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Yall actually call? I never ever call and tell customers a big fat NO if they ask me to lol


one time i told a customer that they could try calling themselves, yeah that didn’t help😭she just started complaining so i finally was like sure and asked another one of my associates to do it, yeah ofc this other stores doesn’t have the stupid fake trees she was tryna buy. Once i told her that other stores didn’t have them, that’s when she started to get annoyed. She proceeded to call me snippy bc i accidentally asked her if she was shopping with our card twice, then ofc she asked for management! I grabbed a key carrier to finish out the transaction cuz she was on some BS!!!


Have to subtly remind customers that we’re not Nordstrom 🤣


Whenever they ask me to call all the stores in the area, I call one and say I called them all. I don't have time to wait for the other store to search, I know they're probably busy just like us.


Our store has a limit of one store anyways, I tell them that before I call too. “So you can choose one store for us to call and see if they have the item available. If not you’re more than welcome to call another store and here’s the information you should give them so they can try and find it.”


Imagine being so entitled that you can’t google the phone number to other stores and call them yourself. I couldn’t even IMAGINE expecting someone to do that for me anywhere, let alone a busy understaffed tjmaxx.


Right? I had a woman do this to me the other day while I was on register. Insisted I call another store for her. I told her straight up “I’m sorry but YOU are going to have to call.” She seemed flabbergasted I even suggested she make a phone call herself! We are understaffed and my line is out the queue. The entitlement knows no bounds with these people. 😐


i stg people who shop at tj maxx are the most entitled 💀 you tell them no and they start crying and screaming like you are to grown for this. i’m a minor, overworked, and underpaid. get your ugly ass cat shirt and leave 😭


So entitled! I swear they want us to roll out the red carpet for them and do this and this and this! Then scream if they don’t get their way! Like ma’am, I’m not your personal shopper and you are shopping at a discount store 💀


Management at my store says we’re no longer allowed to do that


Is calling other stores ever successful? Maybe for something big like a piece of furniture they can find it quickly, but if you're asking about a particular shirt or something it's like a needle in a haystack.and the associate barely even tries. It just wasted everyone's time.


I've never had success calling another store, but other stores calling us have been successful. But I also like trying to find certain things, the scavenger hunt kind of breaks up the monotony of the day.


I took a call from another store not too long ago, had the item, put it on hold, customer never came


Most of the time no. I would say like 20% of the time it's successful.


Every time someone asks I’ll always flip it around like “yeah! YOU are more than welcome to call another store and give them the information for what you’re looking for.”


I always had a rule as an EC that when we were busy we would only call one store at a time. If we were not as busy I would call max 3. But the other homegoods in our district were notorious for being shit at replying quickly on the phone so it’s an easy 30 min time waster which is why I implemented only one store when we’re busy


If someone asked me for that when the store was slow and were nice about it, I didn’t mind. But if it was busy or they acted like an asshole, I MIGHT have given them the numbers to the other stores if I felt charitable. But most of the time I told them to go to TJMaxx.com and they could find contact information for other stores. Because, no.


I wish we would have a policy that we can't do that. Some people are nice and only want us to check one store and then others are so entitled and want us to call every store in the area. It's a time waster and you only get a hit very rarely. We have so much other stuff to do and are short staffed(or scheduled really tightly) that it causes a strain on other stuff.


So annoying. Like why can’t they call themselves lol they’re very capable


Or, give us a database of what other stores have in stock so we can check it for the customer. We are so far behind in our in store tech.


That I just don’t understand. I was going to buy curtains at store A but they were short by one set, I asked if they could check the data base to see if store B (45 minutes away)had it. She said they don’t have access to that information and they couldn’t call the other store. I call the other store and they said they couldn’t look. Store only seem to have checkout strands but no customer service help. I left with out curtains.


Right? We don't even have a way to check the items that are coming to our store from the warehouse. It makes no sense.


Use to pretend that we called and said sorry they don’t have it


I tell them unfortunately we don't have a sydtem like Macy's where we're able to look in a database to see what stores have what you're looking for. And they are fine with that.


I tell them we will call one store and then tell them To take a picture of our store listings. I don’t know why they can’t call themselves anyway.


i always ask how far are they willing to travel/drive. if the store that’s 45 minutes away has the size or item you want, are you willing to make that drive just for one thing?


