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There's already illegal porn and a black market for it


"there would only be 2 websites left, Sports and one that said Bring Back the Porn" -Dr Cox


This should be top comment


facts, and if you do like this porn you should be behind bars or dead. along with the people who shot it.


whats wrong with watching Putin fuck Whinnie the Pooh?


Almost immediately


Pff almost, it would be instantaneous. It would already be getting started while watching the votes come through on CSPAN


People in countries where porn is banned uses VPN:s


Can confirm. Living abroad where it is banned...


I feel like there already is one.


VPN service have been growing since Red States started doing porn bans.


Not only that, access to the darkweb would immediately become commonplace.


Without a doubt


[It’s about to happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/n5uj6rM1j5)


They are not banning pornhub, they’re requiring age verification to access the website. Pornhub is banning those states as a protest, they filmed a video for it urging people to talk to their state legislators because according to them needing to verify your age is a security risk.


lmao "security risk" risk to their financial security more like. and the security of every horny teen in those states


to be fair pornhub with every user's credit card and watching habits would be a very tempting blackmail resource


Yeah I know I didn't lie about my age on the internet ever.


I can't think of a single vice that has been banned without creating a black market. Booze, drugs, prostitution, gambling have all been banned unsuccessfully in various places at various times, never without creating a black market.


Don't forget maple syrup


I am a Canadian. I never forget maple syrup.


And Kinder Eggs. Oh, ok, I doubt there is a black market for those.


Not to be a smart-ass but murder is banned too. And people still do it. There are even people who take jobs as hitmen. Doesn't mean we shouldn't keep it banned. Laws are meant to regulate, they cannot completely erase vices even when enforced. Banning alcohol and drugs, tobaccl usually do not work because the culture has adapted to them.


I'm not exactly sure what you're arguing. Yes murder is bad and we should keep it banned but it's also not really a vice, most people who murder do it for personal gain, not for personal enjoyment like drinking, smoking, prostitution etc. It's not really comparable. There's also no way to murder without harming others, while there is a way to drink, smoke, and prostitute without harming others.


Banning porn will just make people want it more, and sadly would probably make it more exploitative. There's already a black market for "certain kinds," which are horrifying. If anyone, banning it will make those disgusting kinds more popular. Which will hurt more children.


In the case of drugs it does the opposite to regulation


That statement is going to need some statistics to support it. Since marijuana legalization has begun, the number of people using it has drastically increased, for instance. Edit: “it” being marijuana in any form Some stats: https://www.statista.com/statistics/611714/marijuana-use-during-past-year-in-the-us/


Legal marijuana is tracked from seed to sale down to the gram. The industry is heavily regulated.


Yes? What does that have to do with anything? Edit: my “it” was not just the legal version Edit2: stats: https://www.statista.com/statistics/611714/marijuana-use-during-past-year-in-the-us/


Don't forget guns as well.


The US laws don't apply to the entire Internet. It would still exist.


Just all servers hosted in USA.


Vastly depends on how the laws implemented, if it’s illegal to produce or access porn in the US then in theory you could store and host it aslong as you ensured no one in the Us was accessing


Quite true, modified traffic to only external countries.


I live in Malaysia. Porn is banned here. You can get porn here.


Correct, a VPN. But I'm willing to bet 99.99% of porn you watch is not produced in Malaysia. There is no 'industry' to speak of, it's all imported. If porn is banned in the US that's an entire multi billion $ industry shut down overnight. Some of that production will move abroad, Europe or wherever, but you can guarantee bootleggers will pop up all over the US. Regulations will go out the window, woman will be in harms way again. It'll be an unmitigated disaster.


oh there is an industry all right.. on the black market..


Malaysia is just really bad at censoring. They'll block the big name porn sites, but they can't seem to block smaller Asian based sites.


I would be on a sidewalk corner selling drawings like crack


That's what happens every time something gets banned. You want a porn mafia? That's how you get a porn mafia.


