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NGL I'd put out for game 6 tickets


When the Braves went to the World Series I had so many of my old my dating app matches hit me back up after they ghosted me wanting a ticket. It was really hilarious to just get a message from them randomly.


Wouldn’t we all


No, We wouldn’t. I have less than zero interest in sports. Even ending a 12-year drought wouldn’t be worth sitting through a live game.


Sounds like someone who either had never been, or forced to sit through to a ton of games ^^


Or they know enough about their interests that they know sports isn't one of them For example I've never enjoyed watching sports live on TV and I don't like crowds, ridiculously loud people and sitting down for ages so I'd know I wouldn't enjoy it? lol


Man couldn't comprehend someone not being interested in sports😂


I’m a man and I don’t think there’s anything in the world I could care less for!!! I don’t get it and never will! I’d rather do anything than watch sports!


I wasn't saying men in general, just this man haha


But it's so popular!!1!!11!!1!




I live in San Francisco just a few blocks from City Hall. Several years ago, I was walking home from work when I saw a huge screen erected in front of City Hall, and a crowd filling the empty block across the street watching it. I wandered over to see what it was, just in time to catch the final play of a game. It was either the Giants winning the World Series or the 49ers winning the Super Bowl for about the 3rd or 4th time in a row. People were cheering, high-fiving, chest bumping, hugging, you name it. I felt nothing but confusion. I simply can’t understand how or why who wins a game could possibly mean so much to someone who’s just watching. I’m sure being forced to play football in 7th grade against the 8th graders didn’t help. I was always the smallest in my class, so the only position for me was center. They put their largest kid opposite me. I hiked the ball, and the next thing I knew I was flat on my back. Then there was the time we were playing baseball with a semi-hardball. I was pitching underhand, and a guy hit a line drive straight into my forehead. I have no reason to like sports.


Your comments weren't shitty or offensive or anything, so I'm not sure where the downvotes are coming from. I actually really like playing sports, but watching sports is not my thing. And the tribalism is very odd to me. I don't understand it. Does one simply.... Pick a team with colors you like to wear, don them, and commence screaming subsequently? Or is it geographic? Do you pick the team closest to your home town? How does one "sports fan" correctly?


You pick the team your dad picked, you don't ask questions or details.


Honestly this tracks for me. I don't actually watch the games, but I feel happy for my dad when I hear the Lakers won. I grew up in a Lakers household. I called him when Kobe died to make sure he wasn't taking it too hard. And if I have to pick an NBA team, I'm definitely going Lakers!


I think for most people it’s whatever team is from (or closest to) their home town.


For me that would be the... SEAHAWKS?! EWWWWW. You want me to wear navy blue and lime green, TOGETHER?! Hard no! Lol. Whenever people start talking about the NFL, I just say my team is the Cleveland Browns, because no one wants to talk to me about football after I say that. You're welcome to borrow this strategy to evade conversations about football. I did help at bar trivia once though. The round was, "Name 8 NFL teams that have never been to the Superbowl!" "Cleveland Browns?" - Me "Oh my god, you're right..." - The Sports Guy Yeah, I know. <3 You're welcome. I cannot name a single player.


I was born in Oakland, so I guess I’m supposed to like the Oakland Raiders. Oh, wait, that’s the Los Angeles Raiders. No, It’s the Oakland Raiders again. What’s that? It’s the Las Vegas Raiders now? Not following sports alleviates so much confusion!


That reminds me of the time we were playing Trivial Pursuit circa 1980, parents against kids. We got a question about what attorney appeared on Star Trek. I said the only attorney whose name I knew because he’d had been in the news recently, Melvin Belli, and it was right. Parents were shocked.


I have a similar juxtaposition. I'm a musician but I don't really understand the concertgoer crowd. I love music. I pick up an instrument and play everyday. It's just a habit anymore. Takes no thought. The only concerts I've been to were Christian concerts when I was in church as a kid and I went to an Avett Brothers concert with my mom one summer. The Avett Brothers concert was great. Knew all the words to all the songs. Sang along to every song. Assigned seating so a managed crowd. But every time I go to a concert I end up feeling like I'd rather be up on stage playing. I'd rather be playing with the Avett Brothers then watching them play. I'd rather be picking their brains about life and music. For some reason sitting and watching someone else play is uncomfortable to me. Maybe, at the risk of being the "I cOuLd Do It If I wAnTeD tOo" person, it's because I feel I could be the one up on stage playing for people. Maybe it's an odd form of jealousy because the artists are up there and I'm not.


