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Why didn't I ever think to just simply ask woman not to ghost me? Such a simple solution.


You ghosted me? After I specifically asked you not to?




​ ![gif](giphy|uGBNTeD7uvMkrR6OGg)


You deliberately disobeyed me - lion king




That's like promising to be faithful and then cheating.. you promised!


Jackson! You swore!


i think it might be very impolite that’s why!


Same trick works on scammers. If you write "no scammers" they legally can't scam you.


You can't get robbed without your consent. Just stand your ground and say "no"




"No bots please" also works.


Selling illegal drugs, no cops!


He is oblivious. If large numbers of people ghost you then you might be an ass not worth communicating with.


I was thinking the same thing. The guys got an ego the size of Jupiter. And the intelligence of a rock. No offense to the rock 🪨🤣


Or your threshold for calling something ghosting is too low. I can see this guy's matches not replying because they use Tinder as a back burner or his opening line was lame etc, and him calling it ghosting.


True. People have lives and I've gone off chatting when they get shitty you don't reply while busy at work like normal humans have to do


If called a horse's ass once, twice and three times it's time to go shopping for a saddle


“Darryl. You’ve already confirmed you’re a low-value man. You don’t have to mention your negative reviews, too.”


Likely the situation. This guy is probably an arrogant ass, with plenty of "Non-PC" views. During the first date, he effectively insults, alienates, or makes the date uncomfortable, so they quietly make their exit.


At 49 and never married, and yet *saying* they want a long term? Red flags already... Never mind all his other bull.


“Generally speaking, in any given room, there is an asshole. If, to you, everyone else in the room is an asshole, it’s pretty safe to say that *you’re* the asshole.”




well he isnt wrong. Is it too much to ask for mature and responsible people.


Eh, depending on behavior (that this dude is already showing signs of) some people need a good ghosting. I'm not here to hold your hand while you go off the rails at me about why I'm an eviluglyslutbitchwhore for not wanting a second date.


Yeah guys who start showing behavior like this are exactly the reason some women feel safer ghosting.


I'm a guy and my finger is hovering over the block button with any online interaction I have. Can't believe how many women allow men online to talk to them in various ways for so long. I guess it makes good content for the various subreddits.


Are there any more eviluglyslutbitchwhores like you or are you all that exist? Asking for science.


I am Eviluglyslutbitchwhore, of the House CuntMuffin, First of Her Name, The Uncaring, Queen of the Anal and the Thirsty Men, Khaleesi of the Great Roast Beef Curtains, Breaker of Hearts and Mother of Hamsters.


You mother hamsters and your father smells of elderberry. Story checks out. Publish the papers!


“Kaleesi of the Great Roast Beef Curtains.” I raise a glass to you and all of your titles!


But will you bend your knee?


That's true and in a perfect world it would happen but it also requires the rejected party to be mature and respectful enough not to argue with nor flip out on the person saying they aren't interested.


Depends… but no one is entitled to my time or energy. If it’s an early talking stage. Like “what do you do?” “Where do you live?” And I’m bored with you, I don’t have to respond or give you a reason why. I can unmatch and move on. If talking to you is like pulling teeth to get a proper conversation and you just respond with one word, but you’re constantly blowing my phone up with wyd hru wy@ sup. Then I’m moving on because it’s not worth it to me. If you’re argumentative over everything, like even the smallest things like the best flavor of coffee. “House blend is better than morning blend!” Then I’m not entertaining this and just block and ghost. If it’s an established relationship and I ghost then there’s probably a safety reason? If not then it’s petty and childish.


Like you said, if I or the other person is no longer interested, unmatching right away is a safe bet.


>Is it too much to ask for mature and responsible people. > >\-------------- > >Apparently in this age, it is far too much to expect.


Am I the only person who doesn’t mind ghosting that much? Sure it sucks at first but I get over it in a couple days.


Is nobody going to comment that his job says “just being me”. At 49, what does that mean? Are you unemployed or are you retired?


