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No, it's masturbation with extra steps


Would bring literal meaning to the insult when someone says "go f**k yourself".


wild XD




Why I had to click this link?


I would also like to know why I clicked it 🤦 I guess technically no, I hadn't seen it before, but it's not like there was any new knowledge to be gained by looking. It was kinda self explanatory 😆 I kinda feel like curiosity shouldn't apply to stuff that I already understand. Not everything needs to be seen ~~third leg~~ firsthand 🤣


For some reason, I wasn't expecting what I seen...


That is honestly so impressive


Risky click of the day 😬


"Dont mind if I do" ...possibly the most confusing come back!


Masturbation ➕


What if that clone version is 9 years old?


*FBI has entered the chat*


Yes, yes we have.


Username checks out


depends, hypothetically would i still be normal age compared to the 9 year old version of the clone


No hypothetically not.


idk if its pedophillia by definition because i'm not smart on this stuff, but it would still be a little messed up to be attracted to and/or have intercourse with a young clone


also if you are both 9 then how did you even get clones


Depends on the laws that clones have. Currently there are none, so I guess it'd be legal, just immoral. Very very very very immoral.


Yo guys, masturbation 2 just dropped


^ this


Identical twins are, genetically, essentially clones of each other. I’d hate to think that sets of identical twins were fucking each other and calling it “masturbation with extra steps”.


That sounds about right


"Eek barba durkle, *someone's* gonna get laid in college"


No. It's Selfcest.


Selfcest is bestcest 🥰💕


I’d argue selfcest is a subcategory of incest




Better question: is it incest to make two clones of myself and watch them fuck


Now we're asking the real questions! Is it voyeurism or just watching porn? I think we need a new term for this


Would it be called a solo?




Yeah and dress them both up as Catwoman


Jesus, OP, there’s masturbating & then there’s *masturbating*


Master of Masturbating, Master-bating


You did a full San Junipero in here!?


I understand why you telling OP, but why are you involving Jesus in this?


Is it much different from an identical twin?


kinda different, imagine if i just used my dna to make a clone of myself (bad example but like in rick and morty)


Thats what an identical twin is tho


I mean I'd argue the weird part isn't sharing DNA, it's growing up together, sharing a womb, spending time as children and THENNNN fucking each other, shits weird.


Way much worse is cloning your DNA creating an embryo, raising it, watching it grow, being essentially the parent, waiting till it's 18 and THEN having sex with it.


Tbh if I was making a clone I'd always imagine having a full blown adult right off the bat and not a little Cubert J Farnsworth


How? A clone has to grow from an embryo state!


Yeah but if you had like a big fridge thing with a bunch of neon lights, buzz buzz, bunch of smoke and it's a carbon copy of me ready to bone. Badabeen badaboned.


Porhub category: Unrealistic incest


Oh gee I've gotten stuck in this washing machine, can you give me a hand other me?


Only because sci-fi movies have primed us to believe that a clone is gonna already be our age A cool futuristic pod opens up and all this fog has to clear away for a cinematic shot, and then you just have a fully grown clone who somehow also has your memories and skills


Your brain patterns with all your memories and skills is duplicated and transferred into the clone, so it wakes up feeling exactly like you. Horny. It immediately thinks "Hmm...I wonder if it's a good idea to bang the other me that's standing there."


If you have technology to make a clone you probably have technology to make them grow quickly


I was just assuming it was the shitty sci fi type of clone where you just enter a machine and the other side pops out an exact copy of you with the exact memories


And I came to ruin it for everyone with the sci part of the equation.


Yeah I think that's the key here, making a full grown adult clone of yourself isn't like fucking your identical twin since you haven't grown together etcetc


that seems to make the most sense here


What if two twins are raised away from each other? I personally think it’s saved by the fact that since the cloning was so recent that you’re both still the same person with the same values and motives and feelings.


Yeah. A hypothetical clone that is born moments ago but shares your DNA & exact memories is different from a twin that you grew up with but have different personalities from & just so happen to share DNA with


The Lannisters send their regards.


