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Because tinder is a hook up app and most women are just not as interested in hooking up with random men the way men are with hooking up with random women… it’s why there’s 80% men on there and like 20% women ( not even accounting for all the bots and men pretending to be women on there, so it’s probably even lower than that lol)


Other apps are way worse


Hinge is way better


No it isn't


I think it’s better for actual dating and not just fucking


Tinder has gone to complete shit. No joke I swiped left on the same picture of some commonly used fake egirl seven times in a row, that was my record, seven back to back, same woman. I've never seen a fake woman on hinge. I see some fake women on bumble, but it's just flat out better than tinder at this point, and I liked it the least right out the gate. Like women would match, buzz buzz, then 24 hours later the opposite of a serotonin boost happened.


If this was the average tinder experience for heterosexual males, the world would be a much happier place and Andrew Tate would be a failed painter nobody knows about.


I still don’t really feel fulfilled in my life though 💀


Right, that you won't get from tinder unfortunately.


Now imagine your at 0 for dates and sex, and how your life would be like.


I feel you and it sounds really stupid now speaking from the other perspective but it actually isn’t everything that’s what I actually meant. But I also like women not only men but I am legit scared in dating women


Its not everything but it a big part of life. To miss it entirely is significant. You arent thinking about where youre going to get youre next sip of water all day because you now its always there if you need it. If your easy access to water was suddenly taken away it would immediately become a much more pressing concern.


Probably right




I don’t know


A sense of fulfillment doesn’t come from sex or even from a happy relationship. A sense of fulfillment comes from using drugs.


So you still need Andrew Tate.


Failed painter 💀 In his case failed boxer, but that reference works lol


No please don't say failed painter. he isn't from Austria, he did not fail art school he is not a failed painter.


Idk. I’m pretty average and have had casual sex with almost every one of my dates. It’s not that difficult, I think Redditers are mostly inexperienced.


This IS the average heterosexual male experiencw if you aren’t a socially inept redditor lol. You can game the system and up the match rate for right swipes a lot more if you know the type that would swipe right on you, but a 10-1 right swipe to match i fair enough i guess, even if unnecesarrily high.




cope harder.


....so we actually need him...


Straight tinder isn't cursed. Tinder for trying to go out with woman is cursed.:)


Yeah. I've also heard lesbians complain about trying to date women, including having to carry the conversation.


That’s the elephant in the room here.


I met my bi ex in an open relationship. We were dating and at one point it was the first time she was gonna date a girl, and she was excited about it. But she admitted to being nervous. “Guys are straightforward and you can be entitled with them; women are entitled and difficult”. She had more experiences and just decided not to date women after a little while. There’s a lot of dicks among men (pun unintended), but hell if it isn’t easier to date them.


Now we understand the origins of the phrase “happy wife, happy life.”


Date men then


Accountability is difficult isn’t it?


If dating women is so annoying then why date them? You don’t have to date people you don’t like.


I wish


Why wish? Make it happen. If you don’t like women you don’t have to date them


I'm not a homosexual unfortunately so I do like women. They just don't like me cuz I'm uggo.


Oh come off it. If men had the same amount of people in their DM they would act the same. Go on and create a female tinder account. You'll see how much you're inundated with posts.


Everyone doesn’t use OLD and the results are still similar. People seem to forget AOL & Yahoo chats existed 20 years ago. It was never this difficult overall just to chat and meet. Every encounter wasn’t weird, there wasn’t an argument over splitting the check and everyone didn’t want dinner. A lot of this odd behavior developed because of social media. Everyone seems to constantly have the same experience and the same OLD profile.


Or paying the bill. Some ladies feel they're always taken advantage of when their partner expects the other to always pay for dates etc. Like what men are just expected to do. [This lady explains the struggles in detail pretty well.](https://youtu.be/Y4E8qEDi_xg?si=nHS0_CyfQvqlPyB0)


I’m pansexual but sapphic-leaning and yep. When I dated men dating apps were an absolute breeze but when I started trying to date women/non-cis-men on apps, I finally understood why men complain about their dating app experiences so much lmao.