Or is he trying to make it as an influencer?


Same thing


If you ask about it, you’re immediately ruled out as a “gold digger.”


True. And that's super ironic cuz he's down with being a friend with benefits...


It likely means he‘s opinionated and unwilling to change his habits among other things.


Reddit mod


Drug dealer obviously. Can't post that, so he wrote that he is self employed... but you know, without the real employment part. Which explain why he is also not married, has money to travel, and doesn't like being ghosted... Half the city knows him, people talk when he sit alone at the café with a bouquet of flowers.


Actual guess - he probably inherited money and is living off of dividends from investments. Dude sounds like he yells at waitstaff and still gets his way. Gross.


I don't think they understand the principle concept of friends with benefits.


I'm here to marry you or fuck with no strings attached. No middle ground...


Honestly the middle ground is the worst of all 3 options. That’s how you end up in situationships


Was there for like the last 3 years. We both knew we wanted different things and it was going to end but neither one of us wanted it to. Just made it much worse when it finally had to


Fml. I think I'm there now.


The longer you entertain wants not for you, the longer you postpone what is.


ME TOO🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yikes.....ME TOO!! #butitssoooogooooood 😬


Out of it for 6 months now, lasted 2 years. I've been a much happier person since it ended, don't let pointless people weigh you down


The one year anniversary of my five-year situationship ending was yesterday. Thanks Timehop for never letting me forget!


i just got out of a pretty bad one a couple weeks ago..now all of a sudden he wants a relationship but that ship has sailed..


I was in a situationship that had a marriage certificate attached to it, apparently


had that, and it took 3.5 yrs for her to agree to the divorce.. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Jesus fuck it better not take that fucking long lmao. She wants a divorce too, she just doesn’t know what she wants from me. If it takes too long then I will 100% take it to court lol.


thankfully, she didn't get much more than I had paid out over 3.5 yrs for the damn credit card that I was dumb enough to cosign for about 6 months before we split.


At 55 I think it's pretty great we don't have to have long term plans. This is nice. I will miss you when you (or I) have to go.


You mean the worst of the triple (4) options.


At this point the word situationship makes me stressed. They can be one of the worst things you could do for yourself.


I call them shituationships 🤣


Me too!!


Hearing the word "situationship", makes me imagine a picture of someone shrugging in confusion.


Honestly, that’s what I do when people ask what we are.


Still better than an implicationship.


Or a sedationship. You don’t even know you’re in it!


It's about the implications


I think he was aiming for the sign in the fork in the road. Either you will be on track for a marriage or you will be short term sex. No perpetual years of dating. Just guessing


And that’s not actually unreasonable. Rest of his profile is, obviously.


> The only kind of girl they see is a one night or a wife \- t swift


And absolutely you don’t get to stop talking to me until I’m done


Yeah seriously. First question that comes to my mind is, “why is this dude so accustomed to getting ghosted”. Quintessential lowest common denominator situation.


Well yeah. I'm the same way. I want somethign serious or something easy. I'm not looking for friends/adventures. Fuck off wiht that chit.


friends with benefits without the friendship


Mutual beneficiaries


Isn't the middle between FWB and marriage a relationship?


A relationship is a step, not a goal


Also what is the million dollar baby reference?? Does he know how that story ends? Is that what he means…?


Guess he couldn't remember the phrase one in a million?


He is desperate for a companion so that’s what he wants but he is also horny and doesn’t want women to think he’s not just open to fucking them. He’s very centered around what he wants out of dating and not interested in just making himself presentable to a potential partner in anyway. His expectations are also probably way higher than what he’s willing to put in.


Looking at the shape under his chin, he's not super attractive either.


He doesn’t even know how to spell it :p


Or the concept of triple.


Count ‘em, 4


Pretty sure he means vaccinated (part 1 and 2) with 2 boosters


I agree and wonder why this hasn't occurred to more people.