There already is a porn mafia. They’ve been heavily invested since the very beginning


I mean, tbf, what about when guns get banned?


Isn't child porn banned?


And look how that's going. Oh right it has a thriving black market that makes billions every year.


It's recently taken a nosedive on the TORDAQ, just not worth investing in any more. However, bum fights, and THC fruit roll ups are to the moon. I have good bitcoin on lake city quiet pills, still hodling on that.


I mean, what would be the alternative? Because tbh, even to most pro-porn individuals, they believe child porn should be banned, and they're right.


So just to get you straight, your saying make child porn legal?


Short answer: no, it should not be legal, that said knee jerk bans don't work either. Slightly longer answer: I think serious research into letting pedophiles use AI or hentai type pornography should be researched so they have a outlet that isn't abusing actual children.


I get what you’re saying however I don’t think the answer is to feed into pedophiles cravings, I think getting them therapy with trained professionals would be better


Banning porn would be even less effective then when they tried banning alcohol.


Or weed lol


Yes, i ran a porn black-market ring in highschool. Im older and while we had some internet it was just way too slow. I would acquire girls gone wild VHS or something and rent it out. Felt like a mob boss sometimes. Had people I had never talk to come up to me in the hallway asking for a hookup.


Did you hookup with them?


If you want a black market, that's literally how a government would create one. You would see VPN usage skyrocket, as people illegally get the products they desire. >do you think it would cause a big problem creating a black market. Depends on how much they enforce it. The heavier the enforcement? The wilder it's gonna get.


If there's anything I've learned in my time on earth is that if the humans in charge of things ban X, that does not stop people from getting X. If anything, it makes the situation worse because now people have to get X from unregulated sources. Prohibition? People just made secret bars and brewed their own secret alcohol. Ban abortions? People get the abortions in a different state/country, or buy abortion pills from elsewhere (or other, more unsafe methods). Weed is illegal? Pfft. Please. Everyone knows someone who smokes pot. A ban never stops people from doing what they want. It just makes it slightly more annoying to get it, and makes them resent whoever put the ban in place. So yes, porn will very much still be available, just not in the same legal way.


people forget what the internet was like before search engines began indexing those sites. then they began and it turned into a huge issue so Google stopped, and it's only grown. the internet will always be mostly p0rn and even with the legit stuff it's majority illegal stuff.


The first sales transaction on the Internet was for Marijuana, and porn made it there as soon as digital cameras and scanners existed. Back in the 90s, the Usenet groups alt. Binaries. Pictures. Erotica.* were probably most of the storage.


Places like China have shown they can have a pretty good lock down on what's seen on the web and social media. For things like the dark web I don't know much about that. I think they physically have the ability to control anything and everything we see. It's all the privacy laws they would have to circumvent that would stop it.


There already is a black market…..


A Blacked Market if you will


Ebony market


Porn is legal and there already is a black market.


Porn is a form of freedom of expression and protected by the constitution. God bless the U.S. of A.


We all know that politicians, mainly conservatives, only enforce that selectively.


They want their own desires protected. They think their view is the only view that exists, and should be protected and enforced.


They want their own desires protected. They think their view is the only view that exists, and should be protected and enforced.


I wouldn't lean too heavily on that. That ruling dates back to when porn movie were actual movies, with sets and lighting and directors and editors. Nowadays, everybody's got a camera in their back pocket and means to distribute video to the masses. Leaving your laptop open with the camera on is a little harder to argue as art. And the current SCOTUS has already shown a willingness to overturn established precedent.


Nah, people would change their ways, and we'd no longer live in a decadent sinful society /s. But on a serious note, if there is money to be made--there's a market.


“If they took away allllll the porn from the internet there would only be one website left and it would say “bring back the porn!” - Perry Cox




A black market exist for everything. Yes, there will be black market sites. You’ll see a huge increase in VPN usage.


