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There is. The signs were a remnant of the area's homophobic past, as they were only there in order to prevent gay people from cruising and trying to meet up. The actual signs themselves were in no way homophobic, but the reasoning for why they were put up was. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-12/silver-lake-retires-their-remaining-anti-gay-cruising-signs


And of course, Little Miss Raichik left that out because it doesn't fit her narrative...


To add to this, we're talking about Silver Lake, LA. If you're familiar with the history of LGBT movement, you may have heard of the Stone Wall Riots. Silver Lake is the site of one of the first peaceful protests for the LGBT movement. 200 people peacefully protested against police brutality towards the LGBT community in this town. The Black Cat Tavern is an LGBT historic site, where gay people were beaten and arrested by cops, sparking one of the first peaceful protests for the LGBT movement. So these being removed is symbolic for that reason as well.


Context breeds empathy. Empathy leads to compassion and understanding. You can't invoke a genocide with understanding.


Context breeds empathy. Empathy leads to compassion. Compassion leads to understanding. Through understanding my chains are broken. The force shall set me free.


[“Is there a law against lying?” — Chaya Raichik](https://www.mediamatters.org/libs-tiktok/there-law-against-lying-libs-tiktok-creator-chaya-raichik-refuses-remove-post-accusing)


Have her ask Alex Jones…🫣


Is she really this fucking stupid? It's called defamation. Alex Jones is currently getting bent over by the law for lying.


Nobody ever accused her of being intelligent. When she speaks, it removes all doubt.


She might truly be too stupid to understand


Yeah. What I’ve learned with a lot of right wingers is that they simply don’t understand context, metaphors, or even in some cases deception. They take everything at pure face value. Now, don’t get me wrong there are plenty that understand all of this just fine. And you’d think someone with the influence as this dumbass would be one of those people. Like Candace Owens I’m convinced knows what she is doing and knows she’s lying. But Chaya? I think she’s just an idiot.


> But Chaya? I think she’s just an idiot. Oh no. There will be no giving this bint the benefit of the doubt. She knows she is a liar. She is *vile*; utterly loathsome; the sort of person that will make you okay with the idea of the human race goinng extinct. [“Is there a law against lying?” — Chaya Raichik](https://www.mediamatters.org/libs-tiktok/there-law-against-lying-libs-tiktok-creator-chaya-raichik-refuses-remove-post-accusing)


It is possible to be evil *and* stupid.


She's also just bone stupid.


Whenever they say "You couldn't make it up", they've made it up.


I can't imagine what it's like being wrong all the time. Even in purpose. We all knew there was a reasonable explanation but grifters immediately see grift.


The article for clicks and views, that's the issue.


Oh that makes tons more sense. I had figured the signs were actually being put up because too many people got hurt and the toppest minds on the right decided "let's just say they were taking them down because u-turns are gay or something."


I assumed the more plausible reason, which is obviously that the radical left are following the gay agenda to turn the friggin' signs gay.


Damn gays and their *checks notes* influence on traffic patterns!


Not many people know this, but a surprising amount of the gay agenda is traffic-based.


It’s all them Cities: Skylines (1), SimCity 4, and Tropico 5’s I tells ya!


On a related note, Ted Cruz and everyone he read (he really just does what the right-media tells him) tried going after Buttigieg over a factually accurate observation that highway overpass heights were often used to facilitate segregation.


Fuck Robert Moses. Dude never even drove a car or took mass transit.


Truly what is a U-turn if not a radical left turn?


I understand the other two signs, but how was the U-turn sign meant to deter gay people? I’m not trying to be an ass I’m just genuinely curious


The signs were actually for no u-turns between midnight-6am. They were installed decades ago in a gay neighborhood to deter cruising. Their removal puts an end to little reminders of a bygone era where police could harass behavior that they deemed unsavory.


Between midnight and 6am. The safest time to actually do a U Turn. Ya those signs were put up for one reason


A bygone era? I wish that were the case but it really isn't.


Cruising is slang for when you drive a certain area repeatedly looking for something or someone. I imagine the area is a downtown strip.




Of course there’s more to the story that makes sense. Fuck me I hate these people. They do nothing but fucking lie.


It would be like calling all of the overpasses on the Long Island parkways racist. They were put up to prevent buses, and the immigrants who would generally ride on them, from easily accessing the parks in the area. The bridges themselves aren't racist, but the reasons they were built are.


Same with many a highway that was purposely routed in such a way as to plough through the middle of affluent minority neighborhoods and cut the people off from the businesses they developed to serve their communities.