That's like burning your tounge on a pizza and swearing of hot food forever ^^ sry you had such bad experiences, but sports can be fun, at a venue or home.


I’m not saying people can’t enjoy sports. I’m just not one of them.


You couldn't tell the difference between a baseball game and a football game? Sounds like you're one of those people who are purposely obtuse because they think they're better than the barbaric sports fan. Just let people enjoy things they like please. There's nothing to "get" about being a fan. People like to watch what they want how is that hard to understand?


I know the difference between baseball and football. As I said, the San Francisco team won their big annual championship game several times in a row. I just don’t remember (or care) which team it was. And as I also said in a separate comment, I’m not saying people can’t enjoy sports. I’m just not one of them.


People can have opinions too. Dick


I would love one of the one hundred plus people who down voted you and then left no reply with any explanation... to actually explain why they downvoted. What a strange reaction. Are we supposed to downvote someone who says "comic books aren't my thing and not everyone would put out for tickets to the San Diego Comic Con"?? lol


I guess most people hate people who don't love sports?


It's so strange to me that angry sports nerds may have invaded spaces that were traditionally used by other types of nerds lol


Sounds like someone who’s never been to game 6


I'd put out a steak dinner 🤷‍♂️🤣


I'd put out for a little bit of affection and respect. 💁‍♂️


I do miss affection and respect... And I don't mean affection from someone who is liable to be standing over you when you wake up, holding you pet rabbit by the ears asking who you love more


I felt that fam.


Oddly Specific


Hahahaha... Fatal Attraction-esque... Wasn't sure if people would understand the 'bunny boiler' phrase if I used it


Why does this feel so familiar?


Does she explicitly say *which* playoff game? Take them up on it, then show up at some middle school volleyball regional quarterfinals.


This is absolutely brilliant. This is some next level trickery and I am here for it.


I don’t know why you’ve been downvoted, but you’re here for that too.


I’ve recently started using Reddit daily and my experience has shown me it’s a pretty hateful place for some reason. The internet has evolved into a place to go for lols and to be a dick without repercussions. It’s honestly kind of sad when you think about it.


Yes, to a point - but I wouldn’t confuse random downvotes with the genuine hate you’ll find on here (and all over the rest of the internet, of course). FWIW I *suspect* - no way of being sure, obviously - the downvotes may have come from your use of the phrase “I’m here for it” which increasingly crops up in posts about “phrases I’m sick and tired of reading on Reddit”. Hence my *hilarious* reply.


Well it’s really to be expected. There’s a whole subculture that legit never has to leave their parents basement with the advent of mobile orders, Uber eats, grocery store personal shoppers, do they never do. Resenting the world for not taking notice of their prolonged absence and sending beautiful and willing women down into their lairs, saving them from themselves.


See and that’s what I get for trying to be cool and hip haha. But you’re right, I think I’ve just been spending too much time the MLB the Show subreddit. I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen, let alone experienced, a more toxic environment. It’s clearly affecting me haha


Oh, as far as toxicity goes I’d bet that sub doesn’t even scratch the surface. Let me know if you want any pointers towards the *real* poison…


Political subs?


Some, definitely. Some of the relationships-related subs are also horrific.


Dude! Omg there should be a voting tournament for most toxic sub


Evolved? It evolved for sure, but backwards. Just avoid the biggest subreddits. Internet was always hateful place, but in a different way. It used to be just trolls, and trolling was form of art. Then certain group of people took over and they are abusing their voice and using internet hate to destroy lives of people outside of the internet.


Back when I worked at CERN, in the 80s, the World Wide Web was conceived to be... ...aaah fuck, humans.


Back when it was even conceived it was a beautiful idea. But like a flower or unique temporary particle, not meant to stay the same but instead decay and leave questions of what went wrong


That's how it's always beenn, and it used to be much harsher on average


I mean she uses a hockey stick emoji. And give that the distance is in Km, they likely live in my city and not in florida. And if you were here in Edmonton you'd definitely know exactly what she means. Though game 7 in Florida with flights and hotel is cheaper than a ticket here for tonight's game 6 game. Book a room with a king size bed and take them both to Florida for Mondays game, and then have your threesome either to celebrate our winning the cup or to drow the sorrow of losing it.