It is already legal...lots of shitty dark unspeakable stuff already happens around it I can't imagine what it would be if it was completely left to the outlaws


There is ALREADY a black market for the types of porn that are already illegal, so of course it would expand if new types were illegal


Awww kids and their questions. (Hardcore) Porn is or has been illegal many places, including my country when I grew up and until I was in my 20s. And there was a thriving black market for hardcore porn.


banning porn is about the stupidest thing anyone can do. Yes there would be a black market. There would also be more sexual assault. A hard drop in sexual assaults was the consequence and reasoning of allowing porn and prostitution in most countries. It would be expected assault to rise again if people have no access to alternatives. Banning porn is an obsolete position. It's only interesting when you're looking to create breeding programs for the public to have an abundance of poor submissive peons. cheap and naive soldiers, consumers and tax payers with no chances of success. In combination with overturning Abortion right, stifled reproductive rights (pill, condoms), stifeled women rights, bad or no sex education etc. its super easy to control submissive idiots reproduction. All this is already underway. and most of it publicly. Always remeber, the Republicans don't want to represent you. they awant to rule you. These laws step by step are designed to take away your rights.


Banning anything creates a black market for the banned good/service. By definition.


Yes. Just like there used to be when porn was banned


Right? There is an easy, historical answer to this question.


Absolutely. Banning Vice only causes it to go underground and increases violent crime due to turf wars between rival suppliers of the Vice.


Currently in a state that has a ban on porn or in the process of it so every porn site I’ve looked at has been like “due to this states legislators wanting to ban blah blah blah we are refusing access etc etc”. I’ve gone from using incognito mod to watch porn to having to use a vpn to watch porn. So as long as vpns exist, unless that counts as market, I can’t see it going further. VPNs are fairly easy to find and some browsers, like opera, have it built in so you can turn it on/off at leisure.


Hate to be that person, but there’s already a black market for porn. It’ll only expand from there.


You understand America isn’t the whole world right? Every other country(that currently has it) would still have it and all you’d have to do is use a vpn


If something banned has demand, the black market is inevitable


Porn WAS generally black market/mob affiliated before it went more legit


It's been banned for almost 20 years in my country among some other things. My parents and grandparents know how to use vpn, and vpn is installed in almost everyones computers/phones. So, it is absurd to ban it.


without a doubt. Any attempt to ban porn would be a miserable failure. Besides, republicans aren't exactly the most techny people, and I can't imagine that the type of people they'd have to employ to enforce a porn ban would support it.


You mean like how PH is already accessed illegally through VPNs in the ridiculous states that blocked it? Every kind of porn, even the bad kinds, already exists and is easily found online. Banning it or making it illegal will have little to no effect on whether or not people actually view it.


Absolutely it would


If it was ever banned? Just look at real world current examples of places where porn is currently banned and you'll get an answer


Definitely. There's black market for a lot of illegal stuff, porn has much bigger demand than any of it.


There… already is a black market for porn


Yes, immediately. Unfortunately, it would possibly make it more exploitative.


There already is.... stay off the web. Horrible stuff.


PornHub is already banned in Texas. Damn Repuplicans.


In idaho we only have a few days until the pornhub ban goes into effect.


VPN is your friend, as a Texan, I use hotspot shield because it’s free


What's?! Really?! Damn, I had no idea this was already happening.


No, it's not. You just need a verified account. It's to prevent children from watching.


Pornhub doesn’t do account verification so it’s unavailable in states that require it


Banned in NC as well


It’s banned in Texas, and everyone is viewing it in Texas.


Of course. Money to be made




It kind of is getting banned in like 10 states soon, at least without registration.


Anything that is banned would create a black market. Porn would have a profitable black market.


It already is. People aren’t risking crazy jail time to sell illegal shit on the dark web for no reason


Of course. There is obviously already a black market for the types of porn that are illegal and disgusting, so it goes without saying that attempts to ban more mainstream stuff wouldn’t make it go away.


