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I've fucked up in exactly the same way once before. I was newly licensed and just...turned into the wrong part of the road. Going forward was the only reasonable way out. I'm not excusing this guy - or myself - just...been there before, felt like a moron.


I'm not a new driver and even I can get tripped out by bad road design every now and then. I haven't ever accidentally-ed my way into an oncoming lane though, but I can understand the situation going on in the video. The driver definitely looked like he understood he ended up in the wrong lane, and rectified the error as soon as possible.


Ok I've done this too, pulling into a plaza at night when the median/island didn't have a sign there. Quick "oh shit I'm gonna bottom out" moment. But in this case, there's a big fucking sign 5' high


I did that in Montreal leaving a plaza. It really wasn’t obvious it was for entering only!


I wasn't even a new driver yet I made this mistake.


Then you shouldn’t be driving there’s a median for a reason.


I respect that it happens. We’ve all made errors. Mistakes. The scary thing is how common place it’s becoming. See shit like this ALL THE TIME now.


He didn't realize and apologized. Completely unexpected since most of these videos the person just stares with windows up or gestures like the other 44 cars are the ones doing something weird...


That’s Caledonia and Eglinton, the configuration of that intersection is a little odd, I’d give that guy a mulligan on that mistake.


Honestly dude looks older than the bible could have genuinely been a mistake. Not to excuse what he did obviously.


"I was licensed in the 40s ... sorry again"


Uhm, that guy *might* be in his 50s...


It's amazing how quickly I'll go from angry to completely forgiving the moment I see the other person knows they made a mistake and are trying to rectify it. Pride and ego make so many minor problems into major ones.


Still unacceptable. He's an idiot. Driving on the wrong side of the street isn't just something you "don't realize". People like this should have their license suspended


One time I almost entered into the wrong lane exiting a mall. I realized before I committed and corrected. There was a large island and intuitively you would assume the lane I was turning to was the right one. Roads aren't always designed correctly. Point is people make mistakes sometimes. No need to be a dickhead every time.


Well I don't think he did it on purpose... And he apologized ... not like the Uber drivers who just stare at you like the honking and lights don't mean anything haha.


Purpose or not, this moron was driving on the wrong side of the road - that's VERY dangerous. This behaviour is unacceptable even once, there are thousands of these intersections around. There's not one good reason for this. None.


So, what's considered an acceptable mistake versus a non-acceptable mistake? Are you the one deciding that?


All rise. The honourable Judge Flimflamsam now presiding.




I'm asking a question. I am not giving my opinion on this specific example. So, if I understand correctly, you consider any mistake on the road to be unacceptable. If that's not the case, what criteria do you use to determine acceptability?


Are you somehow confused about how language and assertions work? Or perhaps you’re confused about how discussion forums work with people posting their own opinions (and yes, I am the one who decides what I opine about).


Then, I have my own opinion on your point of view: I find it to be quite foolish, irrational, and nonsensical. :D


You think it’s foolish, irrational and nonsensical to claim it’s “VERY dangerous” to drive on the wrong side of the road? Yup. You’re another reason why our roads are such hellscapes. Very well done for telling us though!


I am the one who decides what I opine about. :D


Nobody said anything to the contrary. Do you always have this much trouble with comprehension? You seem to hold some very bizarre and safety and law-contrarian views on driving on the wrong side of the road, which is what I was pointing out.


He was apologizing I think and learned his lesson without anything eventful happening. Id allow it. If he pulled azkaren move id complain


The wave is commonly recognized as an apology when driving isn’t it?


"hes white and he waved, honest mistake"


Guy looked like he was Turkish/Iranian or something close to that region if you consider that white.


Whatever it is, it looks innocent and light enough for you guys to brush it off 🤦🏻‍♂️


If anyone brushed it off it wasn’t due to how they looked it’s because Canada is full of criminal enablers. They also usually vote liberal and chalk everything up to racism which makes me think you’re one of them.


Nah, this is the new driving culture here. Think about India and their lax driving laws, and think how many people we have brought in from that part of the world. This is a symptom of that. We are importing their cultures and values and to be honest, disrespecting driving laws is a part of that culture.




How did you whip out your phone and turn on your camera so fast?


I know it's rhetorical but in case anyone doesn't know, she was already driving and using her phone before that man made the mistake. Probably scrolling through her tiktok to check for Likes.


My Samsung is just a two button press on the side and then switch to video. I'm sure Iphone is that easy as well if you program it.


I'm sure the girl in the video calling the elderly man stupid for what appears to be a genuine mistake for which the guy apologized is a very sharp driver herself. I'm sick of people in the sub all acting like they're hot shot drivers when all I see on the road are dumbasses. Some apologize after making mistakes and some roll down their windows and raise a middle finger. I'd like to see more people on the roads having the grace of this elderly man who accepted he made a mistake. Almost all road rage ends here.


Your comment is spot on!


