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Tool fans fit the Reddit culture.


The counter on the Tool subreddit uses the Fibonacci sequence.


Yeah, not thinking this is a good brag.


Not a brag, just a fact.


Haha, Indeed. I was like "am I gonna have to come in here and explain this one?"


So Tool fans are cringe? Checks out actually


Cause Lars can only count to 4


It's all you need to have a net worth of 300 million I guess.


I mean jokes aside, Lars contribution goes a little deeper than playing a few simple drum tracks when Metallica tours


has written some of the most memorable drum beats in all of rock history. You only need to hear the first few hits on sad but true and you know exactly what song is about to play


Yeah I mean obviously we all love Tool here but it is also fair to think that sometimes less is more. Metallica and Tool are two very different bands after all. Besides, Lars is credited as a writer or co-writer on many many of Metallicas most Iconic songs but James probably get most of that recognition.


That’s how publishing works in the business. Writers get the chunk, band gets the leftovers.


I think I recall it's only Motorbreath that he didn't write/ cowrite


True but what is crazy is his style, it’s unlike anyone else, and that’s not a bad thing it’s unique thing. He does alot of stuff that other drummers wouldn’t have.


you'd think he'd be able to afford some drum lessons then wouldntchya


I don't think he gives a shit. He literally owns the brand name Metallica. Don't need drum lessons when your fanbase doesn't care.


He’s not even the best drummer IN Metallica!


on top of writing some of the most memorable drum parts in metal history he is also the driving force in the band (the most successful metal band of all time btw) since Day 1, the one who actually composes and arranges the songs based on James' riff tapes. People who slag on Lars are the kind of people who literally cannot think for themselves.


Of course people start to downvote this. Songs can’t be good or iconic unless they are written in 69/420 time signature.


I mean there is also nothing wrong with writing complex songs if they're still good. But the song is king above all else. A lot of modern bands use complexity as a crutch and try to fit as much shit in as they can and it detracts from the song. Once you have the skills it is very easy to overdo it. Part of the beauty of Metallica is that they aren't Marty Friedman level players, they have to compensate for their "musicianship" in other ways which forces them to write differently than other bands that have all the technical chops and no sauce.


Yeah I mean I love Danny as much as anyone else here. The man is my favorite drummer but it’s just so strange to use him as a way to dunk on Lars. You can use the same logic for 99% of drummers because almost everyone of them would be worse than Danny.


Well it's a long running gag because it's easy to knock his technical skills. But people who do that just display their ignorance. Lars' arrangement abilities are not something normie music listeners can understand unless you really study music and understand the importance of song dynamics and arrangement. So when someone says "hurr lars so bad" it just makes them look foolish to anyone who knows anything about music. Go ask any of your favorite drummers what they think about Lars, I guarantee they all respect the hell out of him because they understand how difficult it is to do what he's done and climb that mountain.


Yeah the fact is that drumming the way Danny does for Tool over a Metallica song would just be horrible in all ways imaginable. Overplaying wouldn’t even begin to describe it lol


Ya could you imagine hearing James syncopated down picking next to Danny’s drumming? The only reason Danny can do what he does is because Adam is the Lars of Metallica. But as stated earlier, that’s not a dig on Adam it’s just pointing out facts and how the sauce gets made


I'm sure he can manage, 2


And barely.


BOOM! Roasted


> Cause Lars can only count to 4 https://youtu.be/u8ccGjar4Es?si=CceKLNonCnAmH4xh


Like this? https://youtu.be/u8ccGjar4Es?si=gL5neNCXEHp5TqKN




4/4 baby! doot doot


If you really think that then you don’t know nearly as much about music as you think you do. Unless this is a reference to something I don’t get… Metallica does a lot of multi meter stuff. The biggest difference is that the divisions are usually on the 4 level instead of the 8 level like in TOOL. But especially the early Metallica stuff, definitely more complex than 4/4


It's just me being an asshole, and thinking Lars seems like an even bigger asshole than I am. All I know about music is what I got in middle school music class, so not much. There's a lot of videos of people making fun of Lars like if he did the drums for different songs.


