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shes giving Am from star wars visions https://preview.redd.it/outl06u0bf7d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=712b1d26e127d5c1a9525105138af164ed2cc74b


THATS IT. Been seeing Kara everywhere and knew she reminded me of some Trigger design, but couldn’t put a finger on it. Also gives Short-Hair Satsuki


Consider as well https://preview.redd.it/3wrbjl1tcg7d1.jpeg?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b564d617cc221358f289ed566a066f9e7a9169ab Lio Fotia from Promare


Best boy






Gods Strongest Twink


I think i'm in love


glad i could be of service 🫡




Am and Lio from Promare fr


Exactly what I was thinking


And android 18 ![gif](giphy|MHDALD2BOcfja)


ANDROID 18 SUPERGIRL ALTER LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/5i735iws7f7d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc11b0eaf62a349a6115f280fb3a14b6367e254f But fr love this suit but I hope the actual blue one isn't a downgrade from it, I'd like it to also look overall the same but on different colors I guess.


Do you know when you put it like that…..


Who is the bottom left? Mozart?


Antonio Salieri, although during the main story for a while he was sort of refered to as "Mozart Alter", because due to the fake story and rumor of him killing Mozart he became a demon that is hellbent on killing Mozart and anyone "beloved by God" as he says, so he wears an armor that physically makes him look like Mozart as well. That man's not well mentally, he basically got fucked over because of some bad rumors.




Android 18 fit spreading


You think putting a headstrong blonde in the 18 outfit is gonna make me instantly like her? Because it’s working.


I hope she doesn’t break my arm and makes my future son fight her brother


​ https://i.redd.it/11xnn5r2te7d1.gif


Looks like you're going to the horny jail dimension, bucko.


The phantom zone


Kara: kneel. me: 🧎🏽


Unless there’s something different in this version, Kara is typically a MINOR.




I love black suit kara. Looks so sleek and meancing. I hope she keeps it. Also she looks so cute in her civilian wear.


The promos for the season have shown her in her classic suit, but I do hope this one sticks around. https://preview.redd.it/4soju5unue7d1.png?width=1908&format=png&auto=webp&s=91f5d928d88fe91af035645597cde3f70c06416d


Let me rephrase, inhope she keeps the suit but change the color


Technically, not classic suit, since it’s missing the skirt, but a damn good suit nonetheless


Seen people compare this civilian wear to android 18 outfit.


It's basically the same outfit.


Yeah, this show really likes to reference anime.


I really like the twist they're going with for her. >!I wasn't expecting her to have been raised by Brainiac, and calling him dad.!<


She got the Android 18 drip


I thought that was Overgirl for a second ngl 


She looks like Lio Fotia from Promare in images 2 and 3


They put lio in Android 18 fit.


I knew i couldnt be the only one who saw it lol


**Mint Chip enjoyer spotted. Character respected**


Remind me of Aigis https://preview.redd.it/ourdu3exwf7d1.jpeg?width=3884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15850ff525c724897155bba3fd7398980665844f


https://preview.redd.it/s3y2lt13lf7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a54554d8b4d59d041d2519e37df5a7e752fc1dd9 She looks stronk…


She does flex off broken armor in that episode


put a spoiler next time thanks




Is that the Pixiv reaction image? lol


I didn't expect Pixiv reaction images here.


Jimmy you sly dog


Alright alright I’m getting back to the series! I’m going! See?


She’s gonna be won over with Earth’s food. Just look at that adorable dorky face on image 3.




She kind of reminds me of Aigis


Promare lookin mf. https://preview.redd.it/7nyknhdj6g7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7229f3400ae5e302c01d2bdff841eac6baa5ce


Looks great but i could go with smaller shoulder pads.


Does she have a son named Lio Fotia?? Fr tho i love her design lol


Show looks good


Thanks for no spoiler tags


Love her, she's giving me big Sasha Waybright vibes


They're not hiding the Dragon Ball reference in the slightest, that's literally part of the marketing: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Dragonballsuper/comments/1di91fo/my\_adventures\_with\_superman\_4\_will\_release\_an/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dragonballsuper/comments/1di91fo/my_adventures_with_superman_4_will_release_an/) https://preview.redd.it/85r6v9f6bh7d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1e5018d00bc5cef1e09821f917da0713abb3d6d


Eh, I'm not digging it.


