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I’m sorry, that shits so weird. Some people do not know how to treat us so they treat us like mindless kids. 


Gay hamster lmao. Seriously, it's crazy the lengths that people will go to to force transmascs into the 'uwu soft boy lil guy smol bean' stereotype. Obviously no hate to anyone who enjoys these terms but in my experience, it's very obvious that they're using these terms for literally any transmasc or enby regardless of the persons actual personality and vibe.


I feel really lucky that my friends don't do this to me even though I am in fact small haha. I am simply too crustpunk to be infantalized. Smol bean? Sir this is a colony of bleach-resistant black mold.


Same here, I think I exude way too much aggressive goth masc energy to be seen as Man Lite or any of that bullshit.


People always feel the need to infantilize effeminate individuals. I got this when I started transitioning and it continued until I started passing as male LOL fuckin typical




I’m dying over your title lol that’s such a mood


Absolutely. Pretty much all my friends mock me for being really tiny and small. They also joke that I'm a gay hamster lmao... I didn't know this was widespread but I can really relate to that. It's emasculating and I feel like I'm never taken seriously as a guy. I play along and laugh and pretend it's okay because I don't want to piss anyone off, but I seriously fucking hate it.  The "smol cute soft uwu transboi" stereotype is so fucking irritating. I'm a man. I want to be treated as a man. Just as an average man. Please stop. I know I'm not as tall as normal guys are but I'm fucking *trying* and hate being infantalised and treated as a child basically. I'm a guy. 


THIS. this happens to me even as someone who is a binary trans man and its HORRIBLE especially as someone whos younger too, I am NOT a twink 💔💔