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The inability to even march in unison and the guy tripping on the sidewalk really speaks to the type of people these are.


"Left, right, right, no left, no wait, right."


“Recalculating…. Make a U-turn up ahead.”


This is so frustrating because everyone was there to have a good time. There was gonna be singing & dancing! The community came together! & these insecure dudes showed up to frighten everybody because the things their fathers & grandfathers beat them for turned out to be incorrect & they don't know how to get closure about the fact that boys can wear nail polish openly in society now 🥴😞 I'd ask if they need hugs, but I fear we may be far too late for that 🤢🤮🤕 Edit: since a billion & one people are commenting on this trying to justify their anger by insisting the drag performers were there to flaunt their sex in front of children: please. I beg you. Do some basic research on the event. Most of them are covered head to toe with bangles. I don't see any ass shaking. Please DO NOT COMMENT about sex acts if you have no proof of said acts. That is all. Thank you.


Yeah unfortunately these are the types where a hug quickly translates to "she was asking for it".


Or specifically, "I ain't no gay like that"


They need to be dealt with the way our grandfathers dealt with fascists.


"right, right, farther right."


"I aint no liberal commie! Right! right! right! right!...god dammit Jimmy!"


Why we constantly confused and marching in circles Cletus... lol


They will always trip because they refuse to accept anything the left does.


Left??? They're not a bunch of dirty liberals!! /s Right foot only!! Hop!!!


“Right,right,right, left,left,left”




I thought you meant that he tripped on a curb or something, but he literaly trips on a FLAT piece of sidewalk


Those are some nice sidewalks too.


The irony of chanting *liberty* while suppressing same is entirely lost on these slow blinkers.


Not only that but how many more people are learning about these shows and now going out of their way to support them just to spite these morons who can't even coordinate blinking let alone marching? Like I had no idea these shows existed before this and can't be the only one.


This is the same argument people make against any protest though. Like I do not like these guys at all, but I do not think this is going to harm them at all. It also really saddens me, that this is considered a poorly coordinated organization, but leftists do not have anything close to this. If we could organize with 10% the effort these cucks do we could get some real shit done


> leftists do not have anything close to this. Leftists generally prefer violence as a last resort, not the first.


The left’s organizing is hampered by the police, but the police participate in the right’s organizing. It isn’t an even playing field where both “extremes” have the same amount of institutional support, are being surveilled and punished similarly, etc The Philadelphia police department literally bombed residential neighborhoods because the left had organized there (most importantly, if you’re Black and on the left, you are historically a giant target) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing


not to mention supplanting "the pursuit of happiness" with "victory".


Slow blinkers is probably my new favorite insult.


That's why they try to turn queer folks into bogeymen with "groomer" narratives, so they can position themselves as the victim.


So proud they hide their faces


So *now* they're wearing masks? 🤦‍♂️




Don't they realise that covering your face is suppressing their freedom! What's next, brown shirts marching down the street intimidating people they deem undesirable? *OH...wait*




So, how much more costumage do they need before it's considered drag?




Maybe it's the glitter component that they're missing.... 😈😈😈


What really gets me is politicians fucking every american in the ass, but what gets these guys going is some guy in a wig. True tragedy of basic reasoning.


Brown shirts - leave UPS out of this!




Ironic isn't it lol


This is what effing GRINDS my gears. The hypocrisy is STIFLING and nobody gives a damn. We can’t report any of this because all the ones we’d report it to are probably part of this damn thing. If something isn’t done this is going to get a lot worse before it gets anywhere closer to better.


Well, the history has never ever been on their side. And the future will never ever be on their side. These are the fucks who eventually grow up and live the rest of their lives regretting it as their biggest mistake in life. Let them suffer.


I’m just worried that narrative isn’t as truthful anymore. It feels like we are seeing more prominent members of society participating or at least not condemning this type of action. It feels like it’s growing. For example - my home state has a CTE ex-pro football player garnering 50% of a vote right now and that just already feels like Black Mirror… *edit: spelling


You don't see that democracy has regressed in the past 6 years worldwide? If anything they're getting stronger. The problem is they only have to win once and it's over. We have to keep winning over and over.


I dont agree with these fucking morons, and I agree this is only going to escalate. Out of curiosity though, what would you report to who? and what is there to be done?


