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All political posts MUST be flaired as "Politics."


“I’ll ask a question and not give an answer” She literally said she won’t give an answer and immediately said people are gaslighting you about vaccines...


Sure but she's intentionally using rhetoric to strongly push the audience that she knows to already be antivax to activate their existing prejudice in their own emotional way when she can just answer the question easily. That's bad faith action and manipulation for her own paycheck. She doesn't have to make a false assertion to use her rhetoric effectively, just push the button that she knows exists in her audience.


That’s how the grift works: people don’t want to be educated, they want to be told their emotions are justified. All you need then is a couple of slogans on a mug and you’ve got yourself a business.


she knows. these people are college educated they aren’t idiots. they know the science, they’ve just chosen to straight up be the bad guys. they know how to effectively manipulate a cult, idiots don’t do that, evil people do, Candace Owens knows she’s essentially leading the listener to a conclusion while effectively skirting the law by not making any defamatory statements.


This is exactly right. She knows. She’s not getting paid for journalism, she’s getting paid to misinform. She’s doing her job exactly the way they want her to. If you’re American and don’t want to live in an Idiocracy, go to [vote.org](https://vote.org) and make sure that you do everything you need to do to get registered to vote in November. States are making it intentionally difficult, and it can take weeks so don’t wait. We didn’t get here because more of these people exist, we got here because reasonable people didn’t vote. Don’t let it happen again.


Definitely get out and vote, people. All those MAGA idiots you see in videos posted on this site are definitely going to vote and that should scare you.


Democracy isn’t by default; it’s something countries have to achieve first then maintain. History repeatedly shows us that complacency and voter apathy alway leads to a far-right society full of fear, hate, and control.


This is the message!!! We have to quit struggling to convert MAGA zombies. There’s no point. If, at this point in history, you still feel that Trump is a viable choice, you’re lost. We have to spend our energy convincing normal, thinking people that voting is not a waste of time. Convincing them that their voice matters. That’s the challenge. So, encourage those close to you! Forget about your crazy MAGA uncle. Talk to your cousins who just turned 18 and help them understand that we are at a crossroads in history. That they can change the world at the ballot box.


Yes, but it's an intriguing position for the OP in the video to call out the fan base for "continuing to support people that have been giving them conclusions which turn out false". Ignoring the gaslighting and grifting, as many of the fan base are ignorant to that, the simple fact of - why do you still support journalists that are too lazy/unwilling to spend a few minutes to find answers and report them to you - hits a little more squarely on the listener.


But in idiocracy don’t the people vote their way to idiocracy?


I’m hijacking this top comment because I think her origin story is absolutely fascinating/infuriating and I think more people should know about it. It’s a little bit of a read, but it’s so crazy that it sounds like complete fiction. However, knowing her in her current state, nothing is off the table. For those interested in her *literal* overnight transition from liberal to right-wing nutjob, here’s the link: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/04/how-social-autopsy-fell-for-gamergate-trutherism.html Edit: added clarity on my opinion of her origin.


Yeah, she realized there was a lot more money in grifting the right. She's literally just a professional troll, that's all. She makes money off of generating outrage.


Calling people like Candace Owens a troll is seriously downplaying what they're actually doing. Shes a propagandist. Her and pretty much every single conservative pundit are producing *propaganda*. They aren't just trolling for laughs, or throwing shit to stir the pot, they are using a very calculated and specific process to try and subtly influence people into believing total falsehoods for the express purpose of manipulating them politically. They are producing propaganda, curated and designed to brainwash viewers into extremism.


And the reason she personally is doing it is for the money. We don't disagree. She is a professional troll. What she is saying is calculated propaganda. She is doing it because it has made her rich.


Agreed. I’m quite certain absolutely every conservative influencer personality would have no opinion on the subject if there wasn’t a dollar attached to it. People like Owens are the dog crap stuck on the shoe of society, sensationalist to the core, selling their identity and soul for the almighty dollar because there is no profit that comes from the truth.


