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Steeped tea from Timmies is the only kind of tea I can drink. For some reason, all other bagged tea - whether made at home or not - tastes like dishwater. Unfortunately, that means going to Timmies and dealing with a one in three chance it will be wrong. As soon as another company makes a comparable tea, I will switch a second later. Until then, that is where I go.


Agreed! I love their steeped tea. Once every 10-12 times they’ll make a mistake & give me coffee so I always check. I can live with that.


Honest question: isn't tea steeped by definition?


It is actually such a silly name... But I guess it means...pre steeped instead of steeping it yourself with the bag?




It technically is the same but it’s difficult to remove the tea bag while driving….


By definition yes, but there is something in the way timmies brews it that makes it taste the way it does. I guess they could call it unbagged tea, but that doesn't have the same ring to it.




Its brewed the same as the coffee put the ground tea leaves in a filter and run hot water through it (they do have dedicated machines for this!)


Yes, I've seen it done - but it just tastes better. I hope to one day make tea that I like


It really does taste better i agree with that may i recomend trying it with chocolate milk? If your store will do it!! Should have some open ones they are using for ice capps


That sounds interesting, but I don't put milk or cream in my tea - just sweetener. I guess that makes the flavor of the actual tea more important since that is the only flavor


I as well enjoy the flavour or just the tea itself the chocolate milk was just to sweeten it up a bit for a nice treat


Their steeped tea with honey is perfect. I add nothing else to tea.


It's the ONLY place I will order tea, and I only drink tea. It's perfection 90% of the time, only every so often the 1.5 sugars taste like 4. If you're making tea at home do you steep it in a pot? Ceramic mug? Or a metal travel mug. I swear to god the vessel is important. I think we like the Tim's tea because it comes in a paper cup... Sometimes I make a new tea in the cup later in the day and it always tastes better than if I made it in my mug... But if I make it in something metal... Game over.


I can't drink any other tea - I've tried multiple brands, different types of water (tap, bottled, distilled etc) and making it different ways, and it all tastes awful. I've even had tea made by a very british 80 year old woman who makes tea properly (as she puts it) and it still didn't taste good. There is something about how timmies brews it that make it taste good. I also get everything on the side - the staff don't seem to understand the difference between sweetener and sugar. Hell, half the time they don't understand what 'on the side' means.


Personally, even though I am not a fan of Timmies coffee, there are worse cups out there. I 100% agree with you that people need to keep complaining. They have lost their way and there is a path forward if management listens to their customers. Most of the complaint posts, particularly with reguards to the food products, should be taken to heart by management. Like it or not, many Canadians have a special place in their heart for Tim Hortons. I am one of these Canadians. Every single road trip I used to take would start at a Tim Hortons. I used to buy a coffee and doughnut before heading in to the office every single day. I no longer do either. It isn't the coffee because I have never loved it. It is everything else. The quality of the food is low...very low and the service isn't much better. The problem for management is many of their core customers are starting to realize there are alternatives. I was just at a local bakery and got two coffees, a Dutchie and a blueberry scone. It cost me about the same as it would have cost at the Tim Hortons across the street. Nothing would make me happier then for Tim Hortons to listen to their customers and make the changes needed to make them worthy of the fond feelings many people on this subreddit have for the chain. So on that note, the complaint posts need to continue.


Nothing will change as long as the Corporate bean counters still have their way and their numbers align with their targets. Those of us old enough to remember the Ford Pinto and the exploding gas tank fiasco that claimed several lives in rear-end collisions also know that Ford engineers were fully aware of the problem, and that a $20 modification to the carburetor during assembly would have solved it. Then, the bean counters got involved and determined that on a statistical basis the cost of potential lawsuits by the victims' survivors would cost the company less than implementing that fix, and upper management callously went along with that recommendation. This is how the Corporate world works and what drives "shareholder value". Add to that the Tim Hortons marketing spin doctors who are feverishly trying to brainwash us into thinking that the current Tim's is still the warm, fuzzy, and cuddly Tim's of old and a part of Canadian folklore, and you can see why Tim's has become the sh*tshow it has from a customer's perspective. The sooner people realize that the current Tim's is not in the restaurant business but rather in the business of making money - and that the product they sell is incidental to that objective - the sooner they will be able to manage their expectations. The only way to get the attention of Tim's management is to vote with our feet and take our business elsewhere...just as the current Loblaws boycott is attempting to.


