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Too little too late and does not go nearly far enough to address the problem. Purely an attempt to quell the outrage that they can no longer ignore and has been overflowing over the past few months The failure on immigration is a very hot topic among literally everyone I know, across all backgrounds. People are pissed


Agreed, like 5 years of immigration in a year


More gears to run the cog since birth rates are too low to support big government and corporations : same happening in the US


The US isn't even close proportional to populations. Even just objectively, we imported more than the US, with a population one tenth the size.


We’re getting there


The Liberals are trying to put off a housing collapse until after the election by juicing our immigration. More people means more demand which can hold off on real estate completely deflating - at least for a little bit.


I can't have kids because I can barely afford myself. That's the economy we live in.


Yet I’m getting downvoted 😂


I think it's the way it was worded. Rather than expressing it as a problem it comes across as "we're doing it because we have to."


Thanks for clarifying.


Both me and my wife's family are all immigrants (I came in through TFW program in 2008, and her family as landed immigrants about 25 years ago). And we all agree that this shit is out of control. We already can't get medical appointments, hospitals at breaking point, schools overflowing, government programs completely failing, unemployment increasing, absurd food costs, housing is being artificially propped up. All of these problems are made worse by rapidly increasing the population. WTF are they doing?! The only thing bringing in this many low skilled workers this quickly does is make cheap labor more readily available for corporations. You think they'll pass savings on to consumers, absolutely not. They're already posting record profits and they want more. Just more money to keep the politicians in their back pocket. Burn it all down.


Just letting you know that high skilled workers also got hard done by in the past as Canadian employers never acknowledged their degrees if they didn't have Canadian experience. There is no point in "high skilled" workers immigrating here unless they are coming with work permit and already job secured.


Canadian employers are pretty cheap. Let me show you how cheap. Walmart...fucking Walmart wants a Senior Software Dev for $85k in 2023. Check out this screenshot from this weekend. That's what Sr Devs were being paid in 2010!!! https://preview.redd.it/u7z82ziioqdc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423fc3f06167c5e6910aaf279e8e725ed3ebf007


The job that paid me $14/hr when minimum wage was $8/HR is now paying whatever the current minimum wage is because people are willing to work for it. People as diploma mill graduate.


Wish there was no TFW program outside of farming


Oh farming is the worst. Are you even aware of all the abuse that goes on with migrant workers on farms ? Canadians are definitely not nice


Why farming? Wouldn’t the same arguments apply to farming as to everywhere else?


I would like to assume that because farming provides an essential service, food creation. Whereas the way the system is being abused only furthers Walmart and Tim Hortons as companies unwilling to pay wages to Canadians, and allows landlords to charge 25%-50% more per month because they're renting to 12 Indians rather than a family / couple of 2.


Farming is extremely seasonal. A temporary worker program makes a lot of sense to bring in lots of workers for harvest who you won't need for most of the year. It used to be more normal in Canada for people to go home and work on the farm during the summer, its why we have summer breaks in school. These days try telling your manager you're taking the entire summer off work. Canadians can't do these jobs anymore our labour markets isn't setup to allow people to take seasonal work without losing their non-seasonal jobs.


So you're basically wanting us to close the door behind you? That's pretty fucked up.


I am extremely pro immigration. It’s good for everyone. I am anti unsustainable immigration, which is what we have. If you don’t have housing for them, if you don’t have the staffed services for them…, than it’s irresponsible. But it’s not just irresponsible for the people you are bringing in, but it’s irresponsible to the people you already have be it immigrants or existing Canadians. If you can’t acknowledge that I think you are probably very naive , but I’m willing to hear you out. I hope you never have a loved one needing urgent medical care but get pushed off so much that they end up not recovering. This has happened to my family members. We don’t have adequate medical care for our population size and it takes time for this to change. Immigrants might help the situation sure - but it takes time. So you can’t bring in too many people to overload the system. You need a sustainable pace such that there is time for immigrants to start contributing to society to give us greater capacity such that we can bring in more immigrants ect.


