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Nothing you can do, just keep an eye on him so he doesn't wonder off into traffic.


Luckily my parents aren't emotionally driven idiots and know what's actually happening. But tds has no cure. Don't even bother


Your parents have as little clue as you. 


Projection ^


What a hilarious response to that


The amount of intellectual dishonesty required to support Trump is incredible. 


SINCE BIDEN TOOK OFFICE: Gasoline: 47.8% Groceries: +21.1% Eating out: +21.4% Baby food: +30.5% Pet food: +23.7% Rent: +20.9% Electricity: +28.3% Natural gas: +26.9% Used cars: +20.9% Air fare: +32.7% Public transportation: +22.2% Real average weekly earnings: -3.9% 3 wars Wide open border Biden is proposing 50% capital gains tax The Democrat Senate just passed a bill to automatically sign up girls 18-26 (and guys) into the draft .


1. I wonder what major event happened in 2020 that might’ve caused worldwide economic decline. (Sidenote: America’s COVID recovery is the best out of the other G7 nations) 2. Which political party controls the House of Representatives?


Which administration single-handedly destroyed our economy to push green energy by not renewing our petrodollar contract with Saudi and opec? *slaps an “I did that” sticker on the map of the US* That’s not inflation, that’s not Covid, that’s not anything other that removing the US from the stage as the world currency, and will prevent other countries from engaging with our USD. Great job voting for the destruction of our way of life.




Not cringe. I wish I was making it up, I really do. This one isn’t about party lines or how much TDS you have. This one, this one single thing, will destroy our nice and comfy lives. And all so his puppets handlers can control how we all live. If trump doesn’t get into office abs can a shit ton of the administrative personnel, we’re going to be in for a rough ride.




Prove me wrong?


Buddy, I could NOT care less about what you're saying. The current POTUS has full-on dementia. Anyone who says otherwise is downright stupid or a f**king liar. That alone is enough. Then, we have inflation through the roof. Prices are so high that the middle class is now basically lower class. Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Gaza is a complete mess. The Afghan pull-out set the stage for all of that. I'm afraid the border situation is beyond repair. Did I mention that Joe Biden has full-on dementia? Trump is far from perfect. However, in politics, we have to pick a side. It's a pretty clear choice from where I stand.


You must not have heard trump’s recent incoherent rambling about sharks and batteries. Very stable genius! And if you think the Israel/Gaza situation is bad, just wait till the most pro-Israel president we’ve ever had gets back into power. We’ll be personally dropping phosphorous bombs for Netanyahu. Also fun fact the inflation rate dropped by 7% in one year after Biden signed the inflation reduction act. Republicans will never tell you this though, and many voted against that act.




#1 Read the last bit again, about how he's not perfect but he's a heck of a lot better than Biden. His style has always been off-script and he goes with what comes to mind, improvising based on the crowd's reaction. #2 When Trump was in office we had no new wars, that's enough evidence for me to assume that he won't make things in Israel worse. #3 I'd be willing to bet that the Inflation Reduction Act somehow just kicked the can down the road or the inflation that was reduced was in things like airline ticket prices. I guess you aren't having a tough time balancing your budget, I'm glad you make enough to not notice.


Donald Trump increased drone strikes by over 400%, never withdrew from the countries that he promised he would, and as I said before he’s the most pro-Israel president we’ve ever had, so be prepared for the unapologetic Netanyahu glazing And it seems like you also haven’t seen Trump’s recent rambling about sharks and batteries. I suggest you watch and get back to me on how much better he is.


I’m glad you’re wearing your helmet but it might be a bit tight


Prove me wrong


The proof is all around you, good luck


Yeah this is definitely the response I expected


this mf is like whataboutism incarnate


Ya know these comparisons to the recovery of other nations means nothing to those living in this nation and dealing with the inflation here. It is entirely irrelevant and not really contributing anything to the conversation.


Your comments wild. You’re either the least observant person ever or the most dishonest and ingenious person ever


Do not bother.  I have found that the people suffering from TDS are lost causes.  Use your time and breath to convince the sliver of independents who are not closet Democrats.