This xD


Would the clone in theory have the same memories and thought processes as you? Clone the body and mind or just the body?


it would yes


You are talking about an identical twin. So the question is, is it incest to have sex with my brother/sister, and the answer is yes, that's the definition of incest. But in the case you are describing it's actually much worse, because if you take your own DNA and make a clone that clone is not going to be instantly your age, it'll be an embryo that will grow at the normal human rate. So depending on your age when you start the process that's the age difference between you and your clone. If you wait until they're 18 that's incest with an immoral age difference. If you try to have sex with them before they're 18 that's incest and paedophilia. There are no good choices here. Only how deep do you want your crime to be.


Since the cloning is hypothetical anyways, couldn't the clone be created to be the same age as OP instead of as an embryo?


I feel like a good rule of thumb is if you have to ask “Is it incest” it probably is


is it incest if 2 foster children have sex? zero biological relation, but nonetheless legally (and sentimentally) siblings.


Ah, the ambiguity that fuels page 1 of porn hub.


no it's not 'incest' but that doesn't make it normal


Man idk about y'all but if I had an exact clone of myself (without having to raise it from the embryo stage, like other comments rightly pointed out), I'd do me.


i'd do me as well


You can do me too if you like




In my opinion, no. Not if the clone wasn't raised as your sibling (which they likely weren't), as the negative social impacts and potential power disparity of incest wouldn't apply. It would also be extremely rare, if ever possible, for a person and their clone to create a biological child. So there would be practically no risk of genetic defects in offspring caused by inbreeding. Any moral quandaries related to clone sex, imo, are separate from those related to incest. (Like, what rights does my hypothetical clone have? Are they respected by society, well educared, self sufficient, etc.?) As long as he was down, I would be hyped to fuck a clone of myself and would not conceptualize him as a sibling


I was mid typing a comment about the moral concerns of genetic defects if they have a kid then realised that’s obviously not possible…


I mean, if you were to meet someone new, romance them, shack up, and then discovered after the fact that they were your long lost sibling, it would still be incestuous. Whether or not there was any familial closeness or the potential to conceive is largely irrelevant to the label. If taken from a standpoint of genetic closeness, it would be the ultimate incest.


Imagine this scenario: You were born as a set of identical twins. Both of you are 100% the same in every way. You and your twin have never engaged in sexual activity. In your 30's, you decide to make a clone of yourself (which, sorry, is also a clone of your identical twin) because you want to fuck your own self. Nonetheless, you'd still be fucking your identical twin while fucking your clone, because the clone is an exact copy of you and your identical twin. Explained in this scenario, OP, does it still feel like NOT incest?? Not to me... to me it's incest all the way!


i mean i don't have an identical twin so i guess it's different for me


I also don't, but my inquisitive ADHD brain has to go to all the scenarios xD so, if you can make a clone of yourself and it lives successfully after the initial stages, go ahead and fuck the life out of them and have fun, buddy xD


For me, it would depend if I had an identical twin or not, but I also think it would be a bit too narcissistic to fuck a copy of myself.


that's true




It’s like biting your fingernails. But with penis’s and buttholes.


Ahh, finally a true question! Definitely afraid to ask.


i wasn't really 'afraid to ask at all' me and some other peeps were arguing about it and i wanted to get some other opinions essentially and didn't know where else to turn


Technically that's just masturbation with a ton of extra steps


I have an identical twin and don't want to think about it


Does it have your same thoughts? Most often clones are entirely different beings than who they are clones of, so in that case yes. But I think if you have the same brain and thoughts and development it’s masterbation






Hank green said it’s basically SUPER INCEST


It’s selfcest which would be worse. The main reason why incest is bad is because it shortens the gene pool which means negative genetic conditions are more likely to be expressed if it’s selfcest you shorten it even more since it would be your exact genes the only chance for new genetics to be introduced are random mutation and possibly some other ways.


Most people don't have the necessary parts to get themselves pregnant, though, so it's not anywhere near the gene pool. They could impregnate others, but usually they only have half of the equipment. We are talking exact clones, not sex-swapped clones. Since they can't get themselves pregnant, OP is free to have sex with their Clone without fear of genetic problems in the offspring they can't make. Assuming your Clone is as into it as you, OP, go for it!


