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Maybe he died


I legit have this thought all the time. Like imagine if you die and your tinder match(es) are so upset you ghosted them but really they have no idea you only stopped replying because you died.


This kind of happened with a friend of mine. She passed suddenly in her sleep but we knew she had just started seeing someone. Her sister was able to find his info so we could let him know. He came to the funeral and was absolutely wrecked. They had only had a few dates but I guess he was destroyed over the possibility of what could have been.


That’s super sad 😕


This happened to my work supervisor too. She was dating her neighbor, but they were on and off for a year. And he had the habit of ghosting. But one day someone came to knock at her door to let her know the neighbor had died in a motorcycle accident. She was devastated.


“Don’t take it personal, he ghosted everybody”


Mf ghosted himself


Who you gonna call? Not your tinder match!


He ghost


No joke, my stepdad was casually dating a few women when he suddenly died of a massive heart attack. (My mom had passed almost two years before so him dating wasn’t scandalous or anything.) After when my husband and I were sorting through his things, we found a message from one of them dated from after my stepdad died and, obviously, wasn’t responding to her anymore. She was LIVID calling him all kinds of names and saying she had canceled something for him and how dare he just vanish. So it does happen.


Did you respond? I know I'd love to have some closure if I was on the receiving end of that.


I would have. Tho, sometimes people lie about that too.


Facts. I dated a Marine who turned into a cheating douchbag after about six months... he broke up with me after I found out he fucked my friend... he tried to come crawling back and was infuriated when I blocked him off all platforms, and then had his parents *send me an email reporting that he'd died* with zero context, no information just Bye Felicia, he's gone, don't call us, and don't you feel bad now, that you blew him off? Tsk tsk 😂 saw him on Facebook a year later.... dating yet another (more distant) friend of mine... had no idea he was still plowing through my friends one by one 😂😂


Gotta admire a man who can still get a date post mortem.


Best part is I actually saw him at a local bar this past summer (from a distance) and he gained about 50 pounds of beer belly and looked like dog ass 😂 ahhhhh. Karma feels good.


Give the guy a break, it's hard to look your best when you've been dead for a year


Jesus is still looking for matches 2,000+ years later.


A modern serviceman was unfaithful?!?! No way😱😱😱😱😱😱


It probably would have been the nice thing to do, but I didn’t for several reasons. The women he was dating were actually sex workers he hired to date. I was supportive of him doing it because he was so lonely but I have no idea where he hired them so I just wasn’t sure what I might have been opening myself up to if I reached out to one of them. He went out with an absolute bang and handling his affairs was a huge horribly stressful mess. And honestly I also couldn’t handle adding yet another thing that might have snowballed into something bigger onto the massive insurmountable never-ending to-do list. I was barely keeping it together.


So when you say date you mean pay to date


A long time ago i worked at a gas station; one of my favorite regulars was a grocery delivery driver. He was always really friendly, would pop in to buy a snack and chat a little bit about whatever video games we were playing or about the crazy people we encountered at our jobs. One day he stopped coming in and I didn't see him for months. I pulled his last name from an old receipt and looked him up. He had fallen asleep while driving and died. I just thought maybe he quit or his route changed. Maybe I would have been better off not knowing.


There was a guy that used to work at the Laundromat in my neighborhood, I'd see him once a week. Never said more than, "How are you?" But he was really sweet and took really good care of the place. I didn't see him there one day and asked where he was and the lady told me he died. I had to go outside and cry. I don't know why I took it so hard? I guess you sorta get attached because they bring a little joy while the rest of the stuff you have to do all the time mostly sucks? Anyway, six paragraphs later and I don't really know what I'm trying to say, other than I get it.


I've thought about it too. It *must* happen every now and then. People die suddenly and unexpectedly all the time. Given how popular online dating is, it is certain that some of those people were actively on an app and of those its pretty likely that some of them were in the "early conversation" phase of a new match. It's not like their family, in the midst of tragedy, is going to think to go on their phone and let their Bumble matches know. Can you imagine getting that message? "Hi, this is Amanda's sister. She's dead, sorry. For what it's worth, she's been much chattier with you than her other matches so she must have really liked you! Anyway have a nice life." I'd probably assume I was being blown off.