Just look at countries that already banned porn, people are also better in computer tech skills


I mean look what happened during the prohibition era💀


Porn was illegal fir a long time people used to buy their porn on black market


black market for everything already exists brother


Ban anything there will become a black market.


You know there’s already black markets for illegal porn right? Child, snuff, and animal are all illegal and have a huge market for them on the ^dark ^web


People have been making and consuming porn since we were making cave paintings. No government yet has figured out a way to stop it. If China can't even block the regular internet completely, nobody is ever going to be able to censor all porn. So yes, there would 1000% be a extremely large and profitable black market for it, just as there is today.


Does the Pope shit in the woods?


Personally, I don’t care. But to answer your question yes.


There was time in high school when this kid would print out porn pages not videos in black and white and it was a big deal when he started handing them off in color.




Perhaps you've heard that they tried that once. Didn't work out super well.


There must be countries and regions right now where its 'illegal'. I bet it's being watched there right now. Its just happens to be potentially being 'banned' in just one additional country (or parts of it) . And it's all attached to the same worldwide network There will be plenty of ways to get at it, but will probably cost some money. So yes, a black market.


There already is a black market for porn and it's not even globally banned (it is in some countries/states) and people can access it still.


Are there forms of porn that are banned? Yes? Is there a market for them? As someone who’s written a paper on sex trafficking, the answer is yes and business is booming. Banning porn is like banning alcohol; it’ll do more harm than good and nobody will follow it because the issue isn’t porn, it’s porn with the absence of actual sex.


Oh you innocent child




Can’t stop the signal.


The same way if guns were made illegal


> do you think it would create a black market for porn? Pretty sure that's what happening in North Korea. Allegedly.


There are many countries where porn is already banned. Get a VPN and you should be fine


VPNs would get a shitload of new clients


There are black markets for child organs and you really ask this question?


Easiest question I’ll ever answer to:


Wtf do you mean, theres already a market for anything illegal


If there is a market for anything that gets banned, there will be a black market for it.


There was a black market for porn before it was legalised and there will be one if it's criminalised again


Yes, it already exists for the kind of porn that is banned, so it would just expand.


There's already a black market for banned porn. Why wouldn't there be a black market for more banned porn?


Cave people almost certainly drew boobs on stick figures… there is no moment in humanity where we didn’t have “pornography”. And it is inherently impossible to think that you can regulate it out of existence. Let’s for amount say that we weren’t even going to ban “All” porn, let’s theoretically just pick one category… I’m going to pick one that I think we can all agree is vile and disgusting and no reasonable person could enjoy…. I’m of course thinking of Red Heads… but you know you pick what ever *cough child porn cough* comes to mind. Now let’s say we’ve all universal agreed that Red Head porn is illegal. How quickly do you think it would be to eradicate? Let’s say it’d been illegal since before the internet existed? Do you think it’d still be a problem? That every social media platform would still have problems with it? That they’d have to hire teams of people just to police it? Just stop and think about the time, money and effort that has gone into banning and removing and controlling child porn? No imagine doing that for all porn? Even the harmless stuff like two beautiful consenting Red Headed ladies eating each other out? Humans LOVE sex… there will be pornography as long as there are humans.


The internet would collapse lol


There's already certain very immoral kinds of porn banned, and there's already a black market for that, espcially on dark corners of the internet. So it's not going to be all that difficult to put up a system of sharing previously legal ordinary porn like that. It would be dozens more profitable, and even though the legal factor would be there, the social wouldn't. Unlike c\*\*\*\* p\*\*\*, even your average super angry republican isn't going to go as far as killing someone for producing or spreading it, at the very least with a quarter of the likelihood.


Project 2025 isn’t the Republican agenda, it’s an absurd pipe dream by one think tank. It will never happen and 90% of what they propose is impossible.


Basically that was tried during the Reagan administration, and all of the major news companies buckled under and submitted to the new restrictions. It was the porn companies that fought back, took them to court and preserved our freedoms. As I recall the Reagan administration lost all of their cases in court. The reason porn is impossible to ban is that everybody's definition of porn is different, and for the most extreme cases almost anything having to do with most of the human body or anything even closely resembling it is pornographic. Don't worry there will always be porn.


