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....you took a hood tour....in a bulletproof van......why?


Nerd behavior 😂😂


Apart from my interest in West Coast Hiphop/LA Gang Culture. They were also 2023 Trip Advisor's Travelor's Choice award winners. [LA HOOD LIFE TOURS – This ain’t Hollywood, this is real life!](https://www.lahoodlifetours.com/)


Imagine going on vacation and going to the hood. Not only that but taking a hood tour. Some of y’all kill me 😭😭😭😭😭


Super goofy behavior 😂😂


U supposed to escape ur problems on vacation not go try to find new ones 😭😭😭 nigga wants to see poverty instead of partying 😂😂


I was on a work trip and decided to stay extra 7-8 days. I'm a big hip-hop/rap fan, I studied a lot about the LA West Coast gang culture from the migration in 60s. I even went to the African American museum. I'm interested in the culture of LA. I did go to beach and Hollywood but I got more fun out of learning about the History of the town. Not everyone from Rexdale is selling drugs, some of us work in IT.


I was just joking bro you can do whatever u feel like


I don’t see the issue. Shit, ppl take tours of Hollywood, to niggaz South Central is Hollywood. In my humble opinion.


Paying for a Hood Tour is ridiculous bro, in a bullet proof van too


Let me guess. Your bulletproof and you go where ever you wanted right damoo?


i ain’t going to LA to look at the hood unless i know somebody there lol, go enjoy the beach and scenery. Why you want to hangout somewhere you need to pull up that scared


😭😭 OP treated LA like African lion safari ahahahah "over here we have a sureno, notice his gang tattoos signifying where he is from" "neato 📸"




Broooo 😂😂😂






Man ur fanned out wtf a hood tour? U paid to fly to the state with arguably the best women, weather and weed but u chose to gawk ur stupid eyeballs at gang members, blue/red rags, and dilapidated buildings with bullet holes in them 🤦‍♂️ Ngl I'm salty af what a waste of a passport. And then there's me who can't even leave the country cause of a weed charge I got prior to legalization 😂 mosh up


LA is actually nice asf even in the hoods. I went to Nip store when I was out there and it was chill. If you ain’t in it you good so idk why he needed a bulletproof van 😂


I'm not in 20s, I'm in 30s, I'm an adult and I work in IT. I was on a work trip and decided to stay extra 7-8 days. I'm a big hip-hop/rap fan, I studied a lot about the LA West Coast gang culture, dating back from the migration in 60s/WhiteFlight. I even went to the African American museum and took tour to see all the San Andreas/GTA 5 locations. I'm interested in the culture of LA and West Coast HipHop. I did go to beach and Hollywood but I got more fun out of learning about the History of the city. Some of you DM-ed me about the "Hood Tour", just Google "L.A. Hood Life Tours". If you are a real fan of West Coast Hip Hop, you will have fun going on the tour. [LA HOOD LIFE TOURS – This ain’t Hollywood, this is real life!](https://www.lahoodlifetours.com/)


Did you go to nipsey hussle shit


Yes. I did.


Imagine going to LA And going on a hood tour instead of visiting some shit like Santa Monica pier lol nigga your hilarious


Even the hot dog vendors were tatted up? Do tattoos make people tough now? What the fuck. This one of the nerdiest posts I’ve read in awhile. And what part of Rex did you grow up lol


Not OP but he’s probably saying the vendors have gang tats. Not regular tattoos lmao


Man went on a “hood life” tour im not going to take anything he says serious 😂


Why would a gang sell hot dogs???




You sound like a bitch




Wether you in LA, New Orleans, Chicago or Toronto being “tough” dont matter…. Theres shooters in all of the cities, and the bullets pierce flesh the same in each city. It’s completely illogical to sit here n compare which niggas are tougher when everyone can get aent to the upper room just the same 🤷🏾‍♂️


This convo again… no one ever said we were tougher or harder than Americans.. every country has bad places and I bet if an American came to Canada and fucked around with the wrong people he’d die same ways if we went over there and fucked with the wrong people


Hood tour?? Goof activities


Niggas jus say anything on this app holy


I don’t understand why Canadians suck off ameican man’s so much. just cuz they’re American?? You think amefican gangsters are any more savage the niggas in favelas from Brazil or Mexican cartel members? Put a gun in anybody hand and they can turn into a bad bwoy. I don’t understand why u think just cuz someone is “american” they bullet proof or something. Theres gang culture everywhere


It's embarrassing tbh doesn't matter what it is, they will glaze them lol. Funny thing Is the same shit can happen here, no matter what it is from music to balm, they will nut hug thet shit from the states...