Literally ghosting


This actually happened to me…. True story i was talking to this dude and we hung out a few times and it was so much fun, he was a great dude. We used to text a decent amount and everything. We were supposed to go to this basketball game, i got dressed and ready and waited and no text no nothing, definitely thought he ghosted me. A couple days go by so i decided to look him up on fb, maybe see if he posted or anything. So i go on facebook and go to his page (i never go on fb) and all i see is R.I.P from a shit ton of people. Turns out he was robbed/shot in the head at a corner store and infact did not ghost me….


Christ, I’m sorry. That is a sad story.


Thank you! 🙏🏼


This is unlikely but not impossible. One of my very good friends passed away in 2017 while on the dating scene and someone he was talking to wrote a blog post about a year later when she found out. We didn’t know about her obviously but it was very thoughtful; she just thought she had been ghosted.


I guess she was ghosted in a different way😅


Yeah I feel like this is actually the realest ghosting


Committed to the game…


People are very quick to assume the unlikely is impossible. And I get it, they're unlikely so it makes sense. But those unlikely things are happening out there in the world. It's always a possibility. My point is People shouldn't dismiss unlikely events too quickly


The only reasonable explanation




He didn't have to be rude about it. If you die, at least let her know that you died before going away forever, it's a polite thing to do /s


The exact reason i gave myself back then when people ghosted me. Yeah, maybe they died or sth


All is not lost from this interaction. I just discovered a band called Imminence.


Enjoy! They're truly incredible.


i thought they misspelled evanescence lol


He read the 12th law of power


He's probably applying a stupid power play he read in the book


Also for reference, it’s a shit book


I knew a guy who read it, didn't talk about it really but he did bring it up one time while drunk. I looked into it. I then realized he was using it on everyone in the friend group lmfao. It's a Machiavellian type book. And look, we can all aspire to do the best for ourselves sometimes. But don't use tactics on your friends. It's such a dick move to try and have an "upper hand" in friendship. Once this guy caught on that I knew what the game was, he immediately distanced himself from me lmfao. Truly psycho shit.


My grandpa always used to say you should try and have everyone you know owe you a favor. Not for power reasons mind you, just because that means you’ve helped everyone you know without a reward. It’s served me a lot better than any other system.


Your grandpa sounds like a good man


And if he ever needed help with something, he had a number he could call just in case.


Sooo, is your grandpa seeing anyone?


Yeah, it seems decently good for giving you tips of being like a powerful psychopath in conversations. Which is guess is the point of the book


I personally felt like it clarified tactics that were being used against me that I wasn't aware of. I think it's a good book for healthy people to be educated by too


Having listened to interviews with the author, I think you're right that he wrote this more like a warning rather than a manual. Some people say the same about Machiavelli's The Prince, that it was satire or a warning rather than a manual.


An important thing to know when considering Machiavelli's perspective, is that the famous quote "The ends justify the means" was actually a very sad one that came about toward the end of his life. And it was mistranslated. He literally was saying the exact opposite, out of regret.


and it wasnt an axiom, it's saying you should judge if the ends do justify the means.


This. I used to use it to better myself in clarifying business politica


I had a very Machiavellian type friend recommend it to me in high school. I read it and it made me cringe BUT for some reason “don’t outshine the master” has stuck with me and is something I adhere to in work settings, basically never show up your boss.


Meh, I don't like that personally. If you never outshine the old guard you've never moved past the views or habits of the past. A true master wants their pupils to grow past them.


That's the ideal, but often not reality. Most people in management roles aren't secure enough in themselves to truly want that for others, which is why the majority of corporate environments are so toxic.


My ex was reading that book when we met. He after about 6 months of being together, he started to pull all this weird shit on me, then realized he was getting it all from this book. We didn’t last much longer, I could stand being treated like a fool.


I think it’s a great book actually. It teaches you how psychopaths that usually hold immense power in the world operate. Just the same as Machiavelli. It’s devoid of a moral compass, but so are many people out there, would you rather be ignorant to the ways they see the world and then get played by a naive sense that everyone is a good person?


Fully concur. Its like saying "dont always be helpful" as a power play at some point. Like what the fuck lol


I used to like the book, but I was college aged. Now a days I’d rather sit back and read meditations by Marcus Aurelius. I’d like to think I aged out of Robert Greene, Machiavelli and Sun Tzu. They’re great for the read, but you have to truly pick and choose what fits your moral compass. lol. Edit: not knocking sun tzu, just happened to be what I read around the same period in life.


