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I agree with other commenters about the photos. Your bio tells me absolutely nothing about you except that you are bitter and frustrated. I wouldn’t talk to someone at a bar who was complaining about how terrible meeting people at the bar was so I don’t know why it would work online either. Based on what you have written, I don’t know what we could have in common so I would swipe left.


Awesome, thanks for the input


So I have to ask is that a serotonin tattoo? And man I don’t know about modern dating, but you look like a dude who likes to get down and have a good time. I’d change my bio to something like ‘I like to have a good time, if you like to have a good time, let’s a have a good time together.’ Also if you got a Frenchie and a bulldog, make those babies front and center.


It is serotonin! And awesome thanks man


This right here.


Oh man, isn’t he right though


No, he’s not right. Funnily enough, women had a lot more to lose meeting folks off apps. Understanding *why* women want to talk for a while before meeting up will go a long way towards helping you reach that point!


I am in no need for dating. But I am old enough to know what is what. Don’t fool yourself and others. As any human would do, women are reveling in endless options in online apps. Yes of course I understand difficulties of being a woman, constantly being in danger of men with no sense of decency, equality and respect. But don’t make up a story that apps do not make men suffer at the hands of the one that holds the power, which in OLD, is women. If situation was reversed, men would do the same. Yet, it does not make the suffering, degredation and spite any less real.


Bullshit. We do not have “endless options” on dating apps, and there is no power in fearing for your life and safety. Y’all think we’re just sitting here enjoying attention from the top 10% of dudes when most of us are just trying to wade through a morass of red flags. I mean, it’s always apparent that 90% of the dudes who *do* swipe right on me haven’t even given a *cursory* look at my profile - and still expect me to want to engage with them. Get out of the mindset that tells you to blame women for your lack of success on the apps (or would if you were personally on them), and recognize that if no one is interacting with you it’s because of the way you are presenting yourself.


Again, I do not use the apps. I am on this subreddit to watch y’all play your little pathetic games. I let go of it long ago and preferred to find people in real life, which worked out a lot better. I will give you a hint. The mere fact that women have 1000x more chances on the apps turn (some) men into what you perceive as someone with “red flags”. The reason you get so many absurdly sexual messages (yet I have never done it personally). Because it does not matter. Because statistically you realise that your chances are close to nothing. You can write the best message in the world, it will disappear in that inbox of 1000 messages a day, if that face you have in the main profile picture is not prettier than the other ones in the list. All your pretentions that you look at the bio, and the green flags, only come after men win that first battle. Look prettier than the rest of the inbox at first glimpse. It is not your fault. The world is visual. But stop the pretention. You cannot change the sourness of a whole book with a couple of good chapters. Edit: Looking at your profile, I understand that it might be different for you. We probably lived entirely different experiences mostly. I apologise if I caused any offense at any point.


While i understand your reasoning, Its not correct. Women are not as visually staunch as men. For me personally its a range for looks and as long as someone falls in that range i'd swipe. The deciding factor is profile and personality. An 8 with animosity gets a left swipe, a 5 with a funny and positive profile gets a right swipe.


The thing is though, when you have 100s of matches, you won’t really look at that bio. I don’t think this happens consciously. I would like to emphasise that I do not find women at fault, guilty or “evil” as a “nice guy” would. It is just a consequence of how it works at the moment. I think it is just not feasible for women to look at all of the matches. Naturally you just glimpse at the first picture which shows up in the list and your mind prioritises based on that look. Of course there would be moments of outliers where you have time and you read the bio of matches that are not necessarily really good looking. But this would not change the overall outlook imo.


I look at the bio the majority of the time before I swipe, even if its just a cursory glance. If I'm at a toss up whether to swipe the bio will make all the difference. I also always go back and look at someone's bio if we have started a conversation and they seem to have potential. The bio from there will guide my enthusiasm and engagement. So whether its on the front or back end, The bio does matter. You have to remember, Yeah, maybe we have 5k+ matches, But it doesnt mean we are swiping through them all at once or that we ever swipe through them all. Its much more likely we are breaking these up into small batches over time and you can then see how reading a bio becomes much more realistic.


