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Imo if you hit 2100 you should earn a token that allows you to purchase one prior season elite set per season. That keeps it exclusive to skilled pvpers while removing barrier to entry for new players. Edit: I submit this via the ingame suggestion box every month or so, if more people did then maybe Blizz will make it a thing haha


This would actually get me into pvp.


Tell this to the /r/worldofpvp subreddit because they fucking gatekeep their mogs for no freaking reason. They downvote any suggestion of unlocking old rating gear, while complaining about the lack of players it’s ridiculous. I’m a 2400 player and even I think it’s ridiculous you can’t unlock older seasons.


The pvp community is its own worst enemy. I usually hit 1800 every season then dip out. Don’t even get me started on the cesspool that is the RBG community lmao.


>they gatekeep Mogs for no fucking reason Because they fucking earned them. You don’t have to own EVERYTHING in this game. Rare mounts/mogs whatever. Stop playing victim to FOMO and let rare items actually be rare and admire them. Im not buttmad that I can’t get corrupted ashbringer, the challenge mode sets from mop I couldn’t get, the titles from vanilla that **I DID NOT PARTAKE IN**. PVP mogs (especially the legion shaman one) I admire them and respect the player that actually earned them in the time they were available. You didn’t earn it then and it doesn’t mean you deserve to earn it now. Earn the current PvP gear/titles, it’ll be way more sentimental than the ones you want to cosplay as.


Let people play the game how they want. Someone else having a toy doesn't make yours any less fun.


Ok let’s hand out 2400 PvP mogs and titles to people who hit 1200 and take away any sort of reward for hard work. Let’s hand out heroic colored gear to people who spam LFR. Heaven forbid people work hard for exclusive rewards Enjoy your participation trophies. It’s extremely disrespectful to the people who put in hours of work to earn that gear. This is coming from someone who doesn’t PVPs btw.


"Disrespectful"? This is a game. And an easy one. Nothing in it means anything or is deserving of "respect". Grow up. Let them have their mogs for the season or expansion it's relevant, then let anyone buy them.


You're telling me to grow up yet you're here whining that you want something literally handed out to you that was meant to be exclusive and hard to obtain. Give me a fucking break. Would you be crying if there was a mount that was only for 3200 rated players and only 1 person a season could get it? That would be a treat to see in game, and I would be so happy for the player that earned it. Learn not to envious but to appreciate the time and effort put into the exclusive rewards this game has to offer. If everyone was able to earn everything there wouldn't be any admiration, which has been happening a LOT. If i see a GT3 RS on the road and start crying my eyes out because its not fair that I can't have one. I appreciate being able to see it and makes me want to work harder to get one. If everyone had a GT3 RS, it wouldn't be as coveted as it is. I understand your (and everyone else's) view on this. But its completely insane to just disregard the time put into earning those rewards.


The commenter here does not ask for "Participation trophies". They are literally proposing "get high rating first, then you get a token once per season to get an old elite PvP recolour" It will bring more people to current PvP, the thing current PvP lacks. It is not a participation trophy. It is a feature that would increase interest in PvP and alleviate FOMO at the same time. I myself participate in PvP in a season only in case the tier looks good to me, otherwise I just can't bother. Me, and players like me would participate in PvP a lot more if this proposition was made true. We do not disregard anyone's hard work or time put into earning those, they get to keep their stuff just fine. Only thing that would disregard that hard work is the fact that even back then you could just get boosted to that rating for gold or RMT. So you arent respecting anyone's hard work here, you are gatekeeping people who might've not been able to play at the time, simple as that.


>It is a feature that would increase interest in PvP and alleviate FOMO at the same time. For the wrong reasons. >you are gatekeeping people who might've not been able to play at the time, simple as that. Not my problem. There is nothing wrong with gatekeeping and exclusivity for higher end players. 0. Nothing. It's only the babies on this god forsaken website that cry that they can't get what others achieved for a fraction of the effort. I want the legion shaman set so fucking bad, but guess what? I didn't EARN it like the shamans who put in the time to get it. When I see that set in game, I know that's a badass player.


>hand it to 1200 No one said that. You’re saying that. All I am saying at least is those who hit 2400 should be able to fucking earn something. Because I’ll tell you what after hitting 2400 on both my characters I’m PRETTY fucking bored now with nothing else to earn. Meaning I don’t play PvP much anymore and I’m guaranteeing there’s a lot like me who got the season max and stop. Equalling less players pvping which is the one thing the pvp community bitches about in the first place.