We gotta start anti-militia militias. They are training


Idk why they downvoted you. People who start their little cornball groups like proud boys need others who aren't human trash opposing them too. You've seen before some events will have armed counter protestors protecting the events and the Proud Boys don't do shit.


The other irony is that when they pull this crap these smooth-brains are constantly proving why America **needs** 'drag queen Story Hour;' so that kids don't grow up to be homophobic neo Nazi assholes.


Too cowardly to join the army. Too stupid to become a cop.


Yep. Before, they were like "I cAn'T bReAtHe!!!111!!1 😭😭😭😭"


They’re lil baby kkk face masks. Kkk 2.0.


The irony is lost on them that this is people who like to dress up protesting against people who like to dress up….


They are afraid mommy and daddy will see them in the news and kick them out of the basement!


This is so fucking cringe 😬. You need a full rig and rifle to make your point at a drag rally?


They've played too much Call of Duty. I always thought the dude shouting the n word every other word on the voice chat was edgy 10 year olds but no, at least half of them are these grown ass clowns too.


Proud boys so proud they don't even show their faces


I remember something about masks being an attack on their freedom....


Maybe they’re acting like this because of too much CO2…?


They're so into white power, they don't think their pink skin is white enough; hence the white balaclavas.


I guarantee you a bunch of the fat 8 year-olds calling people "ni\*\*er-f\*g" back in 2008-2009 on CoD are now 20 something Nazi/ProudBoy larpers. Edit: added words "on CoD"


I know one unfortunately


My condolences. Most people think of Nazis as white-trash rednecks. Turns out modern Nazis are middle/upper-middle white kids from "good" neighborhoods.


They were a lot of the OG Nazis as well. A good number of them were middle class and small business owners dragged along via fear of communism.


Two proud boy’s and nsc131 leaders live in my town (rural nh) and they get fuckin roasted every where and keep ending up in jail having to take turns bailing each other out. They are total turds and actually moved to nh from mass hoping we would be more racist. Common misconception and they are not finding solace lol


I never understood this, really. What happens when a lone person just gets a vantage point from a few hundred yards away, shoots one of them, and leaves? Would this group start opening fire? Will the police shoot them/order them to drop guns since there would be no way of identifying who shot. Having a big group of armed people in such a tight arrangement only worked when guns weren't carrying 30+ shots in a mag.


>What happens when a lone person just gets a vantage point from a few hundred yards away, shoots one of them, and leaves? They'd immediately shit themselves and start crying, that's what.


I don’t see why everyone is so sure of that They are assholes, but at least some of them are probably tough assholes. Maybe some of them even have even served in the military, and have some keen senses rattling around in their heads along with all the homophobia. I think if something like that happened, there’s a very real chance that some of them would start a shootout with the cops. And it scares me.


The only way Reddit knows how to cope with demonstrations like this is to assume that absolutely 100% of the people involved are cowardly LARPers who have no stomach for a fight. The alternative is far too scary for most people to think about.


This is the fucking problem. You joke about the regime until the regime actually starts winning fights. Then it's all like "how'd these nobodies become such a big problem." Well, you ignored them, and ignored that chess pieces were moving while you laughed at them. What worries me the most is that guys like this show up with guns are not only saying they're ready to shoot, they're begging for a leader to teach them how. They might not be able to handle shit right now, but they're letting everyone know that each of them are willing to be a member of an army. It doesn't take much for that group of assholes to turn into a functional militia. People need to take this shit more seriously. If you have a large enough group of "protesters" chanting with weapons, you have what could easily become an army after a few months of real leadership. The politicians might eventually see them as a threat, but their only national line of defense are the police. Once they realize it's a problem, they're going to be shocked to find out the people that protect them are already members of the regime.


The point is both larping and trying to intimidate others.


Isnt that the point though? Despite what people say about not being scared/intimidated, most are lying, they are scared/intimidated. That large a group carrying weapons, shields, rifles, etc. They’re looking for a fight. I just wonder if the police are scared or simply support them. I think we all know that answer though….


They support them. Photos show them chitchatting. One officer wasn't even reprimanded and was supported by the chief of police for giving a Nazi a high five.


They're fascists. In their heart they know they're wrong, but they've allowed their greed or fear or just plain hate to take over the voice in their head. People with clear conscience don't need to hide their identity.


It worked.... The event was cancelled. They're letting these fucks win.


For these guys to be so against queer folk, they sure do attend a whole lot of these types of events.