It's a maturity thing. The author of power is pretty baseless in most of his writings. The book on intimacy/attraction really showcases his ideals and lack of appeal to reason




I listened to the *If Books Could Kill* podcast episode about this book… it was so sociopathic and then ends with something about not putting laws on power 😂 It’s a nice podcast, I only wanted the gyst of the book but it was so entertaining that I listened to the whole hour! Edited for clarity


The book is essentially about how sociopaths operate in society and it’s been co-opted by really shitty people but the author is actually a pretty cool guy


Yeah he literally wrote the book as revenge against his sociopathic bosses. Based as hell. I think we’ve all seen some of these things put into practice IRL.




> You will get absolutely ass fucked if you approach life / job thinking people will be nice and fair and courteous. There's a middle ground between the extremes presented here. Yes, do not be completely naive, but, in most professions, you also do not need to be a sociopath to succeed, nor do you need to know how they operate


I wouldn’t say it’s a shit book as much as it is a book that makes the reader feel like they’re being taught the forbidden ways of being a “sigma”. Robert Greene makes some.. interesting shit. Back when I was a lot more unattractive and had a harder time getting dates I read his book on seduction (The Art of Seduction). I lacked a moral compass back then so it worked. Found a style that worked for me and even being much less attractive than I am now I began having a lot of success. If you throw away your morals it works. I will never recommend any of his books though. It tends to create weird red-pilled / black pilled men. Not having to rely on shitty seduction tactics made me a better person. Who would’ve thought right


I’d love if you would elaborate a little bit, if you’re willing! I think it could be good for people to hear why you think things got better when you stopped using those techniques.


Yeah absolutely! Thank you for asking! So when I graduated high school I was almost 360 pounds. I’m 5’11 so not like I could even hide that much weight on a big frame either. I kinda had a defeatist attitude and just accepted I’d be fat or kinda fat forever (not true) and so I looked at different ways to seduce women. That’s when I found that book. I still have it on my audible account. I did lose some weight when I first started working out, about 60-70lbs and I looked a bit better so I gained more confidence and I became a gigantic-douche. But I was in college and it worked. I managed to date women that were incredibly more attractive than myself. I would use “the ideal lover” tactic to lure women in (it’s one of the types of seducers in that book that is covered. Think of Casanova). Little gifts here and there, thoughtful song recommendations, a letter, a rose, and most importantly, lots of compliments. The ideal lover is the one that resonated with me the because it just felt the most natural. I’d find women that were down on their luck or in rocky relationships and I’d paint myself as their ideal man. Slowly build trust then I’d have them wrapped around my finger. It was a facade. It was never genuine and deep down inside I never meant a lot of the things I said. Tell them they’re the most beautiful women I’d ever met. How important they were to me. Things a lot of people aren’t used to hearing often you know? It was predatory and disgusting. Several women cheated on their partners, many long term boyfriends. I look back in disgust at the person I was. Fast forward to today, I stayed consistent in the gym, I do bodybuilding, eat well, lost all the extra weight and underneath that chubby layer was actually a very handsome guy. But I kinda stopped dating. I kinda took myself out of the dating pool back in December 2022 though after something didn’t work out and I just hurt so much and for so long I didn’t want to do it again. Just been working on building up my body and focusing on my career. You don’t chase butterflies. You build a beautiful garden and the butterflies will come :) that’s been my mentality lately. I still put myself out there I just don’t make it my priority to date and it’s just been so much better. More organic if you will. Things got better because I stopped pretending to be someone I wasn’t. I’m not a bad person I just did bad things. I know that sounds controversial and hypocritical but I do have a good heart which is why every time I did those things I felt intense guilt. If anyone has a chance to read this, just be yourself and be true to your values. It’s a shallow existence just always constantly trying to fuck anything that moves.


"You don’t chase butterflies. You build a beautiful garden and the butterflies will come." - CRAZYSNAKE17


>Come my lady >Come-come my lady >You're my butterfly, sugar baby CRAZY TOWN


Once I started living by those words everything changed! I’m much happier now than I was before. I’d love to say I came up with it but I’m sure I heard it somewhere haha.


Yea I feel like he gave himself away with the previous comment: "sick workout my tiddies are pumped".


