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This is like the only thing I spend money on lol




This has to be the greatest humble brag I’ve ever seen




No disrespect intended - Warren Buffett still clips coupons


Man there are crazy deals to be had on used race bikes! I was in California briefly and year-used AMA supermoto bikes went for under $20k. Fucking mad. And compared to tracking any car, that's peanuts. That said, I bet you have just as much fun doing it scrappy as going all out.


You wonder, but they're probably also over 40 and gross 400k+ per year lol. Track days select for privileged wealthy people. The young people put every last cent towards the sport, which I did in my 20s. Took out a credit card after totaling my GSXR-600 and spending my severance check on a new track bike. Adrenaline makes us do irrational things. :)


Huge RVs with the massive matching trailer and the RV is a mini garage with two levels?? It's nuts.


A family, I believe? In the Midwest does this at track days. Big ol blue n silver motor home with a massive two level trailer. Never met em, but I'm always curious how they maneuver the thing through the Paddock at BHF with bikes near.


It's more deluxe than most homes. I can't imagine their fuel and tire costs!


I dont earn anything near this much (uk lmao) but i do earn good money. Many people will go horrifically into debt for their hobby. I did once and never again, if i cant afford it outright im not doing it.


As a fellow uk rider. Just looking into getting into track days. I keep reading how skint everyone is and how it is such an expensive hobby. Other than the obvious buying a bike and transportation where does the crazy expenses come from? Forgive me if that’s a stupid question


Helmets, leathers, boots, gloves, tyres, petrol, travel etc. It all adds up super fast


If you make 400k+ per year and *only* have a couple mil saved, the answer is your spending habits. There are guys campaigning trophy trucks yearly for under $100k/yr. There's more than one way to do anything.




You didn't say any of that though. So I don't know how anyone would deduce that lol. There are guys who race a club racing season for under $20k, so it's doable.


Business owner?


No kids Do all my own spannering My ‘holidays’ are exclusively bike related


My bro


Yep. Same. I set my schedule in January and left one remaining off day in case something came up. If someone's getting married they should have sent the invitation earlier. That actually became a point of contention last year...


Most marriages end in divorce, motorcycles are forever.


This is the way


Motorcycle holidays are the move. I seldom do track days bc of my schedule. But I fairly very frequently fly to places I haven't been to before, rent a bike, and go explore.


No vacations, no wife, no kids, no girlfriend. No hobbies other than riding my bikes and fixing my bikes. I workout a bit, but only so that my leathers fit. Buy cheap store brand foods. Eat chicken and rice, lots of chicken and rice. Never eat out, don’t drink at all. Wearing some of the same clothes from high school because they fit… I turned 30 this year. Moved closer to my main track to cut down on travel expenses. Sleep in the car or on the grass when I go to others. Got a much more stressful but better paying job to be able to afford new house and still do my required number of TDs. Tons of other stuff as well, just trying to save a buck here and there. I have compromised pretty much every single other facet of my life in order to maximize my track time/budget.


You would make Dave Ramsey proud, minus the motorcycle hobby 😂


Much cheaper in American, so we do not have access to all the premier tracks that you do.


Honestly, a track week end is 150 to 400 for the most expensive pretty much everywhere in Europe, did Castellet, Monza, Assen, Anneau du Rhin and Hockenheimring. 4k for a year for OP..? I don't know, the guy went to COTA all inclusive? Or it depends what he/she put in the costs!


Hotel, gas, food, tires, maintenance. Amortizing the cost of injury, bike, tow rig. It adds up quick.


Cost of injury? Not covered by your insurance or mutual? And yeah, the rest adds up pretty quick indeed.


It still added my$3K deductible, plus copays for follow up and PT afterwards. That's a fairly substantial increase. Plus a new suit and new Helmet, ends up being $2k or more (Ent custom with an airbag this time)


That depends. Track days in Spain are FAR cheaper than track days in Southern California.


first world problem here. I live in Austin. so the nearest track is COTA, which now costs about $580/day. the rest of the good tracks are in the Dallas area, for about $400/day, but I also have to pay for a hotel night or two, gas for the drive/haul, and a trailer. so it comes out to about the same.


