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I agree


More red flags than a May Day parade.


I saw fewer red flags at the Beijing olympics.


I saw fewer red flags in a red flag store


I saw fewer red flags at a communism convention


I worked at a red flag factory that had to shut down because we couldn't keep up with her.


People who make for poor romatic partners are driving the flag industry down with them. There truly are no límits for their craveness


Red flags so red they're purple


Wowza! THOUSANDS of upvotes here pleading with you to… RUN


This, but faster.


And further away


And screaming.


“I just felt like running”








I usually hate this because it was usually directed at me in a mocking way. But in this situation I agree. "Run, Forrest, run!"


It may be mocking but I always take it as a compliment


Love how this is the best comment.


I just burst out laughing at this I'm dead 🤣


Correct answer.


>doughdad11 Run doughdad11 Run!


How the fuck you Still have a gf who 'doesn't mind the holocaust'?


[at a restaurant] Holocaust: may I borrow this chair for my table? OPGF: (eating alone) sure, whatever, I don't mind


This is peak dad humor and I appreciate it.


At the risk of outing myself as a big ol dum dum. I don’t get it. Care to eli5 please?


They say crazy pussy is the best pussy... but I feel like she's for sure gonna chop this dude's dick off at some point, and probably with a guillotine roleplay "accident".


And gas him in bed while he's under the sheets


This reminded me of that post from crazyfuckingvideos the other day of the severed shaft


Ahh yes the great excuse to rid the world of what ever undesirable people you want, not that they actually caused problems but you just don't likem and well you got the guns soooo


Troll? If not she needs help and a history lesson about why these people were bad


Right? She told me a lot of her friends felt the same way so i was a little confused


As a history major and prospective teacher, I think that the way Hitler built up Germany and gained the trust of his people is incredible. But there’s a point at which my amazement stops. While he practically pulled Germany out of a recession, or at least gave hope, he is an evil man who never intended to keep any good that he showed. The moment he could, he pulled the rug out from under the country. As for Stalin, just as evil. There’s an old Slavic saying that goes something like ‘Hitler was up to his neck in blood only by standing on the shoulders of Stalin’. You get that from working 20 million people to death while taking their food. The fact that these evil leaders had a single redeeming aspect doesn’t just override the atrocities they committed. I’m sorry, but your girlfriend needs to be educated properly on this.


>Hitler built up Germany and gained the trust of his people is incredible. But there’s a point at which my amazement stops. While he practically pulled Germany out of a recession, or at least gave hope, he is an evil man who never intended to keep any good that he showed. The moment he could, he pulled the rug out from under the country. I mean even his early progress was because he had no problem rat-fucking people or nations. His word was worthless and sooner or later that was always going to catch up to him.


I agree with what you’re saying. But like one of my other replies, I never mentioned that the way garnered power was good. He abused the faulty system which was the Riechstag in order to gain power and ended up cutting a bunch of ties behind the scenes with people such as Paul Von Hindenburg. I just didn’t have it in me to write paragraphs right after I woke up sitting in the toilet.


You know you’re tired when you’re falling asleep on the toilet. Those frustrating times when you’re trying to figure out which your body needs first, to sleep or to poop.


Truly a dilemma! You won't be able to sleep comfortably because you have to poop and you won't be able to poop comfortably because you wanna sleep


Poop doesn't take as long and you'd get back up to do it anyway.


I find this is more of a problem when I have to pee. ... Poop usually gives you a grace period, where you can circle round and revisit the subject later. Just gotta make sure you're hydrated enough that it doesn't become problematic.


>to sleep or to poop or to comment?


I was tired, trying to muster the energy to shower, while getting my hair out of my mouth. This is the spot at which I usually have the most interesting thoughts of the day.


You were sitting in the toilet? That’s gotta be rough. Hope the water was clean. 🤪


He “built up” Germany by not paying debts and instead spent it on manufacturing build up. Maybe those WW1 debts were a little unjust. But he’s no genius for figuring out skimping in debts is profitable. Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.


