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When Jeremy said in the leyland episode, I opened my door and my door is still there


“It’s on strike”


"It's coom bahk t' Longbridge, so it's gun on strike!" (Sorry for the bad Brummie accent)


The BL challenge might be my favorite "non special" challenge. 


Classic. Especially when he got his finger stuck in the radio antennae hole as well. 100m from the start line.


When they are filling the cars with water had me rolling.


One I use surprisingly often at work is from that episode: > Which slovenly midlander built this?! Several of our suppliers are based in the Midlands, so it's usually appropriate


The bit after when 'Heroes' is playing and only one of their cars sets off is great as well


When Jeremy’s back window gets smashed in by his log handbrake. Howl out loud every time


The best part about this scene is, I actually gave the pillock credit for coming up with that hair brained scheme and seeing it work initially, and then quickly watching it backfire. The build up to that scene is what made it.


If he just would have packaged it back up after setting off (or next time he reached level ground), it wouldn't have been able to bounce into his window, haha.


Not putting things where they belong is 100% on-brand for Jeremey lollll


Or used a piece of rope on each end with shorter length.


Seeing Hammond put together what happened and burst out laughing kills me every time


"there's people that walk here!!" as they crouch down picking up thousands of shards of glass.


"Sometimes my genius,is almost frightening."


Came here for this one. It’s my absolute favorite because you can tell the smashed window was totally unexpected. Clarkson probably said we’re going to do x and y will happen and be funny, but then Z actually happened and caught everybody off guard. The fact that they stopped to pick up all of the glass is what tells me they didn’t mean for it to break the window.


"Officer Barbie has arrived!"


From the same episode- "you're nicked, and have you got a fan belt for an old fiat?", had me rolling haha.


I use "I pulled away" a lot when I see someone take off slowly from a stop.


(About the challenge) "Well if it's go to Brighton and pose undercover in gay clubs, you're right there"


James' ambulance back door sloooooowly closing. So. Painfully. Slowly. Closing. Only to immediately smash onto the floor as the stig accelerates away.


Richard's patient firing through the window


The Thunderbirds parody was also good too. As someone who watched that show on DVD a lot as a kid, seeing TG recreate it was classic - especially with James recreating how the puppets walked. God, the Ambulance challenger was just full of absolute zingers.


I think this is my favorite EPISODE. This episode is full of Top Gear shenanigans. However, I struggle to pick just one! Every time I binge the show, I find something I forgot happened. 🤣


Jeremy tending to his patient during the timed lap has me laughing till I cry..


Trust in me… trust in me


"12 minutes!" "It is the slowest lap in Top Gear's history."


"Princess Diana had one of these"


The crew laughing as well was brilliant 😂


You know it's real when the crew can't hold it together, haha.


I remember this. Can somebody explain this joke please?


Jeremy bought a mine clearing machine to destroy the house The joke is that Princess Diana was an advocate/supporter for Mine Clearance in ~~Cambodia~~ Angola ~~I think?~~


It's also in reference to their running joke at the same time about the Reliant Scimitar: "princess Anne (I think?) had one of these, you know"


It’s a joke US people over 40 would get. Perhaps in Britain it’s different. I understood it but I’m a current events buff.


What episode was this? I remember the quote but not the episode


Series 17 Episode 5


When James is trying to light the missile in Ukraine.


"look, it says Chipski Nortin" hahahahahaha. for anyone who doesnt follow closely - Jeremy lives in Chipping Norton.


"Targeted Ross On Wye" (where Hammond lives) "Alternative target Chipsky Norton"


"I think the fuse is damp"


That line absolutely kills me.


God damn that was funny


He nearly died of laughter when he and Clarkson were racing terrible SUV's with caravans. I nearly died too to be honest ahaha.


“A very big catastrophe has befallen me!”


"I've run over your left hand wall!" "Oh and your portable lavatory!" Cue contagious smokers laugh... 😂 😂 😂


Ah yes I remember that! James dodging all the debris from what's left of Jeremy's camper, hahaha.


Honestly one of the best events on Top Gear! James' laugh is so pure. Relive the glory days, mates. [Cheers](https://vimeo.com/217670494).


Definitely my favorite also. Contagious laughter in an already hilarious situation (the disintegration of Clarkson’s caravan).


The back to the studio moment with the Renault Avantime. James stole Jeremy’s thunder.


That's my line!!


"Your stupid plywood splitter has caught fire!"