She looks like that Nazi from the Boys.


She looks like a heavily censored Kill la Kill character, I'm here for it!


I mean censored kill la do go hard surprisingly https://preview.redd.it/v068xm0dsg7d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b5bc678e5e15d0e770cc60d977a93a8d2b696f


That's actually an improvement


Nah 💀, it actually looks like a battle outfit that could act like a school outfit instead of a porn outfit


My Adventures With Superman character designs are peak and I’m tired of pretending they are not !!!!!




She has one


Good... SHOW IT


https://preview.redd.it/8frpvbdfaj7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c933a0020decc558cbe1b2272c90b373170ac47 The version OP posted is after this one got busted. Also, take a chill pill


Yaaaay Thank you :3


She looks like an Evangelion! That's so cool!


Interesting suit, don’t know what to think of it. But she looks koo as a character.


They cooked with all the female designs fr


She is literally android 18


Shit, this is out now?


https://preview.redd.it/sjokw9ia9r7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74b85185954b41466f97ac1d1483778b7011338e Also Sakuya from Tenchi in Tokyo


The only thing I don't like are those shoulder things... wierd looking pauldrons


Question: what's her hairstyle called or how would one describe it? I just think it really looks cool


Short with long forelocks/facial frames? It reminds me of Lumine from Genshin Impact a bit.


It’s funny how >!she’s the good kryptonian in Injustice 2, but it’s reversed here where she’s basically on that viltrumite/vegeta grindset.!<


Aged like fine wine 🍷


Ah, I assume >!she had a redemption arc of some kind?!<


I like her hair but that's about it


Damn, the designs for this show just keep getting better every time I see them.


That suit has no right to look as good as it does!


Those shoulderkeels are definitely inspired by EVA unit armor


The outfit honestly looks so cool Also is the first image AI enhanced or smth-


Omg she's so pretty.........


Is the new season out?!


It's on YouTube




Sorry, I'm misinformed, it's still showing on tv


Her suit looks pretty Injustice 2 inspired. Nice


Starting my subscription to Max back up.


Android 18 looking civilian clothes are cool I can’t with the shoulder pads and chin strap 😭 The rest is fire tho


Tbf, the chin strap is meant to work in conjuction with a mask that allows them to breathe in space, and the shoulder are essentially enenhancment parts to enhance their abilities like acting as a amplifier for their heat vision.


The brain chemicals, they've been unleashed. My goofing tendencies may no longer be containablte. Love the android 18 fit tho. Battle armor go crazy too


If IF she is the same age as Clark then I kinda don't like the design bc she's designed to have a small frame then Clark, another kryptonian. It's something I don't like about many comic designs for Kara, the only time I think it makes sense is if Kara is much younger than Clark. So I hope thats the case. Or maybe it's the fact that she doesn't seemingly live in a civilization where she can stuff her face fool of food like Clark can. It's just a me thing tho.


for the first time ever I love a female character but I can't think anything sexual about her my wildest fantasies of her is just talking to her I haven't stoked the chicken ever since I saw her my interest on sex has dropped I even watched porn and I didn't care it was just a waist of time i think I can finally quit hentai and porn because I had this thought that if she existed why would she even chose me or even talk to me a guy how has no control of his addictions a guy how stays home all day i want to change be better do things I always wanted to do and meaby just find a girl like her


Wait, did season 2 come out already??


What would you call her hairstyle? With the little side flaps?


Bet she can't t-pose with those shoulders.


Yeah that's pretty badass looking


She looks like an Alter from Fate, Also... i, i just don't like this series. it's uncanny. she doesn't look kryptonian she looks like a project villain skin Riot sells for five bucks. Civilian is alright i guess.... It's generic. honestly that's been my problem with it. it looks like superman but everything sanded off and made to look like a cheap anime you see and forget about in a week with an annoying fanbase to match.


>She looks like an Alter from Fate, I know, I fucking love it, 80% of the Alters have cooler designs than the original ones, the only thing missing from this Kara to be a proper Alter is a different skin or hair tone from the basic design.


Eh, it also reads as Sith Lord and "generic sci-fi baddy"... which is less a problem for me because it's an outfit that won't stick but because it's telling me what to expect for people like Zod which is annoying...