I've also heard hetero women complain about trying to date men, including having to carry the conversation


I think the odds are likely better for men approaching women in real life. It's socially acceptable to open with "hi" irl. I had tinder for five days and had 2 dates and 1 casual encounter. Hated it compared to irl. I just felt like I was "trying to get a date" rather than being my authentic self.


I don’t wanna post it to brag or something I just see those heterosexual post all the time where women just don’t answer if you write “hey” or something else and people having 0 chats what so ever. Is it because of stereotypes in society. Never had problems with writing “hi” and still getting a response.


my mate on Grindr just get laid with emojis, we could never do that with women haha


I must still say the casual dates happened after date nights and good talking so still kind of meaningful the Grindr hookups are just have been maniac encounters


Yeah i heard some wild stories


My proudest moment was getting laid because I sent a girl a gif in my science lecture. It was that comically weird gif of sonic and knuckles fucking (but the SFW version)


I know that one!! I used it all the time but apparently wrong


I’ve literally sent sushi and weed emojis, got a response, sent a clock emoji, got a “now?” reply and was on a date an hour later. It works on women too, It’s just a numbers game


Date and fucking are two different things but good for you still impressive imo


You could if you're attractive enough. My friend just messages wanna come over n smash until one does. It's literally like ordering from a buffet/catalogue. He hasn't tried eggplant emoji with a question mark, but it's not much less effort so I presume it would work too. Women just don't like men anywhere near as much as men like women.


The male-female dynamic is tricky. There's a lot of distrust between the two groups, and a strong incentive to "pick correctly" because, if you have kids together, you're gonna be together a loooooonggg time. Most women are looking for a future father and husband. Men, less so. Gay men just have more compatible interests, because they are both "men". There is far less stigma to "sleeping around", compared to heterosexual women.


Exactly women tend to be looking for someone to settle down with, it’s really only a small number of women that genuinely want to hook up with a bunch of random men on the internet, so that’s why men are seeing these results…


Women get like 20 "heys" a day though. They're not gonna be inclined to engage them all.


wow everyone one of these comments are totally wrong and dont know anything about gay culture. the explanation is that gay culture is a lot more “hook up” oriented. even within gay couples.


I propose all the boys in the world go gay for a year, legally binding. Let the girls figure it out


I’m straight and totally on board with this


I agree with this solution.


Generally women have higher standards than gay men. Would be the reason for the difference in success.


Women have higher standards than men. It isn't a gay or straight thing. Women swipe on less than 10% of profiles and men swipe on nearly half.


Is not because girls are inherently picky and boys don't care who to fuck. You have to be picky as a girl because every other swipe is a match. Whereas as a male, with a match ratio of 2%, there's nothing left other than to lower your standards and swipe right 50 times to get a match


I don't think it's standards. Men are more likely to want to have sex so when you put 2 men together there will be more sex. I don't know any men who have women just ask if they are DTF but every woman has been asked this by at least one man.


Yeah, a guy saying he wants to sleep with me doesn’t impress me very much, we hear that all the time 🙃


Men are not more likely to want to have sex.


Single men who want sex are much less likely to get it than single women who need some action.


Bigger egos***


It’s not only about ego, most of us just don’t gain anything from hooking up with random guys on tinder… also we have to worry about pregnancy, stds, sexual assault, etc. in combination with the fact that women risk getting “pumped and dumped” ( a lot of men here like to say this) and are also very unlikely to experience an orgasm from these casual encounters… the risk to reward ratio is simply not that enticing so…🤷🏽‍♀️


Just a stereotype. I can’t judge a book by its cover. Not all gay men are the same and I can still respond and have a little conversation even though I only get a “hi”.


Cause men really will fuck anything


Where women will fuck cucumbers, hairbrush handles, carrots, industrial sharpies, pillows, eggplants, couch armrests, shower heads, stick shifts, dragon dildos, hot dogs, broom handles, game controllers, electric toothbrush...


