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Takemichi is not grooming hina. are you seriousšŸ˜­do you know what that word means? And u donā€™t have to argue you me when you donā€™t even know what grooming is. Bottom line heā€™s in the past to save her damn life so she can be alive, well, and married to him in the future whereā€™s sheā€™s mentally and physically a grown woman. Heā€™s not doing this because he likes grooming kidsšŸ˜­ffs you must be a child yourself yall are not abt to start that whole ā€œtakemichis a pedoā€ thing again bc you canā€™t user terms properly. Heā€™s a 14-15 year old boy in the past when they kiss. Thatā€™s not grooming


of course takemichis gonna be mentally older because one of the reasons he kept going to the past again and again is to change it so hina can be alive in the future when theyā€™re adults. Heā€™s not time traveling because he likes kidsšŸ¤Æthey were saying when he was mentally 14/15 too, hence why he even time travels to save her. thatā€™s not grooming. Youā€™re just misusing that word. You donā€™t at all understand their relationship dynamic and ffs just read the manga


not gonna argue with you lol. Bottom line is heā€™s mentally 26 with someone who is mentally 14. That shit is weird


https://www.reddit.com/r/TokyoRevengers/s/bFqtyCAo95 This topic of convo is so old omg yall love them g and p words. Itā€™s weird cause ur making it weird. He wanted to safe her life, not sleep with her. Lmk when u Read that manga Iā€™ll unblock u so we can chatā˜ŗļø


Wow you got downvoted like crazy lol I donā€™t think itā€™s wrong to say itā€™s weird at all what the heck lmfao if this situation was real then their relationship IS weird. If Takemitchy stayed in the past then yeah it would for sure be grooming bc of the DRASTIC difference in power dynamics between them.


I don't know how to break it to you but Takemichi and Hina aren't real you don't have to worry about their relationship.


Bruh, I would be the first to call out groomy, icky behavior. This is not that. The man is just trying to save the girl he loves. Takemichi would just be happy if she lived and forgot about him.


I think an important thing to remember with Hina and Takemichi is how very little physical intimacy they have. After all, Takemichi is still a virgin even after dating her, so they never went far. These two barely even hold hands. So, a lot of it is Takemichi being more nostalgic than anything. He *did* live the majority of this stuff when he was an actual teenager, after all. So, yes, some of their conversations are new, they're not taking it to any new levels. It's not "omg it feels so good to hold hands and kiss my 14 y/o girlfriend" it's "I remember how special this made me feel."


Hey anyone tell me how shinichiro sano got time travel powers and in which chapter it comes...


I think it was around the 4th before the end of the manga, and he got it from a homeless man after a lot of shit happened and he did kill the homeless dude and then killed himself wanting to have some rest finally but the as we see if he dies he them travels so he time travels to the day when everything started (then we see Mikey jumping with his air plan onto the couch and over Takeomi) and then he shakes hands with a character (find out I don't know how to put the spoiler shit and I don't want to spoile everyone) and the goes back to after the episode with the founding members and the beach and Mikey is at shin's shop to get his moped fixed then he died the same way he killed the homeless man, a lot of info but I'm trying to keep the actual spoilers out of the way so I'm not spoiling everyone, hope it helped a little


Alr so basically Kisaki dies, Takemichi thinks wow now shits better, right? Fuck no! Some new gang killed Hina named Bonten and Mikey was it's leader. He goes back, shit happens between 3 gangs, Draken dies, some new characters are introduced which were also besties of Shinichiro, Takemichi gathers all the gangs against Mikey and tries to defeat him. He gets a new Powerup, yay! He can see some seconds into the future. A war happens between Takemichi's Toman 2nd Generation and Mikey. He wins. Goes back, shits been rough. Some toman guys are dead but Hinas safe. Naoto refuses to let Takemichi go back, Takemichi tries to forcefully go back but what a surprise, the power doesn't work anymore. Mikey tries to kill him in the future. But tries to jump off a building instead. Accidentally they both time travel to the time when Mikey and Takemichi were still smol kids. Takemichi and Mikey together found Toman and the present day is shown where everyone is living happily ever after and Takemichi and Hina are married.


bro got almost the entire bonten and three deities arc mixed up šŸ’€


Thanks bro. That kind of sucks tbh. Not the happy ending part but more so how it just follows the same pattern of ā€œi fixed itā€¦nvmā€


The user mixed up some stuff ... 1. Bonten didn't kill Hina. Nobody kills Hina in the Bonten timeline, she's alive and well. Mikey shoots Takemichi here and he decides to commit suicide by jumping off the building. He's saved by Takemichi, who is wounded, but still alive, and another timeleap is triggered. 2. Also, during the fight between Toman 2.0 and the new Kanto Manji Gang, Mikey stabs Takemichi, and when the former comes to his senses, they time-leap together even further than Takemichi could initially. But yeah, it's a good ending where Takemichi (and Mikey) save everyone and where Takemichi marries Hina.


wtf is u talking about


It is indeed weird when heā€™s back in time to show any physical things between Hina and Takemitchy for sure! Hes definitely not grooming though. I understand where thatā€™s coming from. It was a weird gray area when heā€™s mentally back in time that not even the writer addressed within the story and also itā€™s hard to remember that when Mitchy goes back to the present his past self reverts back to his 14 yr old self and young Hina is still living her life with him around. It is pretty crazy how many times the cycle of ā€œyeah I heckin did it! No way no I didnā€™t!ā€ happens in hindsight but ultimately everyone is alive and mitchy and Hina are married at the end! Literally everyone is alive except for Mikeyā€™s brother(?) Imo the ending reeeeeally made the losses in the story feel meaningless and I was very disappointed with it. Like Iā€™m glad theyā€™re all alive but whyā€™d they have to make me so sad for Drakens death if in a couple chapters everything is reversed? Kinda booty (I think I might be wrong about Mikeyā€™s brother tbh I read as it released so itā€™s been awhile)


Shinichiro is alive during the last time leap.


Thank you!


lol yeah idk why people are getting offended by me calling it weird. I think a big problem with this (and anime/television in general) is that the characters are not at all emotionally or physically portrayed as 14 year olds. The problem here is the number. The story could have stayed the exact same if the author had hina and the rest of the kids as 18 or even 16 year olds. I think mucho was 18 and i honestly didnā€™t notice or care. An actual 14 year old is insanely immature and even an 18 year old being in a relationship with a 14 year old is fucked up just because of the psychological development that a 14 year old has gone through. A 14 year old is a child. Hina looking/acting older than that doesnā€™t change the fact that itā€™s creepy asf