More like an Inquisitor I guess, Sith Lords usually have robes and such since they're more often than not they're more traditional warriors even though they're mixed with stuff, like Palatine is like a Wizard, Vader is a Futuristic Samurai with Bane being a more traditional one, Count Dooku is a knight, stuff like that, takes a lot more to be a Sith Lord than being in space and wearing black armor. The Inquisitors wear more similar armor because they're a force rather than an individual, they don't matter that much because they're visually disposable, ironically the actual important characters rarely wear armor and if they do is a personalized one because the ones that are supposed to be an actual force have more similar armors because they're supposed to feel like they're a part of an actual organization while the individual characters need to have a character outside of that unless they're supposed to be generals, indoctrinated fellows or something like that, which is what's the case with Kara here, she looks like she's part of an army which is alright with me, well she's like a second hand in someone else's stuff. Like I don't actually have a problem with it reminding me of like Zod because that's probably the intended reason, and if it works out I don't really need to have a problem with it, I mean I haven't seen much of Zod in the recent comics although I am considering reading the recent "Kneel Before Zod" comic because I am always up for villain centered comic book runs but outside of that I feel like he hasn't had as much of a big influence recently so a new version is always welcomed I guess, although I am still not fully sold on this new Braniac I think, he feels like he needs a final form I think to actually work for me which I think is likely to happen because nowadays the big bad rarely gets to stay the way they are before getting a power up so I think he might get a different design later but I am still not fully sold on that, although I like his voice.


look to be blunt i'm just not happy with a lot of the designs from this show to be honest. it's all off in ways that seem made purposely to irritate me. being just close enough you can tell if you're lucky but always just wrong...


That's ok, there's no perfect design for anyone really, personally I usually dislike giant mech armors because I am all in favor for giant men more since imo they feel more intimidating if I just see their bodies instead, and I think I get it since I dislike 5/10 of all "grounded" superhero designs in movies but I've been weirdly ok with this show so far except for Metallo since he's my favorite Superman villain and a bunch of mecha robots don't sit right with me.


Would you rather have this or another dime-a-dozen grim and gritty Superman story


Well for starters I don't see why my only options are this and Snyder. One looks like a Sith lord got lost, the other is fucking dead, so for supergirl content Forced to choose between the two i think i'd rather just not watch? I prefer the Animated series, It struck a good balance. And personally i'm not saying this out of hate for MAWS it's... not for me, which is disappointing. also, you cannot tell me you're not getting Sith Lord from that outfit of hers. I feel like it's... not Kryptonian at all as a look. Kinda the same problem i have with Snyder's take on the planet and it's aesthics. https://preview.redd.it/fwg5kt0b6f7d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=ade7b98609c9672501829050cb054225be24e1f5


Krypton doesn't really have a defined look, because it's usually barely important and so the writers and artists just do whatever the hell they want with it, hell the original one just had a bunch of [half blue and red colored guys on your average futuristic city](https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/s/LQawzpYmZJ), it doesn't have an actual defined "aesthetic" because DC loves to reboot stuff each 5 years and [everyone has a different idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/s/kcJfoDQ485), the literal only slightly consistent thing at times is that they have the crests on their chests sometimes and that's literally it, I usually prefer the retro look because I am a sucker for it but there's no "Kryptonian" style, it's just retro aesthetic because Superhero comics are just a mash up of a lot of genres from its time, including sci-fi, which changed as the time went on and again means different things for everyone.


I agree though i think retro-futurism of the time period of publishing helps. I just don't think "Sith" is a good design choice.


Unless I see robes it is not Sith, it's Inquisitor, Siths are the big ones, Inquisitors are the disposable ones, it's simple stuff, and sci-fi ideas vary, I saw people who dislike the retro looks and that's ok, I'd love a retro look but I frankly don't care about it anymore when it comes to superhero stuff, specially Marvel and DC, with those two you don't love anything, just specific versions of it. Although personally I do think it is because I am a also sucker for this look.


Okay look i'm not going to debate disney star wars terminology a dark-side user is a sith. being blunt as possible disney does NOT do a good job of it. Even Kylo Ren is a sith in all but name. this isn't retro, and you're free to like it, but it does not sell me on this being a take on krypton. she is someone's lost starwars oc who got a job at MAWS.