MSRH and Cresson are both $250/day for track days. The extras do add up tho.


Ridesmart lists H2 and ECR for $375. I just go do ECR with SportRiderCoaching training for about $380. much better value with 2:1 student/teacher ratio. MSRH is trash but I guess the value is there just to get track time


Local tracks are 200 a day (maybe less for package deals), 1 hour drive, another is 4 hour drive...camping allowed. I sleep in my truck, I'm used to it. Nothing like COTA unfortunately... food and fuel cost less in American (and no VAT), lower quality food compared to Europe.


Way cheaper in Europe. COTA costs $500+ a day. The same GP level tracks in Europe are around $250 a day. Hotel and food tend to be cheaper in Europe. I ride a Ducati, so parts and tires are cheaper in Europe vs what I pay in the states. For example, a set of Bridgestones are around $500 in the states where I could buy them for about $400 set in Germany.


No kids Good job I literally only spend my money on this shit I did the math, not counting track day(s), just racing alone 7 weekends over 7 months runs me about $18k USD. I could definitely cut my tire cost but where’s the fun in that.


Holy shit! You must be one of the guys with new tires every race that makes me feel better about my budget 😅 It was a few years ago now but I kept track of every penny spent my last amateur year when I won 5 track championships and 4 regional championships in the Midwest and my cost was just over $10k sometimes running 9 races on twin sprint weekends. But I’m the guy that gets yelled at by the tire guy for running my tires too long…haha


Well to be fair, I run one new front per weekend, one new rear Saturday and one Sunday, and I keep them for takeoffs for track days, so the whole off season I don’t have to buy tires. But I’m factoring in all my gas and other expenses related to the weekend in that 18k.


I guess to be fair I run a small truck and a harbor freight trailer so my fuel costs are small and I camp at the track 90% of the time so I’m pretty miserly. And I usually go 3 weekends or so on a front and until I start sliding on a rear…haha which is usually a weekend and a half or so. I’m a big guy on a 600 but I’ve always had good luck on tire life even as I’ve gotten to expert podium pace


4K for 2-3 track days?! Are you shipping your bike across the ocean? Are you doing complete rebuilds after each day? - I’m a stupid American who spends $215-$400 a track day.


Then you’re not being honest with yourself about how much you’re actually spending… $215-$400 is the cost to sign up… now factor in tires, brakes, oil changes, fuel for the bike, fuel for your transport, sleeping arrangements if you’re a ways from the track, etc etc. I think his cost is a little high for sure but there’s still a fair amount that goes into it


Yep, my weekends normally cost anywhere between 400-1000 depending on if I’m riding one day or two.


I might not have the typical scenario either. 45 mins from my track so no hotels and a tank of gas covers both days there and back. I use EBC pads that usually last me the 8-10 days I get out per year. I change the oil first thing each season and maybe twice a year after that. Might get a new rear tire mid season, I tend to alternate and skip sessions so less wear. I’m also convinced some people change their stuff way too often thinking they’re some pro racer when in fact you’re just riding the bike like it was meant to be and your standard intervals are just fine. Unless you truly do ride the piss out of it but I digress. Entry $215 - Gas: $45 - Bike/generator gas: $25 - % of brake pads used $10 - % of oil/filter used $20 - % of tires used $70 - Gate fee $10 - Misc food/beverage $50 = $435 for a day. I understated but I do consider myself lucky even if I forgot a few things, it’s still sub $600 a day.


Oh for sure there are people that spend way too much on new tires and parts/fluids when they’re far off the pace to make them necessary.


It's nice when you live near a track. Most of the secondary costs people have will be related to transport and accomodations I feel.