This what happens when u spend too much time on Reddit, u start doin goofy white people shit


holla at me i’ll give yu a malton hood tour in my buss down 06 civic


"Hotdog vendors had tattos" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this sub reddit is DONE!!!


OP has figured out it’s largely a choice in the GTA when it isn’t in the USA.


Nah, it’s a largely a choice here in the US too.




From my experience being in the US I can say that a lot of American Hood niggas would get packed in Toronto. Yes LA has tons of different gangs and hoods but if they moved that same way in Toronto it wouldn’t work in their favour and it would get them in a lot of pollies. Tbh Toronto has a lot of refugees and first generation immigrants that are with the shits. They’re coming from way crazier places than LA and have seen real wars and are ready and willing to put in work.


These Guys are just uneducated that’s all


Facts 💯


LOL You think immigrants from India, bangladesh, whatever third world country that got their canada visas are crazier than LA mexican gangs, el salvadorian, blood and crips lol we have those same immigrants from all around the world. Not saying toronto doesnt have gangs but its not even fucking comparable. I'm too old and corporate but i just remember a toronto indian dude saying nigga to a bunch of random people and i told him if did that in LA he would be done for. Yall are annoying, SERIOUSLY. Dude didn't even know where Los Angeles was. probably went home and bumped more poser drake songs in his dorm.


You’re talking about Indians I’m talking about refugees from Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, Yawdies and Africans from all over. Please don’t act like American gangs and people coming from real war are the same thing. I’m not saying people from Toronto wouldn’t get their asses in trouble in the USA but niggas from the USA would also get themselves in a lot of shit out here just off of moving ignorant


You honestly think Los Angeles doesn't have these same immigrants plus more hopping the border from South America. I just think its hilarious you comparing every immigrant with a visa to hardened soldier lol jk it just sounds like you're actually saying mexican cartels, aryans, bloods, crips, are not as bad as some of the caribbean students who just got their visa thats all LOL my point with the dumbass indian kid calling a crowd of random black people niggas is that Toronto has this poser problem as well coming from one of the safest cities in North America.


I’m not talking about international students. Toronto is the MOST multicultural city in the world and has been like that for a long time. Obviously the cartel is nothing to mess with but we have the MOB, Hells Angels, Shower Posse and many more organized crime syndicates here. I’m not making light of LA but you guys are the #5 safest large city is the USA. Toronto definitely isn’t the hardest city is the world either. My only point was an American would come here and think everything is sweet and get themselves in a lot of issues.


LA is just a diverse lol and we have decades of history of violence. Where do you think the MOB, Hells Angels, Crips & Bloods that Toronto Gangs try to imitate come from? lol Its all relative for every Toronto Gang there is 30x that in each city in the States. Its not even comparable at the level of violence and gun culture between America and Canada. Toronto was a lot less annoying during the Vince Carter Air Canada days but I've noticed the pop star got into some of yall heads a little too much and yall fantasize on something that the statistics just don't back up.


You’re an idiot if you think those gang factions didn’t come here and set up shop. It isn’t an imitation sorry you think everything is a rip off of American culture 😂


Says the guy who thinks the MOB, Hells Angels, Bloods & Crips come from Toronto lol But you're right theres no imitation when it comes to gangs and violence. Its all relative America just has a lot more of it. Also the pop star didn't really help Toronto's reputation for ripping off America culture did he? LOL but yeah man I've met a lot of people from Toronto. Ya'll are real ones.


Naw I don’t think they come from here but they are definitely here. Drake defo didn’t help the reputation in that sense 😂🤣


Good back and forth convo tho G. I think we both got a lil bit of understanding out of this and we didn’t even troll lol


Toronto is the #1 most safest most cleanest city in North America. Be proud of that accomplishment.


Stats aren’t facts. Government is capping to get more people to flock out here lol


Ok take that up with the Canadian government and tell them to change their census lol


The last time Rich Kidd brought Chicago dudes to Toronto they had full establishments changing the music / closing for the day or night because they were playing opps. Point blank, Top5 or any of these dudes would get laughed out the store/club/whatever it may be if they walked in to an american business and told them to change the music


That’s just cuz Americans think they’re the roughest and toughest in the world. Just cuz they would get laughed at doesn’t mean they aren’t willing to take it there.


When one does maybe they’ll take them more seriously


Tell that to Kodak 😂😂😂




My bad who started that? Mans shot in self defense lol they’re not starting shiiiiiit in the states


Exactly the original point …Americans think they tough till they get popped and run 🏃‍♀️


Said like a man who’s never left peele 🫡


Americans get robbed yearly when coming to bana. It don’t matter where you’re from but where you’re at. Everyone is tough in their own blocks


Nobody Cares. Yall making up all this over some pussy rap fake beef lol ! FREE PALESTINE!! THATS REAL WAR !!


