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And yet, I've witnessed so many just pushing their way in at Burrard... start locking that down first.


This used to happen a lot more before compass pass. Also at the beginning and end of the month


I had a student pass and student ID which is the only way to get a student pass, transit cop gave me a $275 ticket for the wrong pass


there’s something missing here


Id like to see more transit cops on the 20bus


That will never happen unfortunately


Used to take the 20 back when we had the paper monthly passes. Every first week of the month, they had dudes checking


You mean Transit Security or Transit Police? That’s standard practice.. they should do it more often.


I wish they would too. It used to be a common practice on a lot of the major routes, to catch people who weren't paying their fares.


I believe security not police, was wearing a TransLink vest


The whole system is a scam, I don’t even buy the compass shit card. I just pay cash for fair.


Cash fare literally costs you more but you do you ig


Cash fare gives you transfers that last for 2-4 hours usually


90 minutes


I haven't been given a 90 minute transfer in months... always much longer times on them as I posted before.


Then the bus operator probably hasn't adjusted the transfer papers in the holder before tearing them off, which is understandable I guess. I see them adjust it every now and again but it's not their top priority. If you buy a Compass ticket at a CVM (the grey/white ones) those expire 90 minutes after tapping in the first time (although you have 120 minutes after tapping into your last "tap in point" to exit the system).


Most drivers seem to set it at the beginning of their shift so that they don't have to adjust it until they are on a recovery break. I used to always use compass until I noticed how much more time I got just paying the extra 50 cents cash.


You literally pay more


It’s all on how much you use there service. 189.45 for a 3 zone pass. For one month. That’s more then my car insurance, and you will almost guaranteed to be standing next to some stinky fellow during peak hours. Translink is shit. It’s not hard to figure out. Buses are always late in busiest areas of Vancouver and they are jam packed.




No, we’re not




Finally!! I’m tired of watching everyone get on the bus without paying, then taking seats away from those who did pay. Lots of these people have the money to pay, they just choose not to. Time to start handing out $300 fines again.






Having fare gates shouldn’t be a problem. Other countries do it and do it successfully.




It makes no logical sense not to have fare gates. It’s lost revenue. Again, look at other countries. NDP has been in power for many years. They can fix it. Why aren’t they fixing it?




Completely ignoring the fact a big part of faregates is to increase station safety and security … among other things. People like them and wanted them for a long time. The liberals have been gone for 10 years jeeze get over it


Ah yes, the flimsy barrier that people just squeeze through or follow someone in. I'm sure Mr. Tweaker will respect our "safety and security measures".


Fare evasion increases without faregates. Again, other countries/cities successfully implement faregates. That should tell you something. The NDP can get rid of the faregates if they agree with you. The compass system has been in need of an upgrade and so they have ample opportunity to get rid of it instead of spending over $200M to upgrade. It’s not like NDP will lose an election if they decide to get rid of faregates. What’s the excuse?




Your figures are based on having fare gates in place. Regardless, the NDP could have agreed with you but they aren’t. Instead they are looking to upgrade the system.




I always suspected that putting in the fare gates, which translink said we didn’t need, was a first move to eventual privatization, if the Liberals stayed in power.


I know because I watch them get on the bus without tapping anything…I’m not making assumptions here. If you sit with a good view of the back door on a bus, you will see how many people board the bus for free.




That’s absolutely not how the system works. With a upass I board a bus..tap in, get off, catch the 99, tap in again, get to the Skytrain, tap in again, then tap out to exit the station, then board another bus, tapping in again. You don’t need to tap out of the buses, but you need to tap in. It’s a way of proving you have fare.




Feel free to check the Translink website, it clearly states “tap in at all travel points and tap out at all travel points except for buses.” Look it up






Why do you care if thr rich don't pay taxes....gtfo


That will never change, good luck with that. Complaining on reddit about how people aren’t paying fair? What fucking difference does it make in your life nothing. These are the last problems that people should be worried about this day and age.


Maybe don't be a leech and pay for services like everyone else. Did you even go to school?


There is poor people dude mind your own business ffs


BS....not an excuse.... I'm going to call you out. What you gonna do about it?


You dumb ass if a poor person sneaks on the train that's such a skin off your back lol call me out?what a spaz you are go ahead I don't usually ride the train but when I do I pay, I'm not gonna pay anymore just to piss off dip shits like you.


You never paid to begin with. That's why you triggered again. You deserve the fine. Pay your fair share.


Nope it's insecure busy body's and Karen's like you that are annoying. Is your life really that shiny that a poor person trying to get a free ride trigger you to wine about it. OK you go call them out there big guy.






Good to hear.


Good! I’ve lived here for nine years and have only ever seen them check once. It should be a regular occurrence.


Rofl who gives a fuck, the transit system should be free here in Vancouver considering how shit it is


Many consider Vancouver to have the best or at least among the best transit in north America, a low bar I suppose


Ya ok take a bus during peak time and tell me it’s good service. Give your head a shake


Amazing candidate more like angry candidate


I think we found someone that gets on a bus or train without paying


People who don't pay get really upset at fare checks. People who do pay don't care.


…as evidenced by the downvoted users in this thread


What happens if you use a debit card or phone to pay. How do you prove you've paid?