I mean ya, I think Lars has a rep for being a dick for a reason. But hes not a slouch on drums, he’s just not as good at drums as anybody else in Metallica is on their instruments. Maybe that’s why he’s a dick lol


tool has more fans that are chronically online than metallica does


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JoeGiden72: *Tool has more fans that* *Are chronically online* *Than metallica does* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




good bot


Metallica fans go outside.....


Yeah, we don’t like it out there


Because the Tool and Reddit segment overlaps, while Metallica fans might be higher represented on other platforms like Facebook. Talking about Tool being better than Metallica is nonsense to me. They're playing different music for diffent reasons. Its like saying a footballplayer is better than a professional cyclist. He might be in his own league.


Totally agree, and cause tool is better than metallica


As a huge metallica fan i’m willing to agree. At least *on paper*. Tool has objectively better musicians.


Danny is objectively better. Justin as well, although Robert is a good musician and the other bassists from Metallica are more competitive. I think Maynard is a better singer, but singing is more subjective. But give respect to Kirk and James, they are WAY more technically talented than Adam on guitar. They're playing very different music, Adam creates the right tones for the songs, he riffs well, and he's a really good player as well. But James is one of, if not the, best rhythm guitar players of all time, and Kirk pretty much has to keep pace with him if nothing else.


Although singing is subjective, this has me thinking, Maynard could likely sing any Metallica song, but I dont believe James could sing "any" Tool song. I dont know if anyone measures up to what Maynard does, his range is absolutely wild, his vocal acrobatics always have me just lost in the sauce lol


That reminds me of an AI cover I heard a while ago. While it's a crappy approximation, it is interesting IMO and maybe James could pull off a few Tool songs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEPwOm-AOxQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEPwOm-AOxQ)


Hahaha that's pretty cool honestly!!! I definitely think he must be able to cover some of their music. I do love me some Metallica they were my intro to metal. My dad used to be in a band that covered Metallica and Maiden actually, (and White Lion I'm pretty sure) they're close to my heart!


>the other bassists from Metallica are more competitive. Are you suggesting that Justin is better than Cliff? Wild take.


being a better musician has nothing to do with who's the "better band" (which is a pointless discussion due to subjectivity anyway). This obsession with technical=better is a huge reason why metal has fallen off and just now picking up with the kids again due to the rise of newer hardcore bands like Kublai Khan and Knocked Loose.


Yeah, exactly. That’s why I only “compared” them objectively, because it’s the only thing you can actually somewhat fact check. Tool is a better band technically wise. Whether I prefer Metallica over Tool is another thing and is as you said a pointless discussion as it’s purely subjective.


agreed. Tbh I was expecting to get flamed since I came off a little argumentative, thanks for being civil. Feels like an old school forum post which I'm not use to on reddit lol


Haha all good, no point in getting furious over reddit comment.


Well I mean at the same time that logic doesn’t really work as Metallica is a bigger band. Can Tool even be considered a ”better” band objectively if metallica has 5x as many listeners per month? The whole thing about ”who is best” is not really comparable at all objectively since Tool has measuarbly more complex music but Metallica is still a bigger band.


Yeah sure. Wait, are we still talking for metal music? Because if so it seems pretty fair comparison to me... We are not comparing painters to photographers or sopranos to banjo players. We are talking for metal musicians, who their music could potentially overlap (in theory)...


Whoops lol


Um, no they weren't. lol.


Yup. I hate the nonsense that if you like one band you must not like another. Megadeth fans are horrible about that. Music isn’t a competitive sport. It’s an art.


They are fans. *We are a cult.*


_ding ding ding_


I think we more of a niche community, the weirdos in a web talking about a man probably shorter than most of us insulting us in our faces and hookers with dongs


Nardo has got six more inches than me, in more ways than one


also i regularely shit my bed... god damn


Forgot my pen. Oh well.


Metallica got started in 1981. Tool got started, as we all know, back in ‘92, with the first EP. I was at a Tool concert recently. Sorry guys, but the average age of that crowd was well over 40. Maynard is 60; I’d say average age was probably 50-65. Metallica as a band are a decade older (!). So, although Metallica has more mainstream popularity, its core fan base probably doesn’t have as much familiarity with Reddit.