Already voting with my feet. I prefer McDonald's coffee but liked the farmers wrap. So would end up at Tim's on occasion just to get the farmers wrap. They lowered the quality so much I stopped going. Even had coffee with my friend yesterday who was die hard Tim's, we had McDonald's coffee and bacon & egg mcmuffins. He had even stated he can no longer eat the wraps or sandwiches at Tim's. That is just quality of food, second I used to see teenagers and young adults working there. Now I only see TFWs, the McDonald's all in my area still hire teenagers. I will support a business in giving kids their first jobs, not one that intentionally games the system to have even cheaper labour at the cost of Canadians.


That's the thing. I'll pay the extra 30 cents for the mom and pop place now that the price difference is so much lower and the atmosphere is better. I'm so lucky that enough people in my area support local for these places to actually exist. It's not every Tims(I went to one that was really old school and wholesome in rural quebec on a roadtrip) but all the ones near me just stress me tf out and it's hardly worth it anymore.


I'll join you on your island of 1. I also prefer Timmie's coffee. I'll go to Starbucks when I want something fancy or super flavoured. But a double double or basic ice coffee? I want my Timmie's.


Not to mention Iced Capps... I drink one almost every week.


Mcds coffee is best; maybe because I drink it black


As you likely know it's because McD's has the old Timmies supplier....there's a distinct before and after divide for me when they lost that contract and MCd's got it...they're my go-to now


The pizza thing is a larch ditch effort at selling anything. I’m surprised this franchise is still around, but its main consumers are everyone in small and mid tier cities and suburbia.


I like the pizza


I gave it a try today. 8.99 for a everything bacon. I had no idea that the pizza does not come with pizza sauce. So it’s cheese bread with a sprinkle of bacon. I’m guessing “everything bacon” is a different way of saying “only bacon”? Not sure what their other pizzas are like, but I ate one slice and through the rest out to the birds. Surprisingly, they liked it. Don’t call it pizza if it doesn’t have pizza sauce


It's flatbread...I've only had the chicken parm one and it for sure had pizza sauce. Your location sucks


No. I was going to go back in and ask for another, but decided to google it. It does not come with pizza sauce. The Chicken Parm does list tomato sauce as an ingredient. I should have read before I bought I guess


That's pretty bullshit.


The coffee is still good. Last time I ordered a muffin, it was frozen in the middle. McDonald's gets my breakfast business. They are more consistent with their quality control. Essentially I have "Quiet Quit" their products except for coffee. If I lived in Ontario, I would switch to " Country Style Donuts". They are " Canadian Owned" and predate " Tim Hortons " by a year.


Quite quit??


I think they mean “quiet quit”


Oops.... 🥵


Who cares. buy whatever coffee and donuts you want


Interestingly, this is exactly why the subreddit r/timhorrortons was created. It's a space where we can vent and highlight the absurdities that have become commonplace at modern-day Tim Hortons. It's not just about complaining for the sake of it; it's about calling attention to the issues in the hope that management will take notice and make necessary changes.


Agreed, I want them to do better.


The only way for them to get better is to hire better employees, and pay them more. Which will never happen


Could they at least go back to hiring students who are competent enough?


I agree hire more employees born and raised in the country not some other country js :)


They won't. Because then they will have to pay a lot higher wages This isn't going to stop anytime soon. The companies that take advantage of the LMIA program are doing so to get cheap labour. The government isn't going to stop immigration. It's a pipe dream. The corporations run the show, not the puppets in government


Some of it being kinda not great is just bad product offerings. They've had better stuff in the past that they discontinued


Who cares. buy whatever coffee and donuts you want


I totally agree with you about the Boston Cream…sooooo annoying!!! Surely there’s a better way


There is.