It would make the existing market worse


Until recently mean porn was pretty much banned. Didn't slow down production of it in the slightest. Just means we don't' get any tax dollars from it.


I have a hard drive for just this reason, in the future it will be currency


In the famous lyrics of an Avenue Q song.. “The Internet is for porn”


Some porn sites pulled out of Utah because of some stupid laws they passed. VPN gets around it. if they got after vpns , then probably.


…on the other end, TV series would finally stay on point and not waste my time with shaboinking scenes.


It's like very trivially easy to make porn and a thousand different ways to. Erotic stories, drawings, classic video, just straight up imagination.


Pretending for a moment that such a thing has never existed before, and does not exist now in any way: Yes.


Prohibition is a garunteed failure. Alcohol, weed, porn. It never works and only makes the worst aspects even more of a problem than when we can regulate it and still enjoy it legally


Sorry I am not American, but do republicans not like sex? Like they are against?


For them It's only supposed to be to produce more chattel for the work houses (other people might call them children), not something to be enjoyed.


Tbh banning porn if the least of your worries if project 2025 becomes a reality


it's not getting banned lol but yes. drugs have been illegal remember. they still exist in great number i'm "republican" if i had to pick a side right now and i can almost assure you project 2025 is not gonna happen


There are some nutty things lately that we have been assured aren't going to happen but happened anyway.


It always has


In a heartbeat


Just like banning alcohol, it will create a black market instantly.


You’re gonna find out pretty soon.


Perhaps I am reading too far into the question, but I think this is a leading question that assumes a fallacy. This question, to me, seems to assume that because a black market will be created, and/or people will still acquire it, we as a society might as well permit it. There are plenty of things that ought to be illegal because they are ethically, and morally wrong, or cause major damage to those who participate in it. I think the question should entirely lie in whether or not pornography is something that we should allow in our country. If not, then we are obligated to ban it, despite the black market it may create. Two examples: First there is a black market for hit men. Could we as a society clean up, and regulate the hit man trade if we legalized it? Sure. Does that mean we should? Absolutely not. It is ethically and morally wrong to permit hitmen. People are clearly harmed by hit men. Therefore we as a society unanimously agree it should be banned despite the black market it has created. A second (counter) example may be alcohol. Was there a black market for alcohol during prohibition? Yes. Was the war on alcohol more damaging than the drug itself? Maybe. Post prohibition, did the US Government regulate alcohol in such a way to make it socially tolerable/enjoyable? Yes. Was the ban worth the black market in this case? Probably not. I believe these examples demonstrate that some things are so egregious that they ought to be banned.  Therefore, the question properly becomes "how damaging is pornography", "can we regulate it in such a way to be safe/mostly safe" and "does it have a place in our society". When you consider these questions, I think there may be a strong case in favor of much stronger regulations, if not a full ban. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts.


Are you kidding. The ones who blocked porn are going to create a way to make money off it. They're corrupt. They'll be the ones to start the black market.


vpn sales ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


I mean there’s already only fans


If they banned porn, there would be one website left, and it would be called "BRING BACK THE PORN"


It’s banned in India. A black market already exists.


Porn has been around in some shape or form for centuries Humans won't stop just because its banned. There would be immediate black market for it


Of course. Banning things never actually stops them from happening.


Legally speaking, porn is banned. The definition of porn has shifted, but porn has essentially always been defined legally as what is illegal film, art, and literature of a sexual nature. And there is a huge black market for such things.




Technically there's already a black market for porn. If you watch porn for free without paying the providers of said content (so pretty much anybody who uses the Hub or similar free websites) you participate in a black market for porn. Very few people actually pay the creators for their porn unless they order it custom from Onlyfans or the like.