It's amazing how much cash you can find laying around when you commit mass genocide and steal all the possessions and businesses previously owned by your victims. Some of the corporations that were built from that pillaged money and businesses during the Holocaust are still household names today.


I bet any amount of money the GF of the OP doesn’t know any of this. I would to hear her reasoning why she “agrees with the Holocaust.”


>He “built up” Germany by not paying debts and instead spent it on manufacturing build up. Right? It's like saying I "built up" my company by taking out lines of credit and using them to purchase guns and plan a bank heist.


I think it's possible to be amazed by, but not approve of, many evil things.


Agreed. It’s the same way I’m fascinated by mass shooters, serial killers and cults. I don’t admire these people but the psychology of it all is what intrigues me.


The best way to look at history is in the eyes of the time. Make judgements as they would be made during the time in question. This creates as unbiased opinions as possible.


I've heard that before, but it doesn't necessarily change a whole lot. For instance, a lot of people today judge slaveowners and those who supported slavery in 19th century US. If I look back and make judgements as they would have been made back then, there'd be a couple of different judgments, but usually what people mean by make your judgment as it would be back then is, "hey today we're against segregation and slavery but back then it wasn't considered a giant moral issue by a lot of people." But the thing is, when we make moral judgments today about people in the past who did bad things by "today's standards" what we're really doing is looking at things through the eyes of people who didn't get to render the judgments of the day. The slaves whose families were ripped apart or who were whipped probably had similar feelings to us about the garbage perpetuating the system. The Jews and gays and gypsies probably felt the same way we might today about the people who let it happen. Today's morals are about recognizing that the people who didn't get to set policy back then also had judgments that should matter to us.


That is an EXTREMELY fair point. When looking at situations like that in order to make a change you should use todays standards. But when assessing a situation in order to see how events transpired you need to look through the lens of the time. I don’t want to just brush off weights and pains that heavy. The way you choose which lens to use needs to be selective depending on the outcome you’re looking for.


He only managed to pull Germany out of a recession by: 1) stop paying war reparations (kind of far enough) 2) stealing Jewish properties and jobs and redistributing them amongst the German-folk. He didn’t actually do much actual economics to fix Germany’s finances


I never said the methods he did this by were good. He made promises to the German people and did what he could to fulfill them in order to gain their trust.


It may seem silly, but I’ve been watching the Harry Potter series with my kids and it reminds me of when Harry goes to but his wand, and the salesman tells Harry that Voldemort did great things, terrible, but great things. It’s the same thing here: these dictators may have done some things that can be seen as “great,” but at a terrible terrible cost that no one should ever revere.


Great as in big, seismic, not great as in really good.


Yeah like... I'm fascinated and mildly impressed by the 9/11 hijacking timing and destruction but that doesn't mean I admire them one bit...


The best remedy for the old "Hitler was an amazing leader if he didn't do all the Holocaust stuff" is to point them at how fucking awful he was at leading the country during the war. It's pretty much his fuck up after fuck up that left Germany in such a position that they eventually got dicked. Also, the fact you have to ignore so much to class him as good.. is a red flag. He was a good ~~liar~~ speaker and that's about it.


Tbh when you get into the details Hitler and the Nazis didn't actually do much building up. The economic recovery had already started before they took power. Most of the economic progress made by the Nazis was just provided by off the books fraud, theft and war plunder. Drops in unemployment are easy when you drive women and minorities out of the workplace.


This is a poorly understood facet of Hitler’s rise. The economy was already improving globally as he gained power. He took advantage of the classic “I’ll take credit for stuff I didn’t even do”.


>the way Hitler built up Germany and gained the trust of his people is incredible. Yes. In the way that a car accident on fire is incredible.


Bad history right there. The German nazis undermined the institutional capacity of the German state. His head of air force was a drug addict who passed out at meetings. This narrative of the perfect German machine is dishonest. It was the former institution that was the real strength. I also don’t believe there’s any special magic to duping the people. Reality is complex and difficult. A simple lie is easy. That’s a quirk of the human mind not a credit to the biggest loser who shot himself.