_____ Burger King _____ Brazilian _______ disgrace_______ foreign workers. Coffee at home. coffee is better at ______ Fill in the blanks with any words you want, and that’s 99% of comments and posts here


Tim's will never be better. RBI isn't a Canadian company and neither is Tim's anymore..


I like their steeped tea. Would be great of they actually gave it to me instead of coffee.... or charging me for the coffee for the car infront of me, then saying sorry and charging me for my own item lmfao. The issue isn't the company, it's the franchise owners who are fucking it up for everyone by constantly filling roles with TFWs that are akin to indentured slaves, who have to hit inane metrics so management can get bonuses. Do you know what really sucks? Sitting at the menu board for 10 mins so they can prepare everything for the last person before they even attempt to take your order. The big mega Corp that owns Tim's has a track record of destroying quality for profit, but the service side of things is the major area that makes me go elsewhere. I want the things I ordered, for the price listed on the menu, made to the spec that the company has provided. Not whatever the fuck some underpaid person threw together to keep costs low.


NGL I like Tim's coffee for what it is. Is it as good as specialty coffee, no but it's solid in the morning or with a smoke. What helps is that the Tim's I usually go to is run by a solid staff of people.


You my friend, have hope. And I shall never judge someone for having hope. Your hope may be misplaced…..but far be it from me to tell you that having hope isn’t worth it! I myself love love love mcds coffee but they don’t offer plant based milk, and I like the coffee the café at my work serves, I think it’s Van Houtte? I also (begrudgingly) am trying to wake up early enough to just make my coffee with my breakfast. But I have an espresso machine, and I love it but there’s alot of steps to making a good latte and I’m lazy at heart 🤷‍♀️


Management, and the staff, can only do so much for you. Sending your complaints to the company? Rerouted to a call center to an employee who may never have set foot inside a Tims depending on where it's located. The company specifically for Tims, TDL, barely listens to our complaints. They sent out a survey about the uniforms and I basically said "If you're going to make us wait 2 months for a pair of regular pants, we should be allowed to wear our own, do away with uniform pants and have a list of allowed styles and cuts and it will save you time and money." And it fell on deaf ears. I had a coworker who we had to order specialty sized shirts 3 times before they finally showed up 2 years after the first order. The complaints about foreign workers I can mildly understand, but I can only speak for my store when I say I know most of them are students, some are working on their residency, and there's a cap for how many can be in the store. How many people ignore that cap outside the bubble I live in, I'm unsure of. If you guys have complaints about certain products, don't buy them, you don't have to fully boycott the whole thing. TDL and the store tracks each product sold. Many things have a high sell at the start of the sale period (Pizza, Pinwheel, Twists, Any Time Snackers) but after 2 or 3 weeks, the people buying them start drying up. It's part of the old reason Tims had Flavor of the month when I started working there. New things drive prices up. But if you, the people, are always buying a middling product in droves, the company pats themselves on the back, gives you points for your complaints if your store is ass at handling complaints, and calls it a day. At the end of the day I am the only person in my store who looks at the Reddit. And I don't do it everyday, and most of the complaints on first glance are location-less. A complaint about a donut in Toronto is about as helpful to me as one in Edmonton. Talk with your money.


Completely disagree, Tim’s tastes like it’s gone sour.


Complaining here does nothing. If you have specific issues with how employees do things at your local, talk to the manager. Anything related to the chain as a whole, call corporate. No one in a position to change anything is scouring online comments.


Most people don’t like Tim Hortons coffee, they like the cream. You can only really compare coffees and palate taste if you drink it black. I am in the same boat as you, but I understand it’s the creamer that’s giving it the taste.


