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Slowly trying to get better pics but feel free to give input! I'm most concerned about my bio > . < [https://imgur.com/a/Zrx00ly](https://imgur.com/a/Zrx00ly) I appreciate anyone taking their time to give their advise, thank you.


Your bio feels a bit too long. I would shorten it by removing the first paragraph. Your other paragraphs give me an idea what you are looking for and what you like, which is really good. Now photos. Your photos seem a bit blurry and a colours are a bit washed out. Do you have any better quality ones? Definitely remove #5 as it's not an attractive pose.




Unfortunately, your 2nd photo is your best. And I say unfortunately because your friend outshines you in it. The onesie pic is funny, but not great. Would be fine 3rd or 4th in line. All in all “not great” sums up the profile. This is easily fixable with a few modifications however. Get rid of the selfies. Start smiling when a buddy points a camera at you. Get rid of large group photos, too easy to get lost in them.


Haven’t really had much luck this week. Here’s the pictures I have if I could get help picking some. https://imgur.com/a/ISOmhIl Bio: “it’s rough out here being a 3 when y’all are all 10’s. INFP ♍️


Don't put yourself down like that even as a joke, girls don't really like it. You aren't a 3. I would ditch the ones of you in the chair, selfie in the red hat is a good pic. Maybe include some more with friends.


I made the hat one my main. Don’t really have a lot of pictures with friends, we all just play games together 😅 I hate the only group picture I had but everyone says have one with friends so there it is. Fair point a lot of my humors self deprecating. I changed it to “My favorite hobby is getting okay at something then starting a new thing” is that better?


I’ve just come out of a 2 year relationship and have had this profile for about a week and a half. Have had 30 matches so far, which isn’t bad but it’s definitely slowed down recently. Any tips? https://imgur.com/a/jLMJDmV/ First photo is a looping video


You don't need naked mirror selfies - I can see that you work out and look fit from your other photos. It's automatically a left-swipe from me as it gives me the vibe that the guy is too much into himself. Also don't use group photos with so many people. It's really difficult to understand which one is you, and trust me, noone has time and patience on Tinder to guess and play find Waldo. Really like photo #2, though :)


I'm giving it a try without the shirtless picture, but honestly, if a picture of something that I continuously work hard for, and am proud of, offends a potential match to the point that she'd swipe left on it, then we're probably not a good match anyway. I put that last picture up with the team because it shows I play rugby...and there's only two brown dudes there it's not hard lmao. Thanks for the comment on the second pic though! Sorry if I sound a little defensive there!


Change the shirtless mirror selfie -> shirtless pic taken by somebody else in a naturally shirtless setting. Many girls think it's douchey, most of my dates have told me it's an instant left from them. Having wishes/requirements in bio is a common turnoff, they can scare potential matches away. Just swipe the kind of people that you like. But 30/week and a half is very good, you don't have much to worry about.


Thanks for the reply! Ok I got rid of the ideal match line. Don’t have any natural shirtless pictures so I’m just gonna keep that one for now until I get a better one Thanks dude


22M just got out of a relationship... Just curious if I should change my pictures at all? The order is the order they are in on my profile. https://imgur.com/a/EbLreSR


You’re a handsome guy but it’s not coming through with those pictures.


Remove first pic and replace it with the last, they serve the exact same purpose but the last one is better. Other than that, it's a bit hard to find you in the group pic since your friends look pretty similar to you, and consider adding a hobby pic if you do something remotely interesting. See if you get matches and come back later! I could see you having some success but it depends so much on the area.


Haven’t gotten a like in over a month, should I reset?(18M) Bio: I love to write songs. Maybe I’ll write one for you. https://imgur.com/a/YD2uPG4


Have you got an ig account? Consider linking that, makes you seem a lot more sociable. I doubled my matches with that.


Yeah the only issue there is that I tend to post a lot of google images pics on ig, more so to rant in the caption than for the pic itself.


I would move the dog pic further back. Having the two guitar pics is fine. It's a big part of your life and they both convey very different emotions which is fun! The 4th pic is my least favorite one. I find it bland. Overall, I think your photos are fine. What I dislike is your bio! Ouff, I find it super cringe and imho makes your song writing come off cheap and unprofessional. It's as if you would write a song to any random match. Personally, I would write about how music is a big part of your life! That way it matches your pics and lets them tell a bigger story.


Here’s what I got: “Music is my greatest passion. I write hardcore music, but I love to listen to all kinds. Message me some suggestions!”


Yep, thats already way better imo. Im a straight male but I think its attractive that you know who you are and you have a strong passion. And it does come off with the pics + this bio.


It does, I would maybe add something like "my inspirations are..." then the "send me music you like" so I can get an idea of what your music sounds like. And no comments on your hair. Lol my own tinder dilemma atm is what to do with my hair.