I live in Portland. Several of us went to drag bingo a couple weeks ago. We had a good time, had some beers and food, nobody at our table won (one lost a tie breaker) and there were a couple kids there. It was a a brewery. That’s the end of the story, no one marched against it, anyone who thought it wasn’t for them, I assume, just didn’t go. Not sure why it’s more complicated than that.


Why can't people just do that, if they don't agree with it, don't go and show support, why do you gotta go and try and intimidate people who wanna live differently than you? Weird times we live in. Get mad when people get offended by them and call them snowflakes when they get offended by the someone else's life. Lol what the actual fuck.


Yeah, it specifically bothers me that it’s “the conservatives” that want to shut down speech they don’t like in this case. To me the conservative viewpoint is, adults can do what they want as long as it’s not infringing on others. Which really just boils down to, if you’re mad at Pepsi, don’t drink it, or do, whatever. Don’t like salary events? Don’t go. “But fishdaddy, think of the kids, we need to protect them”. Protect your own kids, the adults that run the other kids lives get to decide for them. They are not conservatives, they have no core values.


> To me the conservative viewpoint is, adults can do what they want as long as it’s not infringing on others Isn’t this more of a socially liberal view? At least in the US, the people who fought against school integration, interracial marriage, gay marriage, and abortion rights are overwhelmingly conservatives.


Protect your kids by teaching them to love everyone no matter what. That would give them a future worth living for, not this hate. Like who cares what the LGBTQ+ people wanna do, they aren't effecting the way I live my life. And they just some respect for their culture. Fucking proud boys wanna come armed to an event where some people may be oddly dressed. Lol that's what baffles me.


look at the news. People are actively being told that Drag Queens are grooming children with absolutely no evidence. There has to be some sort of moral crusade to take part in or these people just don't care. They can't just not like something, when they don't like something it's because that thing is evil. All we see in the news cycle these days is a rotating wheel of "things" to hate. When Big T was running for president, it was all about the immigrants and how terrible they are, now it's all about the LGBT groups. There's never dislike, there's only hatred. ​ Mind you, I think about 50% of the people against Drag Queen Story Time legitimately believe they are pedophiles trying to groom children (which is alarming, of course), but I believe the other 50% just show up because it's an opportunity to express their already established hatred of these groups. Either way, it's pretty easy to see why these things happen when you look at the news and see that they've been pretty much saying "those people are evil, GO GET EM!".


You know what really grinds my gears? Seeing people have a good time with their friends!



Because some assholes are pushing a moral panic that trans people and drag queens are trying to groom kids


I’m aware. It’s funny, for those old enough to remember, it’s the same lines used against the gay community in the 80s and 90s, like to the T: “they are going to come in our bathrooms and molest our kids”. I see people that lived that, and see it for the stupidity it is, now falling for it when it comes to trans people. We are all just sheep, it’s sad.


Drag isnt trans… Just so you know.


Yep while ignoring the real groomers....their christian CHURCHS....


I just can’t imagine choosing to riot and protest over something like this. Out of all the problems in the world, this is the hill they choose to die on. Makes no sense at all.


Actually I believe Drag Bingo is now mandatory in my social circle


Can't even march properly. Bunch of inbred twats.


Cut them some slack, most of them almost joined the Marines once.


They *would've* joined, but if a drill sergeant yelled at them, they would've punched them in the face 😈😎🤪


I enlisted in the Air Force the same time as a friend of mine. It wasn’t planned or anything, we both just happened to do it a few days apart and then found out at the first meeting we had. We had weekly meetings and get togethers with other people who had enlisted locally that summer, paintball, movies, etc. One thing they mentioned everytime is when we do our final medical evaluation before shipping out was that we were to never mention if we’ve had eczema before (I think that’s what it was forgive me it’s been years). My buddy was super gung ho all summer. He was gonna be a badass, an American hero, blah blah blah. 6 months of training and exercise and final medical evaluation happens and we’re all in a hallway in our undies and without even being prompted starts screaming he had eczema as a child (he did not) and got escorted away lmao.


I didn't even know eczema could disqualify you, I knew my asthma enough would stop be.


You can have diseases and get exempt for health care positions. Just depends. I tried but ulcerative colitis is a strict NO for military.


Omg this lol


My mom’s uncle actually did that and got demoted. Then again, the drill sergeant was an anti-semitic pos and called my great uncle a k*ke. I’m guessing that not much has changed since WWII.