Fucking loved that so much


“You look like a gay Cowboy and you look like a gay terrorist”


No you look like a terrorist with a broken windshield wiper and you face looks ridiculous


A few for me. James laughing at Clarkson house car thing swaying in the wind. Clarkson looking at May when turning on the jet engine in their homemade boat "holy shit" And I know it was staged but when Hammond fired his passenger out of ambulance through the window. But there are so many I'm probably forgetting a lot Edit. I forgot the race up the quary where Clarkson was suspicious of may. When the stig actually did it but theybswapped over.


When Jeremy is talking about the night he lost his father.


You could feel the emotion in that one. "The chicken was still warm, and my dad was still alive".


My dad was still warm and the chicken was still alive… I can’t help it my brain does it every time


"so the 928.. it's all right by me"




Every time I see a 928 I think about him telling the story.


This is one of my favorite scenes because you see Jeremy the person. Its raw emotion and you can feel it through the TV. I love the episode where they do the 24hr endurance race with that diesel BMW because you can tell they are actually taking it serious and you can feel the joy when they finished, that was an awesome episode.


Absolutely, most of the time Jeremy is almost a caricature of himself but this scene it’s very just him the person.




This is the one for me. It was the first scene I thought of when I read op's title. Lost my dad about 6 yrs ago and still miss him. Also, while not "technically" Top Gear, the opening to the first episode of The Grand Tour got me. Even now, thinking back to both these scenes... Damned onion cutting ninjas around here somewhere.


When Richard built the pile the junk in front of the wrong ski slope meant to stop the rocket powered mini. The guys losing their shit makes me laugh every time.


Also when James slides down the ski slope trying to spray paint the line in red


That was scripted though, wasn't it?


It may be but the laughing was so genuine that it made it feel unscripted and genuine


I assume it was. But the laughing is real, and that's the part that I'm referring to.


IIRC, I've read the rest of the crew knew it was the other one but didn't tell Richard (because he arrived late as they mention) and knew he'd build it in front of the wrong one and didn't stop him when he did. So his reaction is genuine


Omg the reliant Robin episode when it cuts to the news broadcast and you just see Clarkson come flying down the hill on his roof/side had me laughing so fucking hard.


And then rolls it a 2nd time after they help him back up lol


Pete Stringfellow and Phil Oakey were there to lend a helping hand. So funny.


My introduction to Top Gear!


I think it was an outtake, but when James and Richard kept hitting their heads on the corner of the camera rig in a car and they were turning each others heated seats.


Porsche Panamera vs Royal Mail race




I think they showed the bit with hitting their hands on the camera at the end of the season while doing cock of the year nominations. Great episode, almost makes me want a panamera, but then I remember I have eyes


“Dee dee dee dee *(clunk)* OWWW!”


James' attempt at the handbrake turn in the 17 year old challenge. "They're hot for James May right now"


“Might as well have cut my penis off for all the good that did”


The joke about him cutting off his penis comes up twice in this episode. Anyone know the backstory? Did he have an accident as a youth?


I think it was just a joke about getting cheap car insurance






''Oh mum, I've been to shops and they have a new stamp out''


“You’ve given me the baby, now get in the back”


Got it on the first try. I can't help but laugh along with him every time I see that scene.


The hardest I've ever laughed at the show, I think, has got to be the motor home episode. The screaming, squealing, gasping noises coming from Clarkson as he's swaying in the wind across that bridge-- And Hammond and May just giggling and howling with laughter. Seriously I think the first time I watched it I was crying from laughing.


From TGT, Mozambique, when the aquarium spills all over James.


My spouse, who is aware of the 3 idiots but not a regular watcher, spontaneously erupted in laughter. I don't think the scene was scripted, but if it was they all deserve an Oscar.


Hahaha it was like he was punched in the back of the head, so good


This one for me was also the one that immediately popped into my head.


Anytime Richard is talking shit and then mid-sentence his car breaks in some fashion


- Clarkson talking about driving the Porsche 928 with a hot chicken on board to see his dying father, and the chicken still being warm when he arrived. - I use James's "Fell out of my what? I missed that." quip a lot when I don't immediately hear what someone says to me. - +1 to james pissing himself at Jeremy's Leaning Tower of Citroën. - start of Grand Tour when jeremy is driving along in his mustang, and spots Hammond and May in his rear view mirror. The way his face lights up 🥹 - Patagonia special when they realised the danger of trying to drive over the volcano, and unanimously deciding to find another route that wasn't at such a high altitude. - a few times during the convertible people carrier segment


> start of Grand Tour when jeremy is driving along in his mustang, and spots Hammond and May in his rear view mirror. The way his face lights up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VMFsAKHzHM Still gives me chills, just hearing the song come on with Spotify. Wonderfully done.


When Clarkson door falls of when racing full of water. British Layland episode.