There is one thing I’m genuinely curious about, though: is this real buy-in? Or is it strictly for the money and notoriety? They can’t possibly believe this nonsense, right? It’s a grift, they know it’s a grift, but they just don’t care. Edit: to be clear, I’m not interested in whether or not she cares about this specific topic (I know she doesn’t). I’m more curious as to whether she believes in her overall approach and the results of her actions. Does she not care that she’s expediting societal collapse? That’s what frustrates me. I get that there are soulless fucks that have no semblance of a conscience, but to actively contribute to the destruction of civil discourse while also simultaneously having to live in that society is maddening. I wonder if she’ll ever become self-aware or if it will take the leopards eating her face for her to get there.


It doesn't matter whether Candace believes her own bullshit or not. It is immaterial to the damage she's causing.


That's not what they're asking. As a baseline, though, yes, i agree it is important to mention that there is no practical difference between someone pretending to be a fool and an actual fool. The damage either causes is the same.


Correct. That fact isn’t lost on me. I just can’t wrap my head around such paradoxical people. They’re shouting the loudest for things like transparency and patriotism and claim to be for the common man, when in actuality, they’re actively and, more importantly, effectively working against them. The damage is irreparable. Especially when you consider the brain rot that has set in for folks that cannot and will not be swayed, no matter the mountainous evidence put before them. It’s a grift for the sake of a grift. It’s meant to evoke a visceral disdain and hatred of the “left” (I put left in quotations because anything center-right is communism as far as they’re concerned) because we are the enemy. *We* are responsible for the erosion of America and its values. And as such, we must be stopped. Even at the cost of blind allegiance.


Candace 100% believes her own bullshit. The reality is that some people have a brain that essentially just works like a large LLM. There is a lack of higher-order reasoning and thus no truth-seeking function. She is a person who operates on pure emotion and social validation.


Nah, she’s a true believer. She had a falling out with Ben Shapiro because she was too batshit crazy. She legitimately has worms in her brain or something.


Only part way through this and it's already infuriating.


Sorry. I should update my original comment lol. Fascinating/infuriating.


It's extremely funny that some people accuse the left and right of both being full of grifters, and while there is some truth to that, the example of Candace Owens makes it blatantly clear that people on the left actually give a shit when people "on their side" are grifters. She tried to grift on the left and was immediately exposed and mocked


And this really just goes to show just how much her base, and the right in general, lack critical thinking and reasoning skills. Edit: at least compared to liberals, progressives, the left, etc.


Very interesting article. Thanks for that.


Fun fact about her lawyer for that initial anti-discrimination lawsuit: It's Norm Fuckin Pattis! The same lawyer Alex Jones eventually went to trial with in Connecticut. He shows up like a bad penny ALL OVER fighting for grifters in culture war lawsuits.


Have you ever seen the clip of Tucker Carlson talking like he wasn't completely insane when he didn't realize the camera was still on. Yeah, I 100% agree. They know exactly what they're doing.


link? I would like to see


Daily reminder that Owens used to be a **very** liberal Obama supporter until she realized there was way more money grifting the right. All of these people are professional trolls. The money is in engagement and engagement means outrage. They will only say whatever generates the most possible outrage. Which means everything they say must be taken as bad faith as a baseline. They're never saying what they actually believe, only what will get the most reposts.


They are not trolls. They are not doing this for fun or just money. They are doing this to brainwash the right so they can continue to snowball the erosion of the democratic process, so they can one day have as much power as they want. This isn't just some grift, it is calculated manipulation intended to get people to continue relinquishing freedom to an ever growing authoritarian movement.


Not fun, just money. They are part of a larger push to normalize fascism, but the reason they are in on it is because fascism is very good for the ultra rich. Owens is in it for the money. And because she thinks she will be protected.


>And because she thinks she will be protected. That's the part that is the weirdest to me. Like, is she that dumb that she thinks the leopards won't eat her face?


I dont know. It's impossible to tell. She's clearly convenient to have around as an actual black woman, but once AI becomes indistinguishable, they'll be able to just invent black women to say whatever they want and Candace will no longer have a spot at the "useful idiots" table. I guess we'll all find out.