This isn't a smart sub


Well yeah, duh that’s what he meant, but triple = 3. On what planet would you say triple and mean 4.


people rarely say they are vaccinated if they only got the original shot, but people often say they are double vaccinated if they got the original series (shots 1 and 2) plus 1 booster. The dude is cringe but that part at least makes sense.


Looking for a marriage or a FWB? That’s a pretty wide spectrum if you ask me.


I'd say with most people you meet, its either going to get more serious/progress, or it's not, both things are ok, so maybe he's saying "if we dont have a future i can play in the present, but I'm going to still look for a lifelong companion."


But god forbid his FWB is divorced in her 40s. His penis is too good for them.


Bold of you to assume that's the age range he's looking for.


Definitely trying to land a young one.


I love it when idiots disqualify themselves, saves everyone time and frustration. The worst thing is when people hide how awful they are, scheming themselves into relationships.


Basically “I’m looking for marriage, but I’ll take what I can get”


I don't really think so, if you distinguish FWBs from fuck buddies, which I do. I used to have a genuine FWB, and it was awesome. We traveled together, went to football or baseball games together. Sometimes we'd just hang out at the house and play board games. And then at some point we'd have sex. The point is that I genuinely liked spending time with her as a friend. I just didn't want a committed romantic relationship with her. Compare that to a fuck buddy, who you primarily just get together with for the sex part. You get along well enough for it to be a regular thing, but you don't really hang out. I'm also looking for what this guy is...a romantic partner or genuine FWB. Maybe it's all the other weird stuff this guy put that makes him seem creepy, but it would be nice to be able to be honest with what I'm looking for.


Sounds like "dating"


Marriage is just a closer FWB


I don't know why you got downvoted. I agree with you. FWB = friendship + sex. Assuming you want to be friends with your spouse, then marriage* = friendship + sex + all those other things that go with marriage and/or a romantic relationship. \* ^(Obviously, this looks different for aromantics and asexuals. I'm just making a general point.)


“Looking for marriage or FWB” is sending me. He’ll basically take anything except for divorced women


And single mums


They’re a dime a dozen


Looking for his million dollar baby


I don't think he's seen the movie.


Or he has seen the movie and wants to kill her


Or tattooed women


Can’t imagine why he’s on there at 49


He seems like a perfect match for the 45 year old lady in the other post.


Getting those matchmaker matchmaker vibes...


But he's 6'6, this sub says anyone over 6' flat is drowning in pussy. Impossible?! /s


Rule 1 and 2


What does that mean!? Someone else said that to me previously but I didn't ask what they were referring to. Reddit rules? Rules of dating?


Rule 1: Be attractive Rule 2: Don’t be unattractive ie: If you look good and aren’t an ass, you’ll do well. This guy fails both tests


Ah, Makes sense. Although it shouldn't but it does.


The fuck is a SWF?


single white female, according to my searching


I figured that’s what it was, I was just hoping it was something else I hadn’t heard of. That’s on me, I should learn not to set my expectations so high.


Yep, I looked it up and just thought: „Of course it means that.”


These kinds of acronyms used to be extremely common before the internet - newspapers' classified ads had a dating section, and it was charged by the word or letter. e.g. SWM GSOH WLTM NS SF… https://www.collinsdictionary.com/word-lists/abbreviation-personal-ads-and-dating-sites


This whole thread is very r/fuckimold to me


My head is hurting from being chastised by the folks who gave us ROFL, LGBTQ+, and TFW for using SWF.


![gif](giphy|mFwKpG7McVIrbZWWD6) If you get this reference you’re old enough to date him


Fuck I get it


The file extension for Macromedia Flash. Sorry, old nerd humor. 90's kids will remember.


Ah I remember when flash was owned by Macromedia!


I read it as survive with friends, maybe I need to get off of DBD for a bit.


Immediately what I thought but I always refer to it as sweat with friends because some killers be rough as all hell




You can probably guess his looks from the sliver of the picture lol I would not consider him good looking at all, that was the kicker


I’m guessing he wasn’t wearing fuzzy socks?


