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Be an active participant with enthusiasm. If you feel like he's doing all the work offer up some positions that give him a break things like reverse cowgirl, or take the opportunity to initiate in a different place than usual or a different way, if you recognize patterns, switch them up a bit. Communicate openly, you like it, you love it, you don't like it (with an offer of something different or how ot can be tweaked to something you do like, think of things he may like and offer them, make it a collaborative idea exchange to add to the intimacy and anticipation.


It's a halfway decent response bit everyone knows the whole time doing reverse cowgirl you are worried about your dick breaking off. Lol.


Well I am now!


I'm always worried they staring at my knees (not that there's anything wrong with my knees just it can't be much of a view for the girl).


You’re doing god’s work right now.


This is the best answer


Just be enthusiastic and communicate what you like, what you don't like, and moat importantly what you want.




You want her to communicate what her partner wants?




To find out what both want both have to say what each of them want. Not that hard?


"You will remove these restraints and leave the cell with the door open".


That’s a long safe word there mate


Sex involves the whole body for both. Roam that man with your hands


You can move your body in response to his. Assist him. You don't just need to stay still and take it. Also sex is a lot more than just putting the penis in the vagina and thrusting until he comes. You can massage his body, use your mouth all over. And he should be doing those things for you as well.


Don’t just lay there. Get on top of him and ride him. Use your hand and rub his chest.


Touch his peepee


The least you can do is not be a dead starfish. Even a bit of enthusiasm can make sex better for you and your partner.




As a man, I don't mind doing most of the work. For me, it's a free workout. I lose 20 lbs in a month if I am getting laid consistently.


This comment deserves a high five


Make a surprise and ride him, they love it!!!


I mean, do you like being on top? Does he like it? Because personally there's nothing that makes sex more interesting to me then when the woman gets dominate


Get on top and ride that dick like your life depends on it


Asking the question means you're already on the right path. Think of it as any new skill. What do you do to learn any new skill? What kind of mindset would you have? - don't be afraid of failure. - learn. Ask yourself questions. Men and women are different. As you are learning to get pleasure, learn to give him pleasure. What makes him enjoy it more? What motions, what speed? How can you make him last longer if you want? What indications (verbal or non verbal) does he give for getting closer? In other words, there's a lot to learn, so don't just say it's easy, because he's a guy (most women say that, not realizing they can learn to make it better for both of them). And of course, effort. Show enthusiasm for learning. Even if you aren't great a couple times here and there, it goes a long way just to show you cared enough to try.


Don’t be afraid to lead and try things just because YOU want to. That can be as simple as a certain hip rotation pattern or kissing him in different places. Doesn’t have to be anything wild


Enthusiasm and confidence are the sexiest things (to me). Spontaneous acts are also very hot. In terms of actual acts / moves etc - you will have to communicate. Talk and tell each other what you like / don’t like. What your boundaries are etc. Then relax and enjoy the company.


Dan Savage recommends being GGG. meaning one should STRIVE to be *good* in bed (enthusiastic), *giving* "equal time and equal pleasure" to one's partner, and *game* "for anything – within reason". So with that kind of attitude, you'll be having a good time in short order. And if things aren't going well, remember, it's okay to pause.


don't ask the internet. you aren't making love to us. ask the one you love.


lol......but nevertheless this is good advice. Communication is key!


Can I make love to you?


absolutely not.


Worth a shot


The bar is low for you ladies. Literally just participate and do something other than just lay there.


Enthusiasm alone goes a looooong way.


"You feel amazing"


Be an active participant, don't just lay there looking dead eyed at the ceiling. Let them know what you like and don't like, iniate position change if there's somethin you like better. Also pay attention to what they like and reciprocate. But most importantly, have fun and relax. Don't be afraid to laugh at the weird farting noise your sweaty stomachs make when they connect. If you're not having fun, and feeling comfortable, let them know, so you can try something different


Enthusiasm and initiation. Also find out what he likes. And surprise him on occasion.


Enthusiasm and be in the moment. Your goal should be to do whatever it takes to get him off and please him, and his goal should be to get you off and please you. Also, communication both in and out of the act.


I'd say work out and stay in shape . Learn how to comfortably ride the way he likes it (my husband likes when my feet are on the bed but I like the lazy way with my knees on the bed lol ) Also stretch daily maybe do pilates thru the week as well. General health and fitness will help you remain enthusiastic and enjoy with confidence imo.


Poop in the bed, especially while on top.


Communication is the key




Nothing I hate more than trying to initiate something and not receiving feedback, like do I keep going or…


Throat (don’t eat or drink for a little beforehand lmao)


Being young and new to sex you probably don't even know what some of these terms below mean. Here is a page with drawings that are not particularly erotic. But you will get an idea of what is possible. Be sure when you use the cowgirl postion to hang,your breasts over his mouth. He will like that and so will you. [https://sexpositions.club/kamasutra](https://sexpositions.club/kamasutra) Here are artistic and traditional Kamasutra illustrations. [https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/kama-sutra-illustration.html?sortBy=relevant](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/kama-sutra-illustration.html?sortBy=relevant) You can review and surprise your BF. Also, it would be fun to look at the illustrations together and then try some out. Lots of fun will ensue.


Where are the reddit comments saying you are incompatible and need to break up because you don't know what to do?


Don’t be a starfish. Also, don’t be too desperate. Now you see what men go through on approaching and initiating.




Let him put it in your booty!


As an F, it will take a lot of work for you to be great in bed. Start by focusing on bringing that F up to a D, then with a little more practice you can hopefully get at least a C grade. I’m not saying it’s impossible for you to reach a B or even an A over a longer period of time, but we have to manage our expectations in the short term.


Don’t be afraid to make noise, use your words *and* your body to tell him what you like and what you want him to do, and experiment with positions where you’re in control of the rhythm.


Take the lead


Just sit on his face and pretend to be enjoying yourself


Don’t do this plz


Fine... you don't have to pretend 😉


Try finger, but hole


If you’re not already enthusiastic about making your partner feel good, find another one. Other than that sex is about figuring out what feels good for yourself and the other person. So basically exploring and communicating. Both of which require courage and self awareness.


Is all about enthusiasm! Fake it!