I'm of the same mentality as you. I'm fine with immigration so long as it isn't hurting people who live here. The current levels are unsustainable I 100% agree. What I disagree with is people who flooded in here on programs like the student visa and tfw program wanting to pull up the ladder behind them. That's hypocritical.


Idk, they aren’t saying stop all immigration. They are complaining about quantity and how quickly. It’s not as though they came in the recent rush. They came 16 years ago/25 years ago. I also don’t have an issue with being against a program but using it. I’ll use every tax break, claim, loop hole that’s legally available to me. That doesn’t mean that I agree that it exists. I’ll take COVID relief cheques that are given to me, doesn’t mean I agree that the government should give as much money as they give.


So why if you have this position, did you make such asinine comments in my direction. Honestly really frustrating and just further divisive dealing with people like you


This simple simon thinking among my fellow leftists pisses me off. * It is possible that there is an optimal amount of people to be let in each year from an overall economic perspective and we are WAAY beyond that number. * It is possible that being this far out on the bell curve has much more negatives than positives for our economy and our culture. * It is possible that we are hurting immigrants themselves more than we're helping by letting in so many; it forces them to take on shit menial jobs and compete for limited infrastructure ; making them essentially poorer. This isn't a matter of "fuck you I got mine". You're ascribing a motivation that aligns with your internal feeling that anything other than purely open arms is evil. My motivation is simple- I believe the above isn't just possible, it's very likely. Our infra can't handle it.


How is that fucked up? Keeping it open is more fucked up.


Yes, the fuck you I got mine mentality. The same program that benefited you, you now think it's not good? That's fucked up, 100%


No one wants zero immigration forever. We want reasonable annual numbers that don't overwhelm and degrade our existing social and physical infrastructure. Given the uncontrolled surge happening now we might now have to slow the taps to a trickle for a few years while housebuilding and everything else catches up. That's definitely not "closing the door behind you" though. A good immigration policy like we used to have (while still imperfect) was more balanced and sustainable.


We would have to cut it off for 20 years and build at 5x our current pace just to correct the damage we have done in the past 2 years lol


The same program that benefited me is now harming me and the people that are trying to use it. I have nothing against immigration, bring in a steady, reasonable amount based on what this country can handle. When I came to Canada, you could find a doctor and prices of goods and services were priced fairly in relation to wages. Is that the case now? Absolutely not. We’ve let in to much and now it’s hurting the ones who’ve spent the last 20 years to keep this country running. It’s not fucked up to want a decent standard of living. Canada isn’t a charity for refugees to come in the millions so that the rest of us can suffer. Yeah I got mine 20 years ago when I came, but the ones coming in aren’t getting theirs.


2008 we were already seeing media talking about how hard it was to find a family doctor. Again, just think about your hypocrisy.


2008 I could walk into a clinic. Now the clinics have lineups around the entire building and the only thing available is telehealth which hasn't been able to help me for 3 out of the 4 things I've gone to them for.


Telehealth has to be the most useless service out there. We've called only a few times in the past 5 years about concerns regarding our kid... and each time we've been told to "go to see a doctor"


Before I got a vehicle there was a single walk in clinic I could get to. It closed during early covid. And instead a telehealth booth opened up. When I was sick for weeks? Useless. When I fell into a serious depression and needed medicine? Insultingly Useless. Oh your regular harmless skin infection that you just occasionally need some antivirals to get rid of? We got you for that.


Nah I’m good. We’ve fucked up and let to many people in. It’s doing more harm than good. Purge needs to happen or everyone will suffer.


Dude you sound like you've consumed a lot of propaganda.


Yeah I'm going to be honest, there's a couple topics new comers probably should keep quiet on - and this is definitely one of them.


Thank you, thank you. I’ve been seeing that. It’s fucking ridiculous literal immigrants trying to virtue signal by being fucking hypocrites. It’s the epitome of “fuck you, i got mine” mentality. As an immigrant and a TFW myself: fuck you. Don’t throw into the fire people who got here fair and square like you and your wife did back in the day. Have some fucking dignity.


It's not just immigration, but that is definitely the biggest topic. They need to address housing, inflation, grocery and telecom monopolies, and much more.