I appreciate the apology, thank you. But you also gotta realize that it’s really not that great out there for *anyone*. Like, Tinder makes its money of people actively using the app, right? And they’re the ones who really control the algorithm. They have no incentive to make sure that you’re actually matching with folks who are going to be a good fit for you, because then you’d never give them money again!


Yes, well it is true. But I find that theory somewhat conspiratorial. Having worked in tech companies all my life, I do not see how you would convince hundreds of product managers and engineers to create logic that makes it unreasonably hard for people for the sake of profit. You can try, but it will get out and it will be known.


The problem is that men using the apps forget that, in the US at least, 70% of the profiles are men and a good portion of the remaining female profiles are likely bots or other men trying to scam you. That’s not the same as women “holding the power”, that’s men blaming women for falling victim to a scam


Yes, I agree. I realise I sound like nice guys here, which is not my intention. Because of the way these apps work, minority will always hold the power. Today that is women, which is not their fault.


You're old, bitter, and you don't date. Somehow I'm not inclined to believe any of your opinions about modern dating lol.


Your bio makes you seem desperate and very negative. The single prompt about your hidden talent says you are a crude man child. Maybe rethink those things unless you want to attract the same. Your pics are definitely not all current within a year. You look very different ages from pic to pic. Don't misrepresent yourself with outdated pics.


Hold on OP, how DO you make fart sounds with your back?


Be sweaty and large and capture an air bubble around your lower spine laying face up on the ground. Then just lift your legs and it will squeeze out quite dramatically.


You have to go on a date with him to find out.


That‘s also something he needs to do. Every man actually. Don’t be an open book, you have to be playful and for example write something like If I should show you how I fart with my back swipe right


You're a good looking guy, but that profile is an absolute turn off. As a woman I don't want to feel pressured to meet someone until I feel comfortable so I always swipe left on guys who seem like they'd push to meet right away.


Thanks for the insight!


1000% this. Not single now but I never talked to people who pressured to meet. Ironically, finding people further out was better because we had to coordinate when to meet and out in effort. And easier to stop talking if they seemed dangerous


You need better photos. You also sound bitter and jaded AF. Dating sucks for everyone. You’re not special or unique in being frustrated, and putting that out there makes you sound like you’re also not going to be fun to hang out with.


I second this. Anytime a guy mentions something like what OP did, I do not swipe right on them




How do you know that those women are getting matches? A super negative bio is also a turnoff for men.


I guess I was trying to relate to all the other single people here in key west who are just as frustrated. I get what you mean, and I just changed it from something that was lighthearted and funny but nothing


I’m dating in my 40s, I know it sucks. I get exactly what you’re saying. But I want someone I connect with to be excited for our first date, not already over it and treating it like a chore. I’m also taking time out of my life to meet you, so I want to think it’ll be appreciated and worth it. Something more lighthearted and optimistic. Go into dates expecting the best, not the worst. It’s not your date’s job to ‘prove you’re wrong’. Innocent until proven guilty.


Go back to lighthearted and funny. It’ll serve you better. Also, your pics look like they from ages 22-38. Pics should be no more than 6mo old


I appreciate that but the first pic is the newest and go back chronologically. I know I need to get more photos, been meaning to. That’s why I’m here, to get advice and a laugh


If the first one (which is arguably your best one) is your newest, delete the rest and take completely new photos Btw, great bulldog


Definitely don't delete the bulldog, he can stay


Big agree - it in no way reads chronological and I'm left wondering what you look like today.


I’d swipe right based off your pics 🙂 bio does come off a little judgey and redundant, I typically like to see ppl include hobbies/interests or somewhere they’d like to go for a first date on there so it gives a better idea on compatibility


Yeah if the guy doesn’t want to talk to anyone it’s pretty hard to gauge if it’s worth going out if the bio doesn’t say anything but “date me”.


