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Just stand quietly til it's over. No need to copy their mannerisms or to pray along.


wtf happened in your replies im so sorry dude šŸ˜„


Some idiot asked a question and didn't like the answer (the same answer from dozens of people), so they proceeded to complain and tell everyone how 'hypocritical' or 'ignorant' they were, and they didn't understand what he asked (they did, and again, they didn't like the answer), and called them evil zealots, and other names, as they got downvoted to oblivion. That's the jist at least.


What did they ask?


They asked something along the lines of "how do I politely ask people to not pray at a memorial service"


Yep, I just stare at the floor quietly...even though I know beyond a shadow of a doubt if me or anyone else wanted to say some prayer or chant that was not christian they would not show the same respect for the tradition. Choose your battles...


The person who swatted you was the rude one. You should ask them how they knew you weren't praying if they had their eyes closed.


"Wow, you can't stop sinning even while you're praying. You may want to go back for a second round to ask forgiveness for your judging of others"


"*Excuse me*. I was in the middle of a conversation with God. He said it's rude to swat people."


"The Almighty tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're fucked."


*Your* island?


*My* island


Yeah, as someone who wasn't *raised* religious but was raised in a religious *culture*, mostly Presbyterian/Baptist, a bowed head and hands clasped behind the back, when standing, is perfectly fine posture. I don't in any way see how it's rude. It's kind of hard to comprehend for me, honestly. I've literally never seen someone swat at someone else before during service, even in some Amish church services I attended (which are quite strict in both wear and behavior); granted they have few visitors, I just had a family friend who was Amish and they invited us a couple times. When I made a few mistakes in behavior the first time I went (mostly dress), they waited until **after** and politely told me how to correct. Never rude or aggressive/violent. Same thing at literally every other church service I've attended. Outside of the three denominations mentioned, I've also attended: Non-denominational, Evangelical, Catholic, and Lutheran. I also feel like I might've attended a Fundamentalist church once with my grandmother, but I might be misremembering it for Evangelical. So yeah, this is definitely just a *that person* thing. I really cannot imagine most Christians getting mad about OP's posture.


I donā€™t see why you were scolded before, thatā€™s perfectly respectable. Most Christians hold their hands in front of them and bow their heads to pray, but youā€™re not praying, just being respectful. Everyone should have their eyes closed anyway during prayer so if theyā€™re so concerned about your prayer posture, theyā€™re not praying either.


I was raised catholic and now I'm just whatever. When it comes time ro "pray" I just put my head down with my hands together and think deeply about the person and try and put my best energy towards their "soul" or whatever. That's the best I can do, that's what you're gonna get. It is what it is.


So, I am religious, but I've always had an issue when in a group prayer somewhere where my brain says that when I can grab a quick nap. Literally almost always nod off


Sounds like you are exhausted


Bro is tired... of Jesus.


just tell them you commune with God best in your dreams if you ever get caught lol


I mean, I hate to break it to you, but that's praying šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø At least one form of it


I'm pretty sure that's the whole point. That's what praying is.


Christians are good for being busy bodies making sure everyone else is doing it right. It makes a great excuse for their failure to do it right. A really good Christian would have had their head bowed and eyes closed, and thus would not have seen anyone doing anything wrong. Of course, I'm not sure how what OP did was even wrong. Maybe just that their hands were behind their back, but I wouldn't think would merit a whole scolding.


For those who would hassle him for his prayer style, just read Matthew 6:1 which is Jesus mentioning that hypocrites make a show of praying in public. If someone hassles you, just politely say that this is how you were taught to pray. Otherwise, you're being respect with the head bow and hands.


Itā€™s also perfectly acceptable to tell them the truth. ā€œIā€™m not religious, this is me being respectful of those around me that areā€.


Matthew 6:5 is the correct line.


Yes. Thank you for getting this precisely correct.


A "what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament?" sort of thing.