Still in a room without a view....oh wait.


You got to amp up and amplify


I saw Metallica in 2000, and many of their fans were over 50. So, statistically, more of their fans are dead


That’s because Metallica sold out long ago.


They sold out long before we’d ever even heard their name.


Metallica has a HUGE amount of casual listeners, while Tool has more of a cult following. Casual listeners probably doesn’t join a subreddit.


You calling me a cultist?


Goddamn shit the bed


Don’t forget we’re number #3 for metal music: https://preview.redd.it/vlg2ctffx98d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09dcf08cb0aefbd8c59182e8de7bf8a2ebf51496


What is the criteria for this ranking, if this sub has more members than r/Metallica, yet places lower?


I'm sure they didn't think through their comment 100% and just used the visual sort


Still cant believe f—king metalcore is number 1


Agreed, I would have honestly thought r/MetalForTheMasses or smth else would have been no.1


Don't these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around?


Bcs most Metallica fans don't have reddit. If you combined all Metallica fans on tiktok, instagram, facebook etc. these numbers would change a lot.


Metallica fans aren't neckbeard redditors


Metallica fills stadiums. Tool fills arenas.  I guess this better reflects popularity of a band and fan base size than Reddit.


We are insufferable + Metallica is a bigger hooker with a bigger penis.


And no they aren’t Dogshit, for a band to have 4 absolute amazing albums that I grew up on as well as many and getting into them expanded my metal collection. And horizon of music. I’m Grateful. And I was into them way before Tool. And I love tool no doubt, but I can’t shit on a band that is responsible for a huge part of my upbringing and style as well as inspiration.


Metallica lost me after the Jason Newsted BS.


Care to give the cliff notes? (No pun intended)


Short version is James and Lars were major assholes to Jason simply because he wasn’t Cliff. They even stripped all of his bass play off of …and Justice For All, paid him like shit, didn’t listen to his musical ideas, and finally forced him out. Then with Robert, they gave him everything including 1/4 of all band profits. Robert is known as an all-around great person and bassist so it’s not like he didn’t deserve it, but the band made their most successful music with Jason while James and Lats were treating him as being a lesser part of the band. It wore on Kirk, too, but Kirk’s such a quiet and beta personality he just kind of kept to his own. I think James of the two has softened and feels terrible for how he treated Jason. Lars, no matter what you think of his drumming, is and always has been an asshole and I say this as a Metallica and Tool fan.


They technically didn’t force him out. Jason simply left the band because of these very understandable reasons. However, I’m not sure what Lars has done in the last 10+ years that makes him an asshole? Maybe I’m just out of the loop here but I have totally missed any drama with him after the Jason thing.


X'er here and same here. Lost interest fading around Load/Reload. I wouldn't trade the early Met era for anything, but I had such a Metallica hardon, I missed the early Tool years. I got better.


Easy. Metallica’s fan base is mainly boomers while TOOL’s is a pretty even mix of boomers and millennials. Source: Trust me bro.


What do you mean mettalica is very popular with all generations, even kids


after attending a Tool show, >TOOL’s is a pretty even mix of boomers and millennials. this is pretty accurate. even in Europe, the majority of the attendees were Boomers and Millennials, with some Xers and Zers. basically, Tool's fanbase is still incredibly diverse.


Been to multiple Tool and Metallica concerts and nothing beats Metallica in terms of diversity. You have everything there from 12 year old to 75 year olds and a very strong balance between men and women. Also everything from hard core metal heads to absolute normis. That's probably also one reason why the Metallica subreddit is comparatively small because a massive part of their fanbase likely doesn't even know what Reddit is. That being said, Tool concerts are also very diverse, but from my experience definitely not as much as Metallica.


Metallica’s fan base is probably most prominent among Gen X and older millennials, certainly significantly more than boomers


I think you mean bruh.