Some of my favorite moments are outtakes of James and Richard. One is when they kept turning on each other's seat warmers and the other one is when they kept hitting they're heads on the camera mounted in the car.


Porsche vs royal mail


The very first Dacia Sandero news segment was peak Top Gear, you just knew there how much they loved their work


The one off the top of my head is Jeremy reading that they were going to drive a lap in Monaco. He seemed genuinely shocked that he was going to able to drive the course he watched for years.


Then cue Flávio Briatore shouting ‘Jesus Christ James’


Jeremy immediately cutting Sainte Dévote is the most Clarkson thing I think I've ever seen lmao


I know it's not Top Gear but that which seat do the put in as standard from tgt The Layland and the motor home challenge in general was just 3 mates having a nice laugh


British humor is so interesting to me, how that simple joke with no backstory or anything to it elicited so much laughter. As an American, I like it!


Got quite a few: - James laughing at Jeremy’s leaning tower of Citroen - Jeremy and Richard laughing at James’ ambulance door crashing downwards after he starts to set off - Jeremy getting a 9:59 on the Nurburgring in the Diesel Jaguar - Jeremy, James and Richard celebrating getting their targets at the Bonneville Slat Flats in the muscle car challenge - The trio laughing at Jeremy’s door in the Leyland episode where he opens it but the inside of the door is stuck closed - The trio just having a laugh and fun with their cars in the 80s hatchback special like dragging along a sofa or riding on top of the car’s roof (some of that was most likely staged, but you can tell that emotionally they all grnuinely enjoyed it) - The trio flying in the Spitfires at the start of the Top Gear vs the Germans challenge - Jeremy telling the story of the 928 and how it helped him see his dad one more time before he died in the Patagonia special


When Oliver sinks “OLIVER!”


Fun fact: when they originally shot that, someone fucked up (can't remember the exact details, but it didn't get recorded or something along those lines), and they had to redo the shot, so all of that is genuinely fake.


I didn’t know that specific moment was staged, but I do know that most of the show was staged. I still love the show and watch it daily, and if I’m not watching it’s still playing in the background.


Absolutely, it's become a comfort food for me. I often can't watch a full episode without falling asleep, haha.


I believe that everyone who watched old Top Gear witnessed the best car show to ever be produced. It was the best time for ICE. Remember the C63 AMG Black Series? So many great moments for car enthusiasts.


Absolutely, it was like everything fell into place, horsepower and top speed wars, 3 presenters that are somehow completely different and the same all at once, and an audience hungry for something off the beaten path.


"manual, semi automatic... Oh, those are the weapons!" Also, the tribute to the British car industry, especially the Ending at The Mall. And I'm not even British


That exact moment when May was absolutely dying while Clarkson’s triple decker RV was swaying all over the road. To be 100% honest I laughed so hard on that episode that I peed.


I remember Richard's jet car crash. I genuinely got a bit misty eyed when he came back. They made a bit of a joke of it with all the dancing girls and whatnot, but as Clarkson said, there was a point that we really didn't know if he was ever gonna come back.


The hug Jeremy gives him as he walks up to them.


When they're in the Mercedes 600 vs Rolls Royce challenge when Jeremy shows James the maintenance receipt for his most recent service. "Wait... You spent an entire ford fiesta"


James: What was yours? Jeremy [hands his bill over to James]: Read it and weep, that's the last service bill. James [meets him with disbelief]: Ehhh?! Fifte-.. [bursts out laughing] I misread that at first - 15 thousand... Jeremy: Yeah, and... James: 15,950 Pounds and 59 pence. Jeremy: Yes, 15,900 Pounds for a service. James: Was that... Jeremy: There was quite a lot needed doing, if I'm honest... James: What did he do? Buy you a Golf? [starts laughing again]


When Clarkson and Hammond buy James a stuffed horse in Argentina.


The running joke of Jeremy and James being impressed with Hammond's car choice only to call him an idiot immediately when he steps out of it. This is more funnier on the India Special.


Top Gear Ground Force Episode in which Hammond fires up the jet engine to cook the chicken


The stop log from the africa special


The inspiration room


The episode back after Hammond crashed the rocket car. They were both giving him so much crap but you could tell how genuinely happy that their friend was alive and back with them.


Grand Tour, but- I've broken Stalin's house! Geez, I'm going to the gulag!


Jeremy capsizing the Toybota at the finish of amphibious vehicle challenge


When Hamster drag races the Aussies in a Ford Transit. It says Jaguuarrr! It’s turbo charged! There’s two! Yes it’s slightly turbo charged….


"What is in that van????" And Hammonds "You could have told me!"