I have started straightening my hair since these pics were taken, but I’m thinking of getting a cut. Thoughts?


I’m not very eloquent (ironic, considering I’m a songwriter). I can write lyrics, but not bios. Any ideas?


To suck it up and spend whoever long it takes you to midly eloquent? Put some effort in. At the end of the day, your pictures are doing the heavy work. Your bio is just got to give the final push/keep them interested as far as I understand the theory..so you dont have to be shakespeare just midly eloquent. I think.


>remove the pic on the bot left imo, you already got a guitar pic. The first pic and the last pic is a bit too college and portrait like. Perhaps try to restyle your hair and take a better body shot at a good location.


These are in no particular order. Only reason I have 2 guitar pics is because music is such a huge part of my life. All these pics are also a year old, they were from my senior pics session.




trying too hard to smile i think, needs to be more natural.








you need some photos of you out doing interesting things, showing off your hobbies and interests. putting text on a photo isn’t good, and having it as your first isn’t a great idea either. no girl wants to read it, they just wanna see if they’re attracted to you and swipe right or left.


Heyo, all advices are welcome! I'm very dubious about my bio, but I think the pictures are OK, what do you guys think? https://imgur.com/a/1ImpjYI


pictures are okay, i’d try 6 as your first. remove the selfie, and one of the group photos. the guitar one would be better if you were playing. too many emojis in your bio, it’s very bland. add some wit to it, or at least type it out. 1 or 2 emojis sprinkled in is fine.


Hey dude! Thanks :) Here's a little update on he pictures, what do you think? https://imgur.com/a/uUqmRZ6 I'll try to spice up a bit the bio, but I would like to keep the flags for the languages I speak. It seems like a nice idea


move 5 and 6 up, and move 3 and 4 down as they’re your weakest imo. yeah that’s a good idea, just keep those and that’ll work. no problem glad to help!


Hey dude! Bio update: https://imgur.com/a/HhMFnmf And pictures update: https://imgur.com/a/x317Qf5 Better?




To be frank your Profile is Kickass.


your bio is pretty basic, try and add some wit or humour to it. your photos are good, my only advice would be to remove the sunset one (it doesn’t really add anything to your profile and doesn’t show your face), and try smiling and showing your teeth in a photo or two. you’re a good looking guy, no reason you shouldn’t be getting a shit ton of matches if you work on your profile.


Bio's a bit shit but dont have a clue what to put in it and these are the only recent photos i have http://imgur.com/gallery/leSSKkb


use photo 2 or 4 as your first instead, you’re really attractive in those and more likely to catch a girls attention than a pic with someone else


Thank you! Will try swapping them


kilt photo as your first is a bold move haha, maybe try the photo with the black shirt. I don’t get the “lee-st likely..” part of your bio tbh.


Will try swapping them! Its a shit pun on my name haha


Hey if you could tell me what to change I'd appreciate it. I get matches every couple of days but I feel like there's still something missing from my profile that I can't see. Harsh criticism is accepted http://imgur.com/a/2NZv4jc


way too many group photos bro, limit it to one, max two if they’re both really dope and you look good in them. also too many selfies, 1 max, but preferably none if you have a few other good photos to use. you don’t need to max your photos if they don’t add anything to your profile, just show off the best ones. your bio/profile is all about memes and comics basically. there’s nothing wrong with that, but there’s gotta be more to you than that which you can talk about.


Which photos do you think I should get rid of then?




Okay, first time on tinder. I have no fucking clue how this works. I tried to do a funny Bio, it says: Height: 4,20m Bloodtype: 0- Why knew everybody except for me, that July and August have both 31 Days ?


not really funny bio


Hey guys, could really use some advice on my profile! I just recently got out of a three year relationship and have been out of the game for a long time. How is my profile? Anything I can improve on? Thanks https://imgur.com/a/TlvKDlD


You’re obviously very fit but the gym selfies are douchey, get some pics of you doing something natural where you can show off your body, like the beach.




way too many pics wih sungalsses remove them








No they're not a bad idea, unpopular opinion but I actually want to see that the guys I'm swiping on are fit. That said, the pics need to (i) actually show you have a nice body; and (ii) can't be douchey. Pics of you at the lake partaking in activities are totally cool.




He said he had pics of him at the lake?




Good luck! You seem like a really cool guy.


Hey all, updated some based off of past help, what else does my bio need now? Thanks in advance! "Working in [hometown] for the summer Pro: I'm a professional life saver Con: Not the candy kind, sorry Pro: I work in an ambulance so I'm great with restraints 😉 Con: Most the people I restrain are "biters", and not in the fun way 😅 I love longboarding, Alaskan adventures, netflix, and a crazy party every now and then. Down for dating, meeting new people, or whatever else happens SC: [insert snapchat here]"




Keep the chihuahua!!! She is perfect.