Why do you think Tim's will get better because you complained? Tim's can't live up to it's iconic status because they've put too much on their plates. If they went back to just coffee and donuts they'd be much better off in the quality department but unfortunately they wouldn't be able to sustain their business


Have considered asking for it without a bag


It won't get better if you continue to spend money there. It's just like the leafs, why build a winner if you're gonna sell out every game anyways


I drink Tim's but only at certain locations in my city. Simply because certain part time offshore workers don't clean the machines or give you a 2 hour coffee. That tastes rancid. Starbuck's? Over burnt and over price hyped muck. McDonald's is ok, a tad weak but drinkable. 7-11...fucking brutal! If there is a Hell, that's the coffee they serve. The food, a dog wouldn't eat it nor will I.


Their seasonal cookies are good and I appreciate them trying new things. I love the red velvet gingerbread ones, and the new caramel. I don't mind iced caps on a hot day. I'd prefer McDonald's coffee over Tim's, but I've found if you add an espresso shot to a Tim's coffee it really makes it comparable to places like Starbucks. Tim's has weaker coffee, but with the espresso, it goes up from watered down swill to average imo. If I'm out and feeling lazy, I might go to a Tim's over McDonald's if there's one closer. These are the main reasons I go back. My biggest complaints are the bagels never are toasted enough They changed the chicken noodle soup like 18 months ago and I hate it now. It was my go to.


You’re lucky your not stuck with Dunkin’ Donuts.


20 years ago you could get 5 full sized sandwich, a bun, a donut, a coffee, and a soup- all served on real plates- for $7. Adjusting for inflation that should cost 11.34 today. It actually costs about $16 and you don't get a bun. Also there was actually variety to the baked goods. Mote than 3 types of Timbits.


Have to get a shot of espresso just for the coffee to taste like coffee (believe it's called their red eye blend). I recently discovered McCafe has an espresso blend in the K-cups... Been going to Tim's a lot less and saving money drinking better coffee.


I don't care about the quality of their products they are one of, if not the biggest abuser of the foreign worker programs. Giving them any money says you're ok with workers wages being shit. Why should you care? These practices are infecting all industries and contribute to general wage suppression that affects everyone sooner or later. They aren't Canadian, quit giving them your money and go to local shops instead or better yet just make coffee at home and skip the donut.


I too complain about Tim’s and yet continue to buy their coffee. Although I don’t buy their coffee every day Tim Horton’s is definetly more convenient than many others when I’m caffein deprived plus I like their coffee/prices. I do take the time to go onto the app to offer my suggestions and complaints. Sometimes things improve and sometimes they don’t.


You're not a minority. People with negative feedback will always make more of an effort to make their opinions known. People don't go out of their way to say when something was fine. It skews the perception. If everyone hated Tim's as some people think, it wouldn't continue to do well.


I work at Tim’s and ALWAYS put the Boston creams in a timbit box!! Problem solved..no more sticky icing


I like Tim's tea my roommate and I go once in awhile for tea and a bagel I never had a problem with getting the wrong order or the order not made the way its suppose to be if a mistake is made its because I ordered it wrong. I not huge on Tim's but it nice to go there and have a tea and relax and talk to friends.


The pizza rules. You know nothing.


I got one at a poorly rated location, and we all liked it. Gonna get another one this weekend and see if I just got lucky


Fr, for a fast-food chain that specializes in coffee and donuts, there pizza absolutely SLAPS. No one could change my opinion


Yum to flatbread


By spending your money at Tim's, you are supporting all the bad shit they do. Complaining publicly doesn't do anything if you're spending money there Do what you want but don't try and tell me you're complaining to help make it better. That's not how that works. Vote with your money not your mouth.


Support local coffee and donut shops. Better food, better drinks. Stop giving your hard earned money to trash fast food corporations.


I dislike Tim's for the low quality food, horrible customer service and the biased hiring practices. And apparently the Hepatitis. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/hepatitis-a-amherst-tim-hortons-1.7244476


I don’t like McDonald’s, but I have switched to their coffee. I found Tim’s went downhill