I’ve heard the same shit people were spouting 40 years ago. “ taking over” “ illegal suites” “ bad landlords” “ bad workers” “ import the entire family over” “ no integration” “ cheat the system” “ tax avoidance “ That all quieted down ( mostly) come the 2000’s and 2010’s. Now it’s back in full force. If I was in charge and I wanted to re-ignite racial tensions id do everything the government has been doing.


>Too little too late and does not go nearly far enough to address the problem. Purely an attempt to quell the outrage that they can no longer ignore and has been overflowing over the past few months Wait for the outrage after when Universities make up for the lost revenue from international students by making domestic students pay the market rate for tuition. No one talks about this but our tax dollars are in sufficient for universities to keep tuition where it is right now for domestic students. But thanks to political pressure they've kept it artificially low. But to ensure they can meet their financial obligations they brought in international students who they can charge whatever the fuck they want to make up for the lost revenue. I've got my popcorn ready.


I'd rather pay less rent.


I know that you will get downvoted for this. But FYI - international students bring in ~8 billion in revenue every year for Canada. That's more than car or lumber export which are considered big industries. The average cost of UofT CS degree is 6-10k for domestic student and 62k for an international student. Once the gravy train stops - and the domestic students have to pay up the high costs, that's when people will realize what the foreign students are worth. But hey, at least there are less people who look different or compete with them. And that's what many care about.


>Once the gravy train stops - and the domestic students have to pay up the high costs, that's when people will realize what the foreign students are worth. My personal favourite is going to be when: 1. tuition costs as much as the US 2. But housing isn't any cheaper No one wants to hear it, but this isn't a supply or demand problem, it is a market which has been massively skewed by two things: 1. Ultra low interest rates for 20 years; and 2. Greenbelt. Those two policies are what led to this mess. Say what you want about sprawl, Greenbelts globally have led to this problem. Vancouver, London, Melbourne, Sydney are all surrounded by Greenbelts and are suffering the same way. So is [Tehran](https://en.mehrnews.com/news/132639/Rouhani-opens-1200-hectare-greenbelt-plan-around-Tehran) and it too is suffering the [same way](https://iranwire.com/en/fact-checking/70974/). There are other ways to fight sprawl that doesn't include greenbelts. For example, like legislating against inefficient land use.


It will be fine. Seems like we've grown the university system too much relative to the demand when students with degrees can't get jobs. The universities are bloated and are a public service we subsidize and pay for. If they remove international students they can also reduce a bunch of costs related to them and reduce the overall operation. Sure we aren't paying for tuition like foreign students, but we are more than making up for it through our taxes to subsidize the burden on literally every other system we pay into and have paid into our whole lives because of the added burden of these students. So yea we're getting cheaper tuition but getting more of our paycheck taken to subsidize this shitshow.




Communism is when Capitalism!


My... you have absolutely no idea what Marxism is do you? I'm not a fan of the Federal Liberal Party, but by calling them Marxists you only managed to show your own ignorance and thus invalidate whatever points you were trying to make...


Across all backgrounds except, you know, homeowners, business owners and landlords like myself ie. the men and women who are the backbone of this country.




The landlords are the worst. I’ve been a victim


Landlords are NOT the backbone if this country. Lmao at the audacity to suggest that.




If it's allocated by province, it may just work.


Only if it’s enforced. A lot of these guys have licenses saying they live in small towns when they really live in major cities. Worst example I personally saw was someone whose home address was Sudbury but was living in Surrey.


But that Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Freedom of movement…never in hell would they enforce.


It already works this way since it’s post-secondary schools that accept the students, you don’t get a study permit without acceptance.


I meant if there is a quota by province. Not sure if that's the way currently.


There's no quota now. The Feds essentially trust the post secondaries to make their own admission decisions (and the provinces define what constitutes a post secondary - which is where Ontario's problem kicks in in terms of colleges. BC's problems are more related to privately run universities as it's one of the few provinces that allows them) Some provinces have not changed their regulatory landscape in recent years so wont see much changes if a quota is imposed, but those are also the provinces that have not seen the runaway growth.


Thanks. Good info.