> A really good Christian would have had their head bowed and eyes closed, and thus would not have seen anyone doing anything wrong. Damn, flashbacks to the best sermon I recall ever hearing. It was somewhere around Christmas, as the nativity scene was all set up. According to Father Ellam, one of the kids pointed out how few of the nativity figures were set up so they were actually looking at Jesus. most of 'em were basically staring at each other, and he built the sermon around the concept of "we all need to spend less time caring about - and judging - what others are doing, or being self-conscious about others judging *us.*" It was very sweet and I really don't do it justice, but damn it stuck with me, even now as an agnostic/atheist.


Keep doing what you are doing. If you are scolded either keave or make them explain. If they say, You are not praying. Say, correct. I am not religious. I am being polite. What would be more polite?


>What would be more polite? Praying, obviously. Expect them to come up with that answer pretty quickly. Anyone upset you arenā€™t praying too doesnā€™t respect your beliefs. Be polite but donā€™t give them an opportunity to expect you to respect theirs.


If pressed say "I don't pray in public. It's a private matter to me."


Maybe im petty but i wouldnt fold like that. Just be honest and say you dont pray. If they keep harassing you, theyā€™re the asshole


I grew up as a non-Christian in the southern US and there are definitely people who would be horrified if I tried to get my \~false god\~ involved in their praying and would rather me just stand there. I tend to avoid ppl who tell me their religion within the first 5 minutes of meeting (unless it's relevant) so I am never in this position thankfully. I love "don't give them an opportunity to expect you to respect theirs" - so true


Also in the south, and I definitely donā€™t advertise my atheism. I have friends Iā€™ve known for years who donā€™t know. Living here for the past 30 years Iā€™ve come to distrust anyone who puts their faith front and center. It all comes across as performative. The level of control it inflicts even on non-believers is very uncomfortable. As is their spoken disdain for governmental rule but total willingness to be subjugated to their preacher.


I just close my eyes and bow my head.




I just bow my head and wait until they're done.


Do what ever you are comfortable with. As long as you show respect by standing still and being quiet your good. Don't let one AH dictate your actions.


I stand and bow my head. I may not believe in any religion, but I can and do still use that moment of silence for introspection.


I just stand still and bow my head. People who swat at others in situations like or in some other way show disapproval need to mind their own businessā€”if they had their own heads down and were paying attention to being respectful of others, they wouldn't be in a position to play prayer police.


While theyā€™re praying, look around to see who else is looking around. Then hang out with those people.


hell yeah


No one needs to pray or observe religion in the same way so someone swatting you is kinda silly. Iā€™m a staunch atheist but when it comes time to pray in my family I will never give it but Iā€™ll sit patiently and give them the space they need to feel valid. I wonā€™t pretend Iā€™m religious but I also wonā€™t act in defiance of passive ritual. If someone asks if they can pray for me or something similar I always say ā€œI really appreciate that. Thank you.ā€ Prayer to me is empty words but with good intention. I have a considerable distaste for religion but I understand it helps some folks to not feel so alone/purposeless/afraid. Edit to say: I wonā€™t bow my head or close my eyes but I will quietly sit still. Iā€™m not taking an active role in it but I wonā€™t try to actively separate myself from it happening.




No and if they tried to pull that kinda crap on me, I would put them in their place in no uncertain terms. It's highly disrepectful and insulting for them to "insist" that you pray when they know you're an atheist. I have christian friends who know I'm an atheist and when they tell me that they'll pray for me when I'm going through a difficult time, I take it for what it is. They mean well and, in their mind, they're "helping". By the same token, they appreciate my words of encouragement for whatever troubles they're facing. They know I don't pray but know that I'm there for them in whatever capacity they need me to be.


ā€œWhen you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men ā€¦ but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.ā€


For the sake of clarity, it should be pointed out that this wasn't a blanket ban on any form of public prayer, (the post doesn't even specify how public or private the event is) but rather it was a condemnation of using prayer for the purpose of putting on airs. Jesus prayed in public multiple times.