OP, I did this to someone once. What happened was I had went to Walmart to steal some liquor, and I got arrested on some warrants. I was in jail for 60 days. Maybe that's what happened. That's probably not a good story to tell, but hopefully that made you feel better. I dunno . Sorry that happened.


This is def what happened OP


It's one of the possible explanations of all time OP


One time I was sober (.01 BAC. Limit .08. kinda forgot I drank that day at all) and driving from a bar to meet some girls at Waffle House late at night in a college town. Was pulled over for some bullshit that would fly at any other time of day by anyone other than a 21 year old dude, arrested for DUI. (Ahem, showed up to court with attorney. Plead guilty to the moving violation and paid my ticket, was not prosecuted.) Anyway, my young woman of interest's friends were talking mad shit about me all night while the cops had my phone. I got home around ~6am and texted her apologizing. She told me she believed me but her friends were talking shit all night and I sent a picture of my bond papers and court summons lmao. One of the excuses of all time indeed.


Man. I had a similar situation with a girl I was seeing and we were suppose to go the following day but I and some friends decided 2am drunk Dennys was the move. I still regret it 9 years later, but I had to show her my release papers for her to believe I didn't bail on her


Fuck I totally forgot about her. brb gonna try to find her again


Send another message saying you'll wait for him


Yeah, you can fix him, OP


And you prefer gin.


Yah I saw him there this morning he was arrested for breaking and entering a burning building to save children convicts


Lol ‘light reading before bed’, yea right! Probably was put with his criminal buddies. You’re too good for him anyway, OP.


That has to be it. I was beginning to think there was a red flag.


This happened to me once, though a guy ghosted me but he was actually in jail for a few day. Found out because his mom told me lol, still dated him for like year tho


Lol, I guess it kinda worked out for ya. For a little while.


I'm not proud to admit that I was in the same situation once, except it was me who got arrested and my mom had to tell her I was still alive and wasn't ignoring her. 💀💀


I mean come on, who here hasn't ghosted a date due to being arrested for felony crimes at least once in their life?


Look, the only thing I'm 'guilty' of is having a good time.


I had 2 women I was excited to meet and both just stopped replying for no reason. I am so tired of online dating. Sorry you had the same thing happen op.


Im in seattle and its been 10 months of this, or just randomly cancelling rhe day before/of One chick wanted to prove she still wanted to meet when she cancelled our plans that saturday, with the excuse she was helping her friend move that weekend and she forgot, by adding me to her discord, where I could see she was playing r6 siege all day Saturday Edit: guys. I was in the discord server. Not only could I see she was active in the game, I could see her active in the voice chat, and actively chatting *in the server* about the game Stop making excuses for someone elses shitty behavior


Get on her team and reinforce between sites.


People just use dating apps for attention. It’s another instagram for them, they don’t care to actually meet.


Haha yeah.  I had an excellent first date with one woman.  She asked me to meet again a few days later and I happily agreed.  She cancelled a few hours before our time to meet.  She also forgot she added me on Facebook so I saw pics of her and her friends at some bar.  Thought she was slick haha.


I'm petty enough i would have joined, TKed her then left immediately


I have lived in a lot of cities including Seattle, and Seattle was by far the worst dating experience I have ever had. after I had planned a date with someone and they either backed out or ditched me I just gave up in dating there. this happened 8 times! the only 2 dates I was successful with were women who had recently moved there from other places. I grew up in Oregon so im familiar with the cold flakyness of the northwest but Seattle was just horrible. approaching women in public was almost impossible. couldn't get eye contact or a smile out of someone if I had to. months of rejection and ghosting and just feeling invisible had me just give up. I thought it was me but then I moved to Utah and didn't have a problem getting dates! Seattle women are worse than the supposedly 'prude' Utah women! all I can say man is I'm sorry but Seattle is the worse place I have ever been for dating (Michigan was the best) lol


I literally just want to make breakfast for someone, do their laundry, and watch movies together like how hard is it bro lmao


Your inbox is about to get wrecked. 😂


And outbox


And voice box


And box


Beat me to it


I often have beaten myself to it


As I read each comment the exact joke that comes to my head is the next comment I read! 🤣🤣🤣 y’all are too quick with the shit I swear! Bravo!


And you, my friend, are not quick enough. Finish faster for fucks sake


Maybe that's what she wanted, she uses posts like this to find her dates 🤯


I mean I have three kids and two jobs, I have all the laundry she can do if she's interested.


