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Gotta pay the troll toll


I'm still wondering if some of these are plants meant to give the dopamine hit of a hopeful match prospect, only to disappoint/sabotage it later. It just seems too out of the ordinary that this many dudes would intentionally risk wrecking their match this early on with how frequent this type of thing gets posted (and how many years this has been a pattern without learning it's not a great strategy).


Nope, it's extreme laziness. They're looking for a sure thing, and don't want to waste time on someone who they have to win over. They figure if they try it on enough women, they'll eventually find a couple who are down. Not sure if any of them really succeed, but that's the thinking. Also, the golden rule is to blame. We want this to happen to us by a moderately attractive woman so badly, we assume they would also like it, so long as they find us reasonably physically attractive. Women don't work that way.


I agree with what you have said, but I would also add there is a category of man who gets their jollies by offending, humiliating, upsetting (etc) women. They want the reaction, they want the control/perceived power it gives them. It's obviously not about successful dating. So yeah, it's either someone who wants the women to self select, or he wants to troll them.


Wrong. "Some" women will reciprocate very very nasty bullshit if they think you're hot.


Hot men can get away with more, but the vast majority of women are still rejecting the dude in this post. Just a lower amount, than if they're average to slightly above average


Doesn't matter how hot he is if he's a douchebag. Hot men aren't in short supply on the ladies' side of things. We can afford to pass them up, too.


You're naive af if you don't think a 9+ man can bag a different random every night of the week by being a douche


And likely had to spend a lot of money on drinks and such before he found one willing to ignore it and let him hit.


Lmao nah , dudes like that don't need to spend a dime dumb hoes are lined up. Trust me I've got friends that have shown me the wildest shit over the years. If the dude is hot the women don't give a fk what comes out their mouth


Oh, okay, so gorgeous women are lined up by the mile to be called dumb hoes to just have sex with a cute guy who won't even buy them a drink? Methinks your friends seem to believe you're inexperienced and gullible enough to believe that.


I'm speaking from experience 🤷


What experience? Are you calling yourself hot? Are you calling yourself a hot asshole? Pretty arrogant, dont you think?


It’s pretty sad.


You see how you made a blank and then filled in the blank...? That's arrogant. I don't care if I get downvoted by every woman that actually respects themselves in here. I do take issue with people's inability to ask for clarification before automatically assuming things. No my comment was geared towards the amount of shit people will put up with to avoid being alone.


I didn't make a blank, you left a blank. I didn't fill it, i asked how. Dont put your own mistakes on me, i specifically asked how and why you think that. And i made it clear how it made you look, if you dont clarify your shit. >No my comment was geared towards the amount of shit people will put up with to avoid being alone. So no real "experience"? Just a blank statement


Just to be clear the second guy was the conventional “hot” guy. As the comments above said there’s only so much even hot guys can get away with.


Can you show me a single post in the history of this sub where that actually happened?


Dude i'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I made a comment I feel is true. Do with that what you will


Uh huh that’s what I thought 🤣


There was a post the other day and OP was a girl asking her friends why they even respond to guys that think talking like that is okay and the responses were "he's hot".


This guys speaking the truth, I saw the same post


Lol, sure pal. I think you are just saying that to justify your inability to attract women


I mean they aren't necessarily entirely wrong, but that type of thinking tends to get exaggerated. You get away with much more, but this also has its limits. Let's not pretend my handsome awkward bros out there don't have a struggle as well.


Both sides have shitty people. Doesn't give him the right to generalize or enable the comment.


I mean they have the right to say whatever they want. Is it smart to generalize like that? Probably not and you get the expected push back from people.


The fuck did i do to you to get attacked? There's a lot of people in this world that put up with very deprecating shit just so they don't have to be alone. The fact you felt the need to say something nasty like that is kind of sad, pal.


Growing in a house full of women does not make entitled to say that bullshit. And I am not analizing you, I am calling out your shitty behavior. Be better.


Fact you are generalizing an entire gender. You're not getting -28 points for nothing, be mindful of your words.


Also... That's the exact mind if mindset that enables assholes to say these kinds of things to women - pull back and think if you'd like that kind of thing being said to your mother or sister because someone said "oh, she'll love it because I am hot". You need way more empathy


It’s a mix of: 1) Guys who are trying to come off as confident/“alpha” and throw off lines they’d like to hear if you flipped the script. They assume since they think graphic comments from the first sentence is hot, girls will too. Too much porn and poor YT/TikTok/Insta dating advice. 2) Guys who’ve given up getting dates and just want jerk off material. Same with a lot of married guys.