"I joined the army to kill Nazi's, did not figure it would be this quick to find them"


Back then you could do all sorts of stuff. When they were making The Sands of Iwo Jima right after WW2 there's a scene where John Wayne smashes a recruit's face in with a rifle butt for talking back and the Marines consultants were just like Lolz keep it in fuck it.




I have been doing a lot of deep dives in modern fascism in America and uhhh... I get the whole boy scout comparing and playing dress up and all, but these guys are hella organized. Police scanners, ham radios, codenames, codewords, and lots of legal study (to know what they can and cannot get away with on "march"). 400 gigs of Patriot Front files were released by a group "Unicorn Riot" and I have "seen the documents" they are super organized and very good and sussing out fakers, posers, or outsiders. As far as beliefs go, it is way worse than you think if you listen to their Discord meetings that were leaked.


I can't imagine mate... you have to give it to them, they stupid but not dumb, I supose they have a couple of big brains doing the legal aspect of their operations... it still scares me that this shit is allowed. The nazi salute and all that makes me sick to my stomach.


One guy literally tripped.


I hope he lays awake every single night thinking of that and feeling ashamed.


I loved watching him do the little shuffle quicksteps to stay in “formation.” I could feel his embarrassment because he knew the camera was on him and they were trying so hard to be intimidating and junior here trips on a crack.


Facts. Modern day inbred kkk.


They're a bunch of inbred dumb fucks? Always were 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


I like how one of them trips and makes the whole group less intimidating


And being in the front he probably one of their best men. Ahahaha


they're larping as revolutionaries


# Freeedooom, liberty!!! \*but not when it comes to abortion or LGBTQ+ rights


They couldn’t breathe while wearing masks during corona! But now they can even march and shout with mask on!! Patch fixes by God OP


They want the freedom and liberty to murder minorities


For people that can’t stand the thought, they sure as heck spend a whole lot of time thinking about gay people.


My macho brother in law is the same way. He’s sooooo straight that any free time is devoted to talking shit about gays. Probably the gayest thing a man can do is focus so much on the gays.


Worrying about what other dudes do with their genitals is just about the gayest thing you could do. ![gif](giphy|l0IyinUM226cSFECk)


When I was 11 or so, I talked sooo much trash about this particular female artist to some school kids. I went on and on about this female singer. And one kid, fed up, asked me if I hate her so kuch why do I talk about her so much. I realized then it's cause I had a celebrity crush on her, and that was the sexual awakening of my bisexuality. 🤷‍♀️


As a gay dude, it's always wild to me how much time the straight political discourse devotes to obsessing about our lives, hobbies, and habits. We're less than 5% of the population, but we're in the news almost everyday for ...existing. After Trump it's been especially exhausting and terrifying.


We are a fabulous bunch. Can’t blame the straights too much for being so infatuated I guess. It is a bit exhausting though.


This is okay, but striking as a rail worker is illegal. Weird.


It’s still considered illegal though as it’s actual terrorism. The government just doesn’t want to do anything about it :/


Because a railroad strike would cost rich people money and the railroad CEOs don't like that. Shooting power grids doesn't cost the rich people as much money so they don't care.


Also, the rich love chaos and conflict between different poor groups. It's easier to justify new means of asserting control if there's conflict amongst the ranks of the unfortunate.




YOU GUYS ARE ALL FASCISTS. *as they do the nazi salute, support police states and dictators*


Why is it possible to be this stupid?


When you have a low personal self worth it’s easy to grab onto the concept that you are better than others based upon inherent characteristics like race and sexuality. > President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


Same phenomenon was seen in Germany in the 20’s and 30’s.


Aren’t we supposed to learn from history?


We are. Sadly, the wrong people are taking the wrong lessons and applying them... wrongly.




teaching things like the civil war and the revolution as unquestionably positive is turning people into war hungry troglodytes


"The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history." - Georg Hegel




Years of inbreeding.


Ya that's the how not the why. I'm just sad we are capable of reaching such a low as a speeches!