I have two kids and a wife who has a busy job. Have plenty of laundry and would love breakfast. She can watch movies with my wife (Im fine watching them watching movies)


Yep, sometimes I'm tired and my wife does more, sometimes she's tired and I do more. Somebody this eager to chores can come by any old time and let us both be lazy at the same time.


I did this. Now I take care of a 34 year old toddler 🤣


Your username reminded me of last week when I was in the post office and saw a stamp with a manatee. I thought it said “Maneater” but as I got closer I saw it said manatee and I was severely disappointed.


It's all fun and games until you realize they just want to be fully dependent on you with nothing in return. I think when women say that they mean they like to be nurturing in a loving housewife way, NOT play Single Working Mommy while he sits on his ass gaming all day. Get out and don't prolong it. Lots of responsible hard working men would be thrilled to have a traditional dynamic like that with a caring loyal homemaker or SAHM type lady, don't waste it on a parasite.


I know a lot of guys like this. I don't get it. Like you want a replacement mother that you can fuck sometimes? How do you have any respect for yourself living that way?


Arrested development. It’s pathetic to witness.


Especially season 4


Agree. Season 4 was really not great and at points it was difficult to keep my attention up.


All I have to offer is my complete and utter dependence.


Homer that's not a good thing


Listen that book is a huge red flag it literally is just a book that teaches people how to manipulate other people. Seriously the best thing you could do for yourself is block him and if he tries to contact you again just keep blocking


Came here to say this! That book is red for reason 🚩🚩🚩


I just commented the same thing. A friend of mine started reading that book and became the most cringy asshole. Constantly trying to pull "power moves" and thinking he was a pickup artist. If someone talks about reading that book in a positive light, it's a massive red flag. They're just looking for an opportunity to manipulate you and start looking at every interaction as a transaction


I would not be surprised if they thought ghosting was a poker move and they'll swoop back in when you're "grateful" to hear from them again. These people are stupid. 


I hear where you're coming from, but I'm a big history nerd and I love reading about how people used tactics to influence people around them, it's like real life Game of Thrones stories. Plus I find it useful to recognize when people are trying to do the same to me (e.g., I remember comparing Trump's first campaign to a play-by-play of some of the laws in that book) 


>that book is a huge red flag Not so much the book itself (it's not nearly as profound as some make it seem), but the fact that he thought to advertise that he was reading it to someone he's never met.


Probs just tryna show he's ambitious or something in an unintentionally cringe way. I read that book during my self-improvement addiction days, and my biggest complaint was how practically useless all the 'advice' is - it talks about ancient examples of power plays - like dude...we're not gonna be interacting with mongol chiefs!


> we’re not gonna be interacting with mongol chiefs! Not with that attitude


The ghosting is probably a power move tbh.




Dude settle for someone who would do YOUR laundry. Also that’s a killer selfie. You look like a million bucks.


You don’t wanna date anyone reading that book anyway lmao


Girl stand up 😭


Hard stop on the laundry girl. Grass isn’t always greener picking up after a slob and his skiddies


My gf does my laundry sometimes. Sometimes I do hers. It’s called an equal, loving relationship.


My gf does the laundry never, even though she generates 2/3rds of it. But that's OK because she works 2 jobs like 60 hours a week and I mostly work at home so I end up doing most of the housework. She brings lots of other things I love and appreciate to the relationship so to me or really doesn't matter who does what chore.


I promise you’ll wake up one day and your whole life will change for the better. You’ll meet the right person at the right place at the right time. You just gotta keep on waking up and you’ll be cuddled up in someone’s arm thinking that this would never happen.




Happened to me, but was just one guy after talking for weeks. Now he messages me out of nowhere after a 3 weekghosting session saying “imy”. Honestly, dating is exhausting.


So dumb when they tell you they miss you after a) ghosting and b) never actually meeting. Like fuck outta here


Some guy ghosted me and then a few weeks later messages me saying he now had time to dedicate me...in other words, sounds like his pool of potentials had dried up so he decided to give me another chance. I was like nah, I'm good thanks.


Happened to me as well a few weeks ago. Had a brief conversation with a girl on Hinge, I stopped responding, then months later she randomly asked to go on a date. I said yes great let’s go, a message or two between us, then said let me get your number… crickets. Like, bro, you hit ME up again after I didn’t respond.


