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People don’t wanna hear it but you’re right. The only way to build a following that gives half a shit about your content, will actually engage with it in a way that promotes more growth, and allow you to meaningfully monetize is by doing it organically, the hard way.


And there’s a new one trending every single day. I don’t post on tiktok but they’re so fing annoying on my fyp. Not everyone deserves 10k sorry 😭


Very true, I’ve popped onto this sub off and on for a couple years, a lot of people here are ripping podcast clips and Reddit stories like millions of others and don’t understand why it isn’t working out


Op is literally just taking anime clips, putting closed captions over everything through After effects, dropping in music and VO (not his) and posting. He's as bad as the podcast clips if not worse for thinking he's some sort of guru.


I always just assume these people have zero self awareness in their body. Maybe you don’t have 10k bc you’re uninteresting or your content sucks or you’re un original I’ve posted one tiktok in my life and it was a funny one. Got 8 millions views and got 7k followers from it 😭 beauty influencing is done there’s too many and it’s usually those ppl doing this


Was it a beauty influence video?


Wym lol no it’s the “let’s grow together” videos. 9/10 if I go to their profile they’re making beauty content


I see. I’m a bit new to some of these terms. In this post about “teamwork” and “lets grow together” about follow for follow?




People want todo everything the easy way




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I don’t really see how “Put in the hard work to grow your following organically” is more happy go lucky sunshine than “Just skip the hard part and buy useless bot followers” lol, you do you tho champ




I got 142k all by myself, lmao




You can check for yourself lol, ell_why_oh_en. It’s not a million, but at least I didn’t buy them 😂




Sorry, guess I just never had to worry about taking short cuts! 😘


Literally my whole FYP is flooded with the whole teamwork audio trend. The second these account hit 10k and unfollow all the accounts they originally followed they’re just gonna lose all their followers lol I’ve been stuck at 7k for a while and it’s frustrating because my videos do well and if I had 10k I would be able to make some nice cash, but I’m not that desperate that I need to follow 9k people lol


Trust me you will get there don’t take any shortcuts learning everything on the way to 10k is very important


Sure hope so aha it’s been a long journey


The question is how do you get from 23 followers to 10K! I get views on my videos, but no new followers!


Ask for the follow on every video


Yes it works when the video is good 


I second the point about asking for followers, just don’t do it in an obnoxious way or sound like you’re begging. I’m stuck in 2-300 view jail and I recently did this. Called out at like 275 views, but the video got me 14 new followers. I’m happy for that, but I’m DYING wondering how many it would snag me if I got even a couple thousand like i used to get at a minimum


There’s gotta be some sympathy out there for a Scarcox. Sounds painful and debilitating.


Going into someone’s past comments, however recent, has got to be one of the lamest ways to try to argue/troll someone. All I said was “ok” and you’re this butthurt?


Huh? I think you are confused.


lol what value does it add to your life to try to gaslight a stranger on Reddit. Get a life


You’re weird.


Try out some 5 second videos with words on the screen that take longer than 5 seconds to read. This will make your video loop and people will be watching all the way through. It will help with your numbers. And post a ridiculous amount a day. Like 10 videos.


What’s your top 3 biggest learnings you would tell the beginner version of yourself?


Same. I sat at 8k for a while. I only got on it because my husband & cousins were having fun with it & to help mod their lives. (They've got big #'s & didn't take any shortcuts, just funny stuff & having fun) My cousin gave me a tip, which isn't a big secret, to like & follow every video that interests me, that follows back as many or close to the amount that follow them. You'll get & keep your #'s up quicker than crap like this teamwork trend. He was right, I got 5k in a few weeks but seemed to sit at 8k for a couple of months. Then my mom passed & I didn't make a video or even get on there for almost a year. When I got on a couple weeks ago, there was over 16k. My jaw dropped! I had expected to see less than 8k since I hadn't made a video or interacted with anyone. I know a bunch came from my husband's friends who saw me in the background of his lives but I'll take it! We've met a lot of cool people from TT. In fact, my husband is out in the backyard fishing with a friend that he met a few years ago as I type! We've had a couple laid back parties that we've been to or hosted & gained a bunch of followers from those (our friends followed them & theirs followed us) & I'm super proud of my husband for holding an auction when his friends daughter died in an accident last month & they raised a huge amount of money for her family. As long as you're genuine & don't get caught up in the drama & make a funny video once in a while, your #'s will always go up. 


Can you elaborate more on what you mean by the tip your cousin gave you? Is it just liking every video that interests you and then following that page?


And those accounts are getting rejected for the reasons you mentioned.