The leopards will eat everyone else's face but not hers because, you see, she is special. Except she's not special. She useful. As a black conservative who's willing to be vocal and visible, she's a novelty and she'll be used and wrung out until there's nothing left. And then, at the end of it all, when she's tired and weak and probably a bit more wrinkled, the leopards will come for her.


No, they really don't know the science, to be fair. Your average American grossly overestimates how familiar they are with contemporary science, even if they went to uni. The average college educated person who did not specifically get their degree in the sciences usually is very poorly educated in science, with most undergrad programs only requiring one or two courses. The typical economics, business, engineering, computer science, humanities, etc. majors have little to no education in chemistry, for instance, and especially not basic biochemistry. This leaves massive blind spots on a number of topics including vaccination. All of the current conservative talking points about them are obviously wrong even after one biochemistry course and accompanying lab. What these people ARE equipped to do is to go read for themselves and find out that the people who work with this shit every day are >90% in agreement and have mountains of data to prove it. THAT'S where the grift comes in. Candace Owens doesn't need to understand the science to not grift, she has a journalism degree, that should be sufficient. She KNOWS what the difference between a good source and a bad one is. She KNOWS she doesn't have the skills of a genetic engineer, but she also KNOWS that her audience doesn't either so she can say whatever she wants.


But Candice Owen’s isn’t college educated. She didn’t last one year in college. I don’t doubt she knows exactly what she’s doing but I don’t think she is the brightest at the same time. Edit: her third year not first


She went to college for 3 years


This is the only article anyone ever needs to read to understand EVERYTHING about Covid-19 discourse in the West, the ideas of right wingers, and all negative content about China ever spread by Western media: #[Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/) This is a ***Reuters investigative journalist piece*** and probably one of the most important pieces of journalism ever written.


I guess if you're going to paste this comment all over this thread turnabout's fair play; > This is the only article anyone ever needs to read to understand EVERYTHING about Covid-19 discourse in the West You really think so? This is an article about the Pentagon influencing other countries not even in the west. Also they state point blank they found no evidence they influenced or attempted to influence anyone in the U.S. >The U.S. military is prohibited from targeting Americans with propaganda, and **Reuters found no evidence the Pentagon’s influence operation did so**. Can you see the irony in your comment in a post about misinformation and gaslighting?


>This is an article about the Pentagon influencing Correct. >influencing other countries not even in the west. And you are already going into full denial, making excuses, unironically trying to sow doubt and promote the idea that if the US regime is misinforming others it somehow implies it doesn't do it at home (rather than doing even more hardcore propaganda at home). >Also they state point blank they found no evidence they influenced or attempted to influence anyone in the U.S. Reuters is a US propaganda outlet and Reuters journalists don't want to have unfortunate accidents. >Can you see the irony in your comment in a post about misinformation and gaslighting? No, but I can see someone uncritically consuming Western media.


>Reuters is a US propaganda outlet and Reuters journalists don't want to have unfortunate accidents So the article itself is wholly unreliable then. Why tout it as if it's some sort of bombshell piece of journalism if it's being published in a propaganda outlet?


>So the article itself is wholly unreliable then. That's correct. All media is unreliable. These are not scientific, internationally peer-reviewed publications. As a rule of thumb, when consuming Western media, you should assume: 1. Anything negative they say about the West is likely true and only the tip of the iceberg (presented in a way to minimize the guilt of Western regimes). 2. Anything negative they say about targets of US imperialist aggression (e.g. China, Russia, Cuba, the DPRK, Iran, etc.) is bullshit or at the very least exaggerated (presented in a way to maximize the guilt of non-Western governments). Same goes for the positive reports, just that you should assume things to be the other way around. >Why tout it as if it's some sort of bombshell piece of journalism if it's being published in a propaganda outlet? Because you should possess basic media literacy and understand how to critically analyze the propaganda you consume.