Yeah but that fucking ruins it for the rest of us. Great fun dating these days.


On God, I wanna fucking end every single one of those bastards. Making girls think we’re all bad and shit, fucking pieces of shit


It started normal and then mid way through horniness out of nowhere.


Nah, I could see the "play with my balls" question coming from a mile away, he clearly set that up with his tennis question. I bet in his mind he thought it was a smooth transition


Mate, it’s because of dudes like this that other men clean up on tinder.


We complain. We give you the evidence. We still get questioned if it's real. Disappointed, but not surprised.


Super self absorbed and honestly dysfunctional of you to interpret this comment as “questioning women”. I would bet both my nuts the OP was actually trying to ask, like a, “hey maybe there are bots on tinder to piss the women off too” kind of question, but that’s me


Congratulations on your new career as a eunch.


Oh we support genital mutilation too, how nice of you


Never considered this angle before but from a business sense for Tinder it kind of makes sense. It's ultimately destructive to them though. A lot of other sites use bot profiles. In the past I've received "I like your profile" type messages before I've even put a proper profile up. I'm talking literally writing "will fill this in shortly" and no profile pics and I'm getting contacted


It’s a hookup app.


bumble isn’t really a hookup app


If you’re literally window shopping a person… it’s going to devolve into a hookup app. They all will. Bar none.


If you wanna get into that boy’s hole..soul?


..not really, no… the sadness in this reply 😂


It’s the emphasis for me😂


I heard the sigh as they wrote that


Yes?..... :(


"Yes?". "Not really no..." 😆👌🏼


These are the dudes I’m losing to


Fr man, me too


For real, I actually wanna message normally and shit but they don't even reply half the time and these are the guys I'm losing to????


Is my profile that bad? I'm in the same boat as you






They get messaged first because they're attractive. They send messages like that because it works often enough that they don't give a fuck about the girls that say no.


They get messaged first because it’s how bumble works!!


They get matched first *


I don’t get messaged first on bumble, they all just expire lmao


Then why do all my matches just run out without any messages? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol, shit, you're right. Good on you for saying more than "Hey."


There was an episode of House about speed dating, and House bet Chase that he could say he's unemployed and homeless and still get more numbers, it was true then and it is true now lol


That episode is marvelous, especially because it makes Chase question all his life decisions




Way to make it personal. Lol. I'm doing just fine. You're oblivious if you think my first comment isn't accurate, though. Same reason attractive women don't have to be interesting in the text messaging. Thirsty guys will keep talking. Obviously, generalities aren't 100%, but it's a lot.


Which, when you take a step back, is kind of a crazy thing to be turned off by, not gonna lie.




My last match was somebody trying to sell me their financial services...


Honestly I've come to the realization that even as a man, were I in the dating pool I would need some time to get to know a person before I felt comfortable enough to do anything sexual. I guess I'm some kind of weirdo.


It’s honestly wild that so many people go right to the naughty stuff lol. I met my fiancée on OKC, and the reason I beat out other matches was 1. I didn’t send dick picks or insist on a hookup 2. I didn’t try to immediately convert her to a different religion And 3. I had normal conversations with her where we had a healthy back and forth of questions and answers where we learned about each other. I always say I never considered myself someone who is smooth or has “game,” but I guess relatively speaking you can be pretty successful by being able to just have a normal conversation 😂


Yes. I can hit your balls with my racket. Repeatedly.


What if he wants that


Then you get the money up front




Lol 😂


I’m 44 and if I ever had to re-enter the dating pool, I have quiet confidence that I would be able to keep it in my pants for more than 10 messages. These guys are hopeless.


10 messages is edging on the friend zone. You need to time it on the 7th message.


Literally cannot remember the last match I got on bumble. These are sad times


Do you remake your account? All of the apps do it but I found bumble to be the worst. I’ll get around 30 likes the first two or so days and then like 1 or 2 a day from then on.


I haven't even got 30 likes in the year I've been using bumble. It's been a few months since I last remade it and I'm sitting at 4 likes. I have remade my accounts a couple times and it's too much of a hassle for no reward


It's because they want you to pay for the tiers that let you see who liked you! And on top of that, they sometimes put fake profiles in there (accusedly) on purpose.. It's all a big scam lmao


Bro even pushed P, lmao


I'm so embarrassed for them, how old were they?!


29 and 30! If you can believe it.