I’m not really sure what you mean by ‘bad history’, like if I was wrong or not? Sorry, emotions and context are hard to convey and understand over text. But I do agree with you that the German Machine was not honest. It goes all the way down to the Order Police Battalion 101, regular people who did the killing of European Jewry. I do have to say, the Riechstag was not a strong institution before Hitler swayed his was in to power. It was a faulty system that dissolved and rebuilt at the slightest disagreement. But like I said, I agree with most of what you have said.


I think one of the best things (keep reading) about this generation is we're more likely to recognize the good in spite of the bad, without discounting either. Nuance is much more commonly understood. It works the same way in philosophy, some of these dudes had some really great ideas, insightful as hell. And those same dudes were abusive, toxic, prejudiced, privileged, etc. That's why you do your best to not be a cheerleader. "Suit up, gather what is needed, return to the surface."


Who are her friends? a SS platoon?


The local Nazi Party chapter...


She's a nazi. If a guy told you all of the same things and mentioned they had lots of friends that believed the same shit, you'd be like "oh fuck, this person is a nazi" But it's a she... so you're all confused like "is this just a kink?" Yeah, the kind of kink where you're into racial purity and authoritarian rule, sure.


See. The way shit is now I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a significant portion of people who get off on that


Yeah, a whole lot of them back in 1935


Sounds like your gfs a nazi


How old are you guys? Could she had grown up in a fucked up home where they brainwash this shit into their kids?


Sounds like a group of edgy middle-schoolers to me.


Can I ask what country she lives in?


Yeah, there’s a couple of countries in Asia (Thailand and Myanmar IIRC) where they completely lack the context and they somehow think he’s a great guy, like you’d imagine people think about Napoleon (sure people died but hey! Look at the pretty bridges).


>a lot of her friends felt the same way You are dating a neo nazi fyi.


Her friends are what we tend to call horrible people. Avoid them.


Ummm...do her friends primarily dress in all white? Do they ride wear certain insignia? Lol Do they hold meetings and talk about how much they hate other races and religions? Is she in a "club"? Bcuz thats literally the only way I can see this being true... Have you tried to correct her and educate her?


As a history teacher, I try to start my unit on totalitarianism and with each totalitarian leader (hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, zedong etc) playing them up with all the “good” things they did for their countries and all the promises they make during their campaign before making them crash and burn with how horrible it ended each time. Not because they did great things but because I want my students to understand how leaders can make you believe in them and “worship” them and follow them. My essential question for the unit is always along the lines of “what makes society follow leaders that turn out to be less than ideal?” And I can say I continuously get responses like “Mrs Moon how could you have made me feel like he was the best choice then follow up with [example of extreme suffering]” it’s kind of fun actually and keeps the kids entertained and skeptical


I guess potential the issue there is that you start someone like Hitler on a Monday, and a kid is absent for the rest of the week. Then they only hear the good part haha


Lol I could see that. But when kids are out of school they are still expected to make up what they missed so they would still get the notes/assignments on the bad stuff too


Would take this class


Honestly as a history major this is an awesome way of putting it. Because the laws that were abused to give Hitler legitimacy in 1933 were emergency powers laws, after what he framed as a terrorist attack and threat to national security (the burning of the Reichstag). We should, all of us, be extremely aware of how laws we make with the best of intentions could be used by bad actors to ultimately hurt us.


