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Any team with Jingliu or Ratio as the DPS will make the best use of Tingyun on your account. Ratio, Tingyun, Pela/Guin, Aventurine Jingliu, Tingyun, Bronya, Lynx Those teams are assuming your Ruan and Gallagher are with Firefly so I ignored them.


Pela and gui should be with acheron tho so first team might not possible


Firefly is already taking up the other side so Acheron/Ratio sharing Pela doesn't really matter because you are playing 1 of these 2 DPS, not both at the same time. This will never be an issue unless Firefly is benched for some reason, or MoC, PF and AS start requiring 3 separate teams to play.


You actually have good team comps so let me tell you this First you have firefly superbreak team so i wont tell those characters First team: Acheron, Pela, Welt(Or Gui) and aventurine Second team: Jingliu or Ratio as dps (i prefer jingliu) tingyun, bronya and one sustain and you are good to go


Her energy recharge ult won't do much for Acheron or Firefly but will totally help Ratio and Jingliu A LOT.