No! You're lying 😭




Y’all are too nice. I’d be finding their mothers on Facebook and sending this shit to them lol


If you can track their last name and if they're not using an alias or middle name


The crudeness lol


Worst part is that the first guy started the tennis conversation to set up the ball line and thought that was a great idea.


Right? He thought he was being smooth. 😂


I’m exhausted for you… jfc


Why does it depend on if you’re putting his penis in your mouth? Those two things seem fairly independent from one another


There’s a reason these dudes are single


"Idk about that, but you sure put your foot in yours"


He's a weirdo. Get rid


I’m genuinely sorry you’re having this experience


Dont ya know? The “C” in “Tinder” is for “Class”!




Gee wilickers I’m gonna cream your beaver


Ohh there’s that weird sense of humor he has! 🫠


That’s why I quit apps. That’s pretty much it.


Can someone explain to me why the timer keeps counting down even after chat has commenced and has been going on for a while? This is for Bumble.


Jesus, I'm sorry that you have to deal with this type of stuff


Lol Jesus 🤦‍♂️


😂 how not to get a date 101




this conversation feels so British…


Well, the second guy really has a weird sense of humour...


No wonder they’re still single lol


Man here. Ffs, why do we get so many idiots?


Damn chivalry is dead in the new generations! lol I couldn’t ever dream of sending something like that to a girl, but I’m 40 as well. Shrug


Omg why...


This shit was exhausting to deal with. It’s like god forbid they had to be normal people before meeting you, nah just throw out the fact you think with your dick only.


Stupid stuff!!




WHY at the risk of sounding like a simp or incel or whatever, WHY DO PEOPLE GOTTA DO THIS it makes it soooo hard for the rest of us bc now we have to somehow communicate that we WONT say that and they always start off suspicious bc ofc they would… ffs keep your cylinder in your stupid fucking pants and act normal you stupid idiots


Why are people like this? Dude is cringe asf.




I know it’s definitely got to get tiresome getting random messages like that, but isn’t tinder primarily a hook up app? Personally, I wouldn’t use it for that reason. Not that online dating with low effort people is t a thing on every one of them. 😂


Jesus smfh


I mean, that’s tinder for you lol. It’s a hook up service mainly, everything else is secondary. It became popular because of how straightforward you could be with sex when on there. Idk why people suggest using it for dating, it’s the worst option for that. Not saying people don’t find success there, but those are the outliers not the norm. If you want a serious relationship or want to avoid stuff like this, match/eharmony or the other dedicated websites specifically for that will get you much better results.


Better to learn their douchebag status early though.


What a joke




Idk but i see these horrible replies on weekends if not the op had them anytime but posting on weekends, but maybe the guys are high on toads sweat replying and fumbling so damn bad.


You could have replied “with my tennis racket, I have a mean serve”


And here I am, worried about entering the world of online dating after 17 years out of the dating world and not knowing how to talk to women, and this is my competition ? I think I'll be just fine, lol.


The funniest part about all of these horrendously gross messages from these dudes is 9/10 times, if they actually were decent guys and earned the woman’s respect and trust, they’d probably actually do these things for the guys Just need a genuine connection first and a decent man to have that connection


What do these people have on their profiles that I don't ? Contemplating just leaving all together.


I think something that isn’t talked about Enough here is location. You’ll get more matches the more you live in a city that’s populated and is filled with people the same age as you. I think this is why a lot of guys have zero to no matches. They either live in a small town or a place where tinder isn’t that active or the dating pool is too small.


Yh, I live in Brussels and I think it's much easier to meet people in real life.


This is why online dating is the easiest thing in the world as a man. If you're above amoeba level intelligence you're in the top 90%. If you also have manners you're in the top 98%. If you're also good looking you're in the top 99.8%.


Maybe a time to rethink on what basis you are swiping right or liking profiles?


How can we tell based on the profile if a man is going to text us sexual and creepy messages? It can literally come from anyone no matter how innocent the profile may seem. So don't blame this on her.


It's ridiculous. Creeps don't wear hats saying, "I'm a creep" just like murderers often blend in with "normal" people. Why do women still get blamed for this shit lol.


It is funny that my comment is taken in an offensive way. But, isn't that a root casue of this? My comment no where blames OP, but puts an alternative perspective on maybe it is time to review profiles with different set of parameters that you have not even considered before. But again, that changes based on what you are looking for, I guess. Creep people are going to remain that way. I think best way I would work on is how I am not getting mayched with these people. Also, in my opinion, if this is what you are experiencing consistently, it is not a bad idea to reflect back and change the way we review dating profiles.