Orrrrrr he has a hotel reservation with no one to take back to the hotel cause the women were just in it for the tickets to the game. Your scenario is severely highly unlikely.


If they live in canada and were going with him to Florida to watch game 7, They would have to get their own hotel rooms too. If they were going to abandon him after the game, he could simply cancel the flights and use the credit to get another flight back and use the excess for his next vacation. Unless they were looking to cover their own flights and hotel, (which people begging people on tinder to go to a sports game likely aren't prepared for.) They would end up going back to the hotel with him, if only to be able to go home. But lets get real here, If two women are willing to leave the country with you as a date, they know the score. strange men don't spend 5-6K on a two day vacation to not get laid. I'm wasn't telling him to buy tickets to game 6. 3 game 6 tickets would have cost over $10k and they could just catch an uber home from rogers place. Though honestly, If I was crazy enough to take two women to game 7 of the stanley cup, I would also be quite honest and blunt about my expectations on the trip before booking it. plenty of Women have threesomes with a man and another woman all the time. Most commonly with a best friend, roommate or paramour. I've wasted this kind of money on a date before and I've had more than a few of them. When I had my rotation it was super common, but even before that, it would get offered from time to time. Hell, when I was 17, I met two roommates through a mutual friend at a theatre festival,(fringe fest) and they invited me back to their apt, we had sex, they made me dinner and then we went back to the festival and they bought me a ticket to the vagina monologues before we met back up with the mutual friend that introduced us.


I don't think you realize the lengths women will go to get free stuff with no strings attached (sex incuded) This was definitely not ever going to end in a 3some for OP. She just wanted free tickets, etc to the game.


We've got front row but we have to get there early


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


Two chicks at the same time....


Brozzer you’ll spend 1600 minimum to get ignored by two women simultaneously


And disappont two women at once


If I wanted to disappoint two people at the same time I’d call my parents.


This copypasta have a lot of women on swiss/German tinder...


Like they use it a lot or it works on them a lot?


I've disappointed loads more than 2 women, and it didn't cost me a penny!


I see you have been spying on me.


Tow do you plan to disappoint them if they will neither look at not listen to you?


Did you disappoint them at the same time though?


Just spill a beer on yourself and tell security they did it for no reason if they ignore ya


Um, didn’t you read the profile? She promises they’re fun.


I needed this laugh today, thanks lol


Plot twist: the friend is a dude and actually her boyfriend


And for playoff tickets Hes still willing to trade his gf for a night




True story


I am into that + in an FFM threesome fashion, judge me at your own peril.


Idk what the going rate is but I’d guess you could get 2 sex workers for that price. Then you can watch the game in peace without two annoying gold diggers.




Might plus up the experience of the game though, just make sure you have an after- party scheduled


For that money I’m pretty sure you could get a whole team’s-worth of gobbly crackheads.  NB: Medicinal aftercare costs vary by jurisdiction.


My bruh, you could fly to the Philippines, have a 3 week holiday, all the pussy/ladyboy action you could raise wood for and still come home with change...for that price.


Never done it but I was thinking the same, a sex worker would be cheaper and less stressful 😂😂


And you don't even have to have a million dollars!


Damn Straight! -Lawrence.


Where does it say that? I assumed it was her boyfriend.


You are assuming. It's for her and her boyfriend. You are her side chick!




It’s probably a dude friend or boyfriend


OP failed by not including her pictures. I mean, if this is purely transactional, then we need to understand what we're getting for our $1600


At that price you could have probably a flight to Prague and back, and in Prague 1 or 2 hours with a pornstar... Depends where from would you flight.


No one got the office space reference, and I'm sad


Did you lose your stapler?


But seriously, who is Jon Gault?😂


Damn it, Brenda.