Why would I believe that completely explains "EVERYTHING about Covid-19 discourse in the West"? Esp. when Russia appears to be guilty of the same behavior: https://www.wsj.com/articles/russian-disinformation-campaign-aims-to-undermine-confidence-in-pfizer-other-covid-19-vaccines-u-s-officials-say-11615129200


Because that dude is a troll who is ignoring the article entirely and making up shit to promote his lunacy that it was actually all the USs fault for creating covid and covering it up and China actually is perfect.


Their media ran stories about how COVID19 started in the west, I'm not sure this is a gotcha you think it is.


Exactly. This is propaganda pure and simple. Every crazy horrible propaganda machine you've read about in dystopian fiction, conservative media is doing *exactly* that. They know it's bullshit, they know they're being manipulative and lying, they know the effect of their manipulation and what it will lead to, and they know that it is wrong. They are choosing to do it anyway because they are being paid to literally pump out inflammatory propaganda, to brainwash people into voting the way that conservatives want. There have been multiple times in the past 30 years where Republicans have blatantly and openly admitted that conservatives cannot get elected by educated or informed people, and that they cannot win elections through a fair democratic process that considers everyone's vote equally. *If they can't get power through the means that were intended at the founding of the country, they do not deserve to ever be elected*.


Yep, they are keeping their pockets full


This is exactly what Tucker Carlson is doing


Why does she have to do it with such an incredulous yet smug look on her face? Makes me want to slap it.


Ignorance is strength to her marks, so she wears that indignant yet smug mask to keep her audience swallowing wholesale. Ever notice the guys who ask “Im just asking questions” say the same shit in the same tone, with the same “confused” yet smug look? They’re all speaking in their own language, and the real question they ask with this is “are you also in on this with me?”


This data correlates suspiciously well with the rise of health issues due to micro plastics. The graphs are almost identical.


Also tech jobs and the internet… people sitting on their ass all day causes dvt.


> tech jobs and the internet In Worcester MA?? (for those not familiar this is a joke on my city of Worcester, not a denial of science. Its actually quite a lovely city now, but for decades had quite bad reputation for being a hell hole)


> This data correlates suspiciously well with the rise of health issues due to micro plastics. I mean... Microplastics are a huge issue for sure, but I don't think that's it. One of the big cause of DVT is sitting for hours at a time in the same position, without taking breaks to walk for a bit. I think the rise would coincide more with the creation and rise of the internet, and the now normalized use of computers and smartphones for 8+ hours a day.




It correlates well with numerous technological breakthroughs. They all play a part imo


She gets paid for views. Just like so many others. Infotainment has been around quite a while.


But it hasn’t been actively promoted as much as it is now. That’s moreso a problem with social media and their algorithms trying to find which comfy social bubble to plop us into and not have any intellectual pushback for our ideas


I’m pretty sure only two percent of folk engage when “ intellectual pushback “ is mentioned.


Well, I’d argue that’s why I believe Reddit is far superior than these other social media platforms out there, cuz there can be actual votes on what’s good or dumb content. YouTube recommendations are trending towards Republican nonsense and Christian Nationalism rhetoric. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook; they’re all full of misinformation catering to specific groups of thought (social bubbles). I will also say though, the Community Notes on Twitter are pretty great and I wish they were used elsewhere… idk if it’s enough to say Twitter still doesn’t cater to putting users in their own little social bubbles but it’s better than leaving these dipshits like Candace Owens unchecked.


We have different outlook on such things. I’ve never been of the opinion that popular opinions are in any way representative of intelligent, well reasoned opinions. But what do I know?


Well I mean, extremists like Candace Owens certainly wouldn’t be given the recognition she has if popular opinion played a part. Its why conservative spaces on Reddit have to be heavily moderated to keep their echo chambers “safe”.


Reddit has no shortage of echo chambers. I’m Twitter free. So I’ve no knowledge of it.


What’s the female version of Stephen from Django Unchained? Because that’s literally her in a nutshell.


Because uncle Tom is too on the nose.


Uncle Tom is not equivalent to Owens. He was a pacifist not a swindler


Klandice Owens


She’s Aunt Ruckus


People are so poisoned by online discourse that they use their feelings on destiny to ignore obvious facts he’s saying about Candace Owens cult level misinformation.