You\`re right. I ment 2-3 days per month in the summer, expressed it a bit unclear. Added an edit. But, if I were as honest about the costs as you are, I would have more than 4k a year on my bill.


Im on that super budget and ride to the track and ride home when I'm done... Calculating the big costs (entry fee, gas, tires, oil), I figure about $400 a day...say 6 days a year,. that's $2400...and I'm rounding up and overestimating my costs. Tbh the initial gear cost is the major hurdle for casual track days


Over here (also US) it’s $300 for track entry, $150 in fuel to and from the track (4-5 hour drive each way depending on traffic), 125/day for a garage rental (split a few ways so it’s really cheaper), $70/night for a motel. Then we get to the expensive stuff like oil and brake fluid, and new tires every weekend… yeah, it’s about $1500 a weekend for me.


camping at the track (tent, sleeping bag) is worth saving a few bucks, especially if you already have the garage rental


I used to do that but I’ve stopped. There is a $30 fee per night to sleep in a tent at the track and I’ve found I race like crap if I sleep like crap in a tent at the track, so it’s worth the money to me to just get a bed for the night.


Yeah, if I was younger and tight on money, I’d camp, but as a middle aged guy, I need the sleep


Super bikes can burn a rear tire per day, plus transportation, lodging, food, missed work? It’s not hard to spend $1k per


I spend about 250 I save money by corner working. That covers my $230 entrance fee. Also track only an hour away from home so that helps alot.


Every track day I find is 500+... which is why I haven't gone to one. That and my current bike is an adv.


He’s talking 2-3 days per month, so like 10-15 days per season.  He edited the post to clarify.


I run a dealership in the US and buy my stuff at cost. I am also a certified technician and do all my own modes and repairs. I could never afford to do this as much as I like to if I had to pay retail prices and labor rates.




I agree with Sausage Roll, I don’t spend money on hardly anything else. I’ve been making $4000 monthly for a couple years, and was throwing $2000 monthly into student loans. I got real used to saying no to most things, and continue to constantly. If it’s a dream of yours, you’ll make it happen homie. Now that those are paid off and I’m allowing myself one weekend or two track days per month, spending $500 on that is the easiest decision ever.  I had to wait 5yrs to finally get here, but it was totally worth it. Made me want to go even more. 


No kids. I curse a lot in my own garage. My vacations are either riding my adventure bike for a couple thousand miles or trackdays. One wife. My money is my money. Her money is also my money. (/s to make it obvious) DINKing is the way to go.


Remember that in the second half of your life.


Who says I’m not already in the second half of my life? But thanks for reminding me how peaceful and enjoyable and fulfilling my life is.


You are missing arguably the most important part of life. Material things and selfish fulfillment can only bring so much satisfaction. Most people realize this too late. Having your own children is on a timeline and the experience can't be reproduced. Good luck


You need a hug, man? Criticizing someone else for their lifestyle that has no effect on you in a motorcycle sub? You ok?


Right, I have kids and yes they are great but I’d be lying if I said I never was envious of those without and able to do whatever they want when ours were younger. As the saying goes misery loves company and a lot of people are jealous of dinks. Ours are grown now and we live like dinks and it is damn fun.


Yeah my kids are older also but we don't live like dinks, we do all that stuff and get the enjoyment of children, grand children, etc.


Oh don’t get me wrong, we enjoy our kids but we sacrificed and spent a lot of money and time to get here. Thank god both graduated college and are successful and we don’t regret it but over the years we have joked about having a yacht and traveled the world for what it costs to raise kids. Now, we are able to do whatever we want and not feel guilty about it.


If I need a hug I'll just get one from my loving children. Just countering your comment about Dink life. Sorry if I hurt your feelings


Wrong sub man, wtf.