Canada needs to take a page out of americas book. Student visas only for university undergraduate degrees. Not colleges, or strip malls.


You criticize that number for being too high and then provide an equally ridiculous number of 300k. There should be a moratorium on immigration, period.




Recent migrants pay less than half of what the average Canadian pays in taxes, while drawing significantly more in tax-supported services.


Here's a graph (click on it to get a bigger version) prepared by a professor from (if memory serves) Western Ontario. I don't know when "prior to 2022" means, but it could mean a significant cut. Take a look at the huge dip in number that took place in 2020. That was after Premier Kathleen Wynn put into place safeguards to stop things getting out of hand---but which Doug Ford removed when he got into office because he thought funding a higher education program by ripping off naive young Indians was better than raising tuition on Ontario kids (who's parents vote) and taxes to subsidize their education. The graph comes from an article I wrote last August titled [Immigration and Housing](https://billhulet.substack.com/p/immigration-and-housing?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2FImmigration%2520and%2520housing&utm_medium=reader2). https://preview.redd.it/s2ob4578lndc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6aa0f16fbe8d20e2642bfb3d70abb2a997b0b9


The number should be zero for the next few years to let infrastructure catch up.


Maybe we just need to get rid of the privately owned strip mall colleges and keep the revenue following to subsidize actual universities and colleges.


Applications from India reduced by 86% YoY. This "limit study permits" is just for the show.


The drop is also from Q3 to Q4. Most universities/colleges start their term in September, i.e. end of Q3.


Exactly!!!! They are trying to take credit for the massive drop that is already happening...as immigrants wake up and realize libs played them so hard. Terrible libs policies and not fooling those that are in the know.


the worst parts of Canada are still 10x better than the best parts of India


You clearly never seen the rich side of India. We don’t have servants and slaves when we’re rich. They come here form living like kings and think they can do the same here when they find out they can’t they move back home.


Yes, from a Canadian point of view. If you're Indian, you probably make a decision about whether you would rather live in your culture with your friends of family vs. Go to a new country and culture to live in a shared room with students while working all day and having no chance at upward mobility due to job market and house market.


You realize that all countries go through times of economic struggles but also periods of prospering? Just because we have tough times now doesn’t mean our collective future isn’t bright 🤣


What's your point...? I'm just saying that's a perspective of someone who might make that choice today.


My point is that people who want to make their lives better will realize that fact and come anyways because even right now, as down bad as we are, it’s still 10x the quality of life they can ever expect in India.


Better is subjective. Everything has pros and cons. Leaving family and friends and community might have been an easy choice when the job and housing market was currently great. When it isn't , they might weigh pros of staying more heavily. It's really not rocket science, I don't know why you're arguing.


Can you actually tell me what policy or events will result in prosperity in the future? There is rampant corruption and monopolies with no competition gouging the middle class. Do you realize civilizations have also completely collapsed? And this is over a period of a hundred years? So yeah, we likely won’t be seeing any prosperity in our lifetimes, or the youth, if anyone even has kids anymore




what’s indias gdp per capita again?


gdp per capita isn't 100% correlated with happiness. It's not linear and isn't an accurate gauge for peoples happiness. Happiness does not mean working most of the time, which increases gdp


lol GDP per capita don't mean shit. Basic medicine in Canada would cost avg $15-50. Same thing you would get in India for few dollars. You don't see well educated people struggling to buy or rent a house in India. You don't see 6 or more months wait for elective surgery. You can visit ANY specialist in a quite affordable price. Now you will ask - why students were even coming to Canada if India is so affordable? They come here because CAD/INR = 60. When this goes down, you won't see people coming or staying for longer.


you are seriously trying to say that a country with 30x our population but the same overall GDP is even comparable in living standards? I would rather live in the slums of Montreal Nord than the nicest place in India because at the end of the day it’s still a shit hole over there.