This is the only article anyone ever needs to read to understand EVERYTHING about Covid-19 discourse in the West, the ideas of right wingers, and all negative content about China ever spread by Western media: #[Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/) This is a ***Reuters investigative journalist piece*** and probably one of the most important pieces of journalism ever written.


> This is the only article anyone ever needs to read to understand EVERYTHING about Covid-19 discourse in the West You really think so? This is an article about the Pentagon influencing other countries not even in the west. Also they state point blank they found no evidence they influenced or attempted to influence anyone in the U.S. >The U.S. military is prohibited from targeting Americans with propaganda, and **Reuters found no evidence the Pentagon’s influence operation did so**. Can you see the irony in your comment in a post about misinformation and gaslighting?


>This is an article about the Pentagon influencing Correct. >influencing other countries not even in the west. And you are already going into full denial, making excuses, unironically trying to sow doubt and promote the idea that if the US regime is misinforming others it somehow implies it doesn't do it at home (rather than doing even more hardcore propaganda at home). >Also they state point blank they found no evidence they influenced or attempted to influence anyone in the U.S. Reuters is a US propaganda outlet and Reuters journalists don't want to have unfortunate accidents. >Can you see the irony in your comment in a post about misinformation and gaslighting? No, but I can see someone uncritically consuming Western media.


> someone uncritically consuming Western media. You exclusively moderate subs only people being paid to use Reddit would moderate. You also actively disseminate CCP propaganda to the point I have to assume you're the night shift.


For everyone looking here, this guy is actually just posting a real article while ignoring everything it actually says so he can promote his insane anti-US, pro-China conspiracy theory the US single handedly created and spread covid and covered it up. >The US government is the party responsible for promoting anti-vaccine sentiments globally, for telling people not to wear masks, for blaming China (and everyone else except the US government) for Covid-19 and the resulting deaths, for systematically censoring American doctors for national security reasons, for losing/destroying blood samples and "renovating" places like Fort Detrick once international calls for investigations into the origins of Covid-19 within US Pure insanity.


His unabashed hyping it up as this revolutionary bombshell somehow under the radar gave the grift away even before the article did. That's like maneuver #1 in the schizo playbook.


not sure what exactly u are trying to imply but to me, it's quite a bit more obvious that if the US military can target china with anti-vax stuff, then so too could china and russia target the US. i dont think the US military's intent is to target and ramp up local anti-vax sentiments and hurt its own country. the source of a lot of stupidity here is probably shitflinging psyops from opposing countries combined with actual stupidity


The irony of alt right antivaxx people saying the vaccine was a secret government weapon is palpable.


Bro she even got dropped by daily wire - not even her ‘own people’ want her!


It shows how bad The Daily Wire is. The one time Owens says something correct, they let her go.


She got dropped because she was against the brutal killing of innocent Palestinian civilians but go ahead spread fake narrative as to why she was fired.


Why are you being down voted? this is literally why. She challenged Shapiros Zionist views and was shown the door. She went too far.


Because both of you are dumb, the answer above you both agreed too, and argued at the same time. Both your guys comments are dumb as a box of rocks.




Guys, 1984 is alive, well, and thriving in the MAGA movement.


Groupthink on full display


All my stupid antivax people are still convinced that everything they predicted came true and that are right. I see them post over and over how they were right.


If they were right I'd be dead. They told me id die in 6 months after my shot.... Well. Hmm... Oh now they say I'm barren. Well, I was before the shot. Lol.


Well well well. What happened in the late 90s/early 2000s? The increase in internet use. What happened more with the expanse in internet availability? Porn viewing/masturbation. Is jerking off causing the significant rise in VTE? I dunno, I’m just asking questions


What a well put together little tidbit. Well done sir.