Keep the dog photo


I like your range of pics. I personally think it's ok to keep them all. But maybe state in your profile something like "My first pic is the most recent (summer 2023)." assuming you do not have the setting on that mixes your photos. I agree with the others about changing the bio to something less negative and more informative.


You need to delete the whole bio asap 😅


>I guess I was trying to relate to all the other single peopl Lmao are you trying to match a potential date or other single guys


Better to go with something like "somebody please save me from this app" etc Never put anything negative in your bio


I agree with you, but people wouldn't say the same to a woman, it's kind of unfair. Men on Tinder aren't socially entitled to their preferences and boundaries. They have to be always fun, and date / sleep with anyone who is interested.


people would definitely give the same advice to removr the bitter dating comments from a womans profile, as well. its not a good look for anyone literally go checm all of the womens profile reviews youll find the advice to be very simular, except women are also warned about specific pictures or outfits and bios that will attract men who will only want to hook up and ghost.


Man if anyone is making you feel like you should date or sleep with people who you don't want to date or sleep with you need to not listen to those people.


They don't have to be anything. But if someone comes around asking for advice, what do you expect? In this case, should all the comments be "don't charge a thing bro, it's women's fault for not having all over you"?


Yeah they absolutely would


People would say the same to a woman especially if she's a chubby woman.


Women are not attracted to fart related things.


i had to scroll too far to find this. if i hadnt swiped left by the other things mentioned, that would have confirmed left swipe for me but also, i wouldnt mesh with someone whose sense if humor adds a fart joke to their tinder profile, youre looking for a girl who would, because thats who you are and you want to find your match


As a woman I agree, if this is the one hidden talent that he lists on his dating profile.. that’s not very impressive. At the same time, after dating him for a bit? If he whips out that skill, I would find it funny. But it absolutely wouldn’t attract me to him initially.


Farts can be funny. For me it’s more that if THAT is your one and only special skill, and you feel inclined to brag about it… nah.


Good point


You don’t need to appeal to every woman. If you’re looking for a relationship, you just need one women, in fact. What I’m saying is, I think you should leave in the back fart skill. Someone women won’t like it, but do you want to date those women anyway? The issue I see is that it is literally the only information about your personality on there. That is clearly not your whole personality, one would hope.


This is bad advice. Remove the back fart thing OP. It’s not a good look on a dating profile in any circumstance.


My username is smellthebreeze and I concur


Lies, I thought it was funny lol


Right?? Lmao same


Absolutely 😁


Speak for yourself, I thought it was funny. Women aren't all attracted to the same things.


Yep, and you also need a better bio.


Agreed, but my bios that way because of where I live. Super tough to date in key west


Yeah... and? If it was true that you had a hemorrhoid, would you also write that on your profile? Your dating profile is a chance to sell yourself to other people. You have a few seconds of a random stranger's time to entice them. You want to seem attractive, likable, and fun. And what did you do with that opportunity? "I hate dating!" Why would that make anyone want to date you?


Good point, thanks!


If the hemorrhoid could fart… yea




Why do you keep saying “key west”? Where the hell is that


Key West is an island off the coast of Florida. It’s super small, so I imagine it is extra difficult to find people to date there.


It’s also super gay and a major tourist town. Probably one of the worst places for a straight guy to find a serious date. Still not something you should put in your profile, but I feel for you, OP.


Oh so America. At least give a general geographical landmark for us to understand.




I’m just here representing G-town VIC


You look different in every photo


These are photos of at least five different people. OP, you need photos of what you look like now, so people know what to expect when you show up for a date. Not you five different hairstyles ago.


First pic looks a whole generation prior to the others.. Once you fix that, lmk and I’ll get to the rest of the profile stuff 🫶🏼


First pic is actually the most recent. Lost about 80lbs


Then do more pics that are recent!! Seriously man.