Beth Smith, is that you?


i wish


Beth Smith has entered the chat


first person to reference rick and morty at last


Incest is a matter of a percentage kinship, typically anything under 25%. Your clone shares 100% of your DNA making it incest, but also without the possibility of children.


Your argument is null. Because DNA and genes are only important when it comes to offspring. And you can't reproduce with an exact clone. If you can't have children then it doesn't matter how close you dna is.


Ah, but you see, I am arguing the law and how it defines incest, which is either 25% or 12,5% relation! Yeah, same sex incest is very much a weird hole of ethical law where it isn't harmful, but still a bit icky


There's an episode of Aeon Flux in which she makes out with her clone.


yeah there's an episode of rick and morty where someone does that as well


Who wakes up and thinks of this lol tf?


the people responsible for assigning the tags


Underated coment right here.


in my case an autistic person lmao


If you had sex with an identical twin nearly everyone would agree that's incest. Having sex with a clone is no different.


Technically... It is... your clone is basically your identical twin. Another genetic fun fact. If 2 identical twin couple have children with each other. (male twin 1 with female twin one and male twin 2 with female twin 2) Then genetically the children will be full siblings as if they would come from the same mother and father


First tell me, how did you get to this point of sex with clone?


don't judge me but i was thinking about a rick and morty episode where two clones fall in love with each other and i was thinking about, hm, is this incest? and i started debating it with my friends and wanted another perspective


The real fun begins when you change the gender of your clone… And I’d also remove the parts needed to get pregnant. I mean, I’m no abortion expert and I only need that clone, not an entire cronenberg army… And then… Well whenever you feel like it you bang your clone. Why not? I don’t see anything wrong about it. And in regards to the age: The DNA would be mine so genetically it‘s my age. And the rest is probably chemicals and biological goo that could be around for however long you want. I don’t know if you could call that a pedophile action… It’s not even a real human after all. Hard to tell. If cloning gets invented one day I’ll let you know. 🤣


I'm a straight guy, FTR. Anyways, I had a dream where I did that. But he was fatter and hairier than me, with a bad Ron Jeremy mustache. It was a really awful fucking dream, to be honest. I've had other sex-with-dudes dreams that were way less bad.


Nope because I wouldn't initiate and I wouldn't have to do anything because he'd know what to do and why he was there.


I think Hank Green or someone did a video answering something similar. All I remember is the problem with inbreeding comes from your DNA being present twice (or something similar to that), so if both sides have only your DNA it's not just inbreeding it's SUPER inbreeding!!




Sure, but most people do not have the parts necessary to impregnate themselves, they can't manufacture both sperm and eggs. So it's not doing anything like inbreeding, there's no genetic material being inbred, since they can't breed themselves. Making offspring requires slightly more than JUST sexual penetration and ejaculation, there needs to be an egg to receive the sperm, and 2 male OP or 2 female OP can't breed...


Hypothetically is kinda the point of the question, dudes not actually cloning himself... I hope


More interestingly, do you have the means to exactly clone yourself?


no but i feel like the tech is on its way in the next 100 years


It's next level egotistical


okay imagine it was just for science, is it incest yes or no


Technically it would be having sex with your twin. So yeah


Fuck it… let’s go all the way with this question. I’m a large 47 year old man who looks like a mangy albino Sasquatch. I snap my fingers and a transporter pad appears with O’Brien at the console. I stand on the pad and tell O’Brien to scan me with the transporter, store a copy of me in the buffer, tell the computer to tweak it and make it female, and then reassemble female me right next to me on the pad. Female Mnemny appears, a large 47 year old woman who looks like a mangy albino Sasquatch. I ask my instant female clone if she wants to finally get some Ivory Spotted PowerDong, she says yes and yeets her top revealing her pendulous Spotted White Pomegranite funbags, and we go right at it on the transporter pad, with O’Brien standing there with his hand over the Star Trek Motion Picture transporter accident button… So yes, I’d do me.


yeah same i would do me too


Nah that’s selfcest


Doppelbanger would be the term and definitely is as close to incest as you can get without using outside members only yourself.


doppelbanger is crazy


I Think of it this way, is it incest to masturbate?