If someone swats you tell them the Lord don't like ugly. Then out pray them. Heavenly Father please save this wayward Christian from the fires! This soul is in dire need of your guidance! Rocka his soul in the bosom of Abraham. In the name of the Father, the son and the holy spirit! Then start singing Jehova Jireh.


Good one. The person doing the swatting was extremely rude; I'd call it abusive.


Might want to throw in a couple "lord have mercy"s to emphasize the point.


I just use it as a moment of silence.


Stand still and be quiet, that's it. You don't have to now, close your eyes, etc. just let them have the moment.


"No thanks, I'm not religious" As long as you're not stopping them, it's not disrespectful. If someone smacks you for not participating, hit them back and don't tolerate that.


> If someone smacks you for not participating, hit them back and don't tolerate that. Ah. The Old Testament version of "turn the other cheek". If you have video of *The Wrath Of The Godless* you could post to /r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR.


Look at everyone else. No need to bow your head. They arenā€™t looking anyway if they have bowed heads


Then you make eye contact with the one other heathen and now your best friends.


Being respectful is plenty. I'm an atheist but I expect prayer in certain situations, especially a memorial service. I can have a moment of silence while others have their moment of prayer. We all do things differently and that's fine.


if actually asked directly I'll say 'no thank you, feel free to go ahead without me'. if not asked I'll just stand quietly till they're done, and if anyone hassles me about it I'll ask why they're not focused on their own prayer if it's so important to them.


Whoever swatted at you was the rude one. Gross, looking around to see if anyone isnā€™t * praying right*ā€¦


most of my family is religious and I'm not. When we do dinner together, they like to pray before meals. I hold hands and just wait until it's over. usually stare at the food or something lol. I can't see how clasping your hands behind your back and bowing your head is rude, that's what most people do? don't let anyone get away with swatting you either, that's ruder than anything you could do while others are praying


Make up your own prayers. I pray to the weather gods. The parking lot gods. The good luck lord's. I mean.. just pray about whatever you feel like doesn't have to be religious.. you just set an intention and voila boom the universe receives it. Basically you make up whatever god you want because that's what religious people do, only you make up the ones you prefer. It's all just make believe anyway.


You handled it right the first time. Just close your eyes and bow your head. Maybe keep your hands in front of you instead of behind your back, but offering a reflective moment of silence is still respectful.


Funny how many people telling you to just go a long with it. If the religious people start jumping off bridges just make sure you're the last one. I dont believe anybody has to respect someone elses beliefs. Im not saying make a scene out of principle. But i wouldnt tolerate that person's intolerance (the one who swatted you). Putting your hands behind your back and bowing your head? What were they doing? How were they praying? I dont get it.


Bow your head, think of someone who you have lost or who you miss, find peace in the moment.


Everyone is so hung up on the fact it has to been religious moment, just have a quiet moment to yourself donā€™t have to do what the others are doing but why do you have make a fuss?


Just lower your head and treat it as a moment of silence, just a sign of respect. It has the same energy as a prayer. What you did before isnā€™t rude. You shouldnā€™t be expected to pray if youā€™re not Christian. Just be respectful and donā€™t disturb the prayer and youā€™re good. Anyone who says youā€™re rude is in the wrong.


What I do is the following: - keep silent - close my eyes - tilt my head forward - and I show reverence, i.e. I don't show that I am waiting for it to end. I dive into the atmosphere, that sort of "aura" brought by everyone praying, and respectfully remain at my place until it's done.


When I'm at a religious ceremony I try to mimic what is being done. But I'm an anxious bean that doesn't want to offend people even on accident


I remember back when I was at school, we did the whole armistice day 1 minute silence thing in assembly each year. If you don't know its a thing in the UK at 11am on the 11th of November, for the end of WWI. Everyone is quiet for 1 minute at that time, and if you're at a ceremony it's surrounded by some prayers, readings and a bugle either side of the minute. Anyway, we did it in church, and our teachers told us either to pray or to just think about war, sacrifice, peace, etc. during it. So I guess that's what you do; stand quietly like all the others are, but just keep the relevant people/events in your mind.


