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Rupert Murdoch is one of the worst people on the planet and has been for a very long time.


You’re telling me he’s up there with Assad?! Please tell me what he did that was this horrendous. I am not doubting your claim


he is a propaganda kingpin. he is directly responsible for many many deaths of marginalized people though simple hate filled ideology. I get what you're trying to do and it's fuckin stupid, so just stop.


I am trying to gather information that’s all. AND THANK YOU FOR PROVIDING THE ONLY PERSPECTIVE IN THIS WHOLE FORUM! it’s only been downvotes and radical, uninformed claims. “Fuck smiley glad-hands with hidden agendas”


Here, I’ll help you out. Rupert Murdoch IS THE smiley glad-hands with hidden agendas. HE IS THAT HUMAN THAT MAYNARD WROTE ABOUT xs 1,000,000,000. You’re being told all you need to know and been given a minimum of one resource for you to look it up and you’ve debased yourself the whole way along. Now read the wiki and stop your nonsense.


Jeeeeesus Christ man. I guess you know absolutely nothing about Rupert Murdoch. He’s one of the worst people alive. You don’t have to kill people directly to be a massive shithead. Maybe Hitler never pulled a trigger in his life. I don’t know. But his propaganda machine was undoubtedly responsible for the death of millions of Jewish people. It made the Nazis feel comfortable about genocide and the orders they were given. At least some of them. Propaganda can be insanely effective. Look at North Korea. I’m not saying Murdoch is on the same level as Hitler or Kim Jong Un. But he’s easily the one that’s done the most damage in the US with his media empire. You’re being an asshole in here.


...yeah but, why hasn't anyone straight up said "Fox News?" He might get it immediately...? 🤷‍♂️


Fair I guess. I just figured that everyone knew who that meat puppet was and what he owned (which goes past Fox News)


Dude is apparently in Krzygstan (sp). It's funny, everyone is assuming immediately that he's some low brow troll genius lol... He looks a lot more like a dorky Middle easterner haha


But like, if you’re going to come in here with a question like that, don’t you minimally use Google to figure out what you can first? The first instinct, instead of using the world’s collective knowledge to answer your question you come to the Tool subreddit and ask us asshats instead? And then when you don’t get the answer you’re looking for you start talking shit. I give dorks more credit than something like this lol. They know how to use the internet. This is just weird.


Yeah, and all of his replies were astonishingly idiotic lol... By dork, I meant earnest, naive, cheerful (lol)... As opposed to a typical seasoned, cynical redditor. It's amazing how differently words can look on here depending on who you picture is on the other side typing lol!


I was at this show on Mushrooms. Peaked when Massive Attack was playing right before on the same stage. What a good time that was.


Me too! Fucking teardrop took me to a different world


Word. Me too. Almost shat myself during massive attack because of how intense it was.


Yup. The bass hits during Man Next Door were face melting that night.


Same here! First time seeing Tool and Massive Attack. I remember everyone was blown away when they played The Pot and Jambi. Not Vicarious as much, as it was much easier to find that song on limewire/kazaa.


Good Lord. Google.


It’s a tool related question? Why even comment that shit unless you just wanna be a massive dickhead?


Can you please tell OP who Rupert Murdoch is? Thank you. Also, why are you completing your statement with a question mark? This is a genuine question. It seems to be a trend lately.


I couldn’t find anything about MJKs thoughts about the man and I know Tools Reddit community are experts of the band so thought there could be a chance maybe.


Maynard’s not a fan of freakshows like Murdoch. And L. Ron Hubbard. And trump. You’re making this way too complicated.


lol on the downvote. I bet it’s because of trumper dipshits. And I love that for you dipshits. MJK has been on toe rogan a couple times just totally debasing trump. Because trump is worth all of that and so much more. ESAD trumpers.


Wondering if maybe there was a specific controversy leading him to say this


No. Everything Murdoch does has to do with controversy. He’s a fucking ghoul of the highest order. The worst of the worst of ghouls.




I think the “Fuck Rupert Murdoch” is all you need regarding Maynard’s thoughts about him.


Is this guy a troll? Or just not very smart…


I was at that show. I have a story! The Thursday (I think) before Coachella fest and their set some friends and I on a whim drove out there to see if they were setting up. We show up and we heard Justin’s bass! Freaked the fuck out and left our car on the side of the road. Walked right in. We sat a couple hundred yards from the stage because we didn’t want to be annoying. Got to watch tool alone in a field with only random people setting up tents and a loan security guard who is super chill. They played around six songs. One of the greatest things ever! I’ll never forget it.


How do you have Reddit but no google?




I can do research but Wikipedia is not the best way of explaining big picture. I prefer individual perspectives on top of articles/evidences If I solely use Wikipedia, What I’ve seen is about phone hacking only and being your typical shady rich. That is bad but doesn’t seem bad as people in this forum claim. But I get it he’s the bad guy/manipulating wealthy type there’s no denying Perspectives are necessary for big picture, but well-informed and without radicalism. Someone finally gave me a valid perspective down below after minutes of receiving passive downvotes with no explanation. You are forgetting I am not American and would like perspectives are necessary to know impact as I have not experienced it or even fully aware myself Also regardless of researching the man himself and the Wikipedia… my whole inquiry was simply asking about if MJK said anything publicly so OP is not entirely relevant in the first place


Wikipedia is a great tool and source of information. Just take everything you read with a grain of salt until you can verify with independent research


I always look at references it’s primary source


So you came to reddit......right. This is C+ trolling at its most mediocre.


Troll Inspectah gave me a C+ 😢


There are over 200 citations for that article alone, though.