I mean there's a reason why student [applications are plummeting](https://betterdwelling.com/canadas-international-student-boom-is-ending-as-indian-applications-plummet/) and [many immigrants are turning back.](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/immigrants-explain-why-they-re-leaving-canada-1.6634641) What are they supposed to do here when they can get [no job or house](https://betterdwelling.com/canadas-international-student-boom-is-ending-as-indian-applications-plummet/). Like the above poster said, it's not because Canada is limiting permits, thats just a cover up. They only came here because they were fed lies and promises. Many of them are getting screwed over.


Oh yes I’m sure it’s a great conspiracy for the students to see that their compatriots have already taken all the easy jobs from them. I’m also sure that they don’t give a fuck about how India is assassinating people on our soil. Again. Canada at its worse is better than anywhere in India except maybe the Slave palaces.


> Canada at its worse is better than anywhere in India The worse it gets is being homeless.. Homelessness is homelessness. Probably better to be homeless in India, at least you wont freeze to death.


They need a 20k GIC to even come to Canada. If you have 20K cad and enough money for a flight ticket then your pretty middle class in India. They aren’t bringing refugees from india. These people are coming with money.


It's actually a pretty good predictor lol GDP per capita directly correlates to purchasing power which directly correlates quality of life.


Living in your third world hometown with your extended relatives sharing one house and being able to afford a meal, have friends and family around, and not have to worry about anti immigrant sentiment growing around you, is actually Better for some than working all day to afford a shared room with no upward mobility or chance of buying a home.


LOL. Tell me your education failed you without telling us.


Tell me how the Indian education is dog shit and all their kids desperately want to leave.


Yeah sure. That's why we see Indians successfully running the world. That's why the people who had their primary education and graduation in India are running the most valuable companies in the world. Tell me how many Canadians are running a worthwhile business in Canada? There are none. Even Canadians prefer investing in US than Canada because they know Canada is fast becoming an irrelavnt country. You're naive and uninformed if you don't see the growing number of Canadian Gen Zs leaving this shithole as well. Education in Canada is laughable than India. Average Canadian has zero skills to succeed in this world.


it’s actually laughable when you throw the absolute top of Indian society at me as if it’s an actual counter to the fact that the average Indian students would barely pass grade 6 here when they finish their school.


and I'm still waiting for the list of Canadians who are making a difference in the world.


Well I can't take the effort to educate you when Canada failed. So be happy with what you know.


But it says it’s actually more dispute driven? “This downturn resulted from the expulsion of Canadian diplomats by India, who were responsible for processing permits. Moreover, fewer Indian students applied due to diplomatic tensions stemming from a dispute over the murder of a Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada, according to a statement from a prominent Canadian official provided to Reuters.”


It’s funny to me how much your life is just political dogma. . The “libs” played them . The number of seats The programs of study The schools that can accept them Those are all PROVINCIAL decisions .


Fed sets permit rate for the entire country, without permit provinces can't let a single person in...they have been pushing immigration like mad for years. Then provinces need to figure it out ....Toronto strapped for cash due to fed decisions on immigration...and now need to raise taxes an extra 6.5%, Quebec now asking for assistance based on FED policies. We are now set to take in a boat load of Ukrainians... Get your head out your ass. 100% libs agenda. Stop talking out your ass.. You have no idea what you're talking about... "My life?" You don't know me from a hole in the wall ...idiot Libs did play all ppl they let into the country...when you have zero qualifications on letting them in ....was for their OWN political benefit...NOT to help those they allowed into the country! Not only did the screw immigrants screwed Canadians and the next generation!


No they fucking don’t. The provinces say how many seats they have for international students. The Feds decide which applicants are eligible for a visa The provinces are the only body that either raises the number of seats avail or controls the framework Increased international students are the direct result of cutting funding to post secondary by conservative provincial governments.


Then what's the point of the libs stating they will reduce????? While point of thread! Starts with fed...dimwit www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-federal-government-should-look-at-cap


So the feds making a new policy in reaction to curbing a problem conservative provincial goverment caused - is pretty much the status quo in Canada . Dimwit , Hey look the federal goverment has to rescue provinces from the consequences of nonsense conservative policies … And dimwits like you are there to bail out failed conservative politicians for their policy failures by blaming the ones who fix it and ignoring the ones who broke it


LMAO you're an absolute idiot ....lol later


You and voters like you at the reason for all your own troubles . You insist on blaming “Libs” for anything the conservatives do that you don’t like


The lib did a shitty job from day one and ate still doing a shitty job...69% want the dimwit to step down ... Why is that??


