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I see leftist saying he has recovered and it was just a bad night for him. You can't help cultists




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Leftists are saying that? I doubt it. You are doing what Pool does; taking a few tweets from deranged twitter accounts and applying it to The Left broadly. Toddler brain


First I think twitter X is overrated and over valued. No one I know uses or has a account on it. Yet I have seen. This constantly all over face book and I talk to people and leftists not really paying attention to things have told me the same.


I don't think Biden will allow himself to be replaced. You're already seeing some pushback from to the idea that Biden must be replaced. The delegates are locked into voting for Biden on the first round, so unless Biden voluntarily steps aside, it will be Biden.


You can't run if you are dead. And they can easily make it happen. 82yo died, well no shit ;)


And EVERYBODY hates Kamala, so that puts Mike Johnson up next.... That would be insane.


Biden will ultimately do what he is told or they'll make the choice for him. He's never been in charge, so if they want to replace him they'll either make him step down or they'll get rid of him.


Big mike. The dictator Obama will never hand over power.


They won't. He is too useful idiot


Hakeem Jeffries , the next Obama


Whatever else you wanna say about Barry, Obama had charisma. Jeffries does not. Watch any clip of him talking and it’s immediately obvious he isn’t the next Obama any more than Deval Patrick or Jamaal Bowman.


You are definitely right on the charisma, I was referring more how the democrats would spin him.


I think they learned with Kamala that you can’t force a charisma-free candidate onto people using demographics/intersectionality alone.


I disagree the democrats of today double down and power through, that square peg is going in that round hole if it likes it or not.


I guess we’ll see


Kamala, Newsome or Whitmer. Possibly Pritzker, dark horses would be the gov of Colorado and even Fetterman.


Obama "wishes" he could rule the country indefinitely? How about another candidate(s)? Takes a lot of ego to be President. That said, I think you're right. No one stands up. Hillary missed the boat. The current VP? Not a chance.


I don't know but I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in the presidential limo as they drove away from the venue that night. Were they yelling and scrambling and trying to spin on Twitter and Instagram, frantically fielding calls from media outlets asking for a statement? Or were they just sitting there in silence with no sound over the road apart from the ice in Jill Biben's whiskey?


David Hasselhoff in drag. I mean Whitmer. There’s a reason you’ll never see those two in the same room if you’re skeptical


Newsom, Barack Obama's husband or the fucking hag from Michigan.




"First black woman with a crank" is still up for grabs.


Newsom, no question. Michael Obama would also be a worthy replacement but he's been out of the public eye for too long for them to just throw him back in on such short notice.


It doesn’t matter who they run when they can produce hundreds of thousands of votes at 2am


That bitch from Michigan


Gavin Newsom. There is a reason he flew (environmentally sustainably of course) from CA to GA for a debate that had no audience. There will be the Kamala question tho.


Mrs second worst president in history, Michelle Obuma. Or Gavin, do as I say not as I do, Newsom.


Big Mike. You cannot replace "black woman" Harris with a White Man or woman like Newsome or Clinton. I've been saying this for a year. Michelle has always been the plan. Swap out Biden for someone Barry and his handlers can fully control and doesn't have baggage of a failed state like Newsome or all of Killary's issues. sHe has name recognition, is black, and was relatively popular.


Imagine they run Michelle, and she loses to convicted felon Orange Man. Yeah… I don’t see the Obamas risking that lol.




It's going to be a popular female minority. Oprah or Big Mike.


There's plenty of candidates, shark tanks idiot would love to run, Oprah and Joy together would be a ticket too, let's see, how bout pencil neck ?


Exactly what they’re doing


I don't think it matters. I really think everyone has already decided on either Trump, or anyone but Trump. Now if the libertarians actually had a horse in this race, that would be interesting.




This is possible too, didn't wikileaks just purge a lot of her e-mails?


It’ll be Michael Obama, Obama wants his 4th and 5th terms


Biden will have to step down. Kamala Harris will become president for an interim. Gavin Newsom will then take the reins as the DNC candidate for the election. Seems about as good as any other prognostication 🤷


It’ll be Gina Raimondo, the left (the actual left, not what tim pool calls the left) will not be pleased, this sub will talk about how the libs are melting down, and then she’ll win 40 states


Some people are saying Gavin Newsom. Which is funny to me because he's a young Trump but on the Left.