She needs help, my friend. Saying "she doesn't mind the holocaust" isn't really a nuanced answer that could lend itself to different interpretations: she's in favor of ethnic cleansing and the systemic murder of millions of people. I'm sorry for you because I'm sure this might be quite hard for you, especially if this comes out of the blue. But she's quite literally a nazi apologist and enthusiast. It's either a hard line in the sand for you or not. There's no kink anywhere in what you wrote


When I read that she didn't mind the Holocaust I'm like what the hell do you mean? Jump ship bro


Itt seemed like a power kink at first but yeah i get it now


Not all kinks should be accepted as ethical or natural. Like if my kink is beating someone to death, that doesn’t make it ok. If her kink is about genocidal maniacs, I’d get the fuck out of there


A power kink would be, for example, her wanting to dress up with a nazi uniform or asking you to do act as a prisoner/subordinate. Finding (inexcusable) apologies for the holocaust, is not a kink. It's just nazism sadly. Even IF that was her way of getting off, I have NEVER heard of someone getting horny from one of the worst events in human history.


There's a fetish where girls put maggots and bugs in their vagina. Never rule anything out in the kink community, lol.


It's a horrible god damn day to know how to read.


How do I delete someone else's comment. I did not need that information to sear itself into my brain.


I wish I was Jared, 19 right now.


WHAT THE FUCK!?!? when i thought it couldn’t get worse. sorry but some “kinks” just mean you are mentally ill


Literally lol. It's one thing to want to be tied up, slapped around, and called a slut- It's another thing to involve small creatures who can't consent and put your body in a vulnerable place for infection. If you're putting your "kink" above basic human hygiene, common sense, and decency, it's time to put it to rest.


You’re right. Maladaptive kinks should be called out for being fucking disgusting. It’s what the disgust reflex was intended for.


Agreed! I’m all for radical acceptance + sexual liberation / exploration but I’m hesitant to accept all kinks on the basis of consent alone. The same way some thoughts + desires in general stem from mental illness, some kinks may derive from that as well. Taking into consideration + context a person’s mental state / soundness is important in determining the “validity” of a kink, I think. This could make some seemingly innocuous kinks “not ok,” while making some super extreme kinks “ok.” Someone who “consents” to having their limbs chopped off + eaten… likely is not mentally well. I’d say that also goes for the person who “consents” to do the chopping + eating. Just bc they both “consent” doesn’t mean those desires are sound / ok; it doesn’t mean it’s ok to proceed with executing those desires in real life. So yeah, long story short, I definitely agree that some kinks for some people are just straight up mental illness, lol.


Good lord


Does she get sexually excited when talking about this? If not, then it's less likely that it's a "kink." It just sounds like a stupid, uninformed opinion to me. Maybe she wants to be a little edgy. I don't know. People are fucking stupid. I mean, the sentiment your girlfriend has are not uncommon in Iran, for example. The Iranians consider themselves to be Aryans, and they don't, on average, tend to have the highest opinion of the Jews, so I've met quite a few Iranians who had views about Hitler and Nazi Germany that would be considered unacceptable in most European societies.


Just my two cents, given what you've described in this thread, I'd say that she has the same issue that a number of conspiracy folks do: Namely, she's insecure and finds comfort in being the logical or shock value contarian. I'm my experience, these people are wildly out of touch with their human empathy, so my advice is to leave her, because she's clearly not ready for a relationship, not to mention even being a contributing member of society. Again, just my humble two cents with just a little bit more nuance than others on here might've offered.


> Itt seemed like a power kink Why, was it involved in your sex play? No? Then there's no kink about it, she's just a nazi.


I agree for the most part. But I expect her to be deeply psychopathic. rather than just "be in favor of atrocities". I think it's grown out of low/no empathy and the realisation of "power" she holds when people fear her, when she does emotionally equates the Holocaust ot teletubbies... aka. doesn't mind it. No matger what. OP should keep away from and her peers.


I would find another girlfriend if I were you.


Don't date Nazis.


rule numero uno


Rule # 1. Don't talk about fight club. Rule #2. Don't date Nazis.


Rule #3. Who sees a Nazi has to punch him! 🥊🦘


This hits a couple of rules really, including “don’t stick your dick in crazy.”


Yes. Don't stick your dick in Nazi.


So she’s a Nazi, a commie, and an Iraqi ultra nationalist Baathist? Wow this girls going places.