Palestine needs to die


Niggas are really roasting you for what YOU did on YOUR vacation. Lol niggas are miserable




This is crazy bro😂 Top 10 hood subreddit posts of all time


I know Toronto man’s that are tough and don’t have to act tough 🤷‍♂️ You know your tough when you don’t even care where someone from 😂


Taking a hood tour is crazy lol LA gangs are harder than our gangs but as someone who out there often it’s still fine lmfaooo




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You don’t get it obviously #SoSad


The hood tour 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well we both have shitty music that all sounds the same. So we atleast have that in common.




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you can argue the best learning tool is First hand experience, so taking a hood tour doesn't make u a nerd lol If you interested in something and you have a chance to get a better/ more first hand experience of learning it, why not? Born and raised in Brampton and living in Chicago since my mid 20s....Being locked up in Cook County...Joining a "group"....learning about different "groups" One thing I can say about Toronto and American Gang culture is America is 5/6 Generations in...Toronto is 1st/2nd Max and there is no real organizations/groups...if things keep going the way they are in Toronto and GTA it will become just like America. There are shooters, killers, monsters, fakers in every city, "group", etc. No one will be "tougher" than the next....every group/group member will believe they they toughest and hardest (or they in the wrong lane). Another example would be the difference between how differently we move in Chicago then the LA groups, I could argue about how the "group" culture really started in Chicago and that makes us tougher than LA....would that be true? ADR


This is waste styll🤣


Tattoos mean your with the shits now apparently🤣 we move different here enough said


I could understand that it is very different over there compared to Toronto but that doesnt mean anything, how does a dude that has more “tatts” mean that he might be a savage lol furthermore just because they do alot more gimmicks in their culture doesn’t mean they are tougher than anyone NOW STOP GLAZING


ur a fucking weirdo OP and ur in ur 30s at that. ![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized)


Where was my bullet proof tour when I had to stay in these dusty ahh motels in watts, Bakersfield, and goddamn compton with face tat crackheads running around takin a shit in front of a McDonald’s😩


Nigga said even hotdog vendors are tatted up 😭 is that supposed to mean they’re tuff. U sounds like a bitch who got bullied. And u say u lived in rexdale but u prolly lived in a house in the Rex not non of the blocks. Ur a peon


Interesting. NGL, I did chuckle when you said you did a hood tour, but honestly, it looks like you enjoyed the experience, and you helped support a local business. So props. Yes, Toronto is not in the same league as the city that gave birth to modern gang culture. There is nowhere in Toronto that I'd consider particularly dangerous. LA is literally the birth place of the Crips and Bloods.




Yeah, you probably were cause the rest of us ain't dumbass dickheads


Wipe your mouth when you’re done with all that


He probably did both (visit tourism places and this hood tour) and honestly I see it as him wanting to learn more about LA culture and what better place to do that then in the hood. Plus he did it smartly by going with the group. Now a bulletproof van does sound a bit extra I agree lol but think about this.. had me gone alone and something would have happened to him we would be roasting him even harder. At least the boy has logic. Now, on that note, imagine if Toronto implemented a similar tour for its impoverished neighborhoods… the profits could go towards community restoration, job security etc and safety would be prioritized in a way it isn’t now. Becuz we all know how systemic white supremacy gets when one of their own catches a stray (ie Jane Creba, if some of y’all are old enough to remember that story on Yonge St) so idk boy might be onto something. Anyway probably worth exploring. TCH residents could even run the tours so that they don’t feel violated and decide what parts of their community are on display and what parts aren’t. I agree not everything is for show and tell but either way gentrification, Regent is practically a free good tour now. PO next. Jungle next. The 905ers can walk through anytime and observe for free without any commission or profit to the area. Like that American YouTuber walking through Lane and Regent recently. He should pay tax for sure. Who agrees with me?


So you’re suggesting a tour, backed by the Canadian Government, of impoverished neighborhoods? Is there going to be a photo session with the single mothers and a little competition where the hoods compare their bullet scars to see whose is nastier while the tourists make bets and give them names?


See now you’re taking it too far. I was envisioning something along the lines of neighborhoods with historic pasts like Regent, St Lawrence, PO with Chinatown, Lawrence Heighs with Yorkdale, Rex with Humber college etc. You are talking about putting pain on display and that was never my point.


i’m thinking of setting one up in malton in my buss down 06 civ


Unless you’re in the criminology field and making money off of writing about gang culture a hood tour is completely unnecessary. Thats a waste of money fr😂


you sound very yt