You're allowed to say no. Source: A Christian for over 40 years. "I am sorry, but that's not really my thing", for example.


Ask if the spell has verbal, physical, or somatic components.


Iā€™m an atheist and I just stand there and close my eyes and think about something else during the prayer. It doesnā€™t really bother me I guess


Clasped hands, a bowed head, and silent respect is the EXACT description given in English for behavior of non-Catholics attending Mass as welcome guests, especially during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. I don't know what randomly cobbled-together, tent revival type church the person that swatted you attends, but for about 1500 years THE Christian Church says you're doing just fine my friend. And now since I'm openly EX-Catholic due to the whole "Magic books and secret closets don't make it okay to rape children and treat women as second-class humans" when I'm with people I love and respect, like my Mother, I bow my head in silence, clasp my hands behind me, and respectfully wait until she's done with her prayer. Although the more and more these new right-wing American Catholics align themselves with the MAGA movement, Project 2025 and completely ignore the homilies of Pope Francis, I would not be surprised if even my Mother -- the grandchild of Irish Catholic immigrants, now in the traditional position of matriarch of her own brood of easily sunburned grandkids -- openly became apostate in protest of many American diocese Archbishops & Cardinals publicly in defiance of the Holy See, aligning themselves with the new Christian Nationalists. My Granddad O'Coll would be spinning in his grave if he wasn't already swaying in it from a lifetime of whiskey intake.


best response not because of logic (which is sound) but by humor alone


I just stay silent and watch for others looking around like I do. Then give them a nod and a smile because itā€™s nice to not be the only nonbeliever during those times.


Tbh, if you don't believe, but you still hold what's best for them in your heart, you're good. I'm a practicing Catholic and I was taught that God doesn't care if you believe or not. Hell, if you pray with them and you don't believe but, you mean it, like really mean it. Still counts. God doesn't discount prayers because the source doesn't follow doctrine. Anyone who tells you different doesn't know their shit.


I was taught the same when I did CCD during elementary school! Itā€™s been a good 18 years since then though, we stopped right after first communion and I havenā€™t in a Church since so I donā€™t know a lot of customs haha


I left after confirmation. Had a lot of dark stuff happen and really just didn't believe life could be that way if God was real. Then I died, nde from multiple organ failure, and saw some wild stuff. Started researching what I saw and now I'm a Eucharistic minister. There are a lot of Catholics and Christians that go but, don't really know their faith. If they did the work and learned more than just to show up on Sunday, there'd be a lot fewer assholes out there. Same could be said the other way, I was an ass to those who believed when I was an atheist because I wasn't willing to understand or learn. Just keep on though, don't let the idiots bother you. You did right.


I'm sorry, but someone "swatted" you and told you it was rude to bow your head during prayer? This is why I hate religious people. Holier than thou, uppity bullshit. That's a perfectly respectful way to behave during prayer, continue to do that. If someone "swats" you for that, loudly proclaim during the middle of the prayer "EXCUSE ME, DON'T TOUCH ME, THAT'S ASSAULT"


There's nothing wrong with what you did. Just stand quietly, bow your head, and reflect in your own personal way about what you've heard in the ceremony. Religion and Prayer is a private thing, and that person had no right to say that you were "praying wrong," christian or not.


I just stand silently


Atheist and Jewish to boot. Stand and bow head. Close eyes if others are.


What you did was fine, no idea what the other person was thinking you should do


> n years prior I just clasped my hands behind my back and bowed my head but someone swatted at me told me it was rude. > So what am I actually meant to do? Swat them back. You were being respectful, they were being abusive.


if anyone puts their hands on you for not following their religion deserves a knuckle sandwich


What works for me really good is no thank you. I'm an atheist. I do not hide it


I donā€™t participate for the same reason they wouldnā€™t participate if someone from another religion asked them to join in praying to their god


Iā€™d stand or sit there quietly while they did their thing. I wouldnā€™t bow or close my eyes or move my lips or make any noises in agreement. I wouldnā€™t make a big deal about it unless they wanted to. If someone wanted to make a big deal about it, Iā€™d probably rise to the challenge.