Yep, mainly down a Youtube rabbit hole by the look of it.


Apparently she's just into brutal authoritarian murderous governments regardless of their left/right position?


It sounds like your girlfriend lacks empathy. If it doesn't affect her directly, she is okay with the holocaust, people enslaved and starved to death by dictators. Sadly, empathy is not something you can teach. And staunch beliefs have a tendency to survive evidence to the contrary. You can try to educate her but don't be surprised if she doesn't care. She would have already done the reading if she was looking to have an informed point of view. Edited for grammer


I would like to add: I have diagnosed ASPD. I don’t feel empathy. At all. When I read about the deeds of a man like Hitler, I don’t react with that um… instinctive disgust. BUT I certainly understand right from wrong at this point, and lacking empathy is *not* an excuse to be a Nazi. Saying “poor gf, she doesn’t know any better” and trying to teach her that Nazi=bad is probably just going to play into her. I would end the relationship.


Seconded. Even people who don't "feel" empathy for others should be perfectly capable of logically understanding why empathy should exist. Because it's in society's best interests that we all care about each other. Even if someone doesn't feel empathy, the concept of "I do right by others so that they do right by me" is perfectly logical.


I would recommend to watch Schindler's List with her to observe how she reacts. If she isn't horrified, you have very good reasons to be afraid of sleeping next to her.


+1 for testing this theory OP's gf might be the one person where watching Schindler's list leads to some hot and heavy sexy time Afterwards, of course break up with her because she's nuts


Get out.


Does she goes by the name Stormfront?


Kinda funny that the actress that plays her is part Jewish. Had to be a deliberate decision by casting


Looks the part


If "she didn't mind the Holocaust" then you have yourself a girlfriend with psychopathic tendencies. I mean that's really out there. Get her help if she'll accept it otherwise, move on and watch you're back.


That’s even insulting to psychopaths. Even if they can’t emotionally connect to the event, they’re perfectly aware that’s a horrible thing to do and not at all okay, like OP’s girlfriend believes. Psychopaths: neutral Girlfriend: positive Edit: He definitely should educate her or get tf away from her. Being in a relationship with someone with those ideals is a danger to not only her well-being, but his as well. People get murdered for that shit.


How old is she? There is a reason that every ruthless tyrant has depended on youth to do the dirty work. Hitler youth. Mao's Cultural Revolution. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge youth mobilization. Young people are highly impressionable and idealistic. Add to this a large group of them that aren't very bright, the "useful idiots," and you have a dangerous mix. They're easy to brainwash, and that helps them justify violence that would otherwise be abhorrent. And they're so confident in their thinking, they are beyond any introspection. Sadly, I don't know an easy fix for this. If this girl is truly the one, find groups of survivors. Take her to a synagogue. And then ask her afterwards which of those people deserved to die. Call her out on it. But otherwise, leave. You're just setting yourself up for a lot of pain.


Tbf hitler didnt depend on hitler youth, dirty work was mostly ss, sd, abwehr, werhrmacht... Hitler youth was preparation for the boys to one day be part of those groups, also to contaminate the minds with the nazi ideals


The average member of the Sturmabteilung was in their late teens and early 20s. Same for the successor SS. Recruits had to be between the ages of 17 and 23,


Still there is a big difference between Hitler Youth kids and late teenagers, at a time in many places they were already considered men


I did call her out and she said she wouldn't mention it again but i jst cant think of anything else right now


That’s not good enough. Being indifferent to the needless murder of millions of people is a horrible thing.


this is really the key here, I would not want to sleep in the same house as someone like this


I wonder if she has a really comfortable and safe life. Because maybe she has no idea the hardship of going to war, fighting, getting shot at. Would she be willing to suffer through war, most likely to die, just for her fuerer?


See if she will trim her pubes so it looks like her naughty bits have his mustache


Mein Kunt


ur so wrong for this




Watch "American History X" together.


Or maybe Schindler's List


Agreed. Her feelings will come out with that movie.