Recently a bunch of men got together to rape a freaking monitor lizard.... Other notable contributions from men: fucking a mcchicken, dead bodies, their mothers decapitated head... I could go on 😬


Y’all do the same so it’s even 😒


Real (I’m also a man)


Curious if you are bottom, top, or vers? That has a lot to do with the gay/bi Tinder experience


I’m a woman, I just set up a new dating profile yesterday (not tinder though). I have 714 likes. Literally what am I supposed to do. ETA: I know how to use dating apps, I see now I shouldn’t have used the word “literally.” I was being facetious


Who cares about likes? Why give them a second thought. Swipe til you get some dozen matches. See which ones of them you have a mutual desire to have a date. Have that date. Rinse and repeat til you find what you want.


You have 714 potential dates and you don't know what to do? I suggest matching with one and getting to know them


I didn’t quite mean that I had no idea what to do. I meant that this mathematical inequality is why men feel so abandoned on the apps. Maybe Mr. Right is #366 in my queue, I’ve gotta damn near treat the app like homework to even get to him in the first place.


I was probably more snarky than I intended. Honestly, relationships take time, would you even know Mr Right just by a profile? Realistically, you could probably build a relationship with a large % of your potential matches, unless you are oddly antisocial. Your best strategy is probably to just match with someone and start getting to know them.


I actually had only one relationship over Tinder which lastet very shortly. And alle real dates and relationships partners etc. I actually met via mutual friends etc even though they also have dating apps and we probably have seen us there but it’s just another level. Dating apps are bullshit imho to find a partner


> treat the app like homework to even get to him in the first place Idk about that, I think women just suck at swiping and convos. Or are swiping way above their league. A guy did an experiment on another sub after a bet from a chick about how hard it is. Within a day, using a below average female friends pictures, found 8 dates with average to slightly above her looksmatch guys. Had great convos, seemingly LTR, no sexual convos. And said he didn't get any overly sexual messages either from matches. I think if men were swiping in that situation, they'd have someone in a couple days. Meanwhile for below average guy to get 8 dates setup on a dating app would likely take like 5 years instead of half a day.


The idea of Mr. Right is a failed Disney concept that is hobbling your ability to meet a compatible partner. Constantly looking over your shoulder for Mr. Right will make you overlook the dozens of perfectly compatible men in front of you who just want a good woman to love and support. I guarantee your grandmother didn't date 366 men before meeting your grandfather. Most men are normal, datable people who have their average share of flaws like anyone else. You'll never find the "perfect" man.


Uh again I did not mean a literal Mr. Right, I was using the cliche as an easily identifiable shorthand to explain the mathematical disparity between men and women’s use of the platform. If it bothered you so much that you felt compelled to write a dissertation, feel free to replace the cliche with a wheat and chaff metaphor.


That’s actually a good point I didn’t think of so basically most swipes you make are matches ?


Well and that's another difference. While women get hundreds of likes in a day, many straight men can only get a few likes in a week. They have different strategies, motivations, and their experiences with attracting the opposite sex make it so that women can be - and in fact MUST be - far more selective than straight men.


Exactly, and I have two small kids so I’m not locked down to my phone ready to maintain 714 conversations, therefore I’m extra selective about potentially swiping straight into a message.


And easily irritated when 16 of the 20 guys you selected all send you the same opening lines, all have the same photos, and the same crap in their bios. Hey Hey Hi ((wave)) ..... Like, you now have to copy and past the same reply to 16 different guys who basically all look exactly alike to you, but every one of them is clueless to it cuz on their end, you're the only girl who actually matched them that week.


And that is why everyone gets upset and hates the other gender because they aren't thinking about why they're behaving that way and because the experience is so different from theirs. It's like rich people not understanding the poor and no one understanding the homeless.


Honestly my experience is pretty similar to the guys, it’s just that all the numbers are much bigger. So I may match with 100 guys, 50 of them are immediate ghosts, the next 25 guys are like “hey can you f*ck tonight, out of the final 25 ten of them want to apparently be pen-pals, out of the 15 planned dates, something magically comes up day-of for like 10 of them and after all that work you’ve got five dates.