When they pull onto The Strand and see all the British vehicles.


I always love when they brought out all the celebrities to break in the new RPC. Asking Warwick Davis what super powers he has and (can’t remember who) says the track is no place for tasty cakes and sweets.


It’s between the car-caravans from the top gear days and James May-quarium in the “Feed The World” Grand Tour special. When the water was splashing James and the other two died of laughter it was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.


Suv episode 🤣 with the caravans it was hilarious!


„I think it must be damp“




“I’ve fanned my todger”


"Which seat do they put in as standard?" Their reaction kills me


"Wow, look at that! It's 'Jezza's Back Alley' well found!"


When May is slowly crawling down a plank of wood from a boat to the ground, Clarksons voiceover: "so we LEPT ashore". I don't know why that one always stuck with me, my brother and I have been saying it for years now whenever we do anything rather slowly.


Hammond, May, Bad luck.


In the Botswana episode when they're talking about the elephants, but get distracted by the American with the combover. When he turns to look at the camera 😂


That was hilarious, all 3 looking at him with binoculars, haha.


Jeremy diving head first into the snow to measure how deep it was in the snowplough special gets me every time


“I need a zesty drink”


I love the bit when the Toyboata is sinking as it comes to the dock, and Jeremy and Hammond are pissing themselves laughing while trying not to fall in. Then James comes sailing past and Jeremy is seriously annoyed! 🤣


You just knew flipping the toyboata wasn't planned haha


And James’s sail when it keeps bashing him in the head 😂


There’s a deleted scene from the episode where Richard and James are racing the Porsche against a letter in the mail. Eventually they get bored and start turning on each other’s heated seats and seeing how long it takes the other to notice. Whenever I see it I think about how they can fake all the crashes and breakdowns on that show, but they can’t fake the chemistry those guys have. 


Hammond crashing


May trying to light an ICBM with a lighter “must be damp” 😂😂


Jeremy yelling "You IDIOOOOTTT! YOU STUPID, LONG HAIRED IDIOOOOOTTT!" as James inevitably got lost on a track while doing a timed lap in a Austin Princess to uphold the honour of BL


When the “Christ the king” shop in Africa was closed. May quipped it was because he hadn’t risen yet. Jezza lightly punched his arm. Awesome.


The leaning tower is the best one.. i still laugh hard, so genuine in both Jeremy almost shitting his pants and James hardest laughter ever


Making their own campervans and going to Cornwall


When they go to America and are drive by shooting training. It was just after the Stig has revealed himself. Hammond turns the cut out of the Stig round so he can shoot him in the back


The door of james' hearse-bulance falling open at the start of his lap


The first time Clarkson rolled the Robin. 😂


James May decking over trying to board a raft. “Help.” “That looked quite painful.” It was.”


I always like how they bitch and moan and argue on a trip, but at some point in the trip there’s a calm, they get somewhere amazing and they all just take a moment to appreciate it. Them in the middle of the salt plan of Botswana is one. Plenty of others.


Its so hard to pick just one! 🤣


I love when Jeremy drives the P50 (world’s smallest car) through BBC building. Everyone looked genuinely shocked and entertained. It was especially funny when he drove behind the broadcasting desk where they were live! 🤣


One of the episodes had a recording delay for some reason so the boys tied a sofa to the back of a car, put hamster on it, and flung him around the track on a sofa!


”Oh no, he’s driven round it.” never fails to amuse me


James and Jeremy with their big cars they personally own. And Jeremy shows James the bill. 'EHH? 15000???"


Jeremy gluing the controls to May's radio, then stealing the remote. Turning it on during the "Quietly Pull in the Driveway" challenge gets me every time. "They're hot for James May!" during the same episode is a runner up.


When Jeremy is driving around the Nürburgring in a Jaguar S-Type diesel trying to beat a lap time of 10 minutes and he finally does. His reaction is so strong, you can really sense his feeling of accomplishment, however short lived it was. But in that moment, there was perfect contentment in his eyes. The last couple seconds of his lap begin at 2:44 and his pure pride and elation are at 2:50 https://youtu.be/Lg031Vp3CZs?si=Rn1YYY4Trt0i1KFh


"If Constable had been alive today, he'd've painted that and called it the "HEY, WAYNE." Side note: I've been to where Hammond put that Nova in that ditch


It’s not from top gear but the time on grand tour when James and Richard were talking shit about Jeremy needing to moisturize “you look like something found in a pyramid” “let’s look in the sarcophagus AAAAHHHH” “I’m not putting that in the British museum” kills me every time