"Waaaah somebody else is getting something they like and that makes me mad!!!"


"Waaaah I want every mog, title, and mount for free for 0 effort fuck everyone else who wants to earn their rewards and be recognized for it" Such a shitty mentality


How is earning equivalent rank 0 effort? Then it doesn't matter since the guys who got it in legion put in 0 effort as well by your logic that that rank is 0 effort.


Isnt equivalent rank. Consider inflation.


100% why do it with the mounts and not the sets??


Exactly. Fill a bar to get vicious saddles, another for mog token, another for an illusion token that only fill for wins above X rating… more participation at all brackets as people grind wins to collect


Or one single bar to fill and get a token that can be used on anything, no need to make it complicated


Definitely. Just add achievements for each rating bracket that unlocks the relevant rewards. Achieve 1500 rating on a character? Unlock mounts. 2100 rating? Ensembles. 2500? Illusions and/or tabards. Could even make it available through marks of honor just to make it easier to understand for all players, while ensuring that you can't just get carried to high rating and immediately buy everything.


1800 is the bar for elite sets now and that’s the way it should be, I don’t care what they were originally. As a player that loves these mogs and can rarely hit 2100, 2100 is too high.


1800 then. Wouldnt really know, never bothered with PvP when it stresses me enough to find it blatantly unfun. Doing it for the transmogs and mounts is the only reason to do it for me, and even that is hampered by the knowledge that there are so many great sets I would never get regardless.


Absolutely this.


yo, this is an idea i could get behind. 2100 isnt crazy unattainable nor is it super easy. it would even inspire alot of “first timers” to try dipping toes in pvp


2100 is 90th percentile in shuffle right now. The season is also massively inflated compared to last season. First timers and most returning pvpers won’t even sniff 2100.


'Crazy attainable'. Do you know how small the percent of players are that even get 1800 let alone 2100 lol


Yeah a lot of these people have not PVPed. 1800 should be the benchmark not 2100. Statistically the amount of PVPers who get 1800 is roughly equivalent to the amount of M+ers who get a 3k rating. 2100 would be even higher than that.


Considering elite sets are now completed at 1800 it would make sense to get your elite set final piece and then get a token to buy a previous elite set at 1800


That would be due to a lack of trying by the playerbase and not difficultly.


This is what I was going to say. It took me two expansions of PVP, watching videos and learning about classes through playing them to truly understand enough about PVP in order to get above 2K rating with my friends. Obviously it was a group effort, but I think most people are just lazy. I also also made friends and played with the same people over and over in order to form that team cohesion, which a lot of people these days don’t seem to want to do. Nothing in life is free and everything requires hard work. If people don’t want to put in the work why should they just get an easy reward? To be fair I think it should be the same way with the PV sets, though. If I want that mythic or heroic color armor I should have to play and earn that mythic or heroic kill. But I also think they should get a token to be able to get preview sets as well, that would be cool.


So it took you 4 years to get to 2k with dedicated play? Thats ludicrously too long for a reasonable reward lmao. It's 2024, and if thats the bar to get mogs in this proposed idea, pvp would still stay dead.




ok 1900


Wtb shaman pvp guide 😂


Me hitting 1500 every season would still find it impossible and too high to even try


Not even that, just sell it like any other sets. Why do pvpers should keep the exclusivity where i can just go and one shot every raid mythic bosses


1800 is what you need now for elite pvp same for the old prestigious HWL set from vanilla so thats what it should be, if you attained 1800 on a class let us buy the legacy appearances if we want.


Or just 1800 which unlocks the full elite set. By then you also can start working on unlocking old elite PvP mounts.


Exactly ! Like the token you get for past mounts


>Imo if you hit 2100 you should earn a token that allows you to purchase one prior season elite set per season. This is a great idea.


I would grudgingly grind for it to get the Antorus DH set. But I’d rather I just be allowed to get it.


This would actually give me a reason to push passed 1800, I usually get a few alts to 1800 quickly then PVE feeling like there isn’t much for me beyond the elite sets.


Do this for 1,8 and ppl would play more after they got there elite set for the season. Ppl at 2,1 play nontheless. U want shorter queuetimes, so you need a bigger "middlefield"


Or just make it available to everyone by doing normal PvP since it's legacy, like how anyone can go back in past expansions raids and get MYTHIC PvE gear. It's the fairest option.