Ain’t no hot chicks named Brenda. Move on OP


I'm in Edmonton and I see this on waaaay too many profiles right now lol LETS GO OILERS 🧡💙🧡💙


Honestly, most people use to put this as more of a joke, and it's more to show that they are interested in sports and hockey. I have season tickets to the Raptors in Toronto, and when we were doing well and won the championships that year everyone put that kind of stuff in their profile and I use to joke back that I'd take them to a game. It's actually a great place for some dates. Just not playoffs haha. You guys got this tonight!!


Idk. If I were a wealthy man looking for a threesome with two younger ladies, I’d shell out for this, lol. I’m not… any of those things, but I’m just saying there’s someone for everyone 🤷🏻‍♀️


Paying for two escorts would be cheaper than taking a $1600 chance on two randos from tinder.


Not to mention far more reliable in you actually getting laid too


Presumably you would want to be at the game with them too for the “date”. So $2400.


Maybe not, how long are they spending together?


100% wont get any chicks doing this and honestly paid companionship is probably cheaper


Um… I was young in the 90s and early 2000s. Stuff like this happened then 😂


i think hes just saying theres a good chance the girls wouldnt even have sex with him after this. I mean there are a lot of girls online now who demand stuff like theyre a prositute but not actually shell out the goods


Sure, payment up front from them. 100% looking to just use and abuse someone financially.


It's only using and abusing someone if everyone isn't on the same page about what is happening


Agreed. This looks like an absolutely terrible offer - but if someone wants to take it up, that’s on them.


That’s probably someone’s kink.


It’s does indeed exist: FinDom - financial domination


There’s probably cheaper ways to pay for a threesome than buying three Cup Final tickets


Guys! If you want a sex worker, go get you one! Or two! Lmao. I’m not judging 😂 but this isn’t prostitution. This is dating. Dating that is just too expensive for most of us. But just b/c we can’t afford the price tag, that doesn’t make these ladies prostitutes, and you’re not paying for a threesome. You’re paying for the time, I guess… If someone flies to my town to meet me, he paid for that ticket. If someone picks up the tab at brunch, he paid for that meal. They “paid for my time” I guessssss….. but they didn’t pay for sex and sex is not guaranteed. If you need guaranteed sex, you’re better off with a sex worker. So just get off the dating apps and get on a flight to Nevada. Or Amsterdam. Or to your red light district of choice and leave the tinder girls alone 😂 Dating is a chance. A risk. A maybe. It always has been. It’s never a guarantee. Successful dating usually involves money. On both sides. It also requires charm, chemistry, & conversation to list just a few, lol. I hope these girls get their tickets. I hope the guy they go with is super cool & chill and they all get what they’re looking for. Idk lol


What makes you think you even get anything in return? She's offering nothing


Shit where you find 769… lowest I’ve seen is 1180


Why is this sub suddenly white knighting for gold diggers lol


So many of the replies from females here saying I’m in the wrong and gaslighting me for not wanting to cater to that. My fault that I’m not the target market apparently lol Yeah let’s keep encouraging that entitlement behaviour for a first meet


I must be the only female or one of the few females who don’t think ur in the wrong, cuz who even would ask that!? Like i have trouble asking someone to buy me a candy bar😂😂


For real. Got downvoted to shit for saying this behavior needs to be called out/shamed, under what ironically became the top comment. Mad simps here, like moths to a flame


Bro… he went and looked. He thought about it…


I think it was more so for the Reddit post to demonstrate the absurdity of her request


My sister is in Hollywood, she is happily married BUT she has ran into a lot of men who will and do pay for women to hang out with them. There are married rich men who will easily fork out money for women like this, sometimes the wives are the ones hiring these types of girls for their husband's because they don't want to put out. I don't down their game, I've honestly seen a lot worse, they aren't robbing anyone and are honest, good for them!!!!


People should look up what instagram models do for men in Dubai.


Yeah. Thete are multiple videos about it. KiraTV had one aswell. Was it "dubai Porta potty"?


Found the chick from the post


You got me Gene Yuss!!! 😆


Do you write your poems in crayon Deeds?


This is an entire business in Japan


That’s playoff season in Edmonton, baby. Hahaha


People in this comment section are weird as hell


Why? You can't take this stupidly extravagant sense of entitlement seriously.


You could probably fly to Vegas, pay for a guaranteed threesome, and it might only be slightly more expensive with women that are probably way better looking. Who do people think they are?