Can't understand the amount of people in here excusing someone driving down the road on the wrong side. Turning into an intersection the complete wrong side is a fundamental fuck up. It shouldn't take more than a few seconds assessment before actually moving the vehicle to understand where you need to drive. The country I come from drives on the other side of the road and I've somehow never managed to fuck this kind of thing up. Utterly preposterous that people are excusing this. Mistakes happen, and this is absolutely a mistake but it's still a monumental fuck up and shouldn't be excused. Incredibly dangerous behaviour, and it's being excused even here on Reddit - no wonder our roads are in such shit shape.


Would you be kind enough to teach us this perfect driving technique you have. I was a semi driver for a few years and they were a lot tricky intersections to navigate. Mistakes happen. But someone did bring up the fact that he was old and I believe we should all be tested more frequently as we age. Maybe we need a new pair of glasses and maybe we shouldn't be driving at all. Only testing will tell.


I’m a commercial driver and originally from a country with far FAR higher driving standards, so it’s not a fair comparison to the average Joe. Definitely agree with stricter and frequent testing. The ministry doesn’t try very hard to keep our roads safe from the elderly.




Odd question, what are you doing in Canada?


Some how she is to blame for the guy driving on the opposite side of the road. Typical celibate redditors always blaming women for everything.


Absolutely not excused. It is a monumental mistake. I agree with you. You should totally exercise your right to absolutely fuck this person with all the power you have. I just want to highlight the fact that there are two types of dumbasses on the street. The assholes with trigger ready middle fingers and those who own up and apologize. Be the latter, my shot up blood pressure eases up INSTANTLY. Goes a long way in reducing road rage.


You're Toxic.


Toxic with a capital T? Hell yes, Britney, baby!




What makes you think he accepted his *mistake* rather than he was just taking lumps for being an opportunistic driver?


Using a handheld device while operating a motor vehicle.


Lol no racism in sight ,surely the comment section would be different for a guy with south asian origins lol


You don't get it. The brownies are infecting us with their ethnic food, we're starting to make the same mistakes as them now. This is culturual enrichment?


Lol ,i m not in us buddy, brown boy this side but racism isn't the solution, if it is then give any example?


He waved in apology, makes it all nice and legal.




It's the hand signal equivalent of turning your hazards on.


Would have been not nice if he stayed in the wrong side. You can see her switched lane. Anyone can make a mistake


Bro it happens sometimes, i mean people make mistakes and this was an unfortunate day for him.


Caledonia and Eglinton, I had this exact thing happen once to me too


I think some of the roads in the city would benefit by having [arrow pointing signs similar to Europe roads](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/HY5MBA/road-sign-arrow-pointing-right-germany-europe-HY5MBA.jpg) that help drivers turn into the correct lane. Driving in Europe was incredible as they had a lot these, roundabouts and a lot of 3m/light reflective roads


It’s okay because he waved.


Ahhh yes the international I am an idiot wave. Very familiar with it in Vancouver


Caledonia and Eglinton is a weird intersection. Also, that restaurant there at the corner, Babos, is absolutely DELICIOUS


Wrong direction driving, but I could see in his face that it was a mistake.He acknowledged that and waved. Not an asshole I think.Dude is ancient, by the way.


Unmolested mid 00s Honda Civic driven by an older gentleman with what looks like an A plate. This dude's lived in Canada for at least 20 years I'd say, maybe even longer. I would not be so quick to lump him in the same category as the people that this sub likes to clown on for their bad driving (I like to call them the D plate squad). He's probably more Canadian than most people in this sub lmao. From what I gather, this is a poorly planned intersection where many seasoned drivers have made the same mistake. I would consider this to be a similar situation. The driver has very obviously acknowledged their error, apologized in a polite manner (as opposed to ignoring you, antagonizing you further, or just giving you a dirty look) and rectified the mistake as quickly as he could. I'll allow it tbh. I'd say he's fortunate nobody was actually in that lane at that moment, or else the situation could've been way more awkward than it already is.


He's an older gentlemen, he made a mistake, and put up his hand in apology. You filming him and posting this makes you the asshole.


The Saints down there never made any mistakes. Don't mind them, not everyone can be a saint.


And an idiot for recording with their phone in a active lane. Pretty sure that is illegal lol.


I’m sorry, but going the wrong way is a big mistake. Just because you apologize doesn’t mean anything lol


Humor me this: this Is a big mistake. No doubt. However, it seems unintentional. On the other hand grabbing a cell phone in your hand while driving and filming someone is also a traffic violation but this one is totally intentional. Who is the bigger idiot?


I love it when someone is trying to call someone out for doing something wrong but fails to realize that they are the fool.


There is zero room for mistakes while operating a car on the road. Intentions don’t mean anything.


aren’t all mistake unintentional? If you can’t figure out which side of the road to be on you’re the bigger idiot than the guy holding his phone while at a complete stop every time.