I have thought this forever lol. I have a rant in my drafts about how the trend is good for building a helpful community but no one actually posts content worth following for, so your account will be dead in the long run. I have nearly 600K post likes and only like 318 followers but I will never fall into that trend


That’s a really good amount of likes for 318 followers keep doing what you’re doing!


thank you!! I’ve had a few posts go fairly viral, but it’s been harder converting those numbers into followers. gonna keep at it tho and hope for the best


It’s not easy but keep at it and the followers will come


thisss!! so many „micro influencers“, „travel | lifestyle | fashion“ girlies with zero engagement & only followers from these „teamwork“ posts. it‘s so stupid.


It is stupid


Wait til they hear you have to apply to get into the creator fund and they’ll more than likely get rejected lol


The baby screaming format is so annoying too




Honestly after my 3rd account ban for literally a baseball theme I tried the whole teamwork thing and by my 4th teamwork post I felt dumb like there isn't anything personal about just randomizing followers. I'm on account 8 and I don't even care what I post anymore after all the hard work on all the other accounts with various themes like baseball, horror etc.


Themes are cool but maybe just try an account where you just post things that make you laugh, no matter what it's about. When people see you having fun & interacting with others, you'll reach more people than just focusing on one topic.  I don't have huge #'s but I watch my husband & my cousin who both have a few accounts with more than 100k on them (in case they get banned or can't go live on 1, they'll use the other that has less videos, mainly just the viral ones from their 1st account) and then their 3rd account is just for family, friends & the same TT groups they've been in since the beginning.  They don't focus on just one thing, they just post funny stuff that happened during the day or get in on some trends if they're actually funny, then after work they go live for a bit. They always interact with who comes into the live, maybe call the by name so they feel welcomed personally & are always interacting with their followers so they interact back with them. Basic stuff, I know, but I'm continually watching their accounts grow while my friend who is pretty & funny doesn't understand why she can't get more than 1,000 followers. It's because she doesn't interact back & she only makes 2 types of videos & people want more than just a girl who makes mainly karaoke videos. Just have fun & the #'s will come. Then you can steer it in the direction you want to go.


https://preview.redd.it/6qkp5x3rxm8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=984e12a5ec8fd6fe2b117e0d2e4c7c526ec8ec5e I built my empire Brick By Brick


wow great job congrats!


Tik Tok is for lames.


https://preview.redd.it/r8cjvgrwqq8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d820c7d4c20ab0d4216befa5950b943d95acd323 I agree!


Show me the actual check and I'll believe you. TikTok makes people both fake and stupid.




Are this from creator beta program?




Does all your videos needs to be original to be eligible to earn?


I mainly post war footage and make heavy edits…so not original footage. Like the guidelines state, the videos have to be different than the original footage or else it’ll be “unoriginal” so I edit the videos, add filters, put layers of text, basically make it look different than what it was originally posted as


What’s your tiktok @?. This also works on YT shorts but imma see your videos how it’s done!




From your recent posts I'm assuming you're a faceless channel that's putting up anime shorts and CCing them?


https://www.tiktok.com/@skullkrusher6776?_t=8nUFma0DcCJ&_r=1 see for yourself best not to assume now a days


lmao... I assumed absolutely 100% correctly. Your entire account is taking other peoples hard work, putting music over it and closed captions, and you have the balls to go anywhere and tell people how or how not to gain subscribers? They're only subbing to you, because it's an organic reaction of seeing something they recognize (I.E. Dragonball Z) and they sub. I'm all for faceless content and gaming content, but you're an absolutely ridiculous person for telling anyone to "just stop" when you're posting other peoples creations with an arguably small amount of editing.




I ain’t ever post dragon ball Z idk what account your looking at😂


I’m at 21.6K followers 56k likes and I’m following less than 6K been on tiktok over 2yrs was once a big creator these updates and algorithm changes keep killing legit entertainers not rank chasers




I press not interested everytime I see the teamwork trend it’s so lazy just make good content…


I was stuck at around 9000 followers so I went to those grow parties but I already had 500,000 likes and a couple million views videos and multiple 100,000s, that is a good way to jump over the hill for me


Can someone catch me up on what this whole teamwork thing is about? I don’t really use tiktok, just post on it


I think it's basically trying to get themselves up to 10k so they can apply for the creator network and get paid for videos, it's clogging up all the hastags and trends right now so real content is being pushed aside


I'd assume its a tag to incentivize newer accounts to follow and like each others content to cheat the algorythm? But in the end all its doing is create a loop where your content is only "trending" to other content creators who are also using that trend and not to people who actually care about the content youre making, and that only takes you so far.


I never did the follow for follow, but I definitely follow a lot more people than I have as followers. I see a video I like, I follow. lol


Not to mention I follow comedians, musicians all kinds of stuff I like. Fishing stuff. All over and I stream gaming content


Thanks for sharing this because I started seeing the "Teamwork" trend and was tempted to do it since I am a new account. But I felt like the kind of content that I make, I want genuine people who like my stuff. Based on what I'm learning about the algorithm, having people follow you who are not interested in your content will only hurt you in the end.