Just try to be respectful without doing anything that makes you uncomfortable. I donā€™t like putting my hand to my heart for the pledge or the national anthem (American). But if itā€™s a ceremony or something, Iā€™ll still stand towards the flag and just put my hands behind my back because itā€™s still a respectful stance. And I donā€™t say the pledge, but Iā€™m also not talking to others or anything. It takes nothing to do nothing. Iā€™m not trying to make a statement - Iā€™m just not comfortable with it.


Agnostic raised die hard catholic here. All my family from my mother side is religious af, my mom as well. While she doesnā€™t agree with my takes in religion she asks me if I want to join her in praying, specially for anniversaries for deceased ones. I just politely join because I respect her beliefs even if I donā€™t share them anymore.Ā 


I politely refuse


As long as you're not making noise or otherwise being disruptive, don't worry about it. Eyes open/closed, head bowed/not, hands wherever is comfortable, none of those options is rude or offensive (avoid just playing on your phone, if you're trying to be polite). Just treat it like a moment of silence, if someone takes issue it's their problem, not you.Ā 


When they go to pray, gently excuse yourself or take yourself quietly out of the grouping. Politely but unapologetically. Your prior response was perfect.


iā€™ll stand with them if iā€™m not allowed to say no thank you, but I usually just stand there and look around until theyā€™re done.


I will respect them but be thinking about building a giant ice cream Sundae or kittens playing. I say grace with my religious family in Kentucky before dinner even though I'm an atheist. It has no meaning to me. Breaking bread and spending time with my family means a lot though.


I stand and look forward. I bow to neither god nor man.


Depends. I'm respectful of others customs and traditions, I'll happily join hands and be silent. Don't ask me to say anything more than once though.


Theyā€™ll most likely think itā€™s rude due to their own beliefs, not much you can do. As a Christian Iā€™d say it would be best to bow your head so you donā€™t cause too many head turns, or you can simply stand quietly and observe a moment of silence for whatever cause youā€™d like, or nothing at all, and wait for them to finish.


I stand silently and bow my head as a show of respect for their beliefs.Ā  It doesn't hurt me in the least to do that b


My dad wasnā€™t religious. He wouldnā€™t pray but would hold hands or bow his head quietly.


Let them. It doesnā€™t hurt.


Depends on whoā€™s asking, my mood and the context. If itā€™s not an inconvenience or an awkward situation then I will do so happily. Praying with a religious person when your not is like giving someone a long hug that asks for one even though you really arenā€™t a hugger. Itā€™s gonna catch you off guard, you may be uncomfortable with the idea and more often than not you just wonā€™t really want to do it. That person might really need that hug though. So if itā€™s not an imposition than why not.


The situation I asked this for is over now, but it was Memorial Day parade that ended in a cemetery with a ceremony there with speeches from veterans, widows, songs from a band and a choir, there was The Riderless Horse, and then a reverend who led several prayers. It wasnā€™t like a little family circle, it was more like 250 people all standing quietly in a graveyard. So a lot of the recommendations to crack a joke or decline didnā€™t apply because I was only a face in a crowd.


I go along, itā€™s not like you catch fire for humoring people.


Remind them that lightning tends to strike and statues bleed when I ā€œpray.ā€


Close your eyes and recite gangster's paradise by Coolio. As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left 'Cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long that Even my momma thinks that my mind is gone But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it Me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of You better watch how ya talkin' and where you walkin' Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk I really hate to trip, but I gotta loc As they croak, I see myself in the pistol smoke, fool I'm the kinda G the little homies wanna be like On my knees in the night, sayin' prayers in the streetlight Amen




Swat that person back and quote Matthew 6:1 >Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. 6:5 >And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. and 6:6 >But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


ā€œI donā€™t pray, but Iā€™ll gladly share this time with you.ā€


I decline to participate but I will stand quietly while they pray.


