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Firstly congrats on your 8 months and I will check out your videos. Secondly I have a question that I hopes ok. I've been just over a week on T. The 1st week I've been very happy and calm and so certain in my identity. I'm entering my 2nd week and all of a sudden since yesterday and especially today, I've been feeling down and numb, not sure why, starting to question again and worrying about aging as a man. Is this normal? Will my mood pick back up again and the doubts leave me alone?


I did experience this in some ways, and I’m pretty sure it was around the same time as you. I had a lot of conflicting feelings and a lot of outside views making me question myself and who I am. I got nervous about the potential of balding and other changes related to T. At the worst part of this I even feared that I was a “trans trender” but since then I’ve better distanced myself from transphobia that was damaging me. Over time, these thoughts and feelings passed and I felt more euphoric and affirmed in my gender than I had ever been before! You will be okay <3


IS THIS REALLY LEO STORM? I subscribe to your channel!!! You and Willy are my favourite YouTubers right now!!! Thank you so much for putting your story out there! Question I have (I’m pre-t), I only have sisters and I know guys can be jerks.. is it weird to be around women/children as you pass more? As in do they seem more uncomfortable? I’m a tall guy (5’10) and pretty built. I’ve been doing gym a lot so when I go on T my body hopefully continues to build. Im studying now to be a teacher and have always wanted to teach younger grades as I’m good with kids. I don’t want to suddenly become a threat to women/children (I mean by their perception obviously I’m actually not a threat lol) - any tips?