Just gotta grind it out and you will see results


I have 2 thousand followers with almost a million likes lol I no longer care if I get a massive following; it’d be great sure, but I’m fairly successful at getting a video to pop off so as long as I stay consistent, I’ll get there authentically


https://preview.redd.it/gop4enk4ul8d1.png?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12bf2893e0e4d23ed67622772f8e31b23aa9a865 Feel like I'm the exact opposite haha


https://preview.redd.it/l50skt8iam8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b0c602dbbd8e5f3703cc4de3b968ee86eb506b yea me too lol


I have the same thing going on. Lots of likes and only 300 followers.




Indeed. I know I have a long way to go. https://preview.redd.it/vcmv9buplp8d1.png?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23370f01a629c51ecfe832094aaa829c1b5749e7


Let them, I think it’s actually good! Everything’s over saturated. There isn’t enough to go around on any platform anymore that’s the harsh truth. So when I see these I know those accounts will be useless, won’t make money or be competition.


i used teamwork to get my first thousand followers so i could start working with artists. i’ve now got 7k and have made over £300 off the feature since february.


I’ve did the trend to get to 5k then I started doing my own content 😊 I’ve slowly started growing from that


Yeahh growing organically can be long, but feels so much better. Getting an actual understanding of which posts peform and which dont is valuable info. Not that the rewards program is available for me anyway, but I noticed have built a nice little dedicated following!


You will get to 10k in no time just keep doing what you’re doing!


I agree my account has been open for about a 3 weeks and I already have 64 and going up staying consistent is key


like why does it matter? Jus let others be themselves 🤷🏽‍♂️


Do whatever you want😂but when they come here saying they can’t get any views but have 10k followers why should we help them when they dug themselves in there own hole😂


Yeah coming here asking for help that's doin too much lol


Im not hating… but it does not make sense to me. I grinded for three months to get from 0 to 12K followers with a blogging niche. I actually built a support/following up people who interact with my content. And have loyal people who always comment or DM me. Then i see these teamwork/pay off debt trends, or road to 10K trends. Congrats to them. People get 10,000 followers in a day. But then i see that their content gets bad views after skipping ahead. What’s the point? They wanted the creators reward program but how can you get views if your following is not even real? Or TikTok don’t even know about your account niche because you never even had one? Now TikTok is cracking down on views because of this and just ruins it for the rest of us


That’s my point it ruins it for the people who grinded for it


what a bloody stress everyone is living with this app....






Bro sit down. Hater.


Happy birthday!


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i agree! building a LOYAL audience is absolutely the best way to go, everyone starts from the bottom and all you done to do is hope, you should however have some loyal friends follow and support the videos so they can be boosted to the fyp :) kinda like how i started a meme account and grew to 16K followers and i follow 0 ppl its all possible if you can believe in yourself


I’m so confused, where’s the audio you’re talking about, this just seems like someone’s follower like and following count, is there something I’m missing or? 💀


The only reason im at 10,000 following is because i just follow everyone who's content i find even slightly amusing 😭


Whats “teamwork” stand for exactly?


I agree


That shit just confuses me lol, is there even any benefit when you're following/mutuals with that many people? I'm following 23 people total and I'm mutuals with all of them. I think around half have similar follower numbers to me or higher and the other half have less but they're all friends to me in some form.


Make sure you follow me, like this post, comment teamwork & share it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Quality over quantity!


I will admit that I did fall into this for a bit as seemed such a good idea to help each other out, but realised as you’ve said, it’s not worth it as even with over 1000 followers I’m still stuck in the zone of only 200-300 views apart from the odd one so it’s clear people are in it for themselves to get their numbers up. In the process of trying to sort who I follow for my interests rather than a load of randoms


Ill admit it as well. My views were 300 then tanked to below 100 out of nowhere, Before this.


Literally! There's a couple of girls that always pop up on my FYP that live off of this teamwork thing, everytime I look at their accounts their normal videos get 300-500 views, the teamwork type of vids get anywhere from 30k-80k views, their ratios are so off just like the pic, it looks ridiculous stop it


Fr. I post so much Stuff and dont care about followers Because i found few people who watch my videos, comment, etc and just interact all the timr Because they geniuenly like It.


If you're working in the same niche, follow for follow isn't necessarily bad if fellow creators support you back. When it's this many random people it might be a bit much unless you're genuinely interested.




You have to have 100,000 views within the last month in order to get paid from TikTok (Correct me if i’m wrong) So if there intentions are getting paid from the creator program, they still have to put in the work.