Pornhub has a similar model as YouTube, in theory people do get paid even when free videos are watched as nothing is truely ever free.


The christian right love creating black markets, alcohol, prostitution, abortion, and potentially this. In any case it would be unenforceable because if clients like Tor and VPNs; how the hell would they keep people from viewing it if they can't even control music piracy?


Republicans are the ones who watch Trans fucking guys and BDSM and sometimes super illegal shit.


Grade A projection




They have it on the heritage foundations page, which is literally the Republican Party. They are flat out stating what they will do themselves




Yes. Porn is freedom from having to put up with a woman's bullshit just to see someone naked


You need to find better women. Or possibly just need to touch some grass


>You need to find better women. They're not interested in me >Or possibly just need to touch some grass I'm outside for 8-9 hours a day 5 times a week, I'd prefer to be home


>If porn ever was banned do you think it would create a black market for porn? And put Stormy Daniel's and others out of a job? Oh the horror.😷


No not really. The first amendment of the constitution prevents this. Now I could definitely see a market to get around age restrictions but outside of that the supreme courts will strike down any out right bans without congress making a constitutional amendment.


Would they? You have an awful lot of faith in this illegitimate right wing puppet court suddenly reading the Constitution and understanding things like Stare decisis. the only hope we have is that the one thing we all know Clarence Thomas loves it’s his long dong silver movies


Yes I have faith because I don’t believe in this partisan bull shit. Just because someone says they’re a conservative or liberal doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a radical. Humans have common sense to different degrees in different topics.


Have you seen the current Supreme Court? They’re majority hard conservative and it will only get more if Trump is elected and Project 2025 is enacted. The Constitution is only as powerful if it’s enforced and the current court can easily choose not to do that.


I think you’re greatly overestimating how much conservative actually agrees on things. The vast majority of people that people consider conservative are more closely aligned to classical libertarians than actual conservatives. One of the primary concerns of libertarians is the freedom of speech, now they do have limits which vary widely from person to person but by and large they don’t support blasphemy laws.


Then, why have they fallen in lock step with Trump, who is the most totalitarian (read that as anti-Libertarian) candidate in the history of this country?


He’s not totalitarian stop believing everything the media tells you and actually look at his policy decisions and history and they’ve fallen behind him because he’s the closest candidate to what the want. People aren’t voting for him just because they like him they’re voting for him because he’s not Biden. It’s the same reason Biden won the first time.


>He’s not totalitarian stop believing everything the media tells you and actually look at his policy decisions and history Based on his policy decisions and history, he certainly is a totalitarian. What, you expect people to just forget his attempt to overthrow democracy and install himself as a dictator? And the million dead? And all the thousands of other crimes?


1) he had nothing to do with that and it was a violent riot nothing near a attempted overthrow of the government. Acts that have been repeated or proceeded by antifa and BLM that were much more destructive and violent which have received nothing to the degree of Jan 6. 2) where are the millions dead? Million of people don’t just drop dead and there be nothing on it. 3) the crime he is accused of committing he has not been convicted of yet and multiple are being questioned by the court for prosecution misconduct. So again what of his policy can you actually point to that makes him totalitarian? I don’t play the orange man bad look at these arbitrary claims that we can’t link back to him. If you want to debate his policy decision I have more than enough stuff I’d like to shit on him for.


1) That's a lie. We all watched it happen live, regardless of whatever you pretend. 2) That's also a lie. You obviously didn't sleep through the last five years. 3) That's a third lie. The conviction was quite a few days ago, and the only people talking about misconduct are conservatives, lying to try to excuse his crimes. Hat trick! Reality is not an "arbitrary claim." And nobody believes you. Obviously you also don't believe what you're saying, either, so why are you saying it?


You’d think they’d ban things that actually kill people every second of everyday, like alcohol. But nah, random porn is more important… as if they don’t watch it themselves.


You’d think they’d ban things that actually kill people every second of everyday, like alcohol. But nah, random porn is more important… as if they don’t watch it themselves.