May: “15 THOUSAND pounds?!” Clarkson: “well yes to be fair there was quite a bit of work done” May: “what did he do? Buy you a Golf?” *contagious James May cackling*


The Best Crossover challenge when James and was behind Jeremy towing the caravans. James killing himself laughing when Jeremy's caravan is falling apart and the bog falls out 🤣🤣🤣


The moment the Reliant Robin space shuttle takes off has to be one of the greatest moments in British television history. James jumping for joy and cheering, Richard so gobsmacked he's finally been stunned into total silence, the engineers whooping and hollering... granted, it all went hilariously wrong a couple of minutes later, but the sheer triumph of seeing such a stupid, ridiculous scheme actually get off the ground. At the time it was actually the most powerful non-governmental rocket launch in Europe. ...not to mention that Reliant Robin was probably the fastest car ever shown on Top Gear, even if it wasn't on the ground. If only it had separated properly from the central rocket...


Also from the Africa special, the events just after they successfully tow themselves across the river, when the producers sink the back-up car trying to duplicate the feat, and the dying laughter along with the dialogue, make me lose my shit WITHOUT FAIL.


Kind of a overlooked one but in the episode where they look at the porsche panamera, aston martin rapide and the maserati. And as they sit in the maserati with james trying to change the clock and stumble upon 'automatic' and 'manual' for James to respond 'oh these are the weapons'. Gets me every time


The lorry driving episode "This is a hard job and I'm not just saying this to win favor with lorry drivers: change gear; change gear; check your mirrors; change gear; murder a prostitute … "


I'm going with Hamster's line in Bolivia, "I can't remember if I took my malaria pill....if I was a girl I would get pregnant a lot."


Where James goes crazy and threatens to chop jezzas head off in the special 😭


My absolute favorite moment is when Hammond was driving that mid engine Mitsubishi van, tells the camera that because of it being mid engine, all he needs to do is quickly and sharply turn the wheel, inducing the ol’ Scandinavian flick…which results in the van tumbling over and sliding on its side 😂. It’s the epitome of keeping a straight face dry humor I came to love.


From The Grand Tour in the episode with the Jaguars, and they drive around the dirt track and Hammond’s Jag catches air and completely smashes it when he lands. And once he completed his lap, when he tries to start the car makes a whirling noise and then goes “CLANG” as a rod is going through the side of the wall.


James’s reaction after Hammond reversed into the Sports Lorry


I'm not sure if it was unscripted, but the "Good news!" Dacia sandero segment where Jeremy shouts "WHAT?" before May can get the line out. The whole place erupts into laughter and all he can say is "Well they know what it is now" - absolutely creases me every single time I see it. EDIT - found the clip: https://youtu.be/jZzdQjCNmlI?si=pmq-QsNjk2Smw7Ae


"Many poos have come out of my anii!" I think that one was the SUV brake test episode


Not sure now genuine any of the episode is, but the Convertible People Carrier always makes me hysterically laugh. The moment where Richard tries to put the roof down and it just looks a shambles and Jeremy is on the ground laughing in a mess, is contagious. I’m sure it wasn’t meant to look that bad when they planned it. Also when they set the car wash on fire. Probably almost definitely planned but still hilarious as I don’t think their reactions were scripted. This whole bit is my favourite thing the three of them have done together.


for me it's the meet ups .


It's actually an extra but it's when Hammond & May are driving the porche and they keep turning eachothers seat heater on without the other knowing and then keep hitting their heads on the camera. I wish they released the entire drive! https://youtu.be/9ftrk9cjJgw?si=2DYPiFzUSOKg5ALr


During the Police car episode when Jeremy attempts to open James's door and "arrest" him and James just continues slowly driving and Jeremy turns to the camera and says "he's just driven off" 🤷


LOL When the trio were in America and had to ONLY eat roadkill and Jeremy came back with a WHOLE FUCKIN COW on the top of his SUV american pick-up LMFAOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS LAUGHING FOR DAYS AND DAYS HAHAHA


I love when they try to light the missile and James goes ‘I think it’s damp’


When the wheel came off Jeremy's fiat in the police car challenge. The off-road caravan challenge between May and Clarkson.


Gangbang in a minefield


Shackletons high chair. Don’t you know……


When the mechanic started the Toyota after it had been in the English Channel for 12 hours, or possibly the look on James and Richard's faces when they realized that the Reliant Robin was not going to gently glide back to earth, and of course the budget Porsche challenge. But the top one was when Jeremy set the set on fire the look on Hammonds face.


Lets back to the studio - scene😂🤩


When the log-brake in the Africa special becomes a million little shards of “safety glass” or May’s reaction to Clarkson’s motor home on the motorway