I'm not sure why you said were to stop immigrants. When I read The Power Broker, Robert Caro Said they were put up to stop poor people in general.


Meanwhile they have no problem arguing that birth control is racist because of some awful (and commonly openly believed at the time) Margaret Sanger quotes. (Of course, the fact that Margaret Sanger also opposed abortion is carefully left out of any mention of her.)


Behind the Bastards has an excellent episode on Robert Moses


You got an archive link? That article is paywalled.


I honestly never knew that. That's interesting and very sad (unlike Chaya, I'm willing to be open-minded enough to learn something new). Reminds me of how so many urban freeways around the US were deliberately built through black neighborhoods, practically destroying and dividing many neighborhoods. Roads themselves aren't racist but a lot of the planning around where they were built was.


That's really interesting, I'm glad you shared this so I could learn something today


The “midnight to 6am” on the signs really explains everything.


[Here's the context, OP](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-aug-27-ls-26163-story.html) Basically back in 1997 there was a noticed uptick in gay sex in this area, some of which appeared to be done publically (though it's hard to confirm that). The police cracked down on this, discriminating against and arresting gay men as well as installing street signs targeted at gay people, particularly "no cruising" signs - "cruising" referring to the act of going around a locality in search of someone to flirt with, party with, or have sex with, which if done in a car would often require U-turns, hence the "no U-turns" signs as well. [A councilmember of LA City recently removed the signs](https://www.nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/la-takes-down-no-u-turn-signs-over-homophobia-los-angeles-city-councilmember-hugo-soto-martnez-silver-lake-neighborhood-councilwoman-maebe-a-girl-black-cat-protests-los-angeles), claiming it as a win against homophobia and harking back to [the black cat protests](https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/lost-la/the-black-cat-harbinger-of-lgbtq-civil-rights), which were pro-LGBT protests from decades past, many of which took place in the same neighborhood. It's a bit complicated, but yes, there is very important historical context to this situation and those street signs. So you can be sure that fear-mongers and christian nationalists/fascists like Chaya would wholly ignore said context in favor of reactionary bullshit.


I hate when people say “you can’t make this stuff up.” Not can you make that kind of stuff up, people do, all the time.


As a matter of fact, Raichik makes shit up all the time.


When public pools were desegregated, white people had the public pools closed and filled in. The angry bigots can and will cut of their nose to spite their faces. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/04/black-children-swimming-drownings-segregation


You can't make this stuff up, I say, currently makings this stuff up.


You can’t make this stuff up, because I already did


There is. [https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/silver-lake-remove-no-u-turn-signs/3433130/](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/silver-lake-remove-no-u-turn-signs/3433130/)


"You can't make this up!" \*Makes shit up*


Anyone else find it weird that she says "LA City"?


LA city took down signs in “Silver lake, California”. This I definitely someone who has never been to LA before. Easy to spot those folks that don’t know what they are talking about when they confused our neighborhoods for cities


[They even posted a follow-up tweet with the whole context](https://fxtwitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1801676935946260636) (warning: libsoftiktok twitter link) Yet they're saying "can't make this stuff up" again when *they're literally posting the explanation*.


"This is Maebe A. Girl (Yes that's his actual name...)" Is she expecting us to get angry and disgusted at a goofy pun made by a drag queen?


I can say that after working with some of the stupidest conservatives for 3 years, that out of the LITERALLY THOUSANDS of anti left fearmongering stories they told, not one was true. I was home and fact checking several stories I wrote in my phone notes nearly every day and WITHOUT FAIL they were wrong. They will literally believe anything they read online and the second it’s there’s it’s used as proof of itself. They don’t care about facts. They don’t care about evidence. I’ll say it again, and I’m not exaggerating, there wasn’t a single anecdote from these assholes that was ever even once accurate.


She got noted, right?


>you literally can’t make this up And yet here you are


My gay friends have this argument all the time: Why don't U turn. No, *U turn.* No, ***U turn!*** And it just goes on and on...


There is, the signs were originally put up to prevent gay people from cruising up and down the block. So the signs were a reminder of a more homophobic time, of course right wing media wouldn’t offer this context to you.


The context is that she left out the important context to fucking sell her fucking lie. That's all she does.


you literally made this up, Chaya, you're the one beyond parody


Rule of thumb is anything that “libs of tiktok” posts is usual fake/taken out of context, they’re a known hate group with insane hateful takes on pretty much anything.


That’s so gay


Did these people just spend the entire day of their lives looking for things to be mad at?? Again conservatism is brain damage.