Lose the dog photo and change your first photo to be one that you can see your whole face. Hand/sunglasses covers most of your main photo and so I didn't even recognize you in pic 2


No chihuahua pic.




I'm no expert, but I would say smile in your photos! You look pretty uncomfortable and unapproachable in all of your pics. At the very least, your first pic should make you look approachable and friendly. The pics all gave me the vibe of 'This is not a guy I would enjoy being around. He looks unhappy and unpleasant.' Even with friends, you look like you'd rather be asleep.




Woah dude I'm not surprised. You come across as super insecure. Two arm wrestle photos, bio all about your company, and then super forward sex info. It's too intense. Take it down several notches and try and be more casual and relaxed. Girls want easy going - not someone that might be able to squeeze them into a "date"where they come and watch you box to impress them. Just chill a bit.




Yeaa its like you are over compensating. Especially when combined with the arm wrestle tone. Okay- is that a joke. I don't really get it ?




Don't lead with that dog photo, it's too good. That photo almost looks professional, and no one wants someone who has their photo professionally taken with their dog unironically. I do think a photo taken with a group would be nice. I'd go: 5, 6, 2, 1, 3 and cut 4.


Okay def agree, will do. Thank you! Here are some group sibling/friend photos, what do you think: http://imgur.com/a/40sHzBu


DIVERSIFY. I am a str8 male but god danm. You hunky and you have my dream job. No homo. Serious tho. Try other dating apps. And 1 a week is pretty good. Imo. I like bumble but to each their own.


Use proper English in the bio


It's not a disaster at all. I'd say try and mix up the photos, include some with friends, siblings etc not just 6 pictures of you just standing in front of various backgrounds... Bio is good, maybe this fave though 😁. Other one is a bit too creepy/ forward early doors..




Yh much better, maybe not the bromance hot tub one - unless that's your deal




1st pic is nice but could do with a more genuine smile. 3rd pic u look like Jesus got evicted. 4 and 5 try not to post pics with girls unless u r in a big group and there are other guys around. The bio is pretty lame. Say something interesting about yourself. Hope that helps




Yea both are good. From the second set, I'd go with the first. It's a little bit wanna be model but for one or two that's fine




No you can't, you look better in the first




[https://ibb.co/album/doz8ov](https://ibb.co/album/doz8ov) I've tried tinder a few times and every time I try it I get 3-8 likes immediately and then none ever again. I assume that's the app not showing people my profile or something I dunno. I have a decent idea of what's wrong with my profile, I think my bio is too short and that my pictures aren't enough and aren't very good, but those are what I have to work with at the moment. I tried taking more pics but I don't really go out and do stuff and I don't have friends to take pics of me so all I have is dumb selfies and I'm not sure what to add to my bio. If anybody has tips for writing attractive bios and taking selfies that don't look like ass, or whatever else, I'm all ears. Thanks!


The clothing choices are so similar I wondered if they were all taken on the same day.


I reckon it's nearly there. The pictures are all quite similar - it would be good to see maybe one less selfie and some more candids or action shots. I am not sure about the first pic and second pic - feel they don't do the last two pictures justice (last pic is best! Also have you got any photos of smiling with teeth?) Bio is fine, dunno if you could add more?




I agree with the commenter before it looks really good.


I actually really like the order you put the photos in already. With the dog one first. I’d definitely swipe right. I like your bio too!


M/29, are these pictures any good? https://imgur.com/a/FXRwOra


Would take out 3 and 5. I think the order is good! I agree the first 2 are great, but then I think you need a couple more of the less professional looking ones to make it feel genuine.


Wow, those first two pics are really well made! I would remove the fourth and fifth one, the rest looks very nice!


Awesome, thanks. Should I put 'em in any specific order?


The order they are in right now is good


Get rid of the last three, would swipe right based on the first three though!


Alright, thanks for the input!




Your profile sounds a bit like you are trying too hard to be funny.


I getcha, remove what parts in specific? And how do the photos look?




Both are alright, but I think I like the background better in the last one and the colours are also warmer. First one is a bit blurry - last one seems crisp and clear. Like your smile as well! :)




Nah, you should definitely smile more. I spot a nice smile when I see it :D






That's a great photo, would swipe right 10/10.