Politely decline and watch. It's interesting so as long as they respect me for not joining in I'll respect them taking the time they need to pray.


Just don't laugh...


I love the thought of swatting at you for "being disrespectful," but if they were doing what they were supposedly supposed to be doing, they would have had no idea what you were doing. Seeing as they'd be praying with their eyes closed and all.


I usually bow my head and thunk respectful thoughts. It's a great time to be present in the moment and comment with the group.


For context, I'm Christian. Just let them pray. You were fine. That person was the rude one. Just because we want to pray doesn't mean everyone wants to or wants to in public even. Honestly, you're good. Don't worry too much about this one.


As someone who works in the medical field, I often have patients and their families that want to pray before a procedure or whatnot. As someone who is also NOT a Christian, I am uncomfortable being made to stay and pray to someone elseā€™s god. I have always politely excused myself from the room. As a side note I work with a surgeon who prays before every surgery he performs but he is respectful enough to say ā€œletā€™s pray to whatever higher power aligns with your belief system.ā€ And I totally respect that and participate fully.


ā€œWill you pray with me? ā€œNo, thank you. I donā€™t mind if you do though.ā€


Just another case of the religious trying to push their religion on others. They have a right to pray, and you have an equal right not to. Of course, they'll probably try to claim that you are somehow oppressing them by not participating in their ritual, while at the same time trying to force you to give up your principals.


say you're not religious and dont participate


Close your eyes and squeeze real hard until you go reddish


mission failed i shit my pants


Whoā€™s the weird guy at the top that canā€™t just suck it up for a couple mins? ā€œWhat so just have to stand there and be quiet I donā€™t even have to listen? How unreasonable!ā€ Shut up dude, you never suffered through a school assembly listening to teachers talk about nothing of interest to you for an hour+ ? If youā€™re stumbling into religious prayers that last more than a minute or 2 I think youā€™re at a religious event, ā€œIā€™m uncomfortableā€ shut up itā€™s 2 minutes. Iā€™m not even religious, just annoying when people feel so inconvenienced by a nothing moment, do you have to be completely comfortable every second of every day? Weak, honestly.


You should clasp your hands in the front so you don't stand out.


Just pretend. Thatā€™s all theyā€™re doing , they just donā€™t know it


Squeeze out a really long fart to assert dominance.


I just say 'I don't do that.' I won't be purposefully rude but I won't hold your hand or bow my head or any of that. It is rude to cosplay at praying than simply being honest.


What you're doing is very respectful and absolutely fine.


Politely decline and tell them that you donā€™t have a problem with them praying, but that youā€™re not religious.


I usually just stand there quietly and say or do nothing until itā€™s over out of respect


I just do it anyway because it's the thought that counts


I bow my head quietly out of respect. Thatā€™s it, sometimes they may want to hold hands and thatā€™s ok too. Then go about my day.


I just stand there quietly. If itā€™s catholic I know itā€™s going to take a while, I pick a song and try to remember all the lyrics from start to finish or some sort of other mental activity.


Oh, this a Catholic as hell area and it was such a long prayer it was more of a speech. I ended up staring at a cicada on the ground for it with my hands folded in front of me instead of clasped behind me and head bowed and nobody gave me a hard time. Maybe I was just sat by an asshole last year.


I think you were. As long as youā€™re respectful, youā€™re good.


I just sit or stand with them and use that time to reflect on my thoughts or just relax. No need to copy what they do, just trying not to stick out too much.


Keep quiet and do my thing until theyā€™re done. I do not bow out of respect forā€¦what? Their god? Iā€™d have to believe it exists, which I donā€™t. Their religion? I also have little respect for that; certainly no more than they have respect for my lack of it. Maybe I spend too much time around evangelicals, where disrespect for othersā€™ religious beliefs is a fundamental tenet.


I just act like it to blend in. Just cuz you don't beleive in it means you should die on the hill.


