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Body integrity identity disorder has similar features to being transgender, formerly also an identity disorder. It has onset in early childhood. People with biid sometimes go to extreme lengths to damage the offending limb so that amputation is required. It does mimic a condition that can be induced through damage to part of the brain. The causes for both are still unknown. Transitioning is the only known way to treat trans people. Biid people do well post amputation. However, it is a much more taboo treatment as it involves doctors disabling people. Bigots are always going to find some reason against transition despite it being the consensus of the medical community.


The root process is the same: the brain has an internal body mapping. If that neural body mapping doesn't fit the actual body, a signal of distress is created. That's body dysphoria. In the case of limp dysphoria, that's due to some brain issue. In the case of sex dysphoria, it's due to cross-sex brain development. Distress in both cases is very real no matter the root cause. By the way, you give a cis person something that's not in his body map and the same will happen. Limb dysphoria is a more sensitive topic since it involves a loss of functionality: you become disabled. SRS doesn't involve loss of functionality. Genitalia goes from having male functionality to having female one (or the opposite).


I would say that transition, as it is practiced *now*, does involve the loss of some function. That is, the loss of the ability to have kids. However, there is some research into giving trans people, who are fully transitioned, the ability to have kids. So, while removing a limb always involves the loss of function, transitioning at some point in the future may not.


I think we should stop using dysphoria for conditions unrelated to transsexualism.


There are other kinds of dysphoria. Dysphoria is just a term used when their is a fundamental disconnect it's not just a transgender term. But it's mostly known for that


And we should stop using it in other contexts and further degrading what it means.


It doesn't degrade what dysphoria is. Dysphoria isn't unique to gender. It's like saying there is only 1 type of cancer


People literally don't understand what being trans is, nor what dysphoria means, so yeah I'd say it does.


That's not a good reason try and limit what dysphoria means hahaha


yeah who cares if people know what words mean


You literally don't know what the word means since you have this weird idea of what you want it to mean hahaha


Body Integrity Identity Disorder can be treated in ways that do not involve amputation. Genuine gender dysphoria can current only be successfully treated by transitioning


My simple take for this works for any kind of dysphoria and in fact really any kind of mental disorder. If it's distressing enough to encroach on everyday living, you should do something about it. And what you do depends on what has been shown to work. For trans people, it's transition. For that limb thing, I'm going to assume it's something similar. In either cases, using therapy to try and tell a trans woman to just be a man, or to try and tell someone who has the limb dysphoria that they should just get over it DOESNT WORK.