Do we really want students from a country whose prime minister assassinated our Sikhs? Bad apples.


What about Khalistani sikhs in Canada? Remember they blew up the whole plane killing hundreds of Canadians? Lets deport them first.


Name one khalistani terrorist with proof against them who is roaming free. Or do you think every Punjabi is a terrorist because of the actions of some people? Like like blind racists will stay racists. That's like saying that every Canadian is a serial murderer because there have been some in the past.


I am Punjabi too. White Canadians need to stop this BS, speaking against extremists doesn’t make you a racist. The fact is lot of people from developing countries bring their regressive thinking and issues to Canada, speaking against those things doesn’t make you racist. Remember Ujjal Dosanjh? He is a sikh guy, former premier of BC, he used to speak against Khalistani extremists, he received death threats. Lot of Canadian Punjabi’s are tired of this Khalistani stuff.




A Canadian is a Canadian you racist POS.


..and a terrorist is a terrorist. Whichever country they belong to.


Terrorists are terrorists. Activists are not terrorists.


yes and Bin Laden was an activist too for people in Pakistan..I get your POV now.


How dumb are you? What the government does is not the same as what people do. US gov't has an established history of coups and assassinations across the world. Does that mean we should stop all American people from coming in? Chinese government too has done shady stuff. Does that mean all Chinese people are murderers? Hell, the Canadian government and organizations have done enough damage to natives in Canada. Does that make every Canadian a murderer? Ridiculous argument. Only people who can't understand nuance paint entire countries with the same brush.


How dumb are _you_? A country’s peoples are greatly influenced by the propaganda peddled by its government.


You lack reading comprehension.




>Applications from India reduced by 86% YoY [https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/chandigarh/canada-minister-says-study-permits-to-students-from-india-drop-due-to-dispute-9112666/](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/chandigarh/canada-minister-says-study-permits-to-students-from-india-drop-due-to-dispute-9112666/)


Still not enough


Putting it back to 2 years ago. How many were coming in back then? This is about wage suppression and these colleges are failing. Let them fail.


You realize that universities like UofT, Queen's, and western also rely heavily on international students to make up for lack of funding. Are you really saying all universities in Ontario / Canada should fall? There is a recent CBC about that video on this. The example they used. UofT comp sci course cost for domestic students is 6-10k. The cost for foreign students is 62k. Their tuition is what is allowing the top their universities to run their programs. Know what you are talking about. International students bring in around 8 billion dollars every year. That's more than lumber or car manufacturing export from Canada. You're literally asking to shut down one of the biggest industries in Canada and make us all pay for the gap. I swear, some people don't know facts. They are purely driven by emotions - especially hate.


I'm fine with paying for the gap, we pay more than $8B to pay for all the other issues the international students bring. Sure we might end up paying more for school, but will be able to get seen at the hospital. It's not about hate, it's about having universities getting overpaid while the rest of the economy assumes the cost of their greed. We were fine before the recent glut of students. We were fine in the 70s as well without this many students. We'll be fine again when we reduce it back down again. You're acting like we can't create $8B of market activity any other way than to get taken advantage of by international students. In fact, this whole situation reinforces the housing affordability crisis which itself sucks any investment away from actual ideas that could generate money for the economy. When we bring in an entire country's worth of students in one year, how do you think that affects housing?




Oh no, what will happen to all the bunk beds... Lol




I'll take the wood. Convert them to crates for fruits and veggies. Hiring associate positions with OT available. Asset if you can assemble crates. DM me


I can't believe this person is real. The embodiment of "ReAl CoMmUnIsM hAs NeVeR bEeN tRiEd"






When you can't afford 3k for a 2 bedroom unit, you make do with what you can afford. The students take it because that's what they can afford and they are okay with that. Don't understand why you are angry on their behalf? Would you rather that they sell everything at home to rent bigger individual units and take even more housing? Further exacerbating the housing crisis? Don't understand the issue that Canadians have. Just because you prefer lots of space for yourself doesn't mean everyone needs or can afford the same. Next you'll complain that the students don't buy giant SUVs and trucks.