Some people be in relationships


Just doin some reading before bed after my workout, aren’t I just such a dream man




Yeah the picture was weird. For one thing he could have literally just said im reading a book. Instead he sends a photo of a pretty controversial book. Which only two types of people really read, the I want to use this on people and the I want to be aware of sociopaths and their behaviours people. Idk the whole thing gave me a bad vibe. Sorry you got ghosted OP it sucks, my ex gf did the same thing. The flip side is that he showed you he wasnt worth investing time in early on so keep your head up youre bound to run into some duds before you meet someone great afterall, if great people were easy to find everyone wouldnt put so much time into trying to find them!


I had no idea what the book was, just googled it and yeah I'd say OP dodged a bullet. That's not the type of book you casually send as your bed time reading book


Same lol. I'm seeing all these book comments like what. Then I googled it's all making sense. Guy is a full cringe lord


You sent him a banging selfie and he didn't even complement you. Red flag.


Literally, she's a baddie and he's a egotistical sociopath.


Love the call out of how orchestrated so much social interaction over the internet is. Used to game with a dude who would constantly brag about how he was lifting between Valorant matches and girls would be into it. Like dude everyone who knows you knows you're 39 and fat as fuck, lmao The best part is he'd be like "oh that girl we gamed with I was talking to isn't talking to me anymore". OH YEAH DUDE? NO SHIT? hahahaha


Might volunteer at the soup kitchen or puppy sanctuary tomorrow IDK.


Giiirl, I couldn’t not tell you why he ghosted, it ain’t you though.🤣 Nice, engaging in conversation, random selfies drops, not to mention gorgeous. I feel the pain n confusion but it really is his loss if he doesn’t make an effort


Bro fumbled a girl who’s into Imminence


Biggest fumble of 2024




A lot of OLD is thinking why would I do the thing like that? Leaving a chat before a planned date is perhaps he liked you a little then thought I don't like her enough to actually date (for whatever reason)? Maybe he got ghosted or blown out by someone he likes, the thought fuck this I'm off the apps, and deleted them? Could be music is really important to him and he didn't like the concert you went to? OLD sucks. Sometimes it works out often it doesn't. This is from a guy who met a girl on tinder 10 years ago, hit it off, moved in, broke up. Back OLD. It's a battlefield out there.




Thank you. My self esteem is shit today and this just added to it. Literally a few hours before he asked ME out for a coffee/brunch date on Saturday. He usually texts me goodmorning as well. Just super confused. He even told me he deleted his apps after he matched with me.


When they go cold turkey, plus deleting everything like that it seems like they weren’t being honest - good possibly they were cheating and got caught. I had the same scenario happen but I was already at the bar for the date. My friend found out the guy was in a relationship already… dodged a bullet! (I saw Imminence a few months ago, too!)


Or he's trying to guilt her into "also" deleting them all and belonging only to him


Dude is reading the laws of power. That screams "i would pay 1,500 dollars to do an "alpha male" bootcamp". You dodged a bullet in my opinion. Again my opinion, and im not someone who doesnt appreciate the healthiness in wanting to be successful, but people who view life as a game and have a narcissitic view towards money and status and material things are usually aweful people to be around and dont end up as happy as people think in the end.


You’re 100 percent correct. And not even reading it, I’ve read it that’s how I know it’s bullshit, but using it as a flex to try and impress a girl. Yeah, he’s exactly that guy.


Unfortunately, I’m gonna guess he did not delete his apps. He may have connected with another girl and decided to give her his full attention.


I’ve had the same thing happen to me.. without getting into too many details, sometimes it really isn’t you, it’s them!