There is no such thing as "Fair". [https://www.lynneforrest.com/spiritual-principles/2007/12/no-such-thing-as-fair/](https://www.lynneforrest.com/spiritual-principles/2007/12/no-such-thing-as-fair/)


U mean 1.8k


I had this same idea that I posted a while back! That’s crazy! Great minds think alike!


Make that token account bound or able to learn any class set and you got something


I said this exact thing a while ago, wtf 😳


They actually put this idea forward back in legion and the PvP playerbase blew up


Too bad blizzard doesn’t give a fuck about their player base and only cares about getting new players


Even if they only cared about attaining new players, why wouldn’t they do this? This would allow those new players to have a chance to get old time-exclusive gear that they couldn’t possibly have gotten before


Vicious saddles should be used to buy old elite sets if you get X rating and old glad mounts if you get to 2k5 in 3v3. Maybe set the price to 50 saddles for mounts.


This will just exacerbate carries and boosting. Nothing more. Get the current sets and stop complaining.


Or just let legacy sets be buyable, and stop complaining that people want to transmog gear that literally has no meaning other then to look cool.


Wouldn't be nearly as cool if it weren't retired.


Yeah it would, people just want to gatekeep fun.


Nah, 2400 back then was much harder than 2100 today


And how hard is it for you to do mythic raids of past expansions ?


I think that's a very good point. There's no reason that old PVP gear is lost to the ether. Not enough of the playerbase gets it. I wanted that fucking Season 16 warrior set but just never got my shit together that season :(


Mythic raids are not about competing and old raids have no Mythic mode, and ontop of that pvp has always progressed a lot slower and the top players are distinctively smaller as base than in pve


Can't complain about smaller pools and not accept that the reward structure is part of that. Worrying about about how hard Elite armor was one season to a current on is red herring; you would rather have more exclusive rewards even if that leads to a smaller player pool and an unhealthier game mode.


PLayers refusing to do pvp is the reason why the pvp player pool is small. The reason doesn't matter. All the people that LOVE pvp, are doing pvp, regardless of the rewards. Most of the community just refuses to get better at rated pvp, which is why they will just keep running in circles. Just look at this interesting post from the blizzard forums about the topic. [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/why-dont-we-have-more-players-in-pvp/485985/5](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/why-dont-we-have-more-players-in-pvp/485985/5) People constantly complain that they are facing better people, and that it's unfair. In reality, that SHOULD make you better. But if people refuse to learn, they will never climb the ladder. There are many reasons that people may not be able to gain rating in PvP, but in MOST cases, it's their own inability to improve. Exclusive rewards (whether liked or not) just display who those better players were at the time.


Oh well, there's nothing to be done then. No point trying to incentivize players to keep playing after they hit their initial goal, or to give new players a reason to start playing more seriously in the first place. The system is fine, working as intended, and the PvP community is happy! Sarcasm aside, there are plenty of players who don't LOVE PvP, but are willing to play it for rewards. I enjoy it to a point, but there is definitely a point in the season where I decide "Yeah, I'm not going to try and push from 2100 to 2400". Or this season, for example. Getting to 2100 for JUST a new enchant appearance when I already have the armor set for last season? Nah fam, that ain't worth. Not only does 2400 that represent a significant jump in skill, but it also represents a large investment of time that has no guaranteed reward. If I also had a vicious saddle progress bar incrementing for a previous Elite PvP set? Hell yeah, I'll grind out one or two of those a season. And that additional carrot will surely get me closer and closer to 2400. When the barrier to entry is as high as it is in Rated PvP, you should be looking at figuring out ways to encourage people to try it and stick with it, instead of gatekeep and make excuses how everyone not playing rated PvP is just "refusing to get better".


I agree with you. I stop at 1800 every season and don’t queue again until next season.


Yah and Amdrassil is a much harder Mythic raid than any previous one, yet in 2-3 years everyone will get to oneshot all the bosses and farm their rewards. Why shouldn’t it be the same for pvp rewards?


Me & a bunch of friends do something similar, except we submit suggestions saying to keep it limited. Thankfully blizzard has held out!


No one cares you jerk off with your friends. Nerd.