Cause tool didn’t sell out. They have been unapologetically real the whole time


We are weirder and nerdier I imagine hence reddit is a place for us 🤣


We can coexist. Metallica went from thrash to ballad to whatever they do now, I would say Tool went from thrash to ballad in a completely different way. No but for real I love both bands for their complex yet classic compositions.


Lars fault


Metallica fucking sucks that's why


IMHO, Metallica is a terrible band.


Metallica lost their way. Tool has stayed the course.


Because Metallica fucking sucks


Because Metallica is overrated


Because we can read.


Because Metallica are a sell out shell of who they once were. Tool still bringing 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Because Tool is an extremely popular and mainstream rock and roll band?


Ya, Metallica is pretty underground and niche.


Two of the most commercially successful rock bands of all time.


They are relatively unknown. Not main stream at all


You guys forgot Metallica was a small underground band, until brought to public by The stranger things.


Tool's a better band.


Because the Best part of Metallica was fired before they got famous.


Ron McGovney??


Dave Mustaine.


Because Tool is a far superior band.


Because Metallica sucks? (I still can't get over the whole Napster thing lol)


Isn’t that ironic? Because Tool actually agreed with Metallica about that


Bro it's been more than twenty years. Give it a break.


Well Metallica still sucks so there's that


Lars was right about Napster though.


i downloaded the entire discography of numerous bands on napster, kazaa, and limewire back when i was too young to buy the CDs. now ive bought the CDs, go to concerts regularly, and usually pick up a tshirt while im there. napster et al were basically like free samples that got me hooked.


I wish more people were like you. But most people i know that used Napster and other services don’t ever buy music and never have.


I used my local library to rip most of the good stuff into iTunes. I’ve purchased 100’s of cds and have been to 5 tool shows this tour. Ticketfuckingmasterbator got plenty out of me and everyone else who went to the sold out shows.


In one way of bands making money of direct unit sales you could say he was correct, but was very short sided on the opportunity of getting a much larger fan base by making it easier for people to access music in different ways. If my only options are waiting for them to be played on the radio, or buying the album, I might not know a lot of bands that I enjoy today


Look at where music industry is now though. Midtier bands can’t afford shit and need to rely on merch and other side activites instead of music.


that's because streaming services pay them a pittance and no one buys CDs anymore.


that's not Napster's fault though. it's simply the music industry being the music industry. bands have been getting scammed out of their money for decades. even Sabbath named their 6th album Sabotage _based on the shit they went through with their label._


Yes but at the expense of these bands getting royally screwed by Spotify. While reaching audiences is easier getting paid is harder.


Napster ruined music.


napster is how i got into a lot of bands before i could buy CDs


I see this argument get used a lot that it got people into bands. But it did at the expense of them making money. Streaming services which evolved from Napster have screwed over artists.


i downlaoded music from when i was like 10 till 16. they wouldn't have made much money from me then anyway. but it was in that time i developed and cemented my taste in music so the majority of concerts i go to nowadays are bands i got into then. streaming services were coming regardless of napster. everyhing under the sun is turning towards a SaaS subscription model.


I mean bands from the 80s, 70s, 60s etc were able to reach audiences of all ages (and make money from younger listeners from their parents buying records) before Napster just fine. But ya streaming was a concept that was going to eventually happen, Napster just got to it first.


Damn so you just don't enjoy music at all anymore? Sad that it's entirely ruined that must suck.


No, I listen to noises now. I go to construction sites and listen to jackhammers and the beeping sounds of vehicles reversing.


Kind of calming isn't it though


Nothing like the melodic growls of a backhoe.


That’s wild. I didn’t know this sub had that many members. It had around 40k last time I noticed.


hm... which band has most


Metallica is insanely big


Because we're fucking nerds


I remember when /u/toolarchive was our 10,000th fan!


More memes


Better band


Extra accounts so when it’s your time and people Post their posters they can get on other accounts to like it


Cuz we had to circle jerk it for 13 years with no album and speculation. those were the days.


Because Tool is infinitely more popular than one thinks it is.