Lol, well I think the men's numbers might surprise you, but it really depends on where they are in the Tinder "sexual marketplace". But the "average" man's experience? I don't think it's anywhere close. If you check this reddit look for posts with a light-blue color. They show various men's experiences. I've noticed big difference based on continent, but in the U.S. it seems to be 10% of the guys getting 90% of the matches.


Oh that’s interesting! I love data


Here's one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/1dqna9i/younger\_guys\_on\_dating\_apps\_how\_are\_you\_getting\_a/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/1dqna9i/younger_guys_on_dating_apps_how_are_you_getting_a/#lightbox) If we see a guy with numbers like yours, he's either European, Gay, or he's top 10% (aka "10/10") - one of the guys getting 90% of the matches.


Hmmm that’s probably why all the horny and crazy gays are on Grindr so Tinder is kind of “normal” but yeah makes sense seeing it like that but having 100matches/time is crazy. I live in a rather small city and after like 20swipes/day I don’t have any matches left unless I get a higher radius


Oh I’m equidistant to DC/Baltimore, so the dating scene here is overwhelming


Makes sense :D


This is pretty much the entire animal kingdom with a few exceptions. Watch any documentary and the males are doing stuff to attract the females and it's the females who decide who is fucking them.


Not quite, I know I have 714 likes but idk who they are yet, they’re blurred (it’s Feeld). So if I’m going through the pics in the regular feed, there’s a good chance that as soon as I swipe right on someone, it’s gonna immediately push to messages in case they’re one of my 714 likes.


Tinder sadly doesn’t say the number only 99+


Exactly, when I used to use dating apps, I would get around 600 likes a couple hours after making it… the vast majority of them were just looking for sex, and that’s not what I wanted, so we kinda HAVE to be picky and filter out most of them so that we don’t waste our time


Id guess talk to a few that make sense for you personally. Not just the most attractive people.


Dudes be horny regardless.


Essentially straight tinder is cursed because straight dating in general is cursed in 2024 (at least in the United States and perhaps the western world), neither gender respects each other, and the worst is always assumed about the other person in dating.


Internet inflating women's egos so they only want to date top shelf men, also most tinder men want casual relationships, meanwhile women don't necessarily, and in men's case those who have porn addiction also have unrealistic expectations of their partners os they instantly fuck up, since they don't have the looks nor charisma of a pornstar, and women aren't just inflatable fleshlights. Also tinder women have become kinda harsh towards "nice men" with the constant "I'm bored" and unintrested behaviour, 1 word messages and ghosting is unnerving. So my advice for everyone is to just stop using the internet, and go out to a few pubs on the weekend, at least my average looking ass got more talks, and relationships out of that


I think there is a big problem about that and that man actually struggle a lot due to the patriarchy. Hegemonic masculinity has very bad influence all the „looking for a man in finance 6.5 blue eyes“ Blabla actually destroying a lot of things


It's not just Tinder. This is the gay man experience v. the straight man experience. You can't be that oblivious. It's always been this way since gays were more accepted/tolerated to be open.


How do you find this information?


This is myself


You didn’t use an app or website to generate this info?


Usually? Both people overthink so much that by the time they have way too many assumptions the other person has to navigate and vice versa


How do you get that on tinder app? Is that premium?




I mean nearly 25k swipes and 10 casual sex still isn't great and you got the edge haha.


I am not bragging or anything I still hope for a serious relationship tbh but just wanted to put it in reference to lots of posts here


45 dates!? I need rethink my life




You're playing basketball with no defense


Because women.


how do you see this


8300+ right swipes! I wouldn’t wanna thumb wrestle you for top bunk 😂👍🏼🦾👍🏼


2.9% chat to right swipe ratio is crazy. If that's on gay Tinder then I guess playing Elden Ring with a difficulty mod while busting your own balls with a hammer would be a better experience than straight Tinder 💀


Straight Tinder isn’t cursed. The people posting on here are just incapable of having a conversation.