If I were to take a shot in the dark, it's because the people in power understand that the only way they can maintain power forever is to keep the masses stupid & angry at each other. I mean, it's been the rule of conservatives throughout all of history, but to keep it local just look at the Jim Crow era & McCarthyism. Let's take a minority group & make them out to be the most vile enemies the world has ever seen. "That minority group is here to destroy your way of life. They're here to make your life as miserable as possible, & even worse, they're here to do malicious terrible things to your children." And thus, the masses get up in arms to "protect" their children. "How dare that minority group even exist, the fact that they're breathing just boils my blood" the masses say. And so they harass, attack, & eventually start killing that minority group. Meanwhile, the people in charge continue to make it harder to vote, to defund public education, to make it easier to get into debt that can never be paid off, and make themselves even more disgustingly rich. The masses are in a bad spot & the only way the masses can feel like they have any sense of control over their lives is to destroy the lives of whatever minority group the people in charge say are the bad guys. Whether it's black people, latinos, jews, or transfolk/any LGBTQ member. Poverty & little to no education are what creates these kinds of people. Trump, Cruz, Desantis, Shapiro, Peterson, Andrew Tate, Crowder, MTG, etc.... All of these fuck heads know this & exploit it to high hell. These people & the GOP in general are doing everything they can to create the most hostile environment possible. Cause if the population is too busy killing each other, they're not going to notice you stealing their wallet.


Our education system is beyond fucked.


They hand down the stupid generation to generation.


Shouting "Life, Liberty, Victory" while at the same time trying to take away life, liberty, and the wins of the lesser advantaged. Screaming "Reclaim America!" while not accepting that this is the America they have always lived in. Giving Nazi salutes while carrying the flag that fought against Nazi's. We need a fuckton of money invested in schools, yesterday.


Once you're in, the social ramifications of getting out are hard. It would like you being arrested on some sort of child sex abuse charges. Your social network would collapse, your friends would abandon you, and you wouldn't know what to do with yourself as all your usual outlets are removed - no job, no work friends, no social group friends, everyone would reject you. If they try to leave that group, they leave behind the people who talk to them regularly, have a BBQ with them, travel to events with them, go to breakfast with them. For most, it's a weird social club formed around hate and exiting is hard. Entering is easy though, just agree with their positions, which don't require much thought if you just want to agree that 'those people' are bad.


> Why is it possible to be this stupid? If you want a serious answer... Studies show that the more educated a person is, the more likely they are to vote liberal. Therefore, the Republicans have been fighting education tooth-and-nail for decades. They hate spending money on the citizenry - and doubly so when that expense creates citizens who vote against them. There's also another major effect. Republicans only help the rich - so they need to put together a coalition of people who vote against their own best interests. So, it's no wonder that the GOP has a stranglehold on the dumbest voters. They're easier to trick.


And they think this is "protecting" the kids.


And I bet not a single one has volunteered to read to kids either, though I suppose it would require them to be literate first


I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of them don't even have children themselves.


No shit. This would be terrifying for a kid to see. WTF.


Funny how I don’t see them marching outside of the houses of known pedophiles. They don’t actually care about protecting children


Or those disgusting child pageants where kids are exploited and sexualized.


That would probably mean bothering their own families.


I mean, who wouldn't rather go march with a fun tactical vest and wave a flag around than try to address the fact that most kids are abused by people they know, behind closed doors? That would just be uncomfortable!


Protecting kids with bullets!


That’s terrorism




Not true. The FBI has brought charges against hundreds of members of these groups in the last few years. Many related to 1/6 but scores for other offenses. They have to break a federal law before they can do so though. Nothing shown in these videos breaks a federal law.


Nah, they're a bit too white to worry the feds.


My guess is some of them ARE Feds .. at least local and state law enforcement.


I'm sure they are on a watch list. I didn't watch the whole thing but if they didn't break any laws fbi can't do anything.


This is DHS territory. See their bulletin from a week ago. https://www.dhs.gov/ntas/advisory/national-terrorism-advisory-system-bulletin-november-30-2022


They supposedly are investigating it but whether or not they actually do anything is another story. the problem is America is in the pocket of rich people so they pretty much don't gaf about anything that doesn't make them money or hurt their profits, and right now they're probably profiting off this somehow somewhere down the line.




I mean it's easy to make fun of them but this is some real Handmaid's Tale shit and honestly hits way too close to some of the flashback scenes for when things started to go wrong. Yeah they're cosplayers but they have actual semiautomatic rifles that are presumably loaded and ready to go. It's a lot of kindling and gasoline and all it takes is a match for that to turn into something horrible.


Imagine being a nazi and waving the American flag.


Imagine also being too big of a coward to join the actual military then dressing up in Military drag to go terrorize people doing the same thing.