Damn dawg for real! You should have led with that OP.


It would just make me curious which picture is current and accurate because they do look different. Considering people are notorious for using outdated pictures, easiest assumption is that the cute selfie is the old look.


Confusing, got it. I’ve been meaning to get some photos. Gotta get my bros to help me out with a photoshoot


I have a friend that went from no dates to becoming a dating wiz and found his wife by simply starting to use the timer setting on his phone to take selfies instead of holding it at arms length like the rest of us chaps, he’d set it down somewhere and then was able to do a pose. He’d have a new one every day in different places and we’d clown on him but it totally worked in turning his dating life around - feel free to try that since I know us guys have trouble asking our friends to take photos of us, I don’t know why it feels so universally awkward!


Adding to the timer comment, you can also take a video and then take stills from the video, I guess the photo quality may go down slightly (does it?) but you can take your time posing and you might see something you didn’t think of doing as a pose but just did during the video that looks good.


The reverse catfish


It’s also okay to say, “x picture is most recent”


Maybe mention your weight loss in your profile or that you're looking for gym partners, I think that would be relatable to some


Good job on that achievement dude


That first pic had me swiping right. More recent photos for sure.


You are a good looking guy, your bio makes you seem like you’re pissed at the world. Look if you’re on Tinder, we are all in the same boat with dating. Let’s not throw a pitty party about how dating sucks for YOU! it’s sucks PERIOD. We want to date people who still make it fun, enjoyable, and still have that fun about them; and who aren’t pissed at the dating scene/world. Change the bio. Also I’d wait til like the 4th date to let them in on your hidden talent. 😉


I really like the fourth picture a lot! The rest are kind of a mixed bag to me. The bio is the bigger problem. I’d rather you write about yourself, hobbies and interests, maybe something funny? When I was single I often messaged men first if they had something decent in their bio to work from. I didn’t want to see men writing lists about what they didn’t want, it’s just not a good look. Just tell me what’s interesting to you and about you. You can always state your desire to actually meet up irl when you have a conversation with someone.


The pics work for the kinda girls for whom you’re their type but sweet baby Jesus, PLEASEE change your bio. You sound jaded and it doesn’t teach anyone anything except that you hate dating.


Sound so negative and complaining every sentence of the bio.. def need better photos. Remove hidden talent. I’m your target market and everything is a no from me . You have potential. Overhaul this profile


I can make fart noises with my back. Lmfaooo huh


Delete the bio and all the pics after the third one and you’re good to go.


Pics smoking are a major turn off


please dont ever touch starfish, it kills them. "they have a very particular respiratory system, only when touching the star they are removed a mucous substance that serves to absorb oxygen from the water (so they die suffocated), moreover if they are taken out of the water, contact with the air causes them embolisms, even if the star at the moment seems to survive, it can die after a few days from the embolism."


Your bio needs to be something positive about you...the no pen pals line is pretty much wasted word usage. Cliche kinda stuff every guy says. We want to see something we can connect with you on.


Pictures 1, 2, 3 look like three different people. If you’re bald, I’d show that in the very first picture. Some people aren’t into that and wearing a hat hides it.


That's such a good point. That's happened to me, the guy is bald but didn't find out til we met up. Not that it was a turnoff exactly but it really surprised me, sometimes not in a good way. I'm in 37 so I've accepted guys being bald is highly possible.