It should be okay to sue people like Candice Owens for things like this. It is deliberate manipulation of empirically collected scientific data, and that should be illegal to do.


destiny jumpscare


Destiny is a strippers name


The Right-wing playbook is this: 1) Make idiotic assertions / ask dumb questions, then say you should do your own research 2) when research inevitably contradict their assertions / provide answers that nullified their loaded questions, they will either disregard the validity of your source, or just outright claim that they are lying. You CANNOT have a good faith debate with people like that. They are not looking for the truth based on facts; they only seek to validate their own personal beliefs. They are a lost cause.


They like to 'just ask questions' because they don't want answers. The vacuum of no answers allows them to imagine their own answer and let that become reality to them. It's a core feature of conspiracy theorists. The absolute worst thing for them is to get the actual answer because it's usually pretty boring and expected. A lot of people out there enjoy not knowing the answers to the 'just asked' questions because it makes multiple possibilities, including their own, valid.


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Worcester Massachusetts!! I love hearing that my trash city is actually smart af. Also Candace is a ding dong.


Over here parked on chandler street looking around at all the geniuses around me right now


Lol lol lol


Media has learned that you just have to say it to make people believe it. They know that the vast majority of people will never look it up.


The people who need to know this will never watch or believe.


Wait is this Dream?


I can guarantee you any medical field worker already knew the answer to why rates are doubling. 1. Prolonged hospitalization and more visits (decreased mobility d/t illness) 2. More people coming to the doctor for related symptoms and getting diagnosed. 3. The great American diet lol 4. People living longer. The longer you live, the more likely you are to develop blood clots and other cardiovascular issues. VTE (Venous thromboembolism) prophylaxis is a heavily harped on subject in any medical specialty. This has been a well-documented and growing epidemic for a long time. I worked on a designated Covid ICU during 2020-2022. Before the vaccine was even available, Blood clots were rampant in our Covid patients. We theorized that Covid itself was the root cause of what seemed like all these extra blood clots. BUT it also could have been that a lot of our most critical Covid patients were hospitalized/vented for weeks to months which led to immobility (a huge risk factor for developing clots) and the most critical patients usually had other comorbidities such as diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease. And Most of our Covid patients had very elevated D-Dimers, and I observed that even young people who had mild symptoms of Covid and never admitted to the ICU, and otherwise healthy, had circulation issues (reporting numbness and tingling to extremities) and elevated Ddimers at doctors appointments. Ddimer is a blood test that is elevated when the condition of your blood is ripe to form a clot. Once the vaccine was available in my area, most of my Covid patients had never gotten it. I was living in a super conservative Bible-belt. Then the vaccine came out and everyone started saying that the vaccines were causing the clots. Is there any evidence to back up this theory that Covid was the root cause of an increase in blood clots? No, at least not yet. And I couldn’t tell you the numbers anyway. It was just an observation made by my ICU nursing staff.


Steven is exactly on point




he is called destiny on youtube


Don’t waste your time. He’s a piece of shit too


Oh god dammit I thought I had another useful source to watch Thanks for the heads up


Destiny likes to argue with extremists on both sides so you’ll have people that are literal neo-Nazis (Nick Fuentes) calling him dogshit, as well as people on the far left (Hasan, Vaush, Briana Joy Grey) calling him dogshit. I’d recommend giving him a watch and make up your own mind. He’s one of the few commentators who will put his ideas to the test in a debate with anyone and he streams his entire note-taking and research process. He’s recently gone all in on researching/debating the Israel-Palestine histories cuz before October he self-admittedly didn’t know anything lol. His notes are available to be viewed by anyone [here](https://publish.obsidian.md/destiny/About) and he just recently came back from Israel where he interviewed a bunch of people, those videos are soon to be released but one guy was in the Knesset, one was famous historian Benny Morris (who was also his ally in a 2v2 debate not long ago), one was an old PM of Israel…kinda neat for a streamer to be doing research like that imo.


You should find out for yourself rather than letting someone *tell* you what to believe.




He's lying. Destiny is really well researched and generally is pretty respectful of other people.


You know, it’s funny as soon as I read that my own comment I thought shit I’m exactly the people I’m complaining about not doing my own research. Thanks for the other viewpoint and I’ll check it out for myself!