She is either trolling you, highly uniformed, or you need to dump that chick and run for the fucking hills.


What media is she consuming, that may be the more worrying part. That idea has come from somewhere


as well as her friends- big red flags to run away from


American History X


> she didn’t mind the holocaust That’s all you need to know, mate. Run.


Run! Fast! And don't look back.


People who cheer for the whip always figure they'll own the hand holding it. I can't tell you if it's weird or treatable, but I'd move on.


Great point. There's a perverse part of humanity that is obsessed with evil acts, the gorier the better. Serial killers are famous because they let their sadistic tendencies loose to flourish and grow. We aren't as obsessed with the victims.


Well, greetings from Germany. > she said she admired how he built germany from the ground up He most distinctively did not. Democracy did that, not the Nazis. >post ww1 and his reign were 15 years - go figure. >Is this just a weird kink or does she need help? If I were you, I'd truthfully say: Don't care. Dodge that bullet, let her go, be happy that you got out of the relationship with an absolute asshole before you exchanged rings.


Well, I’m not a big fan of isolating people who seem to have extremist tendencies. With that said, these types of beliefs are extremely harmful to society at large. If it were me I’d have a long discussion with her about her views, why they’re wrong, and why she should re-evaluate them. If she didn’t come around I’d leave her. I don’t think I could ever love someone who believes such things.


If you can’t understand it, it helps to ask “why”. I’m interested in any answers she provides to probing questions!! Good luck with this discussion OP!!


“Didn’t mind the Holocaust” should be enough for you my friend. She needs help


This isn’t a kink…


![gif](giphy|5hbbUWcuvtoJGx5fQ4|downsized) So you’re dating a white suprematist…


Is she a 15yo edgelord going for shock? That's the best case scenario. I won't even hold it against her to consider Hitler's accomplishments... I'll call them impressive... saying she "didn't mind the holocaust" is sort of a red flag. one with a white circle and a funny locking cross symbol in the middle of it


Dump that bitch. She has no empathy


When you met her I bet you did Nazi that coming


"*she said she admired how he built germany from the ground up post ww1*" Kind of understandable from some technical points (being very open minded), a lot of the merit should go from the people itself, with a hard working culture, i guess i heard something similar in some interviews with history majors. "*and added that she didn't mind the holocaust.*" Oh dear.


Throw the whole damn girlfriend away dude.


A relative says that he likes Hitler enjoys reading about Hitler and trying too work out why he did certain things. He doesn’t agree with what he did though.


Sorry in advance if I’m misunderstanding your post, here. But as a Jew myself with family members who survived the Holocaust, I can understand why someone would have an intellectual interest in Hitler and read about his mind. I’d even argue that it’s important that we understand the careers and psyches of these worst people to ever live in order to prevent tragedies from happening again. That’s why there are so many books and documentaries about who he was and why he did what he did. However, this guy’s girlfriend is NOT just saying that Hitler is fascinating as a character in the story of human history. She’s saying she’s literally indifferent to the systematic annihilation of millions. Not the same thing.


As a German who knows the entire history between WWI and WWII better than anything else: fucking run. Hitler is resposible for the deaths of about 50 mio people. 50.000.000. He is one of the worst people to ever walk the face of this earth. Tl;Dr RUN


This can’t be real ?


1.) She is trolling you 2.) She is batsuit insane Either way, I'd drop her.


Is it April 1st already?


Um break up with her. You do learn a lot from Hitler. Like when it’s time to leave a country. When your rights are being taken away. When your told what to do. It’s disturbing. Break up with her now.


More red flags than the eastern bloc


Giving Stormfront vibes


She has so many red flags she attracts bulls


What country are you in?


Either she's extremely sarcastic or a complete evil bitch. I'd ask and judge her body language and facial expressions for your answer.


Even without the genocide Hitler was still an idiot. He rebuilt the German economy on borrowed and stolen money. The growth wasn't sustainable.