I think you are good looking and seem like a nice/fun guy but I think you should change a few things. 1. Change your bio. The first line makes you seem like you’re annoyed at the thought of dating. This isn’t appealing to women. We want you to be excited to interact with us and go on dates with us. Take out the thing about pen pals and emails. Women are going to communicate with you in whatever way they feel comfortable. Some will want to stay on app. Some will want to text. Some will want to call. Some will want to snap. You need to communicate with potential dates in whatever way they feel safe. Telling me how to communicate with you gives me a bossy vibe. Also, Not very many women are going to feel like emailing you and not very many women are on the app to be pen pals. We want dates just like you. This gives me the feeling that you don’t want to put in effort to get to know me. Some women will want to chat for a while before meeting you and that should be ok with you. I suggest rewriting your bio all together. Just add positive facts about yourself and try to give us an overview of who you are. Hobbies, job, education, maybe a funny joke or your favorite date to take us on. Something like that. All about you. Don’t add any expectations of what you are looking for bc that could be off putting as well. 2. Take out the picture with the yellow shirt and the picture with the blood all over your shirt. Yellow shirt picture is not very becoming. The blood picture- This will sound irrational but women are sometimes scared to date because sometimes men are violent towards us. It’s subconscious but that picture may turn women off a bit. 3. Loved the nature picture on the paddle board. Add more photos like that. Add more of you and your dog! 4. Take out the fart noise joke. I get it but I don’t want to think about farts when I’m looking for a date. It makes me feel awkward. Everything else looks great! And remember, this is just my opinion and if you disagree with anything then that is quite alright! Just FYI, I’m a 32 year old female and found my fiancé on Tinder! Good luck! 🍀


You misspelled your name.


Name is perfect


Better photos and which are the more recent ones. Keep the ones with the puppers though. Your bio should be more about you and less about what dating feels like. Or maybe what it would be like dating you. Gentle reminder that your audience are women, not other straight guys (who would definitely relate to the dating scene where you are over a few beers and sports game). Also (this is my personal opinion) your hidden talent - I assume it was you trying to show how you can be goofy/fun to be around, but most girls I know will swipe left on that like "oh no, immature". I think most girls would more likely tolerate your special talent rather than go OMG ME TOOOOO. I suggest choosing something like making pizza from scratch or that you make the best something sandwich or are able to guess how many square feet a room has within just an inch or so. Just not something that can come across as immature like fart noises usually do.


first pic is hot enough OP can be as bitter and jaded as he wants, I could live with that, noo problem


I can also make fart noises with my back lol


Ok, you're gorgeous. All I had to share.


Make the 4th picture your first and get rid of the rest. Delete all of your bio and share positive things about yourself


Your first pic is your best - you’re handsome! Seconding everyone else’s notes about a bio that tells us something about you, and additional recent pics. I’m iffy on the hidden talent, but if you got the rest squared away it might feel more goofy and less “uhh what?”


Bro, I wanna hear back fart noises?!?


You need to not change a thing but your location distance to me, youre a cutie


We’ll if you’re ever in key west, don’t be a stranger!


I'm embarrassed to admit the amount of time I've spent wondering how you make fart noises with your back 😄


I always try to follow an advice that I was given, which is not to start out with the negative. On a dating app (at least for me), you wanna tell people about you and why they might wanna swipe right and start a conversation that will hopefully lead somewhere. Your bio doesn’t do that. It just makes you sound like you’re complaining and, as someone else pointed out, jaded - which can be off putting to some. You also need better photos, particularly of better quality. That being said, I’d probably swipe right on you cause you look good and I am shallow (though I am not your target audience).


I think the profile set up is good with the photos you have, just needs some sorting Photos 2-4 all better than one, prob 2 as new first Drop photos 1,5, the farting comment, and lighten up the bio aha


You have way too many goofy pictures my boy, maybe just one goofy pic is fine but I'd say zero. Let her see your goofy side in person or through conversation but you need to get the swipe first and these pictures are not giving "swipe right"🤣. Also delete the headshot, this isn't linked in. Matter of fact, delete pictures 1,3,5,7, those are terrible, use pic 2 as your first picture. MAYBE put picture 1 at the back, pic 4 is the best one. Change the bio too, as top comment mentioned, dating sucks and it's especially sucky on this cursed app, no need to reiterate


4th picture should be first until you take new pictures. Please, to all men, more smiling pictures. Real smiles, that hit your eyes. Please no more sad/serious/sultry faces


Seems like you gain a little weight for every photo, then lose it again towards the end.