Nice dude! I promise you won't regret it.


Just another starcraft semi pro turned political influencer


Okay this is cringe for sure because destiny is a piece of shit too


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lilw33n3r: *Okay this is cringe* *For sure because destiny* *Is a piece of shit too* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This kind of knee jerk reaction is pretty much the whole problem.


Maybe as a person but not as a researcher.


It just occurred to me that she is Sister Sage!


This Destiny fella is no better though. That jaw absolutely redlining.


Now if only Destiny’s worthless zionist ass could do any research into what israel is doing to Palestine.


Fucking! ![gif](giphy|3otPoOxyDTXjzpMbIY) I generally lean right on issues, but hot damn, Conservative commentators are a fucking blight, they will do EVERYTHING to make money and defend absolutely everything in the process of keeping their audience enthralled and engaged. They fucking suck.


Basedtiny at it again


Who’s the creator?


the black woman?


A livestreamer, Destiny. He basically spearheaded the creation of the livestream debate sphere back in 2016 by taking down all of the most insane right wing commentators who were going largely unchallenged on YouTube and Twitch. https://youtube.com/@destiny?si=sqpYi3In_ru2LD6I He also has a very active subreddit at r/destiny


I first heard of him when he got Jontron to admit he has some shitty opinions and a lot of people stopped watching him because of that little “debate”


Ah yes, the day my favorite internet funny man who talks about retro video games seemingly out of nowhere decided to say with his whole chest: "Wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites, that's a fact." That was such a miserable conversation - completely soured any videos of his to me, even his older ones that I've watched countless times.


Yeah, I have fond memories of his content, but absolutely stopped watching right there


He also loves to use the n word and say racist stuff just like Candace!


When I make shit up for internet likes


He's a dude that encouraged people to murder protesters with cars


Someone with antifa in their name Mad about a streamer who said it was okay to shoot "protesters" if they're trying to burn down your house (cars were never mentioned) Hmm...


I'm so sorry the idea that people oppose Fascist is triggering to you.


So insanely and maliciously incorrect that you make Destiny look good by comparison


What do we do about it. She gets away with it. She has rights protected by the laws of her country. But she’s demonstrably irresponsible with these rights that demonstrably caused people harm. She should lose these rights.


This woman is a traitor in every way it's possible to be one lol


So today is going to be all reposts too? Wtf


Who is this guy?


This is because she’s not looking for facts or figures or explanations. She’s looking to stoke the fire of conspiracies and misinformation. She’s not doing this by accident.


Destiny himself constantly gaslight people all the time. Has been debunked several times and his cult like following are even worse than right wing supporters . Steer clear from him as well.


Damm, that's crazy if it's true! Can you provide some examples of him gaslighting and getting debunked?


Spoken with as much confidence as the woman from the clip... I see a lot of people in this thread vaguely gesturing at how bad the guy is but no evidence?


This is the only article anyone ever needs to read to understand EVERYTHING about Covid-19 discourse in the West, the ideas of right wingers, and all negative content about China ever spread by Western media: #[Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/) This is a ***Reuters investigative journalist piece*** and probably one of the most important pieces of journalism ever written.


Edit to preface: his reply is conspiracy nonsense saying the US created covid and killed everyone while magical China saved the world. If I had known that him linking a real event and investigation was just a cover for his lunatic theories and him completely ignoring the article at all I probably would have addressed him different. End edit. > This is the only article anyone ever needs to read to understand EVERYTHING about Covid-19 discourse in the West, the ideas of right wingers, and all negative content about China ever spread by Western media: Doesn't seem you bothered reading it! Considering it EXPLICITLY was not in the west, and was for just under a year. Seems you should probably start actually reading instead of making exaggerated claims.


Check out the subs he mods. The dude is a literal propaganda arm. >Moderator of; >/r/TankieGamersUnion >/r/TankieRifleAssoc >/r/TankiePride >/r/tankieRepublic


Dude moves his lower jaw from side to side while talking.....why?


