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True that, they really need to optimise for mobile gamers especially ones with low-end phones. I have a pretty low-end phone, the game sometimes crashes on me and it's pretty annoying tbh especially when it happens in multiplayer instances. If they can optimise the game I think ToF can get more active players.


They can’t even get their pc version right even when provided with the best hardware money can buy so good luck with mobile.


Sure they could try to optimize performance for lower end phones or give more options to potatofy the game, but I'm sure a lot of it is base code that either is too influential to change without having to change a million other things as well or will have a negative impact on high end devices or PC version. If this was purely a PC game, then there wouldn't be as many complications and compromises. The more copy-paste the code between platforms is, the more optimized the development cycle becomes. They'd basically need to sacrifice time developing new content to redevelop old content, or hire more staff to do that. The big spenders would logically be the ones with better hardware, so they choose to focus manpower on new content to satisfy those players. We will always be seeing people with phones that can't run the game, because much more than desktop PCs, there is a divide between work/usable phones and gaming phones. Even laptops. Companies will try to sell you the weak hardware with cheapness as the selling point and you don't realize that it's terrible for gaming. They even hide some specs from you, too. I had to go into developer settings to find that this phone has 4gb of memory. Only storage is visible as is.


IOS download speed during version updates is so horrendous i had to leave it overnight just to complete the download.


Thats an general issue for both PC and Mobile. I always have to leave it overnight.


I play on mobile and I'm not even gonna talk about performance. The fact that you have to reinstall the whole game every update is already a massive deal-breaker for the average mobile player, they will just quit, also the size of the game has surpassed genshin and people already complain about Gi being big.


ToF is pretty much done for them. Right now they only put minimum effort to maintain it, like they do to their other games. And all investments are onto the next project.


They should fix the game first


Too late for that... And looking how v4.x looks so meh compared to v3.x presentation... WW in 3 weeks will probably be a "coup de grace" for ToF.


Not only mobile but PC too. I have low-end PC, and the game starts to lag and stutter terribly after playing for 20 mins, struggling to get 20 fps even tho i play on smooth setting. I tried the mobile version , but there is still a slight lag, but not much like a PC, but it drains battery like butter and overheats again with a smooth setting, which is the lowest setting. I sent numerous feedback, yet the problems still exist.




It still lags and stutters even on a high end pc, optimization is just bad with this game.




It’s definitely not network issue, I have good internet hooked via ethernet. ToF is the only game where I get stutters and lag and I’m already given up trying to fix it for a while now.




I don’t live in the middle of nowhere, I have around 50 ping in game and the stuttering actually got worst with this patch update. You ever think maybe just maybe Hotta has garbage servers?




Why are you so unhinged bro, I’m telling you what my situation is and you just sound so mad. Stuttering and lag isn’t exactly an uncommon complaint with this game.


My logic is this; if you’ll take a moment to breathe, have a snickers, and actually give me a second to tell you why I think the way that I do. I’m running higher end pc specs, 12700K, 4080 Super, not the best of the best but it’s up there. I have good internet hooked via ethernet, I hover around 50 ping. I get micro stutters, fps drops, and lagging, this is the only game that has these issues, what else am I supposed to conclude is the problem? Your solution to someone playing on a phone is to “just get a pc” isn’t exactly helpful to a person who isn’t in a situation where you can’t have access to one.




If the game is available to download and compatible with their device, devs should be expected to provide a decent experience at the very least, meaning minimal crashes and frame drops at low settings. But if you’ve been around the block around this sub, you’ll see that for many people, it’s borderline unplayable because of how badly optimized this game is. You can throw as much gpu power as you can at this game and it still won’t run 100% smoothly albeit still better than mobile. Also, I didn’t offer any solution to the other poster. As a matter of fact, I was seeking a solution to my problem myself.




In the end, I’m back to square one with no solution. Maybe there is something I overlooked, I’m not hopeful but at the same time let’s not pretend this game’s servers run perfectly, Hotta is definitely to at least be partially blamed here. It’s been a big complaint since day one of this game.


Don't defend the developers. It's a business. It's their job to fix the game on low- end and high-end devices. They have to find a way, no matter what, if they want the game to thrive. Customers don't care about technical gibberish. They only understand if something works or not. If it doesn't, they leave.




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You are very incorrect. You also did not read the post. They clearly state Genshin ran fine on the same phone with the same lowest settings. If a game developer makes a game available on a platform, it should be expected to run on said platform. Clearly Hotta is aware phone performance is poor, that’s why CN has cloud TOF


If ToF wants more players, they should scrap the gacha and make every character and weapon farmable and turn it into an actual mmo or even mmo-lite instead.


Removing their main source of income? Might as well shut down completely.


What is point of mmo where two full parties make game so laggy?