your life and obsessing about your skin color just to feel special. It’s sad honestly.


Someone is jealous of the nerds who developed actual skills and knowledge while she wasted time at cheer camp. Oh well. Sucks to suck I guess.


she's ragebait


So all her popular high school friends are with brokes?


Y’all are giving her exactly what she wanted


Jealousy? Feeling inferior to others? Those "nerds" she used to think she was superior to them in highschool, those "losers", ain't teenagers any more that she can bully. And are doing better than her. 


Can’t believe all the theatre kids grew up to become actors


Another racist, ooh what a novelty. The internet needs to be put on timeout. This chic isn't important to any meaningful discussion.


Have I fell into a wormhole? No H3 hate moments? Skinny Ethen is unstoppable 😮


Ethan Klein has dropped the n word a million times. The irony here is peak grifter. The trad wife is still a racist idiot though.


He's also apologized for every single time he dropped it. People change. A crazy idea I know. Edit: idk why I argue with people on Reddit


He was literally being racist towards Asians YESTERDAY & then silently removed it from the video afterwards. Edit: [he cut this section out from yesterday’s stream](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/PLA97Yk1PF)


Holy shit that clip **not** showing what happened is *damning*. The fact that they later removed the part around the parts they removed live on air (something they do constantly throughout the live show) tells you absolutely nothing about whether the parts no one ever saw were racist. Oftentimes the context makes their live censoring seem like what was censored may have been way worse than it actually was. Maybe that's the reason they deleted it later on. Or perhaps he just did his best asian impression. The point is there's no way to know so it's an incredible reach to say it's proof of him being racist when we never saw what was censored.


Dear god he has not changed at all.


If you do it multiple times, that forms a pattern. He didn't change. He said im sorry, so people would shut up about it. A crazy idea i know


There's no pattern. He said it and then apologized. Stop making stuff up to be mad about.


Stop excusing racism. Yes tf he did do it multiple times.


Years ago and he has said many times how embarrassed of it he is, apologizes, and he has 100% changed. Nobody is excusing racism, including him.


He was just racist yesterday. 


Ethan Klein has NOT changed. That's laughable. 


He USED to be a piece of shit.


This girl is such a clown. Also , I love Ethan


Bruh he’s a genocide supporter who also said the n word online way more than she did


Lol Ethan is racist too


So you agree that she is racist


Yes. These are two [racist ass](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CO8Ye-jprfv/?igsh=MTZybXQ5azF0dWZpdg==) people.


Jesus I forgot h3h3 existed lol


Politics is just Hollywood for ugly people


Don’t feed the troll. Giving her an ounce of attention is too much, rage bait y’all. Focus.


Saw something that she was recently hired at her job and they canned her after the first video 😂


She didn’t peak in high school. She peaked in middle school.


God I'm already sick of this twit and she's only been in the news for like what a week??


And when she grows up she will be in marketing where all the pos live


Stop giving her attention!


That big nosed average bitch bout to be broke in a minute.




She isn’t baking a pie. She’s just wasting food.


Oh look it’s Nicole Arbour 2.0.


![gif](giphy|lpclotgBJIHlnEL6fL) Her confidence rn:


This knock-off Tomi Lahren needs to chill 😂😂😂


Stop giving her attention


Just another case of rage baiting gone successfully. Well plaid. More followers attracted. More money comes in from advertisers. She won.


So glad she got fired.


Why did we decide to make fun of farmers in the middle of this?


This dude is still around. Wild.


if you use the phrase ‘deep dive’ in your everyday conversations…..fall off a cliff


I am a liberal office worker and sometimes think being a farmer would be awesome. Outside, moving around, seeing results daily. I was not crazy about the farmer rant at the end


I…. can’t fix her..


Is this the same girl that made a video about how all the nerds run all the major companies or different girl?


This is rage bait


This bitch thought she was going to rally every person who was popular in high school to her defense.


stop giving trolls a platform


Um her plow experience is…getting plowed.


She’s not taking anything too seriously she wants attention and views


This girl is really good at inductive reasoning


Her highlight makeup around her mouth on the imfowars clip looks like spit or drool on the corner of her mouth. Who puts highlight there?


I actually thought this was firecracker from the boys


She’s basically admitting to having no social life, no drive since high school.


Well this woman is trying to appeal to Alabamans who think they were hot shots in middle school. Weird flex but ok?


Stop. Giving. Her. Attention. Let this bitch fade out into obscurity before she can spin this outrage into a career.


H3 is the worst possible person to be calling her out lmao. You really gonna listen to [this guy’s](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CO8Ye-jprfv/?igsh=MTZybXQ5azF0dWZpdg==) stance on someone saying the n word?


Bro has said the hard r so many times not sure why he made this


And he's openly talked about it many many many times and has apologized for being a moron.


He’s still racist as hell, yesterday he went on a rant that had to be cut from air about how Asian people’s eye shape is funny and makes them look sad. Plus all the islamophobic bullshit he’s spewed in the last year


Every time I see Ethan now I cringe. He needs his best friend back to give him another reality check. What happened Ethan? You used to make content and like cool stuff. Now you just criticize other people stuff. You just kinda…..suck.


So cringe of him to cover racism!!!!


He’s ignorant himself. Pot meet kettle?


It’s crazy how Reddit cycles these people. I remember the early 2010s days of Reddit when he and Jennifer Lawrence were posted every day. Seems like they they both were abandoned at the same time. It’s been so many since then, and this makes me wonder how long Jeff Acuri will last. Keanu’s PR team has been the only one to persevere all this time.


I'd love to punch her


H3 is trash


A shit bag commenting on a shit bag, you love to see it.


I VIVIDLY remember Ethan Klein saying that same exact phrase verbatim and yup, he sure did. Olive garden prank with filthy frank. I get that everyone says that he "apologized" for all the times he said it but he still said it and it's still easily accessible to watch. Dude should not be commenting at all on any of this, what a dork.


If he stopped being racist I wouldn’t have an issue but he’s still actively racist to other groups


H3 uggggh