Agreed why would you suggest to people not to have children, a fundamental part of life as a human in a motorcycle forum. Wild


Why are you lecturing people how to live life man, just let people be. Happiness and fulfillment mean different things to everyone


Nah humans are way more the same than different. I'm not lecturing anyone I'm just offering a counter pov. He brought up his life and said it's the way to live. I disagree, that's all. I said good luck and was done with it. If anyone's feelings are hurt that must be something else they are personally not wanting to deal with.


You’re the most arrogant simpleton I’ve read on Reddit this year.


Man tell people having children is a huge part of the human experience and they really get upset. What does this response say about you?


It tells me that you’re so arrogant that you think you can dictate that people should have children or they’re not experiencing life. Get over yourself and what you think you know is the “human experience.” Every one’s unique experience is the human experience. Stop subjecting every one else to your self-righteous attitude and point of view.


Dictate? I have no authority over you or anyone else on reddit. This a forum for discussion of ideas and opinions. An opinion over lifestyle choices was expressed and I countered that opinion with my reasoning. I didn't start insulting others or tell other people what they should do. That's exactly what you just did. Who is self righteous and dictating here?


My kids come to my track days. My dad rides in a higher division but comes out for those days and rides. The whole family makes a weekend of it. You can do both. 


Germany? You have the nordschleiffe, no need to go anywhere else.


I just max out my credit cards, I’ll pay the minimum payments for the next 30 years and won’t be able to retire, have a wife or children. /s


I turned my street r6 into a dedicated track bike when I lived with my parents and had a job. Not long after that, I moved out and couldn't afford to go to the track, and my bike was not street legal by any means. I never could sell it, so it's been sitting for years occasionally riding down some back roads. Finally, I've decided to put it back to use by early next year, hopefully. For me, it's cutting out little things that add up quickly over the week and prioritizing motorcycle lol. If I'm gonna spend money on things I don't need, I should put all that toward the bike. I almost bought a new water jug for work, but then thought that's half the money I needed for a new chain, so I didn't buy it.


Day job, run own business, mental illness 


My job.


Pre Covid I had the cost down to 300 bucks a day. Now it’s hovering over 500…. I don’t have kids or a wife, so I’ll continue to selfishly spend my money on myself!


This comment section is the best. “How do you afford it?”… “ it’s the only thing I do for fun”. That really is the only answer to consistently get on track


I have a cheap track bike (old R6) looks scrappy but has all the race bits, cost £2.5k, that’s done me for 4 years, I have an old Transporter to take it to the track. I have second hand tyre warmers etc. If you don’t care about the latest gizmos and bikes you can do it on the “cheap” , that said, it’s still not cheap. In total for me a UK trackday costs me about £250-300 per day, all in, inc fuel, tyres, food, etc But it’s the best thing ever and I couldn’t live without it.


https://preview.redd.it/0cgq2h5skc9d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e54efbd612761112558a6eb466fbc815c21bbc Are you me? Looks like shit, but everythings fine with it. :)


I worked very hard to get a well-paying job.


what do you do?


I work in IT. 




I do one weekend a year. Costs me maybe $1000 ?


It’s about the only thing I do, plus I work on bikes to make extra money for racing. Married, no kids, no car payments, no real vacations… yeah, racetrack. Even at that, it’s hard to afford.


Selling cocaine /s


There are so many wealthy people around these days, it's just mind boggling. Talking about people with half million dollar rigs lined up everywhere in the paddock, probably own a couple houses, riding super expensive bikes. Not talking about the single working class guy with just this as a hobby.


What do they do for a living? Have you asked them?


My local track is $250 and two hours away I’ll spend $100 total to and from track and gas for my bike, about $40 on food and drinks to take with me and 4ct oil and a filter $75 per 2-3 track sessions and $395 for a set of tires and maybe another $150 msc costs.


I’m with some of the other folks commenting: “this is the only thing I spend money on.” Right before this post I just bought two new sets of tires totaling about $1,000. 😆


I spent around 1k on 4 track days for the year. Luckily I have my own truck and renting a trailer is like 40$ once a month. Gear is expensive off the rip but once you haven’t you don’t gotta buy it again for a while so outside of the initial “entry” costs track days aren’t too expensive.