I like your photos, you're very attractive and they show you in a good variety of situations. I see some people here think you need more recent pics. If you've got some of you doing fun stuff then use them. Your bio is more likely to be holding you back than anything else and needs work though. I'd swipe left because your bio would make me feel pressured to rush into something or like you're only interested in the sex. Try telling a little about your interests/hobbies, life goals and maybe even some skills you're proud of instead, eg I can neatly fold a fitted sheet so in my bio I offer lessons lol. Leave the fart thing in, it's authentic and a good prompt for conversation (how???) and funny. Instead of saying you don't want to be pen pals and want to meet straight away you could say something like you're looking for meaningful connections with genuine people, and let's meet at your favourite coffee spot and see where things go. I always look for something in the bio or pictures to ask about or respond to. If there's nothing there or the bio seems negative and pushy it's an instant swipe left. Keep it lighthearted and I'm sure you'll easily get some matches, and always ask to meet in a public place for the first date. Safety first lol you never truly know who you're meeting.


The first photo I was like “wow! He’s hot!” But when you go to the rest, even though you’re still a good looking guy you look much different (I think weight gain?) then there’s another older pic with your shirt off where you look fit but then again you swipe and you look heavier…so you should really have all recent pics of how you currently look. Also, some of the pics just aren’t flattering. Then I don’t see your height listed, you know how it is on these apps, usually the women wanna know how tall you are Lastly, you don’t say anything about yourself in the bio. Just seems a bit negative (even though I do think it’s a kinda funny, not everyone will see it that way)… share some more about yourself. Also, get rid of the hidden talent of farting with your back.. that’s not attractive lol just immature.


I think this is the kind of profile, your immature guy friends with like yeah this is cool you hook up with someone. Women on the other hand of thinking, is there anything here for me? Is this an adult man? do they have a job? Could I introduce them to my friends or anyone? Could they hold a conversation? Do they have anything positive to say? All I can tell is you’re goofy, possibly lazy, like some sports but not hyper athletic. And look better with less facial hair. Hate to say it but dating in your 30’s you got to tick a lot more boxes.


Ya face


You look like a 33 year old child


Your pictures seem to be different stages of your life. How far apart were they taken? You want to keep the more recent ones for sure. Also, instead of telling us how much you dislike dating these days (even if it sucks) tell us who you are and what you’re looking for in your bio. I personally don’t mind the man child prompt of fart noises on your back, because it shows you’re not too serious, BUT there are def far better prompts you can use to show that. First impressions are everything!


Is it where you lay in the floor and push your back against the floor and it makes cart noises? I can do that, on hard surfaces and it absolutely cracks me up. To quote "Tropic Thunder" it's like I'm "farting in bathtubs, laughing my ass off"


Dude, I think we’re a match made in heaven lol


Too bad your a dude


If you’re not getting matches, it’s definitely not because you are bad looking! Extremely handsome in my humble opinion.


Thank you! 🙏 gonna have to get some updated photos and change my bio.


Thanks for all the advice! Still need to get some recent photos, but for right now the bio is changed to “So do we grab a drink for our first date or do something a little more original?” Got rid of my hidden talent too 🤣


youre still starting on a negative and saying nothing about yourself. all the advice you got was to write about your hobbies, interests, likes, show your personality and dont be negative. the way you word this makes it seem like "going for a drink" is lame and someone should come up with a better idea, when 1. a drink/coffee is a good amount of time to read the vibes for a first date 2. its a neutral safe meeting space in public 3. theres an easy out if you dont vibe why dont you write what would be a fun original date for you so you can show you take initiative to plan dates, and get a glimpse of your personality/what you'd enjoy


You're handsome and congrats on the weight loss. I don't think you need to change anything. Good luck!