Honestly, u/hopoke sounds mental. They might be the only Trudeau supporter left.


"Each province would determine how the spots are going to be split among authorized post-secondary institutions within their jurisdictions." Looks like money making opportunity for those in charge, once they leave public office, they'll be VP of some crappy college.


If it's Quebec they'll just only let international students attend French language institutions and try to bankrupt McGill and Concordia even harder.


Oh don't worry. Ontario will take most of them.


"We limit it to current levels" - mission accomplished 


In other news, the market for bunk beds has suddenly collapsed.


I think you mean the market for single foam mattresses directly on the floor in the corner of a laundry room.


They don't last long when used in shifts.


It's like putting in smoke detectors while the house is on fire.


Applications have tanked all on their own....just libs playing politics and trying to take credit for immigrates waking up all on their own....pls don't be fooled by terrible liberal politics....they caused the problem.


Basic Liberal bullshit. All talk, no plans, all reaction. Pander for votes, no vision. Can't wait to vote out these clowns. Every single one of these LPC clowns needs to be voted out and I hope they lose their party status.


When my parents migrated to Canada back in 91. They had to have enough points to qualify. Engineers both. English language fluidity etc. They struggled after arriving but after 2 years got working in their respective fields. They assimilated and conformed to Canadian values.  There was a standard back then. We took in the crème that rises to the top.  Now, anyone with two thumbs gets in. These guys on intl student visas do not speak English. Don’t bother integrating outside of their community. They don’t understand what it means to be Canadian.  Hell, I was visiting family in Toronto. Two brown dudes got in an accident and started beating the shit out of each other with their belts. First time I have seen something like this. I was so put off by it.  I say all this as a child of immigrants. Yes, my parents feel just as strongly about this. Have immigration but have it on merit. 


It actually is on merit. I work in the field. The problem is enforcement. The government doesn't have enough people monitoring and checking for scams.. so there are a lot of people finding loopholes right now. BTW most people from India speak a good amount if English


It's clearly not. You can't radically increase the immigration rate without average quality declining. Immigration isn't something that can be forced. There are papers and articles on the degradation of these programs with increased low skill level of immigrants; eg, [https://www.cdhowe.org/sites/default/files/attachments/research\_papers/mixed/commentary\_407.pdf](https://www.cdhowe.org/sites/default/files/attachments/research_papers/mixed/commentary_407.pdf) and [https://www.cdhowe.org/intelligence-memos/mahboubi-skuterud-multi-pronged-strategy-managing-canadas-surging-non-permanent](https://www.cdhowe.org/intelligence-memos/mahboubi-skuterud-multi-pronged-strategy-managing-canadas-surging-non-permanent) .


By you saying, >They don’t understand what it means to be Canadian.  You are showing that maybe you don't know what it means to be Canadian.. Canada promotes integration, not assimilation.


I believe it when I see it, but this guy is a lawyer, there’s probably some provision fine print bullshit that before he does this he’ll need an approval to permit 100M students by the end of the year.


We shouldn't be surprised if this "limit" is actually a considerably high number. The same way Miller said they are levelling off at 500k which itself is a record number


The British invaded the US and Canada for hundreds of years; meanwhile India invading Canada effortlessly in a decade


Do away with the diploma mills and the problem will be solved.


Too little, too late. Some communities have been irreparably harmed.


Increase IELTS requirements back o what they were. We don't need to scrape a limited umber of people at the bottom.


I don't even believe the IELTS results from certain feeder countries are legitimate. Arriving international students should be required to recertify at a Canadian test center.


They will never do that. If the required score is increased from 5.5 to, say, 6.5, that means losing tens of thousands of new registrations for colleges and universities. And that’s 6-7 figure loss per semester for these institutions. It’s all about money—I fear they could lower the language requiremenr even further lol. Not to mention, in some countries, the schools that administer IELTS are totally corrupt, giving out 7s and 8s like candy for $$$. So yeah changing the language requirements won’t change a thing for those who find a way.