T(O)(O)L humans = Intellect Metallica humans = Jack Daniels & coke, & stuff




I like Metallica too, so hell yeah


tool is better


No 2nd guessing! They've done the math enough to know the dangers.


Metallica fell off in the 80s?


Tool is better than Metallica.


Probably cause Metallica sucks big fat dicks


Personally, it is my assumption that the reason for this it’s simply cause Metallica sucks 🤷🏽‍♂️


1. Metallica Fans are old and don't use social media the same way. 2. Tool is the most Autistic band, possibly ever, prime Reddit Matieral 3. Metallica is honestly worse than Tool. Sure, their first couple albums were good, but they're not deep or meaningful or even impressive to play.


Im watching Metallica in one hour, and Tool tomorrow 🥳


Im watching Metallica in one hour, and Tool tomorrow 🥳


Because they did my boy Dave dirty


Dave is a jackass.


Two different styles of music, Metallica is bubble gum and tool is Mozart. I would have to make myself listen to Metallica these days, but tool, I still get into it heavy.


Tool is just flat out better and more meaningful to most fans. Metallica is more popular but tool makes you obsessive and compelled to join their subreddit whereas Metallica is more casual so the normal fan won’t join a subreddit lol. Plus their fan base may be older and less techy since they were around several years before tool.


Tool kept putting out great albums. Metallica just kept putting out albums.


Because the first 5 albums when fucking awesome then it was all pure shit after. I remember me and my friends buying load what a load of shit downhill from there.


Gotta say I don't really enjoy a single song of Metallica's. Maybe I just haven't gotten hooked yet? I never disliked tool per se, but I didn't get obsessed until a year after I first heard them


I’d say Metallica fans are mostly a bit older and don’t use reddit




I like Metallica a lot but unlike Tool, they have been progressively getting worse over the past 15 years.


A lot of the Metallica fans are older and probably don’t use Reddit


I would disagree with that statement. I love that band, and I do agree that they are good target for criticism because they released way too many albums. Since Master of Puppets and Black Album, every time they had a few good songs, instead of wait and give themselves time to create more, they rushed to the studio to record additional filler tracks just to push full album. Great example is Load and Reload for me, both albums are glass half full with about 5 good songs. However they finding themselves pretty well to reach and be liked by non metal lovers as well which pissing of Metal gate keepers. Their live performances in Russia in 90’s is just legendary I love their S&M album, recording song in St. Quentin was a badass move, and Through the Never was very well executed cinematic experience. Also I do like James Hatfield. He had similar tragic history with his very religious and ill mother, but unlike JMK he never found a peace for himself after she’s gone , and spiral out into alcohol and addictions to quiet the pain.


Cause Metallica sucks


because Tool is better


Tool fans are generally very autistic


Because fuck Lars lol


Bc Metallica sucks. I get it, we're all different. This isn't a Tool is better post. For the purposes of this comment, fuck Tool. Metallica is ass for the masses. James's singing is so corny. Lars isn't even my biggest problem. It's James and his 12yo sensibilities. Anyone could do better. They're proof that people have no taste when it comes to giant crowds. Lowest Common Denominator brings em in and pays the bills. Ugh, just grown men getting famous in a time when this was expressive.. 80s thrash metal.. fuckin lol I hear how bitter this sounds, but they're the McDonald's of Metal acting like they own the burger when they ain't even invited to the BBQ.


Because Tool is better


Metallica are shite


Because everything after …And Justice For All is hot garbage.


Metallica fans are older


Metallica fans use Facebook because they are old


Seeing them back to back last year was surreal. I still can’t believe it happened.


Tool is way better than Metallica, that's why


Also because Metallica fucking sucks. 🤷‍♂️


Reddit doesn't end with ah


Metallica sucks


metallica fans are 65 years old and dont use reddit


Metallica last released a musically and culturally relevant album in 1990.


Death Magnetic had some bangers


Guitar Hero: Metallica anybody?


And at least SOTB was good too but most of the newer songs are mediocre at best


S&M Part 1? I recall my grandma watching this on public TV and enjoying a bit. 


Because Metallica both suck and blow. TOOL don't have that problem...


Because they switched the name of the two bands