Common interests (tennis, running) and sense of humour stood out. Oh and their profiles saying “a long term relationship”. Hence, the disappointment.


Ahh, I get it. Looks like there is no way of avoiding these kind!


Being up front with you and not wasting your time. At least you know straight away what they want.


Tinder is not to find relationships


Thats bumble


Then why post it on tinder subreddit?


all dating apps stuff gets posted here, just the way it's been for a while


Guys don't know how to get dates online; it's pathethic - the amount of aggresive sexual projections that make every sane woman cringe is just astonishing. Dudes shooting themselves in the foot becouse they can't control their hormones. Every girlfriend I found through Tinder, I just talked with them about everything and anything, until they themselves wanted to meet up and then hook up. No mentioning sex, no aggressive flirting - just normal, friendly chat intertwined with some sparse, gentle complements. Couple days of getting to know one another, then awesome first date to make the good impression last. Then a date or two before we hook up (being patient and letting the girl set the tempo that she's comfortable with) and either it fizzles out in the following weeks or grows and leads to a satisfying relationship. Just stop thinking about your own dick for ten seconds and try to behave like a normal person.


Well said. That’s exactly how it should go. Even for people with the intention to just hook up. Start your own podcast maybe?


"After a few balls you can play with my balls" now that's just comedic


Every time I look at this subreddit I think to myself... I'M LOSING TO THIS??


Damn, these must be the guys I’m losing to. From what I hear, women really do like assholes and guys who treat them like shit. lol, fucking wild. Smh


These... assholes get posted here. Do you really think most women want to get these kind of messages? They know you want to fuck - being a dick about it in chat isn't bold - it's just crass and mostly uninteresting. Sure, it might work sometimes - but most women, even when looking for mainly sex, seem to rather keep it pretty dignified (yeah, maybe some innuendo) before actually getting it on.


lol very understandable, I was being sarcastic. Twas a joke


Cool. You sound SO nice and respectful towards women. With your attitude and logic, it really seems like you should be drowning in pussy. It’s a shame that you’re too pathetic to understand your problem. You’re not losing to anyone except yourself 😘


I have a question, plz Be honest, would u went tennis with him,if she didn't start the horny marathon?


And here I am not even getting a single like in years lmao...


Last time you posted on Tinder months ago you were a straight male


lol where’d you get that from?


It's just his weird sense of humor. You sure seem to be drawing the horny immature ones.


This is too forward for me but if you are both looking for short term partners/casual hookups I see nothing wrong. I am assuming you are not.


even if they are looking for a hookup … you see nothing wrong?! this seems like the right way to do it?


I am not looking for a hookup and totally agree. Definitely don’t think this is the right way to go about looking for casual sex either.


I've been on the receiving end a few times of this forwardness a few times. Personally not my kind thing but if you're both seeking a quick hookup being honest and direct wastes less time I suppose?


Well this is coming from men whose profiles said they were looking for “a long term relationship”. Regardless I don’t see why they have to be gross about it like this. Could easily be “I’m only looking to hook up, are you on the same page” kinda stuff.


I was thinking the same thing. If he wanted a hookup he could just state it on his profile and not be like **tOuCh mY bALLs** out of nowhere


Problem is that you are going to lose most of the woman who are up for a hookup. You know all the ones that want to play around of tennis and who after they decide you aren't nuts, invite you over to take a shower and clean up... Stuff like this is a violation of tinders TOS/Community guidelines where unsolicated sexual advances are not allowed. Report and move on.


Bro put your penis in her mouth. It’s that easy. 


I’m not hearing a no.


Honestly, if I was rich or attractive I would do exactly the same. Personally I would be tired of women wanting me for my money or body, so I would simply show them that, and go for just sex. Seriously. I feel bad for them. Almost. Okay, no I dont. I'm obviously jealous.


Surely someone rich or attractive would be able to do better than me 😄 Self deprecating humour aside, you seem like you’re projecting dear.


Lol yes, I am SO tired of women WANTING me as a bald, poor male. I ALWAYS lead with sex, because of course you KNOW that works, right? I mean, obviously it does for them, otherwise they wouldn't do it? Right?




This is bumble...


THen why post it on the Tinder Subreddit?


Because there's often posts from various other dating apps. It's not really just a tinder subreddit


“jUst use bUMbLe” Meanwhile, she was.


Then she should have posted it in the Bumble sub.


You’re still 100% incorrect on your statement but go off


Is that like a fart? "butt go off?" LUL


Bumble sucks