Doesn't matter if they are at a complete stop. My dad got the hefty fine because he was at a stop and wanted to take a picture of the sky. My best friend had to hold her phone in her lap to uncover her speakers because her car doesn't have fancy technology and needed to hear her husband on the speaker - still got hit with the violation. It's a traffic violation no matter what, no excuse. There is zero tolerance from the judges. Yes the driver went the wrong way. We all have made mistakes and acknowledged them. This person made an equally bigger mistake, decided to blast it online for some weird validation, and is confessing their own crime in doing so. 100% if anything they are the bigger idiot in this video than that driver lol. Easy proof for a judge.


I never said it was right, it’s just clear as day who the bigger idiot is on this video. And it’s not the guy holding the phone (which is still stupid and he is an idiot as well).


Something tells me you like to hold the phone when driving.


Yes, me thinking we shouldn’t be letting guys off the hook for driving the wrong way because they apologized means I like holding my phone while driving. No wonder our roads are filled with people who can’t drive lmao


I promise, you have, or will, make much worse mistakes while driving. This is very different from the usual videos on this sub of some douchebag 20 year old stunt driving and putting people's lives at risk.


You still can report him and he will probably get punished. However, his attitude isn’t bad in the video and the accident did not caused any serious damage or loss. He deserves a second chance and forgiveness.


You guys would be singing a different tune if he was any other color. The double standards here are hillarious. Had someone tell me Canadians dont drive bad and all the bad driving is from non Canadians.


Older literally means he really has no excuse. Hes been living way too damn long. You wouldn't excuse it if it were a younger, less experienced person?


So I can run someone over, wave to apologize and all is well? Gotcha.


Usual suspects


I’ve turned the wrong way down one way streets before. It happens. Very embarrassing


He's probably a 5 star rated driving instructor.


avg civic owner these days


It's ok, he waved


I’m sure he didn’t mean it. No big deal


It happens on my street every day. And people do it on purpose too.


Was that Gus Fring?


I am shocked he waved in recognition of his mistake. SHOCKED. In Edmonton, people do this all the time, but don't realized they fucked up. They just keep driving, oblivious. In Calgary, they're doing it on purpose and lean out the window and scream at you and give you the finger.


“How would he know where we’re going” - planes, trains, and automobiles


Holy the comments defending the wrong direction driver. When did it become so wrong to get called stupid for making a mistake?


Lmaoo, imagine if he was from a certain "part of the world". Ya'll, be ripping a new one up his a**. But, yeah SURE


This should also go on r/idiotsincars


Hey he waved! What more do you want /s


Ahhh. It's ok. He waved.


Was just in Toronto this past week. I was so scared I’d do this. Thank goodness I didn’t.


The amount of people who are admitting to doing similar is wild.


I think he turned into the wrong lane before the median. Plus he's old


This idiot is waving 👋 at the camera instead of being ashamed of himself.😂😂😂


That areas a little confusing for outsiders plus he’s old probably got confused for a second


so many bad drivers in toronto. I guess people say that about everywhere.


Places to be baybeeee


East Indian, of course.


Somebody’s Dad who shouldn’t be driving.


The good ol' wave drivers do to forgive themselves from all the wrong doing they just did.


eeeets ok, I wavid!


Stopped or not, using your phone like that is a pretty big fine and the distracting driving charge is a big hit. You're not much smarter OP.


It happens. I usually just try to get their attention to let them know.


1) Poor road design. 2) Medical emergency /s


File a report with local police, he should not have a licence!


Take away the license. And deport! That's my solution to the housing crisis. I am trying to buy a house. :)


Can we start with you 💯🔥💯🔥😎😁


Well, at least he apologized


In his defense he's probably drunk.


Had someone do that on Richmond two hours ago. The stupid sorry wave and all. Seriously people shouldn't be driving if they can't follow basic rules, but then I'm not surprised. I was at drive test (Metro East) earlier in the day to get my M2 and whilst waiting inline heard a middle eastern kid translating what the emp was saying, to his father that he needed to come with his license from India and a sworn affidavit and drivers abstract from the consulate describing his driving history, and he will only have to write his G1 and immediately receive his G (his son was allowed to act as a translator during the test) legit couldn't believe it. Then again this video kinda shows what happens when the rules are that lax.


It’s always great with raise my hand or double honk makes it perfectly ok to do whatever you want on the road!?


Look at you keeping your temper. I would’ve blocked his ass, called the cops, told him he was wrong among other things


Immigration* . Thanks Trudeau


Love it when they wave like the idiots they are.


Typical suspects


Is this Feng Shui or whatever


Wtf u talking about


There’s a huge Fang Shay movement right now. It’s bigger than you and me, bruh.


Lay off them drugs for a while


There's nothing but Feng Shui between your ears.


You have no culture and you’re not well read. I advise looking into Fieng Shuiy


Any more alternative transliterations for 风水?


You just proved my point. You’re welcome.


You must be brilliant because how you proved your point is well beyond my understanding.


No, he is driving against traffic, creating clutter and blocking positive energy


In his home country he rides a mule. So a car is a step up.


I'm still going to call for his arrest and deportation.