You don't have to be able to march in formation to murder someone with a gun. Yeah, they're horrible but it's a mistake to belittle the situation by thinking it's a joke. Laugh at them, please. But don't think for a second they aren't a literal existential threat to a lot of people we know and love. The more this is normalized, the more people let this happen and don't actively resist it, the more and more this will happen until they're the only ones left laughing.


Shaming them is not normalizing this. They should be shamed at every available opportunity.


If they are so proud, why won’t they show their faces? Bunch of cowards and sorry excuses for human beings. I can’t imagine chanting for life and liberty while denying a whole group of people those exact rights.


>why won’t they show their faces That's the scary part, when they're brave enough to show their faces then they'll be brave enough to start firing. Then it'll be too late


wtf is wrong with this country. no one wants you gravy seals, go away.


These idiots: "You snowflakes are so fragile! You cry if I call you the wrong pronouns" Also these idiots: "NOOOOOO WE CAN'T HAVE DRAG QUEENS READ BOOKS TO KIDS"


I feel like I have seen this every day for weeks, how long is this book they are reading?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Look how cool they think they are with their guns lmao. Intimated by men in a dress


They couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag if unarmed


I love how having a beard and playing call of duty makes you a soldier


Statistically, a priest is more likely to groom and molest children than a drag queen. Do these Neo-KKK groups "protest" outside of Catholic Churches during their Mass? or wait it's not really "grooming" and "pedophiles... is it...?


They were groomed by the church long ago...


"Buh y antifer habe guns at drag story time!?!?!?!😭😭😭"


"So much for the tolerant left!11!!!!11!!!"


Buncha slack jawed flannel wearing buckeyes. I’m about as cis-straight-white-boring-male as they come but this shit makes me want to throw a dress on and march in the streets on principles alone.


I heard that most of these morons came from out of state for this.




What a sad group of losers.


A drag show? That's the threat to America? Not idk, corporate corruption of our government? Oh, wait you defend corporations' rights to corrupt cause you hope you can do it someday. You never will though and everyone knows it.


So confident they feel the need to arm themselves. Also kinda fucked up how you can legally show up with guns and stop a peaceful event. Or legally show up with a gun anywhere


I absolutely hate seeing videos of America, it’s depresses me so much. I know there is worse things happening around the world but it’s not a constant stream of it on Reddit. I love Reddit but I can’t seem to go two posts in a row anymore without seeing some fucking losers wandering the streets with machine guns screaming hate in the US. And if it’s not those losers it’s the cops. Seems like a disgrace over there and I know it’s not how all Americans are of course but there’s so much of it


Don’t worry. If it ever comes to it, Real Americans will take up arms and rid US of nazis just as they went to a Europe to do way back when. No mercy.


They should all be put in prison. There’s a stark difference between “free speech” and extremism. Police arrest people who simply have gang affiliation. These guys are literally aligned with Nazi ideology and are using intimidation as a weapon. It’s time we grow ranks and just throw these pieces of shit into prison.


They are also using weapons for intimidation


But they won’t. Cops side with them more than anyone else. Plus their ranks are mostly white so “oh no sir go ahead and commit extremism and terrorism against minorities”.


But how do they breathe through those masks? I was told it is physically impossible and a health hazard.


You can laugh at these monsters all you want but their guns are real. We should fight them with something equally real


> We should fight them with something equally real Laws are real. Education is real. Love is real. We should treat violence as the past possible resort, because it generally escalates situations rather than helping. You're not gonna change these cowards' views with guns, they'll just use it as an excuse to shoot us and then the news will blame us.


if they believe so much in freedom, why do they feel the need to stop other people from deciding to freely go to some drag thing.


I thought these guys hated masks?


And they still don't know how to march


I mean I’d be a lot more terrified of civilians in army gear screaming at people than someone who was kind enough to do a reading event if I was a kid, but maybe that’s just me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just don’t understand why we are letting intimidation tactics to be used against people in our own country??


How is this legal lads? I understand the 2nd amendment but what gives these guys the right to mobilise and intimidate like this? Gun control is one thing but this is just fucking nuts. You wouldn't see this in any other developed country that I know


Gravy Seals at it again! Meal Team Six!!


Just another day in Ohio


Not TOO Proud to not cover their faces tho


Same people yelling at others to get a job.


Yes, drag queens would really corrupt our children. It's much better that children see people doing THIS.