You need to be 6ft or more


Are all your photos recent? You look more fit in some and huskier in others? Not that it’s a bad thing but if that’s not a true reflection of your image then maybe consider switching up how you take photos and find your good angles ☺️


Just a good angle for the paddle board but I’m the most fit I am now than I’ve been in about 10 years


That’s great! Definitely consider some new pics to show off your achievements ☺️


You look great with the scruff in the first pic. Keep it trimmed up like that


Yeah the first three photos would be an instant swipe and message for me. The bio though is a bit negative. If you’re a negative person, leave it so you get matches who are okay with/like that.


Thanks for the input! It wasn’t always worded that way in my bio, it use to be funny and lighthearted. I changed it because although I was getting matches, they never went anywhere, not even much past hellos


Rowan eh? To be honest you look different in every photo, update them.


Bro I think you look great! I'd date you in a heartbeat just keep at it,


Only photos worth keeping are 4 & 6. All the others make you look crazy, simple or NQR. I’m sure you’re not and it’s not what you want to project, so get some better photos. Also, the thing about fart noises… lose it, you’re not 13 anymore more.


More pics of the bulldog


Get rid of the aditude, take the black and white picture and throw the rest out. You’re showing too much. Don’t ask too much for attention, it’s cool if you stay classy.


Even if you have stunning pictures, the fart noises with your back would be an immediate no.


How often do you snowboard in Key West? Kind feels like throw away, but maybe you travel every year for it. Add a photo of you doing it. Hate the yellow shirt pics. Bio has no personality. I have no idea who you are. Since you like free diving maybe put that as a bit for first date activity. I know I love diving for spiny lobsters. I wish you came off as a person that’s actually trying to find a partner.


Do nothing, you’re a babe!!


Idk, I’d swipe right 😂


you sound hostile. I wouldn't even look past the second line


Like everyone else is saying, you need better pictures and a better bio. Dating is tough for everyone, everywhere. You sound bitter and I’m not going to swipe right in someone that sounds exhausting to be around.


I love pic 3, 4 and the one w the dog


I think pics are fine but bio is very negative with uncle vibes and I would avoid for that reason only.


Your caption is so bitter and would turn me off even though I think you're ok handsome. Write about the best parts of you and the best parts of what you want in someone, you catch fish with bait not bombs. Pics wise, don't take them so close, set phone up with good natural lighting and put the timer on


Your bio is ass. We’re all jaded by dating if we make it to our thirties as single, but whining about it is extremely unattractive. It makes you sound bitter and entitled, which is not a vibe you want to be giving off when you’re trying to connect. Write a bio that tells us something about who you are. We finish reading it, we should get the feeling that we got to know you a little bit.


You look so different in your photos it looks like there's 3 different people, people might think you're a cat fish. Just my opinion.


The pictures aren’t bad but to me you look different in every one


Honestly, no matter how good the pictures are, these "I hate texting" men immediately get a dislike. Most women I know prefer a patient man that understands that you need to spark each other's interest before you meet. Other than that, better pictures. Your profile isn't appealing enough for your bio to be that.


I swipe left on any bios like that (& there’s a lot) because they come across as pushy and impatient- dangerous combo for women meeting strange men online. (Plus it sounds like you’ve had lots of matches where women have decided not to meet you which makes me think they found red flags while talking to you)


I'm really not a fan of that intro. Be positive. I think you're trying to be drolly cynical but it's not landing.


Instantly get rid of the Pity party in your bio. You have one opportunity to express yourself and it’s whining. Not a good look. You look a bit fat in the photo with the button shirt. Otherwise the photos are very solid and look good imo.


Please get rid of the fart noises comment. If you think it will make your guy mates laugh… it’s not the right vibes to put on your dating profile if you’re trying to attract women. Take out anything negative in your bio and put your best qualities forward. Who are you? What are you passionate about? We all know dating sucks, but don’t start off on the negative foot, it comes across as jaded. Would you start a job interview or resume being negative? Put the best version of you forward. Pic with the yellow top isn’t your most flattering, remove that one.