Worth it I guess


When can we get an app so [straight] guys can ask other guys this? “Any bros want to take me and my buddy to a playoff game” Imagine all the friends we could make along the way….no?


Not justifying this but some people just have that level of money. It’s hard to comprehend but for some people $1600 is nothing. Just saying. Whether they are on tinder or interested is another question




They didn't demand anything. They made it very clear the intention. I see no problems here.


Grifter spotted 🤡


Never hurts to ask for what you want. Might as well shoot for the moon!


Well you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Imagine being suprised that gold diggers are on tinder


Not so much demanding as it is manipulative and pathetic


Hookers are cheaper


Where is Mr. Beast when we need him.


It's not for you. Swipe left


Just swipe left. There are tons of men who will happily pay for that woman and her friend to go to a playoff hockey game. If you’re not one of them, then don’t. 🤷🏽‍♂️




exactly. at least she’s honest about what she wants. plus, that amount of money is nothing to some people. he can just swipe left. it’s never that deep.


I honestly doubt it. It’s the hottest ticket in Edmonton in like 20 years. Nobody’s taking two randos off Tinder


This sounds like a dude…


Since dating apps power balance has shifted so much that women are in a position to demand things like this and get away with it. It's crazy how it seems like a gender imbalance of 1 woman on 10 men but in reality it's rather 1 to 1


The fact that modern society enables this type of behavior is crazy to me. Just prostitution with extra steps


No guarantee that these girls are even gonna put out.... lol


Exactly. I thought about that afterward. Even worse. And probably average af too


Are they at least hot ?


Many replies asking this as if being hot alone is enough of a contribution to get things, but I'd say she was 6/10, maybe 6,5 at best


She could’ve had that in her bio from the beginning of the playoffs. Tickets would’ve still been pricey but not even close to that in round 1.


She’s doing this because it’s probably worked before.


They can watch it on TV.


Oh that’s a hockey stick? Sorry, I thought it was a cricket paddle. Anyway, I gotta head out early but enjoy the 4 day match!


The Burberry scarf is a dead indicator before reading her profile.


Some dumbass is gonna pay for them thinking his getting some action with both of them just to get ghosted after the game


They’re lookin for tricks. Look past the “looking for- long-term partner” They’re lookin for someone to sugar them, both.


Long term ATM to buy her shit and give nothing in return


Unless they gonna hit ya with the double Hawk Tuah, and let you park it up their arse I say nah.


You want to BLOW the money? Who cares!!


If you paying for women, go for the 400$ daddy issue bombshells that walk the streets. Discounted AND they leave you alone when you're done.


Think about this logically, buy the tickets and opt for the ticket insurance. Then get your payment in exchange for the tickets upfront. Then get refunded from Ticketmaster and Ghost. The insurance is like $100. Cheapest threesome you’ll ever have


Yeah man, Hell yeah man....


I'd be like, ok but I'm expecting something at the end. Ain't no way I'm paying 1600 just to get ignored you know what I'm saying, that ain't happening.


I think at that point you’re just paying for sex


Hell at that rate I could fly to Amsterdam and pay for sex which would be cheaper than taking them out. No guarantee w them either


I'm sure there is guys who SIMP hard enough to go through with their demands /idea. 🤣


Love that you checked it out to confirm just how demanding it was 🤣


Pretty sure she’s implying a threesome if you take her friend too.


The worst part is she’d be too pissed off after oilers choke and Florida finishes it tomorrow.


Salty bc she has some pull?


Sure. Payment up front.


You don’t have comps?


Umm... I was gonna say that. I straight up got tickets to the Super Bowl by just being at the right place at the right time. There are companies that get dozens of tickets for free because of sponsor deals. Sometimes, there are raffles for season ticket holders for other teams. Just like everything else, sometimes it's about who you know.


She better make it clap. I mean they better make it clap. 😂😂😂


You laugh… but when the Avs were in the playoffs my friend did this and some old guy bought her two 4th row seats… and she took the guy she was hooking up with…


calling her “demanding” is insane. she’s not asking anything from you buddy. you clearly aren’t her target audience. it’s OKAY to swipe left


They are charging that much for hockey?! Hockey?!


2 playoff tickets? I have a hooker who will do you with no rubber for 160$. Dm me for more dating advice!