Never have I seen such a hideously formed and un-naturally freakish deviant. Rimmer??


talking about me??


I think it would be more like masturbation squared


i like your pfp


Don't know for sure. But what I do know for 100% is that it'd be extremely gay. Or lesbian depending on the gender.




Go fuck yourself!


*fucks myself*


It doesn't matter, because the big problems with incest are the massively increased risk of genetic disorders in offspring and the complication of social dynamics within the family. It's not like any of those apply to you, unless you're a male and cloned your X chromosome twice to make a female version.


makes sense to me


Is there a hentai sub where you fuck a clone of yourself?


i wouldn't know i don't jerk off to hentai, never really been my thing


No, masturbation.


I would say no that's like saying if I could give myself a b****** would that be a type of self incest? But and exact clone of myself would mean that I'd have to be having anal sex with myself and that doesn't sound so bad I mean to sound like but those who have experienced the jewelry of anal sex the right way would have a really good time so I still am going to stick with me no


Yes. Just like having sex with your twin brother would be.


Definitely gay


do you mean i'm definelty gay or that fucking a clone would be definitely gay


Does it actually matter?


no it's just something that's been prying my mind sorry if it bothers you


Dawg, answer the question


Genetically, yes if you manage to breed. Socially, it depends on the relationship.


Solosexual. Unisexual, mesexual,




I just saw a video this morning of a dude getting caught setting up for a living room jack session. Dude who caught him said. You look like you change positions when you j/o. This is mecore lol.




Imma need some of your weed


not on drugs just autistic


If incest is rooted in a lack of DNA diversity, then it's the MOST incestuous.


This sounds like a skit from I Think You Should Leave. Also, i think you should leave.


sorry did i do something wrong i don't use reddit


The moment you clone wakes up for the first time, it will have different experiences than you. Our experiences are a big part of what makes the "self". So it wouldnt be masturbation because you are fucking a different person. But it's not incest because a clone was born from your DNA instead of your parents. It's worse than incest. You would be having sex your own child.


Don't fuck your twin bro.




Please don’t fuck your twin.


will keep in mind if i ever find out about my twin


Is that peak vanity?


no clue what that means man sorry


Vanity = excessive self admiration. Having sex with yourself is kinda like that? I think. Or it could just be a massive upgrade to masturbating. Either way, I feel like that is borderline peak vanity,


Yeah. The child would probably have so many more problems than anything that u can get out of your usual incest.


i don't think i'm getting a child out of having sex with a clone myself (because it's gay sex)


Can't even imagine that.


No. But it makes you gay.


depends if your gay or not :/


I don't think so. What are you cooking up OP? Are you making cloning technology?


not planning on it but i would fuck a clone if i could


I mean.... Like I'm bi, so a clone would be too. And after Halloween last year, I can confirm that I make a pretty girl.


interesting yeah, i'm a femboy so i imagine i would be hot too lmao


Hell yeah! Femboy homies all over the place! Rock that shit! Never let anyone bring you down just because you're better than they could ever be.


first nice person i've met on reddit


although i don't use reddit much to be fair


There are tons of really nice people on this site. Despite what the internet would have you believe. All ya gotta do is chill in communities that aren't gatekeepy. Which is very few communities, tbh. But like.... It's a chill place in a lot of cases.


this is like, the first post i've made on reddit, ever, lol so idk much about this app lol. i don't doubt there's nice people here


Incest, probably. But it's definitely gay




Now lets say it's not a clone. The multiverse is real, a portal opens and your identical variant shows up. Both of you have been raised differently, separately, never met each other before and there is no power play/conflict of interest. They are two different consenting adults from different universes, genetically identical. What is it?


Asking for a friend


no i'm not i'm asking because i'm curious


Well how about this if you could blow yourself would you swallow? I would


yes, yes i would.


Maybe, but eating your own ass WILL give your clone pink eye.


Yes. Your twin is a natural clone. I cannot answer about conjointed ones.