Some ppl are just rich. They track Porsche GT cars and replace the 20k brakes every year.


The dudes with new bikes are usually older and therefore can afford it or are just straight up financially irresponsible


I’m true middle class. Took until about 29 years old to have a good enough career to fund it. My setup isn’t crazy but it’s good enough to go fast


I live 40 min from a track and there is a cool org that does days all year round for about 250 usd a day, 10 days a year at my local track. Not really expensive to me.


I live 40 minutes away from a track and ride my street bike there to do sessions. $30 Fridays! But it’s a small go kart track in Lake Perris California! I ride my bike there and back and cannot crash while I’m there lmaooo


its a rich persons hobby. thats all. one in a bunch might have a workaround, but its for rich people. anyone that says different, likely has enough income and doesnt realize what poor is


Your cost seems high, track days cost me at most $400 a day including everything from entry, fuel, maintenance etc How does a track day cost you ~$1000, whats the cost breakdown?


I see what you mean if you went to Spain during winter but that would be a bit biased as this Cather's to a specific population. You either have the 40+ wealthy or the young racers who throw it all into the sport. For the first category, I went last winter with some friends of friends from my area and we had: A 50 year old doc, the CEO of an airline company, the owner of multiple shops who also happened to have inherited a lot of money and one who had a hair salon chain. All came with two bikes, of course super super recent with all the nice stuff on but without knowing them you would not know who they were. They came with vans and trailers, go around in shorts doing their tire change and enjoyed cheap beers with everyone else ... So yeah, answer is make money in your job and then show off on track at 50 ;)


Are you anywhere near the Belgian border? Biker's Days, based in Theux near Spa, do Spain and Italy track days, and have a service where they'll ship your bike down for a fee. YOu just fly in and ride. I lived in Amsterdam, did Catalunya with them October 2013 and March (maybe) 2014. It's not cheap, but a lot easier than driving down


Being old, kids gone, 34 years in the same career, and, being old! 🤣🤣🤣


I have sponsors 🤣


I’m aware you’re talking bikes but I spend way less tracking my cayman in a year. I guess it depends on how often you go but it’s not that expensive once you’ve paid the upfront costs. Maybe bikes cost more to run I don’t know but I would have thought cars would cost more. As long as you can do your own oil, brake fluid, pads, rotors yourself it’s pretty cheap


Kid graduated college 12 years ago I have a decent job I live in an Apartment which doesn't require me to do a lot of work at home. My GF tolerates it and lets me use her garage to work on my bike(s).


Same situation here, also in Germany, doing 12-15 days in a year. I go to the track always with my workshop buddy, we share one van, sleep in it, cook our own food and - probably biggest saving - don’t run Liter bikes, meaning one set of tires or two last for the season.


This is one of those hobbies that is affordable if you only have this Hobby


Hard bike seat and prostate sponsorship ;)


Work and investments mostly. It's a super expensive hobby though and people outside of it are always taken back when I mention the running costs. Having said that, you can have the same amount of fun with an SV650 that's falling apart as you would on a V4R race bike. More expensive bike = more problems


I’m a millionaire, so I don’t really care how much it costs, fun is more valuable.


They put themselves in debt behind it.


Handjobs at the local pub and no other expensive hobbies.


DINKs with good jobs


Also germany here (south) I do not smoke or drink and I just spend money on things I really need. But yes, I spend around 5-10k/year for this hobby. It is not an easy hobby to afford.


you are spending too much. there are venues that include everything including the bike and coaching. CSS is $1400/day including an S1000RR. Ridesmart at COTA is $1400/day including an RS660. Similar for DRE https://www.ducati.com/us/en/experience/ducati-riding-experience/riding-courses. At your budget, you could go without a bike and just show up to events with bike and coaching included.


Software engineering.


Good salaries?