"may i show you the prayerdance of my people?"


tell them you're muslim and leave without explaining anymore


Think of it as a Taylor Swift concert, just go along even if you donā€™t even like the music. Same thing, different god.


I loudly incur the wrath of the great leafiness in the sky. Lettuce prey!


I would ask that person that swatted at you why their fucking eyes werenā€™t closed and their head wasnā€™t bowed if they are such a goddamn prayer Nazi.


I'm a third generation atheist. It's not a big deal in the UK. I just join in to be polite. It isn't against my religion, I don't have one. No harm done. Doesn't make me feel uncomfortable because I'm interested in people's weird religion things.


Keep doing what you do. If some "Christian" tells you again this isn't respectful, tell them that wasn't very JC of them


Hold hands in the circle, don't pray and don't close my eyes. That's what I do with my family. If someone swatted at me I'd definitely react lol


If someone does that, tell them that they're being rude trying to force deference to something you don't believe in, and that you don't feel comfortable praying.


I bow my head to be respectful, but I don't close my eyes or pretend to pray.


I think all of it is stupid but I'll be polite and bow my head and look at my shoes. If I see it coming, I'll get a "cough" and need to go find a water fountain until it's over or use the restroom. But since that isn't the space to get into a debate about their mental sanity for believing in an invisible Sky Daddy, I'll defer to being polite until the moment passes.


Stand/sit quietly, look down. If they expect anything more than without being certain you're a part of their religion, that's on them.


Refuse politely, unless they are suffering a tragedy. Then maybe fake it if you want.


....but someone swatted at me told me it was rude..... I have to wonder what that person was doing when they were supposed to be praying. There are no hall monitors in church.


I guess itā€™s because it was a big ceremony for memorial day and they were making sure all the kids were praying and being respectful? Which I guess included 25 year old me.


I would only even close my eyes, as prayer is private for the people around me, even if I donā€™t personally do it. In my estimation, assuming a respectful posture and closing your eyes is the best response one could achieve without betraying your own truth.


I always just politely say "no thank you" it's literally as simple as that. If they push back against a polite statement like that then *they* are the asshole and you don't need to worry if you've caused any offense.


Itā€™s okay to just hold a moment of silence for prayer moments. Youā€™re also allowed to set whatever physical boundary you want, and free to process whatever is happening in your own way! That person had no right infringing on that autonomy and it was rude of them to swat at you and say something.


Edited, I only read the title, oops. I come from a Catholic family they know I'm not Catholic nor is my father. I either just coincidentally take a bathroom break or just keep doing what I'm doing or if they pray before a meal, I just sit there.


You gotta communicate ask them ā€œhey Iā€™m not really religiousā€ or just bow your head idk


I once said no thank you cause I was really uncomfortable and they got so upset and started screaming at me. It was scary. I had to walk away. I was at work. I think they saw the pride screen on my Apple Watch.


I pray that this moment doesn't last long. Or for someone or something to get me the h3ck out.of there.


I say I'm sending them good vibes


Fake it till you make it, baby.


No thank you


I would just say "No thank you, I'm not religious. I'll wait until you're done before we continue." And silently stand and bow my head until they're done. If they get mad, then maybe they're not the best people to be around.


I was just at a friend's kids Communion. I'm not religious at all. Quietly stayed at the back. Didn't pray. Didn't get on my knees when most others did.


In my family we just hold their hand, or hands as may be, and bow our heads in respect. It really doesn't have to be a big thing, some people believe in deities, and some don't. Some believe in one deity, while others believe in a completely different pantheon altogether. I try to respect other people's choices, in the hopes they'll respect mine.


I sing the oscar meyer wiener song in my head


Hold the priest, hostage


Just look down and close your eyes. Maybe clasp your hands in front of you instead?