Yes I know. It might be weird but I always skim and look at articles of interest to me. Or if I want to avoid the irrelevant filler I look at the reference list and try to track it in the article for relevant information. That’s of course only when I use Wikipedia




I can do the research I just want perspectives please catch up you’re behind


You’re behind if you don’t know who Rupert fucking Murdoch is. Read the Wikipedia, then do a google search. He’s a terrible man who has disturbed the public discourse in multiple countries. The hbo show succession is loosely based on him and his family.


Well, then you can take from that what you want. I just provided it because you said you weren't very familiar with who Murdoch is.


I understand


Rupert Murdoch is also not American…


>only bad things did you miss where he owns fox news?


Like I said I am not American I don’t have real world context. What I saw on the surface, at least from Wikipedia, was not enough to convince me is “one of the worst humans on the planet” like some claim. Owning the news to me and being part of the overwhelming “scummy elite” doesn’t seem as bad to me as committing genocide like someone like N*tanyahu. I always forget Reddits majority demographic is radical hypocrites and close-minded incels I am still doing research but can’t collect everything about the man’s impact from only printed words. All I asked were perspectives and it took downvotes from 20 numbed corpses before I received one


Yes. Radical views from the left. Like free healthcare, and housing, and wild things like affordable higher education. Radical I tell you. You have access to the same internet as everyone else if you want to know about the man then use that tool (no pun intended). What you should want is unbiased information, not our personal opinions.


Both sides are divided and extreme as far as I’m concerned and your country is facing a crisis. It is not good guy bad guy. Both sides are radical in their views. It’s gotten to the point where both parties are the same


Where are you from dude? Just curious because you’re straight talking out of your ass.




U have isolationist bias


You’re talking about shit you clearly don’t understand from the outside and I have the bias?


I understand, your country has programmed you in a feedback loop where you don’t understand what goes around you. Numb shell of an individual


Where do you reside? Just give me a general area. Otherwise stfu.


What are you talking about exactly?


They have no idea.


U have no idea you focus on my first starting sentence and not the meat. I will delete the specific sentence since you are butthurt you ignorant patriot scum


He is misinterpreting my words to say that I’m attacking the left. I’m actually not attacking parties. I’m not understanding the claim he’s one of the worst humans alive. I think that’s extreme. I think only one with an American isolationist bias could think that So really disregard both my comment and the one I replied to they are both off topic


I sorta forgot who we were talking about here but yes Rupert Murdoch is one of the worst people. A propagandist who helped make my parents in law braindead as fuck even though they are cool in general. Murdoch is the root of most evil in America. I'm glad you haven't experienced it first hand.


The HBO show Succession is loosely based off his life. I understand Maynard’s sentiment after watching the show


Well, damn. I didn't know this.


Because it's a speculation. None of the show creators have said it.


I forget that happens a lot here.


Assume he just didn’t want to upset all the Scientologists.


He’s responsible for a goon, grifter like Trump being able to get away with so much unfettered bs.


Also messed with Australian politics quite a bit.


& the UK that I’m gathering too


I got distracted doing whatever, but he's been a popular "villain" in US culture since the late 90's at least, before Fox News and Trump, more acute during the Bush years. I can't remember the specifics, but The Simpsons had similar to say well before Maynard.


Gotcha. Happy Cake Day


Can the mods just ban OP already? He’s a troll


Mods 🤓☝️ code red


I was at this show! It was amazing seeing all the fans run from Madonna in the Sahara tent to the Coachella stage for TOOL. Amazing night.


My high ass thought we were talking about Machine Gun Kelly 😭 i was like when did he play with Tool?? Lol


I used to live in Doha, Qatar, and one evening I was out drinking tea and smoking shisha with a friend of mine outside a cafe, when I saw a couple of men I recognised, walking along the street towards us. It was Rupert Murdoch and his son James. To this day, I wish I'd said something to them, but I was [rightly] worried something might happen to me if I did.


Just have to chime in to say this was the first time I ever saw tool. They came on right after Depeche Mode iirc


If i recall correctly, Rupert Murdoch owns a huge line of networks including Fox News. I could be wrong, and please don't mark me down if I am.


Why does this subreddit have to downvote just general curiosity. I am not from US I don’t keep up with their politics lol


Neither is Rupert Murdoch.


He does keep up with US politics, like a good puppet master


Bunch salty balls hanging out together-


Why is OP being downvoted to hell? You people are insufferable. They're making a genuine question, and people just hitting with "Google, hurr durr". Every single person who said "Just Google" clearly understands nothing about how Google even works. The results that come up are from posts and websites where the term you searched appeared on. Imagine someone doesn't know who Rupert Murdoch is, and does precisely that, Google. I bet THIS post will be one of the search results. If you idiots explain who that person is and give personal insight, it's good research. If people keep saying "Google lol", one day we will have tons of Google search results filled with brainless idiots saying "Just Google", making an endless cycle... Also, Wikipedia only gives an objective view on whatever we are searching. It's based in facts ONLY. Sometimes, having different perspectives and opinions is a huge help in understanding a certain theme. Fuck you all, I'm off to listen to Ænima for the second time today.


The vocals are really nice to play with but the lyrics are L RON HUBBARD


Hating on the Murdoch's was the in-thing at the time. Owner of Fox News.


At the time? You mean all of the time. One of the worst people to ever exist on this planet.


You don't hear about them too much anymore. Back in the 2000's it was way more prevelant.




Nah, I quit paying attention to politics when Bush was in office. I literally haven't heard of anything in the wall of text you just wrote. Go touch some grass.