He asked for the last 4 digits of a guys debit card he used to tap in


You probably shouldn't. It costs you more. But they can verify the card has tapped in to the system too.


they use the same scanners i believe and their system will tell them if you've paid via contactless


They have recent history of transactions and can see if the card was used


The transit security were performing a fair check, it’s nice to see when that happens as it helps cut down on fair evasion, I hope this happens more and more.


There were police at multiple different SkyTrain exits checking compass cards over the last couple days too


Good. I've seen many people ignore the tap when the bus is idle and waiting for the driver. The local shuttle is worse though. I remember the time a person said, "It's OK, I know the driver." That really boiled me. Some of the shuttle drivers are small females and allow this. No doubt they don't want to confront fraudsters, especially big men. But like most riders, I pay my way and resent the grifters.


Good. This should be happening frequently. My husband and I find it incredibly frustrating how many people ride for free and it just results in higher fare increases for those who do pay. More fare inspections.


Been seeing this happen more frequently in Surrey recently. Watched half an extended bus empty out because folks didn't hadn't paid. One gave a compass card that hadn't been scanned in 2 months. Kinda cool those metrics are stashed in there.


Wish they’d enforce paying in Nanaimo!!! Grifters, junkies and freeloaders ride free and those of us with any integrity are expected ( and do) pay.




I think it’s random…out of all the times I’ve taken the bus or entered the Skytrain station during the week, I’ve only seen it a couple of times 🤨 idk why they pick certain days to do this stuff


Pre covid that happened to me once a week.


I’m glad. I’m tired of seeing idiots who just hopping onto the buses and such and doesn’t pay. Unless if you’re a very young kid who just wants to go home or something or a tourist(s) who weren’t familiar with the system yet, you should be paying.


I’ve never had a ticket getting on the bus, always just tap my debit card..


I think this is great. So many people don't pay their fare - so scanning Compass cards is good. However... it's what gets done when someone is found to not have paid their fare that's important. Given that this is Canada... I think that nothing gets done - which is terrible. People not paying their fare should be kicked off the bus. SkyTrain is awful for this. Transit must lose a shit ton of money yearly from fare dodgers.


My favorite are the teenagers, have an IPhone 15, Starbucks in hand, smoking weed and vaping, they can afford all those but can't afford a 2$ bus fare..


It just happened in the bus R4. I got so confused and I didn't understand what was happening. I live here for 4 years and I've never seen this before.


Thoughts? I'm having 🥩 for dinner


Side dishes? Or just one steak on one plate


Definitely with some side dishes


Go on


How was it?


Dude fcking 29 station now too. No more being a smooth operator smh


Communists start. Where's your papers. What's next? Trudeaus new world order.


I think transit police should eat a dick and fuck off


Just buy a ticket, is it so hard to do?


It is for broke asses


tell me you dont pay your fare without telling me




> using over *paid* police officers FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Oh, someone got a $173 dollar fare infraction ticket! Lol.


I think you should stop leeching off other people’s money and hard work. Loser.


I think its racist




What about those who pay cash? I only take transit a few times per year and mostly pay cash, or tap a credit card sometimes. 


Then you get a transfer.  


I have never received a transfer when paying with cash… Only on BC Transit have I gotten one.


Next time you should ask for one then. They do provide them


don't why you're being downvoted. I've NEVER had a coast mountain bus give me a transfer without asking, and every time it's like a minute or two long process that holds up the whole freaking bus line and drivers get huffy about it. edit: spelling


Youre probably one of those people that just drop their coins in and dart off to the back of the bus and leave the driver confused lmao.


Yes so use a credit, debit, compass or your phone. It’s 2024 and cash is outdated.


As the other said, if you pay cash, you get a transfer. If you pay by credit or debit, they can scan that just like a Compass card to confirm you paid.


I never take the transfer. 


You should. That's your proof of payment. And you can get fined without it.


I thought it was just needed if you want to transfer. Weird system. 


Just walking away from a ticket that pops out of a machine is weirder. It never occurred to you how you would have proved you’d paid if someone asked?


When I used to take busses regularly you had to enter at the front and pay the driver. No need to prove to anyone that you paid back then. If you were on the bus it means you've paid your fare. 


I’ve been taking transit in BC for 43 years - we’ve always had some kind of transfer issued and we’ve always had fare checkers - paying cash and then ignoring either the driver handing over a transfer /receipt, or the machine popping up a transfer/receipt is definitely odd - it would only take one fare check for someone to realize that they need to take the receipt.


I grew up in Ontario which is the only place I took transit regularly. They never had fare checkers in Toronto. It would be redundant. I've only taken busses a handful of times in Vancouver. I just ride my bike where I need to go.    I've never seen a transfer pop out of a machine either. When a driver has tried to hand me one I've just said no thanks and went about my day. I've never experienced a fare check either. Weird system here for sure. 


Interesting. The system here is pretty consistent with transit systems worldwide - where a fare is charged people are expected to keep proof of payment in case asked for it. Sounds like Ontario is operating oddly, travel throughout Europe and Asia and you’ll see a different system.


You're supposed to enter at the front but some people have always snuck on at the back. People also use or try to use fake/expired transfers or the wrong fare. I saw some guy get ticketed for using a concession card a few months ago. It's these behaviours the fare checks are for.


They checked for tickets as well