It’s slow going, it’s kind of a bite size sort of thing I’m going to have to go through this as well, as my mother has watched too much David Muir and my mother in law has re-afflicted my normie wife, slowly go through all the hoaxes one at a time, feed one then let it set in. Some people are terminal as my best friend found out with his exwife who overdosed, foreshadowed by her getting fall on the bathroom floor drunk on 2016 election night.


Did you just unironically refer to your wife as a normie


She is actually a normie , you can’t help who you fall in love with just help them on their way, better than a leftist though even though they can be very wishy washy.


Almost all women are normies.




Don’t do that! Grandpa will have you arrested!


You don't convince boomer parents of anything.


To give a serious answer Ask "give me something you hate about Trump" Present to them how the Dems are worse If they reject concrete facts there's nothing you can do.


The better test is to ask them to name one thing they like about Trump and what he's done. Same works for those that are rabidly anti Biden as well. If they cant or refuse to name even one single thing, stop wasting your time. You will not get through to them, no matter what you say or do.


I think trump did a good job with operation warp speed. It’s quite unfortunate that most of his voter base are anti-vax cavemen though.


While I may disagree, its a good sign you are able to name something. It's worrying how many people can't.


Get boosted. We're in the middle of a global pandemic, and the mRNA injections are HIGHLY safe and effective!


I'm not. They're a lost cause, and as boomers they're part of the reason why we're in this mess.


The republican voter bloc is primarily 65+ voters


Young men trend conservative at massive rates, the statistic on 18 year olds is like 3X as likely to trend to right


Young people barely vote compared to other age groups


Absolutely, that's why the voting block is not necessarily representative of public sentiment


Okay cool, well if they don’t vote then it doesn’t matter lol. Clearly they don’t actually care enough.


If that were the case republicans wouldn’t win anything.


They haven’t been winning very much recently


Check a poll sometime. Or maybe you don’t understand the concept of winning and losing.


Polls are useless lol, they all predicted a big red wave in 2022. And who can forget 2016?


Not really, and yeah which polls predicted a red wave? I’d love to see the ONE poll. 2016 was off but in favor of democrats so you’re proving my point. here’s one how about 2020? The polls were similar to 2016, and look how that turned out? Even if Trump didn’t become president look how they skewed left.


The RCP estimate predicted republicans with 53 senate seats (Net +3) and 30 governorships (Net +2) I’d link the pages but unfortunately my comment just got deleted for that reason.


You’re cherry picking polls. You chose one that confirmed what you want to be true and then that’s all you site. The polls (shit on trump) and shit the bed each time. Thats a FACT. I’d say there’s more to do about polls and their affiliations working with the left to sway voters, and disincentivize the right. It’s something that happens in third world countries all the time. Only 3rd world countries have an Election Day even India knows who wins in less than 24 hrs. We somehow have 1/3 the population and “cant seem to get the votes in”.


Cherry picking? Lol that’s the RCP polling AVERAGE.




Thank you, u/Rich-Pineapple5357, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1dgp48f/how_are_we_convincing_our_boomer_parents_with_tds/l8t4rta/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My mom has tds real bad but everything my family has said about Biden and all the corrupt shit she's now at least voting 3rd party...probably RFK.


Based. This is the way.


This is the way.


Look up laws in your state you’re legally responsible for your parents once they reach a certain age, I would put them in an LGBTQ old folks home if they voted Biden. My parents both vote for trump they argued for little Marco in 2016.


Just tell him to consider RFK instead of Biden


Convince them to not vote at all.


Offer to drop off his mail in ballot for him. /s


Didn’t all them get the jab? Suspect most are dead by now.


Couldn’t tell you. We don’t allow liberals in my family.


Boomers are delusional and stuck in their ways. I doubt you'll be able to persuade him.


I'm encouraging them to get boosted, and letting nature take its course


🏆 Winner.


My Father who was a Trump guy is dead. My mother on the other hand hates Trump and is a blue no matter who (unless Rachel Maddow says otherwise) person. Whenever she gets a little too overzealous I just remind her of one simple fact I say " Mom.....you're a Felon . You can't vote for shit !"


Steer them to voting Kennedy.


My dad said he isn't voting for either after Trump's felony conviction. 


sadly both candidates have a LOT of dirt under them,best course of action for both parties is to vote for a third party


my dad is already voting trump.