Another possibility is he got nervous because he actually has a wife or something. Gets off on the idea of cheating but scared to wreck his marriage. Unfortunately as your matches get older, there’s more chance you’re dealing with cheaters


Dating is like tennis, hit the ball over the net once, and then see if they hit it back. If not, find someone else who will play with you


Bro said 'workout was sick, my tiddies are pumped' He did you a favour.


lol right who says that


Bro was NOT reading that book actively I assure. He pulled that off the shelf next to his only other book, “how to win friends and influence people” when he realized that jerking off wasn’t a good answer to how’s your night


Is how to win friends and influence people not a good book? I was just about to get that


I have a dad who raised me in amway. Growing up I had to read how to win friends and influence people everyday I said I didn't have homework for "homework hour". The book is fantastic for the basics. I recently flipped through it for my wife and found it really refreshing and thankful for my dad for drilling it into me. It's the same as all these self help books, listen to what they're saying and check it against your life. Keep what you value and change where you think you can grow. This book gets a bad wrap from amway and 90s salesmen preaching it, so it's iconic in a similar way atlas shrugged is. I would recommend everyone read it. I think people also assume it's a way to try and manipulate others (the "influence others" part) but it's far more like "if you need help from somebody, think of what they want/need and see if you can't come up with a solution that is good for everyone. You're more likely to get what you want if they are also getting what they want, this is better than expecting your friends to help on friendship alone" the book has helped in my communication skills which has been a great help in business and dating.


It’s a fantastic book, I think people should read it even if they have good social skills. It just makes you more aware. Great book for soft business skills / sales.


Oh I want to see Imminence so fucking bad! It’s about time they came to the states!


Thanks to you I looked up their tour and they come on the 3rd. Just snagged my tickets. Sorry you’re having a shitty one but you made my day for sure!


Next time, stop texting after you don’t get a response back. No good morning text first if he didn’t respond from the night before. Sounds stupid, but it works


Has it just been a day? I mean its 2 days till saturday so could still reply


Well, Law 3 is to conceal your intentions, Law 6 is to create an air of mystery, law 8 is to make others come to you, Law 11 is learn to keep people dependent on you, Law 16 is to use your absence to increase respect, and Law 20 is don't commit to anyone so he may be a changed man now. That or he fell asleep before reading Law 35 which is to master the art of timing haha.




Everyone theorizes I go out of my league but I go for the shy guys who are honestly average to the common girl (because I show my friends and they go ‘ew no’ This is the second time this has happened within the last month. And the most serious one before that, I got friendzoned. I’m just confused at this point.


I went for a guy who was pretty dorky and had no game at all, but he was sweet and kind. Thought it was going well, but he ghosted me. Eventually I reached out and he said he was too intimidated to get physical with me. So girl, who the hell knows! You're cool af so maybe he's in that same boat




thanks for letting me borrow your private jet to go to the stars game the other day. i appreciate it. i spilled a drink inside but im sure you won’t mind since it was your least favorite of your 7




i tried, you’ll get them next time man 😔


This happened to me with my latest ex. All my friends called him ugly. I said one thing to my boss about him after he dumped me and she immediately goes "This is a man who got no attention from girls in high school, so as soon as a pretty girl gives him any attention his ego becomes massive and he suddenly thinks he can do better." I dunno how she had him read dead to rights so quickly, but she was right, and I feel like that's what's been happening to you, too. Time to find a shy guy who's also cute af, OP~


You dodged a bullet with that guy, the book he was reading is big in the alt-right man pipeline. For all you know he’s just using a negging strategy where he’ll come back after the date was supposed to happen. My advice as a dude is to just drop this one and move on to tbh.


based on the book I'm sure he's going all Red Pill on you.


Ghosted ... Since yesterday?? Edit: Men, you aren't the victim of some gendered crime you made up in your head. The woman complaining about being ghosted here is not the same woman who ghosted you. Women are not a monolith to be held responsible for whatever crimes you believe an individual perpetrated against you. Please do not misinterpret my surprise at someone feeling ghosted so quickly as permission for you to hijack a conversation that is not about you so that you can make it all about you.


Are we the only ones who’ve noticed its been literally less than 24 hours since he last replied? Jesus girl chill out


I bet it has nothing to do with the selfie, but i get how you could feel that way. Online dating is rough… don’t let it affect your self-esteem!


I am a little confused because it looks to me like it’s been just under 24 hours since you last heard from him, unless this screenshot was from another day? Like, maybe he ghosted you, but maybe he just got busy?


Imminence is awesome, glad you enjoyed the show! He's not the right guy if he's not stoked that youre into metalcore.


Gym bro reading the 48 laws of power... bro... you should have looked up a synopsis of the book...


Literally could just look up the name of each chapter


You *know* he's got Andrew Tate playing on the drive back from the gym


"The Black" by Imminence is a bad ass fucking song!


You’re very beautiful clearly something else caused him to disappear