Or the Superman underwear.


Color me completely un-shocked that when I scrolled back up to check the photo... I do believe I'm seeing a bit of neckbeard.


Don’t ghost him. He thinks it’s impolite. I’d ghost him twice.


You know he’s been ghosted a lot for him to write that. You’d think at 49 he’d have figured out it’s a him problem


Dude’s got that bullfrog neck, so you know he can do crazy stuff with his tongue. (Jokes — he definitely only gives head like once a year as a special occasion, and it’s absolutely terrible)


Went out with a great dude...with that neck. I just couldn't stop looking at it. He looked 60 I felt so shallow rejecting him but he wanted kids and that's was my easy out


Ruling out single moms at 50 is so odd to me because a lot of women his age are at the empty-nester stage anyway, or close it it. If the kids have grown up and moved out, why would you even care?


It might also be that he doesn't want to be with a woman who is always going to have priorities above him. Even if she is an empty nester, she is still a mom, and her kids may still come before a man. For some men, that is unacceptable.


That's fine to have that preference. But in general, putting a list of NO's in your profile is a bad idea altogether. It's a far better approach to say things that you DO like in a person.


I wasn't saying i agree with him or his approach to creating his profile. I was just providing a potential answer to the question.


Eh. Sure, it's possible, or maybe he just doesn't want to deal with kids period, no matter the age. I'm in my late 30s, and I dont date, but if I did, I wouldn't want to date anyone with any kids. Not young kids or old kids. It has nothing to do with priorities or attention and 100% to do with not wanting that type of family life. I don't want to deal with adult children or grandchildren, I don't want the drama or family dynamic. Children being adults doesn't mean they aren't still financially and emotionally draining. Just imagine all the grandparents stuck taking care of grandkids they don't want to be taking care of.


I think it's important for people who don't want the responsibility of children to refrain from dating people with children. No matter what you will end up playing some sort of role in that child (even if they're adults) life. This is how we end up with shitty "step" parents. And for older people who would be mostly dating people with adult children those relationships can be even more complex and difficult than younger children. If my wife and I ever divorced or if I was widowed it would be extremely difficult for me to date. I have my own biological child and my step daughter. I would never leave my step daughter's life, anyone I'd date would have to accept that I will always have a child that is not biologically mine in my life.


Nah, children are a lifelong commitment. My sister and I have moved out of my parents house, but we're still really close to our parents. They're not done with us. It's very understandable if you don't want someone who has people in their life that are most important to them and would always be a priority.


Dude probably isn't looking for women close to his age anyway. Everything about this profile screams "deeply in denial about who I can attract" to me. Dude is probably looking for women in their early to mid 20s.


I won't date single mothers because the children have usually been young and it causes a lot of issues. You basically have to schedule sex, baby dad can cause drama, you can't go out anywhere on a whim, and have to schedule essentially everything else around the kid. Most, if not all of these wouldn't be an issue once the kid is grown moves out but I'm not quite at that phase of my life yet.


I wouldn’t assume this gem is looking anywhere near his own age group, so maybe there is some valid concern in avoiding single moms if he’s trolling for 20 somethings.


You’d be surprised how many childless people there are out there these days. It’s a bit cringy the way he requested it but it’s really not that uncommon now.


I’m not saying there are no childless people… just that after a certain age, most women no longer have toddlers in tow even if they did at one time.


Exactly. My kids are adults. And I’ve technically never been divorced; but was with my kids dad for twenty years. Left him, no legalities needed. Then I got married a couple of years later. Now I’m a widow. So do I somehow qualify lol. Even if I did, I cannot imagine swiping right on this family guy look alike. Beggars can’t be choosers as they say; I’m not sure what he thinks he has to offer. His options will be slim I think. *also I don’t date guys with young children myself. I just put “empty nester and looking for the same.” No need to insult anyone!


I don’t think he’s looking in his age bracket. Agree though


What is your idea of ghosting? "If the person I want does not reply to me."