Needs education He was dead post ww2 so idk what she's on about there If she's educated on them and she still likes them then you need to leave


Yep thanks


This isn't some weird kink, she needs help.


Hitler destroyed way more than he ever build up. He prevented Germany from becoming great again. He was good in internal power games but not good in policing a country. He actively prevented capable people rising to ranks so he would always be No1. He fed the infighting between his innermost circle so they would be inefficient and busy with fighting themselves and not threaten his power.


>He prevented Germany from becoming great again. Let's not be hasty here, the man killed Hitler


Yeah she needs help. Fucking yikes. And a history lesson.


I don't get how the guillotine relates to hitler or staline.


Probably a phase. Research her background and let her know how all those people would have judged her. Most people will assume that they wouldn’t be an undesirable. Like poor white Americans don’t (mostly) know that the original eugenics movement was dedicated to preventing their existence. Not through gas chambers just secret sterilization (usually only if they could get the whole blood line into the clinic). Education the most jacket pill


I mean hitler didn’t even do half of the things she claims him to have done.


She is probably an edge lord.


OP she just might be a Edge Lord.


Show her the films. The films that German civilians were forced to watch following the surrender. She won't like him after that.


if this isnt a troll post then PLEASE run that is fucking weird and scary😭


Does she also keep a copy of Mein Kampf by her bed side table?


Sorry but this post title is fucking hilarious.


Bro what the fuck? You need to have a long and serious talk with her over this and if she still is cool with this stuff I’d hope you’d have the common sense to fucking run.


She seems to be very uneducated (at least in regards to history) and also have a thing for strong leaders.


In 1941 German was at it’s height; by 1945 they had 4.3 million war dead, 600,000 dead from strategic bombings, and 2 million killed in the Soviet invasion. That’s not counting dead from Nazi genocides. Tell her that. Oh, and Stalin’s purges we’re probably worse.


Depends on the context. I'd agree with that first statement and I'm also fascinated with Stalin but that's completely different to sympathising with them. If she actually said "she doesn't mind the holocaust" or obviously hinted at that. GTFO


If she doesn’t mind the holocaust that means she doesn’t mind the systematic murder of millions of people, run as fast as you possibly can.


Trying to wrap my brain around dating someone who says “I don’t mind the Holocaust.”


If any person, parent, spouse, sibling, etc. tells me they "didn't mind the Holocaust," I am cutting that person out of my life immediately. I suggest you do the same, unless you also support mass murder.


There’s nothing wrong with admiring some thing good about a bad person did but that’s the thing. Don’t admire them as a person but just the good deed that said person did


Figure out WHY she likes them before you dump her. Fascination and admiration are often different. Maybe she was groomed into it by a previous ex. Maybe her parents are holodeniers. We don't know.


To clarify: does she find a morbid fascination with Post-WW1 Germany/Dictatorships in general, or is she actually stating she's pro-nazi/pro-holocaust? I mean, "she didn't mind the holocaust" doesn't give much ambiguity, but I have to try. Hope springs eternal...


She needs help. It's one thing to study Hitler and other dictators from a leadership study perspective. She lost me at being okay with the Holocaust. Don't trust anybody who is "okay" with the genocide of millions.


For me, it’s more like *you* need help. You’re dating a chick who not only admires Hitler and other genocidal dictators but “didn’t mind the Holocaust.” Why are you still there? Is the pussy so mind-blowing that you’re ignoring that you’re fucking a Nazi? And if this is a kink, are you about to suit up to fulfill her fantasies? Dude. Run. Woman is saluting red flags.


Why the heck do these weird questions get asked. I swear some people just want to karma farm. It's like the most obvious things. "My girlfriend murdered all of her previous exes but hm I don't know if that's considered a red flag or not, what do you think people of reddit?" Fucking duh?


That sound like an immature person who can't compute the hoorors that occured for that country to be built. She has avoided thinking about it and should 100% look at documentaries about the holocaust and what they were subjected too. Its something that IMO would be a massive red flag.