You're a good-looking guy, and congrats on the weight loss. The 1st pic being the most current should be used. The only issue I have with pic 1 is that you're squinting because the sun is in your eyes, so try to avoid that in future pics. Also, I'd suggest redoing the entire bio.


You look really different in all your photos


Squinting at the camera never makes for a good first photo. Eyes are the windows to the soul.


Yellow t-shirt pic and the bit about back fart noises has to go dude. When I read the back fart line all I could think was "sweaty fat back" - probably not a mental image you want to be putting out there tbh


At his age, he needs to focus on how wealthy he is. Nobody on tinder looking for broke 33 year old dudes


Dating and meeting people nowadays Is harder then finding a rental . Something needs to change. Dude your photos and you are fine. People are just fkd'd nowadays


I think the photos are good apart from the group photo. You’re hot so you just need to change basically everything you wrote in your bio. The fart thing is immature it’s not super funny. Like farts are funny obviously, but like writing it makes you seem like you’re not that serious to be there. It’s hard to find funny good looking guys. So write some funny stuff and more about who you are. Women actually read every word on a profile and will read into every detail. So make it genuine.


stinky from cigarettes and makes fart jokes


Picture 4 should be your first picture! You look happy and handsome! Picture 5 and 7 I would get rid of :)


The photos seem like they span about 10 years, I don't know what you actually look like right now. Use up to date photos only. Also yeah change the description to include things you actually like, rather than dislike.


I feel like the photos refer to 5 different people and not just one


Your bio is icky and the 3rd photo looks nothing like the others. Are some photos old? Get rid of any photos more than a year old.


Only 1 hat photo.


Haven't even looked at anything and the first line of your bio is a complaint. Left swipe


Hey broski, I lived in a small town of 24,000 with the closest city 1 hour away with 120,000. I had 200 matches before I met and am currently married to my number 1 tinder match for 3 years and have 2 kids. Therefore, I haven't been in the game for a while and a lot might have changed since then, but here is how I achieved success with online dating. Tagline: This along with your picture are the first thing they see. Make it interesting. I used a question because it prompts a response. Was something like, "Your ex boyfriend will hate me for this one single trick, guess why?" Express your worth. Long term partners are looking for stability. My bio went something like, "I own my house, I own my car, I have a full time job. With multiple side jobs, I'll let you pick which uniform you want to see me in" Pictures consisted of recent photos. Enjoying hobbies, pictures with friends, pictures with pets, a casual dress picture and a formal dress picture, and a picture at work. Good luck!


Get rid of fifth pic and fart joke. You’re not aiming to attract a man. Think of what a woman would like….


No you don't need to change anything. Women don't know what tf they want anyway


Your bio shouts negativity. How about writing something positive? Also, have you tried Hinge? Literally, I've got over 100 matches there so far. Women want to chat and actually meet up!


Maybe get rid of number three just because it’s so close, but you are super cute with nice photos


Pics 3, 5, and 7 all need replacing.


Bro you really have to delete that whole bio and put something else, it just shows you’re bitter


You’re cute, but try to get some better pics of yourself. Especially ones that show you engaging in your hobbies. Your bio tells me nothing about you. Women like a sense of humor. Rather than talking about how much dating sucks, talk about what you’re looking for and why dating you might be fun.


You need to change your diet and hit the gym


Your home address before they come for you


I'd swipe right on you lol. I'd lose that penpal line though cause I hate seeing it on his profiles, that always bugs me. I like to text with a guy for a couple weeks before meeting and I've met many men that are cool with that. Do you not like to text much in general?


I think they look per


Tbh I thought it was always a different person whenever I scrolled to the next picture


Uh yeah your bio is horrendous. Starting off with a negative comment about dating, ends with fart jokes, 0/10 chance there. Only photos you should keep are 1 and 4, 4 being the best one. On photo 7, seriously, American flag board shorts? You ain't winning any ladies with that. Number 8 is just a seriously half assed Halloween costume, also not good. The others are fine just not great.


Swap pic 4 and 1. Don’t hide that smile