When do the deportations start of all people who overstayed their visas and have no papers. Oh yeah we’re giving them PR and citizenship. This man’s a nutjob. We need to limit terms to 2 years so politicians can get voted out if they’re not acting right.


They get deported all the time , not that rage farming sub Reddit’s care about facts


Only ~7000 people were deported in the first half of 2023. There are 1.5 million immigrants here on expired visas where they don’t even know where they are at and are not include in official figure regarding visa holders. They are not deporting enough and enforcement is a joke.


1.5 million seems like a number you made up. You know the REAL facts that official numbers can’t keep track of.


It’s not a made up number you just don’t read the news. This is a conservative estimate as well. If you don’t believe that I’ll happily link more articles from other major news networks on the topic. [Source](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/politics/article-a-million-more-non-permanent-residents-live-in-canada-than-official/)


Why it was unlimited before? Why did it come down to a situation where mass deportation is becoming the best solution?


Damage has been done but nothing is going to happen. This is just a show-off to calm down the amount of frustration from the masses. Trust me the immigration firms, Universities, and colleges will raise the alarm that they are going bankrupt due to a lower number of immigrants.


Still undetermined They're gonna drop it by like 1k or something which isn't gonna do anything overall. Jesus Christ. Please. Close Canada for a few years so we can get back on track.


I expect this news will continue to make headlines in a few months.


Nothing but an attempt to make it look like they are doing something. Too little too late is correct.


Wait we weren’t already doing that?!


I’ve seen these articles since October.  Press X to doubt


They need to shut down the "schools" that have a 100% increase in international students in the past two years. If the "schools" are in strip malls etc and not fully accredited like U of C, UBC, UofT where students actually learn and do research these "colleges" should be shut down.


Deport the "students" who are really here for a short cut to become citizens. Lesson in life that there are no short cuts.


From 800,000 to 799,999


Too late


So right now there is no limit - fucking brilliant. The news is the announcement, watch them drop it 20% and claim action (article claims more but I doubt it). Trudeau and the Liberal/NDP party can rot in hell.


Guys try to see the positive in this. This is a good thing. This sub is SO BAD for just feeding on outrage, and propagating unrelated outrage when good news comes out. You guys are addicted to anger. This is good news.


This is half assed 


You mean they should be doing more? Totally agree. But I'm gonna take my wins where I can get them, and hope they signal a positive shift, instead of stewing in my outrage. Media has got people addicted to being upset.


They are doing this now purposefully to placate people like you. The damage is already done and nothing will be done to fix it despite what they say.


I don’t think we want to limit study permits. I think we just want to limit the study permits all going into one country…


Right? The last thing this fucking country  needs. 


2025 is coming so


send them all to russia to study


I know this is a real estate sub, but this will absolutely fuck Ontario university finances. Queen's is on the brink, and if this goes through, they could very well close in late 2024-2025. Guelph could have trouble. The only Ontario university without finance issues right now is UofT.


Start deporting libtard voters to North Korea.


LOL. Too late. Word has spread in India that Canada is yet another 3rd world country. In fact, student registration dropped even before Canada came up with this so called "limiting" student visas... LOL


It was unlimited before?


Over 1,000,000 student visas issued breaking the record by a mile and a half. So damn near. Think about it, 2.5% of our population, 1 in 40 people in Canada is an international student.


Why don't resign? If you doing such bad job in a regular job, you are fired. The country is not a place for your failed experiment.


just BS


Limit to 1 million lol


Canada can consider to restate the previous policy which student without jobs after graduation have to leave the country.


Lol, there is already a reduction in student visa applications because of the exponential increase of cost of living. These turds trying to look like they are problem solvers lol.


Post secondary institutions are working hard to generate other sources of revenue, been heavily reliant on the Indian student market to meet annual targets.


The government switched to allow study permits because Canadians were getting upset with the number of actual foreigners they were letting in (a number they were continuously lying about). A study permit is basically an in for a PR status. This Country has went to shits. The damage is irreversible.