From speech therapy as a child. He had some speech impediment that he fixed by using that weird jaw movement.


Isn’t this dude a genocide supporter and a racist?


You're Just asking Questions. You're literally doing the thing.




Candace is a gifter who will present things in her own favor. However, pretending that those in charge of the Covid response weren't lying grifters at the highest levels is disingenuous. It was all a fiasco and a fugazzi. 


He’s expecting her to read graphs, do research and process information when she didn’t finish high school.. People are stupid, we’re fucked.


It’s pretty well known now that it’s that are bed bound and have undergone trainable surgery are at high risk for VTEs (venous thromboembolism). If you work in healthcare at all, like even adjacent to it, then you would know that, but Candace doesn’t know anything because she is an ignorant idiot and won’t bother doing any reading about it.


The conservative bar is set really low. Like, a buried pipeline kind of low.


https://www.reuters.com/legal/kansas-accuses-pfizer-misleading-public-about-covid-vaccine-lawsuit-2024-06-17/#:~:text=June%2017%20(Reuters)%20%2D%20The,false%20claims%20about%20its%20effectiveness. Kinda interesting I guess.


She's getting paid 7 figures to create dissonance, that's all. Nothing to do with giving accurate helpful information.


I’m curious what the percentage of far right news commentators are paid by Russian organizations? Clearly Tucker Carlson went mask off. But who else?


He's vaccinated and his jaw moves side to side instead of up and down when he speaks. Why?


As a clinician, the rapid uptick in conspiratorial or at least uninformed thinking about basically everything in health now is quite alarming. Not just vaccines but also statins (cholesterol drugs), diabetes treatments, misunderstandings about hormones, diagnostic tools, cancer screenings, etc. People like Candace Owens and similar conservative hacks trying to give medical advice will only escalate the growing chasm of life expectancy between red and blue states.


During Covid some of the people in my group of friends would make claims about things like masks or vaccines or whatever, and being open minded I would entertain their claims and ask for sources so I could read more. I was always told to do my own research. Like I wouldn’t even know what to look for to reach the same conclusions as them, and the for the things I did find and not fully understand, I would read more about and find that their conclusions were wrong. It’s this same mentality. My family is like this to this day. “You’re brainwashed by the media” said because they heard someone else in the media say that sentence. No one cares to look further into what they hear, but will defend their position to the end.


Has Destiny ever been invited to the Joe Rogan show? I have doubts Joe would dare.


I appreciate what Destiny did here to deconstruct her “argument” but Destiny is a POS that is basically a rapist apologist. He said in an interview that he can understand why some women are raped because they “lead” men on by dressing and acting proactively and going back to the guy’s house but then don’t consent to sex. As if saying “if you act like you want to have sex then you can expect to have sex, regardless if you want to or not” 😖. It was very strange to hear Destiny, who I mostly agree with and who’s made those mega-redpill podcasts people (Fit&Fresh and Pearl) look incredibly stupid, say something like that - was I missing context?? EDIT: grammar and syntax.


You’re definitely missing context.


Amazed dude could stop supporting genocide long enough to shit talk Miss Kkklandace


A grifter calling out grifters. Welcome to the internet.


Ironic considering Destiny is now an unabashed Israel toe sucker who was repeatedly did apologetics for what Israel is doing rn. Candace sucks, don't get me wrong, but this chud shouldn't have the line towed for him anymore either.


Fuck Destiny. He’s an unapologetic racist and Zionist who thinks he has an N word pass. Oh and he admitted to abusing his wife. Candice sucks too.


Candace Owens is a garbage reporter and person. She knows the answer to this question but also knows the MAGA crowd is easily lead. It's much easier to infuriate and rile up the ignorant masses than it is to educate them.


I can't ever see Destiny the same way after his debate with Finkelstein.


People want some reason to hate stuff. That is why fake journalists get to exist.


She is the absolute fucking worse.


Isn’t destiny a girls name?




Nobody says Candace Owens is exemplary of alternative media, but just about every issue with mainstream media is also present, if not explicitly worse, in alternative media.