Mongolian throat singing


Iā€™m a weird one; Iā€™d pray with them. Personally, thereā€™s no way for me to become Christian. No matter god is real or not. But i donā€™t mind doing it if it can help to them successfully telepathize god lol Why not? For me, itā€™s more like culture appreciation lol


Just bow your head and don't speak until they're done. Optionally clasp your hands or close your eyes. If you are asked to lead, just politely decline. Something like "Sorry/thank you, but that may be disingenuous of me." It's not a big deal for the vast, vast majority of people. Just don't make an issue of yourself while they're doing their thing.


Avengers: Endgame. Marvel Studios managed to cram a 2 hour movie into a tight 3 hours. :/ I haven't been to a Marvel movie since then, that was the endgame for me.


Hello. I think you may be on the wrong post. šŸ˜…


I f I didnt feel the need to do it, I would tell them I Pass.


Stop accommodating them. Just do what you want/feel is right and move on. I do y give a fuck what religion you are. Iā€™m not a part of it and I donā€™t have to participate or respect it on any way. As an atheist they wouldnā€™t give the same back so fuckā€™em.


So, what's the difference?


I think I was just sat next to an asshole the first time.


Not super religious myself. Was brought up in a non practicing Muslim family but lived among mostly Christians. When I found myself in a space where prayer was required whether I had been dragged along to church or was a visitor at dinner, I would bow my head and close my eyes. Even though Iā€™m not religious I think it is nice to think about the principal of what is being said and the lessons that one should take from them. Even though you arenā€™t religious it doesnā€™t mean you cannot learn something from religion. It is good to be kind it is good to take a moment and be thankful. Sometimes it is nice to feel apart of something larger whether you believe in their god or something else. It is a moment of human connection. Although it may be awkward and at times corny in its own way itā€™s a little beautiful


Ask them to help me draw a pentagram to revive my dead pets.


I usually just take the time to mentally make a list of things I'm grateful for.


I actually experienced something kind of similar when I had to get a medical procedure done at a Catholic hospital. The nurse attending me asked if I minded if she said a prayer for me before they put me under sedation, and I said, "Hey if it helps you feel better, knock yourself out" and she grabbed my hands and started poppin' a Hail Mary out. Praying is just to make them feel better anyway, so yeah. I'm not religious nowadays, but it still took a bit of willpower not to launch into the Hail Mary with her lol


I'm atheist and my husband's family is religious. When we have a family dinner and they pray I just bow my head silently. I've also gone to their Christmas church service and I do the same thing.


just stay still and quiet until they finish.


I usually take out my phone and share some memes on Facebook. You don't need to respect other people's religions.


Ten years ago, I would have silently stood there, respectfully. Now, with the rise of the christofascists infiltrating the US with their death cult delusions and somehow managing to get laws passed based on their perverted kinks to control peopleā€™s bodies and wanting to know what is in their pants, I wonā€™t tolerate it. If christbotherers start spewing their delusions, I will leave. If they try and say something, I will no longer be polite. They worship an imaginary sadist and look up to the equivalent of their own definition of the Antichrist. No more. Religion needs to die like a bad meth habit.


Just pretend to, close your eyes and soundlessly move your lips. Appear to go into a trance. Theyā€™ll totally buy into it.


I mean youā€™re not Christian what else are you supposed to do fake it? I feel like thatā€™s worse. Christianā€™s need to know that there are atheists in the world


Open your eyes REALLY wide just in case they peek


"Wasting my time while ya'll pray is much more disrespectful, your lucky i am happy to stand here quietly and wait for you, and now its your fault you have created this noise at a time when silence is requested."


The correct response to someone swatting you and saying it's rude is, "Don't tell me how to pray."


You could be like my brother and say ā€œfuck noā€.Ā 


Sorry, I'm not religious?


pray with them anyway?


I stand quietly. If someone asks me to join in I say "no thank you"


My dad's family always prays before big meals and I've been just silently bowing my head for as long as I can remember despite never being a believer. It's the normal courteous thing to do. The person who swatted at you was rude. Bowing in reverence or basic respect doesn't require belief in any particular deity or religion.


I bow my head and count the tiles.