That’s if they even get accepted in


Those people post stuff like “OMG thank you so much for 5k followers 😍“ while literally following 9k people themselves 😂


What's the teamwork trend? I'm lost LOL. Is it like a follow-for-follow type deal?




If you didn’t do the trend thing then your good


Isn’t this the same thing they used to build IG followers




Don't do this stupid crap. Most of the people you try to help by following them won't follow back.




I’m stuck at 6k followers, video of today only getting 23 vieuws while others go above 10k vieuws. Just don’t know how to addapt now. Also i’m from belgium and i just learned i’m not even going to get in the creator fund. Belgium isn’t supported


10k seems crazy, but I will admit I think the Teamwork trend is good to get to 1k so you can become a shop affiliate.


The whole thing started with “Help pay off each others debts” by helping each other get to 10k followers and watching, following and liking the videos people post. I was off work for about a month after having surgery on my elbow, so being bored I just started posting random videos to see if it could actually be done. After a week I had over 5,000 followers but only getting a few hundred views each video, with the exception of 5-6 getting 2000 plus. The videos weren’t anything special and boring to some most likely. I started wondering just how well the people that actually reached 10k followers would do once they hit that goal. After learning more about TikTok, the creators, the algorithm, etc. I decided that I’d continue to post some more of my old random videos and make a few specifically for uploading. I’d really like to use it as an opportunity to experiment and learn more about it sort of like a hobby or something, not for TikTok fame or whatever. Just to see what happens.


I am confused, what do you mean by teamwork? Also congrats on 12k.


This isn’t my account


I am not doing the teamwork BUT I feel bad if I don't follow back an account in my niche even if it's bad, is that normal? :D (Because people in my niche are quite nice and supportive)


I had no teamwork, I got 70K likes but have only 1,900 followers. I think my acct looks bad too, no?


I made a new TikTok for gaming so I could get followers on twitch. I post a video of some of my army buddies dancing and now I have 6,000 followers that are all mostly woman 😂 I might have to make another tik tok now


i did it just so i can go live


sneak dissing is crazy


I have a VERY niche account and 82k. No idea why it keeps growing but I’m glad people seem to enjoy


Follow4follow has a name now lmao


Idk but it’s kinda nice to just get followers if you’re just trying to get PR and stuff… obviously not gonna make money from videos but brands will send ppl stuff for free as long as they have 10k


Agree with this regarding teamwork trend. It’s beggy. Either you like my content or you don’t 🤣


Fr it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Do you really think just because you’ve now hit the 10k mark you’re gonna automatically start making money?


I completely agree


It's attitudes like this that and those in the comments that have always stopped me from posting on TIkTok. Social media just seemed too negative and cynical to take part in. I'm doing this trend right now and its been a great way to ease me into posting content and interacting with people. Because I'm part of this trend everyone who lands on my videos are very positive and encouraging. When I qualify for the creators fund im planning on changing my content to my special interest. I understand that since I haven't built up a following based on my interest/subject that the majority if my following won't be interested but there will be some who are and so surely its better than starting off with no one.


Well it’s not gonna help you in the long run




This is true. I’ve started a TikTok account and only follow about 30 people but I get atleast 100 followers a day. I should hit 10k by the ending of August at the rate I’m going. I’m currently at 2300+ followers. I post one video a day and do my best in every video to make each of my videos unique and informative. My TikTok is surrounded by Norse Paganism and teaching people about the stories, gods, goddess, etc. This teamwork thing takes away from the fulfillment of putting in hard work and seeing your actual success.


I used the team work trend just to get to 5k and open a tiktok shop. I’m only going affiliate on that page (keeping my other page for my regular content) and I’ve already sold around 500 items in 3ish weeks. It won’t help you with engagement but it’s a good tool if you can sell for tts


Can I ask what kind of stuff you sell at the shop?


I saw someone say that if one of the companies gives you items so you can try them and then sell them, you will be Taxed on the value of those items or something. Or the price of the items you buy is SO cheap but you will later be taxed on the value.. Is anything like this true? I am almost to the point of being able to do the tiktok shop with one account.. I also heard you can either do a creator or tiktok but can be more easily banned if you do both. I started to just do creative things, but yes, all the money potentials are starting to influence me..


Yes. You have to pay tax on the items that are gifte if agree to make a video for them.


It’s so annoying & I completely agree! I just want to scream “& what are you going to do when you get to 10k?!” Because they’re certainly going to be making money


The Teamwork trend is ruining our Experience as real creators! Absolute bullshit


I hate this trend. Whats the benefit? Ehen if you post good videos, being followed just to get followed back doenst do you a favor. It kills your algo. The algo needs to know your niche by what you like, follow and who follows you. Being followed by random people just to get to 10k doesnt serve any purpose.


Agreed! It’s a stupid move!