Hey everyone, just looking for a bio review! I'm new to the whole tinder thing so looking for advice. As for the jokes i work as an EMT and my name is Duane. "[Hometown here] for the summer Pro: I'm a professional life saver 👍 Con: Not the candy kind, sorry 😂 Pro: I work in an ambulance so I'm great with restraints 😉 Con: Most the people I restrain are "biters", and not in the fun way 😅 Pro: Same first name as "The Rock" 💪 Con: Nicknamed "The Pebble"... 😑 SC: [included here] "


Way way way too many emojis


Think just the one joke about your job is fine. Try and have one for a hobby - so the girl does think your like is your work kinda thing


23 / M I don't have group photos or holiday photos. What photos should I choose? http://imgur.com/gallery/iJyDi5D Bio: "A handsome nerd that fixes the internet and also likes to hang out, game and watch movies. I don't drink or smoke."


Don't use multiple photos from the same photoshoot. There's so many similar photos taken at the similar angle. I'd keep #1, #8 and #9. I would add a photo with friends or you doing some activity, at the moment it's mainly you posing. Your photos are clear, so that's really good and something I don't see that often really :) Btw, if you are taking photos, make sure your posture is good. In #3 and #7 you're slouching. #8 you seem so much more confident than in those slouchy photos.


Thanks for the info. I will update it soon :)


Imo 1 and 7 are your best


I'd get rid of 2nd 3rd and 9th




Dump 3, 4, 5 and 9 .Also maybe tone down the power nerd vibe. Be yourself but let that come out in person. You are closing yourself down to a lot of people otherwise




You limit your appeal with the gun photo for sure. Also I'd chuck the glasses one, kinda look like dad who's just discovered their kids snapchat...


I think the gun photo is fine. I actually really like it. Cool tattoo, cool vibes. I'd lose the second photo though, since it's not very flattering


I'd lose the gun photo.




The guns are fine but just remember that you’ll be attracting a certain type of person and repulsing a certain type of person with a picture like that. That isn’t necessarily good or bad, but it can be pretty polarizing. Given that you’re in the south I’d keep it though




Yes, but depends a lot on what else are you going to put with it


Any advice? https://imgur.com/a/Z7OilvJ I rarely take pictures of myself and recently grew my hair/beard out and lost some weight, so 99% of my pictures don't work anymore. Will this work until I can get current candid/outdoor pics?


Second pic is great imo, the glasses really suit you well. I’d probably delete the third one or at least push the last one up a spot or two.




In addition to others, I'd shave a little bit higher on the neck line . You risking hideous neck beard with that atm .


I’d include height




A friend of mine is decent with a camera, he'd consider that a compliment :). So, get rid of photo 4, get some more actual photos of me doing stuff I like? Alright thats clear, thanks for the comment.


Hey guys, I’m 24 yo male and I don’t get any matches, my last match was almost 2 months ago. I don’t know why and I hope you will be able to help me. Pictures are in order.


I'd see the first and second and then just swipe right immediately. The rest of the photos would be to make sure your matches respond, and they do look like they hilight your personality


What's your bio? I don't see any problem with your photos - you're handsome and have great style.


Actually I don’t have a bio, I don’t know what to write on my bio


That can be a reason why. I never swipe right on guys without a bio. Just write about your passion/interests.


That's your problem. People assume you're a fake person if you have good photos and no bio. Or they assume you have no personality. Don't say too much, just a couple of hobbies or an interests. Things that make you look like you don't take yourself too seriously might help




1, 2, 5, and 6 are all the same picture, only keep one of them


2,5,6 look very similar so I’d say change at least one or two of those out with a picture with a different pose or interesting background etc.




No problem with these photos. Good shit


Hey guys 31 M. I would like some honest criticism on my profile and what I can do to improve it or what I should change. Video: http://imgur.com/a/gZ6pOvL


Don't say you don't take anything seriously in your bio. This can be a red flag for someone. You have a great smile in this recent swimming photo you posted, definitely use that. So many other photos don't seem genuine and natural, you're pulling faces and all that jazz - but maybe it's me, but it seems a bit too try-hard. So, although you're in my swiping range age-wise, I'd swipe left.


You are smiling in 0 pictures. Do you have any that don’t show anger in perpetuity?


That's true, I do have this one. http://imgur.com/gallery/74fhR


Not a fan of selfies, but that’s not terrible overall.


Yea, I'll try and see if I can get more natural shots. Thanks for the honest criticism.


Hey, I’d change your photos to a specific order number 7 would be highly effective first then the video I’d axe the bloody photo, but otherwise cute.


Thanks, I'll give it a go.




You come across like a 16 year old loser. Sorry. Gotta break down to rebuild.. 1) Take some photos with other people - even family 2) condense the bio, and take out the 420 blazing it; it's not clear if it's a joke or what.. 3) photo of you playing a sport? 4) No girl wants to be bored to death while you explain to her your top favourite de Niro movies.. 5) Is a late night iHop run really a top passion in life. I know you are young so you probably dont have much to showcase. So maybe talk about your future plans, aspirations etc..