I’m an operations manager, I always tell the customer that it’s better for them to call so that they don’t have to talk through me about arranging hold/pick up and incase they are busy and need to take information to get back in touch. The stores will never take information to call them back but I’m don’t need to speak on the customers behalf, they’re grown and I’m busy calling all my associates to registers because I have no payroll. My peoples are too busy for that and I already ask enough of them. I’m allllllll about good customer service but there is a nice way to tell them no.


i always just lie and say that we aren’t allowed to call other stores for customers but that they’re more than welcome to


A man once came up to the till & asked me if I could ring the store in a town close to us whether they sold a particular suitcase. The suitcase he had hold of that we were selling. I rang them up, they said they didn't have it, so I told him & added 'since you have hold of the suitcase, why don't you buy it here?' He didn't want to... I don't know if its changed, but if a customer asks us to ring up another store, we were told to. Don't upset the customer basically. 






i always lowkey suggest for them to call themselves and when they don’t i make it a point to be like okay i’ll just use my phone to look them up on google


Just say no or if that makes you uncomfortable call your cell and pretend you’re talking to another store.


worker: asks the customer which stores in your area they would like to contact customer: how many are there worker : there are 5 customer: could you call all 5 worker: yes i can do you still have shopping to do calling 5 stores will take 50 min to an hour? customer: really? can you just look it up? worker: our stores are not connected that way. customer: really an hour? worker: yes. each store i call takes up to 5 min for the associate in that area to get on the phone. after i describe the item and they look for it another 4 to 5 minutes go by. customer: omg i didn't realize. worker: i will be giving these descriptions over the phone. if you are unable to wait this is how i describe this item to the other stores. you can describe it to them the same way at a time more convenient to you. customer: oh ok i will call when i get home thank you. Usually the customer will elect to have you call one store and let it go. Once you tell them it will take an hour they rethink their choices. this leads to a 95 % chance of avoiding a less then 5 review. after 1 month the amount of customers asking to call another store drops by 50% - mostly because they now know how to do it. When a manager complains tell them " i was only giving they customer an outstanding customer experience".


I'm only a customer but why don't customers just call the other stores themselves? That's what I would do.


Call the other store and give them the guests name and number to call back. Job done


My manager was evil, she actually got so excited & let a customer know that we would call as many stores as necessary. Sometimes, I was actually calling stores out of state bc the customer came up with magical ideas in their heads about how they could retrieve the item. I hated doing this bc it took forever!! The dang customers would always wander off too as if I could just go all over attempting to track them down. It didn't take long before I would just pretend to make the calls bc they weren't even paying attention IF they did stick around. I hated them for not taking that project upon themselves like most decent people manage to do.


They can order it online like a normal person, calling stores like it’s 2001, just no.


It’s even worse when you have a stutter calling stores. I usually have to ask one of my coworkers to do it.


We all know not one of those stores will even answer the phone, and if they do they put you on hold forever.


i had a stroke reading this


I say I can only call 2 and end up calling 1


I had one customer tell me I had to call 6 different locations she gave me, I told her a flat out no, that I’d try one store only because the lines were long and we had multiple call outs, she asked to speak to the manager and he told me to fulfill the request of the customer so I told him to stay in the registers so I could call, ignored the line was on call for 30 mins, didn’t even end up finding the items ^^


I was always under the impression every store has different things so of I get lucky enough to find it at another store I do, if I don't I don't. I'd never ask an associate to track something down for me. I'd call myself if it's that important but I don't think I'd even do that. I'd just drive to another one or chalk it up as to they don't have it. Shopping tjm to me is like good will. You just never know what you'll find except it's new and name brand items. I'd say more expensive but these days goodwill is about the same price as Ross and tjm so I just shop there. I do hate when I find something I love but it's in a wrong size and they have different clothes on a rack that's my size but once again oh well. It's a get what you get store. I don't see how customers don't realize this. It's not like they have racks of one item that go fromm 00 to 3xl. It's whatever you find on your size rack. Customers sound like a terror there


You shouldn’t be working there. Do your customers a favor and leave


It’s your job, you’re supposed to do it.