Tell them you’re about to move back in. “Shits tough folks!”


"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it." Until your father, for himself, catches a glitch in the system, a glimpse behind the curtains, a peek at reality, he won't budge. Imagine if Neo ran around in the streets screaming that everything was fake. You'd view him as a crazy homeless dood and ignore him. "Man I'm going for this promotion, my daughter is about to graduate. What the fuck is this guy on about?". But that one dood who has already seen a glitch and thought to himself, "something ain't right here...", that dood will listen and wake up. Your dad thinks you're crazy.


TDS is terminal in 99% of cases. It's so deeply ingrained that they're permanently broken. TDS victims are incapable of critical thinking. Their opinions come from their authority figures which is usually mainstream media, so without some sort of significant event they will never be able to conceive that they're wrong. Imagine a robotic arm in a factory. It has one job which is to pick up an item from one location and place it in another location. It was programmed to do this by an engineer, and it will continue to do this until the engineer tells is to do something else. It lacks the necessary components to decide on its own what task it will complete. It does what it is told by the engineer and will never deviate. The vast majority of democrat voters operate in this same manner, and as such they can never be saved. Very, *very* few of them are even capable of sentience.


Do what democrats do, send their absentee ballot in for them…


Well the first thing would be making sure they never see this post


He’s your dad, who would know better then you.


Brute force. Think like an AI large language model strategy. Just throw as much information at them as you can. As soon as you hear something that you know the mainstream media will twist like the blood ath story, get out in front of it and open their eyes. My mother in law, who had a pretty bad case of TDS and lives in NY has come forward and said that she'll be voting for Trump because of all the political persecution he's been facing. It's possible


Can't cure TDS. You can try to bring up facts, but they'll ignore them because at this point they're so invested in the D)ifferent party that the sunken cost fallacy has them locked down. Instead of trying to get them to vote Trump, point out how inept Biden is and start talking up RFK. He's basicly a early '00's Dem anyway.


Be friendly! Agree with them. Be infinitely patient, and don't try to prove them wrong. Science research has shown that when a person is proven wrong, they feel *physical* pain and double down on being wrong. That's why you never want to try and prove them wrong on anything. With careful patience and understanding introduce proof of things very gently. And in a way that does not prove them immediately wrong. In an agreeable way find things Biden and Trump agree on. Biden has pretty much copied Trump's China trade policies. Trump lowered the price of insulin, Biden first undid that, then later did it in a more formal way. You can describe that in a way that makes Biden look good, while also showing there is some overlap between Biden and Trump. And again in the most friendly way you go to things so extreme even your parents disagree with them. And you agree with your parents and move to things a bit closer to the right. But be friendly and be prepared with proof and most important of all infinite patience.


Find something important to him and show him how Biden is destroying it


My mom is a lost cause. She literally thinks Trump is Hitler reborn. She also watches the View, so I've completely given up on her. Best case is she gets lazy and doesn't vote at all.


I have no hope of convincing my dad. He is going to vote democrat no matter what. It's been that way since he passed away.


Your father seems to be smarter than you, buddy.


Don’t choose convicted felons as your party’s candidates


Maybe run a better candidate?


TDS isn't real. It's just something that conservatives say when they don't want to acknowledge how terrible their candidate is.


It's definitely real. DoctorJ is a perfect example of it. His life is completely dedicated to crying about Trump here


The irony of that term is how they use it to defend someone who is completely mentally deranged himself.


Your dad seems awesome, doesn’t want to vote for a proven rapist and convicted felon who hates freedoms.


Rabid tds ^


Clearly someone hasn't informed you the proper position is "justice impacted individuals are merely victims of the system"


+100 social credit score. Carry on comrade




Thank you, u/TAC82RollTide, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1dgp48f/how_are_we_convincing_our_boomer_parents_with_tds/l8sx6u8/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes! Completed my buzzword bingo card. Checked all the boxes with those FACTS! Tysm arguement 4never!


“How do I drag my dad into the cult that I’m in.”


Yeah it must be sad to have brain that can spot bullshit easily, but your kid is a retarded cultist like OP...and gosh...still using terms like TDS.