I don’t even have kids and the line “No single mothers because they’re a dime a dozen” disgusts me!


It’s one thing to have preferences, it’s another to degrade and dehumanize people who don’t fit your preferences.


Agreed. Some of these profiles are just absolutely nasty about their preferences and then write it off as being "confident in my preferences" or "I'm quirky". No, you're mean for the sake of being mean. "I'm not looking to be a stepfather or father figure to any kids" would have sufficed. Makes it about his preferences rather than what he actually wrote.


> "I'm not looking to be a stepfather or father figure to any kids" would have sufficed. Makes it about his preferences rather than what he actually wrote. Frankly, even that feels unnecessary to me. Use your profile to sell yourself — if you want to filter people out based on your preferences, then do that when you’re swiping and having conversations with people. If someone is the type to hide the fact that they have kids on their profile/in conversation, then they’re not going to pay any heed to you saying you don’t want to date someone with kids anyway.


I'd rather not waste my time if someone has what I consider a red or yellow flag. If they don't want kids of any kind, I'd like to know it right off the bat, so I don't care if people "unnecessarily" list their preferences like that. I don't have kids, but that type of preference in them is a yellow flag to me. But, hey, it's my preference to be able to weed jerks out immediately, so 🤷‍♀️


I’m also child free and that line grossed me out. A dime a dozen?? Single parents aren’t low value humans.


It’s so disgusting I agree. He’s no catch, cannot imagine who would match him.


Pamela Anderson is a divorced single mother. Sadly she loved his profile but had to swipe left.


Triple vaccinated means 3. 😶


Three doses, four shots. First one was a series of two shots for most people


Ohh ok but he could have left the 4 part out


Someone who puts their vaccine status in their bio certainly will want you to know they didn’t get Johnson and Johnson lol


THANK YOU! I couldn’t figure it out and it was just that simple.


OP, he sounds like a gem. Can’t believe he hasn’t been snatched up already. I hope you swiped right.


Someone should tell him how Million Dollar Baby ends


Job status: Just being me Hmmm.....




I can't. I'm divorced




He was NOT a catch in *any* way


I mean, at least he’s vaccinated, you don’t have to get him his shots


Never married is not a red flag lmao


He's asking a lot for someone with 2 chins


2 chins, 4 vaccines, 0 marriages


When I tell men I'm 42, have never been married and have no children, they immediately ask what's wrong with me. As if going on Bumble before their second divorce is finalized makes them the height of normalcy.


What’s absolutely killing me right now is that I 100% check all of his boxes and still I’d never let him check my box.




I was divorced out of an 11 year relationship by someone who said they hadn't loved me since before I proposed (2 years into the relationship). I'm struggling with similar shit thoughts like not being deserving of love or will never find it. I feel you.


I don't even need to see him, his personality sounds unattractive and that's enough for me


I'm confused. I am looking at the part of his pic and idk if he can be picky... Sir be fucking for real 🥹 out of shape white dudes are also a dime a dozen


The neckbeard is on point.


Gonna take a wild stab and say that 'ghosting' in this case are 'people who stopped messaging back because I said some wildly innappropriate shit'.


Ding ding ding.


Something tells me “ghosting” him becomes a thing once his personality really opens up during the DM phase.


I think he's looking for a married woman 🤔 At almost 50 he hasn't offered to be a sugar daddy. But expects a not divorced and no kids woman in his age range? He's 100% going for fwb with a married woman. Prove me wrong? 🤣 oh God y'all are gonna destroy me for the "prove me wrong" 😆 But seriously he HAS to be looking for a married no kids woman... the swf is the only thing making this VERY confusing for me.


Looking for a wife or a fuck buddy, don’t care which lol


Like what is wrong with divorced people…not sure being single your whole life is better lol


My friend Jess fits this what’s his snap


Gonna go out on a limb for triple(4): the first two are being counted as one here; so Shot+Shot, shot, shot. Not sure I'd personally count it that way, but the math checks out.