I like the idea of keeping such gear skill related but being able to earn previous sets with current rating, or heroic / Mythic kills. I’ve always thought it was a shame for PVE players who have achieved the highest rating skill (mythic raiding) don’t have exclusive sets only they can get ( that I could just go back at expansion or two later and get those sets is a shame for them). It’s good for us who don’t want to raid, but it does suck for those people. I do, however, make a distinction between PvP and PVE. Sorry if I am biased here, but I think PVP sets should remain skill related (rating requirements) . The reason why is that no fights are scripted like in PVE. I’m not saying it doesn’t take skill to complete mythic raiding, all I’m saying is alll fights are scripted (to my knowledge). If you have competent players, you will eventually get that fight with enough gear / time. PvP however, is not the same. You can have the best gear in the world, but if you don’t understand, line of sight or positioning or trading cool downs, you will probably never get the rating you achieve. There’s more to it than just dodging a wave from a boss, or not standing in a circle. It takes the understanding of all the classes you face and their toolkit, and how to counter them. I do think it’s cool that you can now get rating and get a previous season token though. This is a great idea because people learn and progress overtime. Does this token work for any previous PVP season? Say like a cataclysm season or is it only recent expansions? Because this would definitely be a reason for me to come back and give a crap about retail PVP again. (There was only a few seasons. I cared enough to try and get 2K rating with my friends.)


Translation: “I think it sucks that Mythic raid appearances aren’t gatekept by time-limited seasons, but also PvP appearances still take more skill to earn so I’m better than Mythic raiders and I need these appearances to remain exclusive so I can feel good about myself.”


This is golden logic. I would also add world drop loot at a low chance like invincible. Balanced between skill over seasons and shear luck. I have the same issue with my head and shoulders for my Druid last season. It’s frustrating but I would be pissed if they put back the MoP challenge mode transmog on the table so also understand those that earned them and the scarcity that comes with it


Timed exclusivity is the worst part of wow.


ive played fueled by FOMO almost non stop since vanilla, and thru the release of every xpac. this is the first time i put the game down and stopped letting the “trading post” make me feel things. problem is, now i cant bring myself to try again


Youre absolutely right, once you stop grinding FOMO stuff, you relax and enjoy your life, but when you think about going back you reflect back and see what a chore and time investment it is and realize its usually not worth it.


Getting out of the FOMO mindset has made me enjoy my time in WoW more to be honest. I usually set specific goals for myself and enjoy each season immensely more: AoTC, KSH, 1800 in PvP.


Preach man, ive lost hundreds of hours grinding silly things which i didnt even use, the return on investment was horrible time wise. Now i get to pace however i want and set meaningful milestones.


We were almost at the breaking point at the end of BFA for fomo players. It was stressful but doable for collectors. When SL hit it was just WAY too much and most of us just tapped out.




The issue with this argument is that you're not considering that players of the same level should have access to the same rewards. Even in FFXIV they've made the ridiculous decision to copy the WoW structure and have limited time cosmetics for Rank 25 of PVP. (But it's considerably easier to get Rank 25 in FFXIV). An item isn't special because of FOMO imo, it's special because of the gameplay barriers required to get it. E.g. Mythic Raiding cosmetics are special, you need to do high level content to do it. So is the high lvl PVP cosmetics like this. But those should be the only barriers imo. Even with removing the time gating, not everyone would be able to get the cosmetics straight away - especially for mythic cosmetics they're going to be collecting them for multiple expansions until they can farm the raids as legacy content.


False. There's a difference between availability and capability.


If the set I want can only be obtained through time travel… that keeps me from starting or continuing once I find out. If I can’t get what I want, why am I playing? Make it the same amount of work, sure. But don’t lock it behind a time gate. That’s just discouraging and feeds the FOMO machine, perpetuating a toxic environment in gaming.


I know it gets downvoted to hell any time it comes up, but I like that some old stuff is unattainable. It’s fun for me to see someone in a cool old set and know that the person has been playing for a long time. Most of the unavailable stuff is just recolors anyways.


Personally, I'm a hypocrite. On one hand, I agree that it’s fun to see someone with an unobtainable item, like the original Corrupted Ashbringer. It’s *prestige* I guess. On the other hand, I can't help but wish there was an alternate way I could obtain the items that **I** missed out on.


I'm the opposite. I've been playing since Vanilla (with a few breaks) and have the Paladin Challnge Mode from MoP. Occasionally someone will come up and whisper me, saying it's such a cool set and how to get. "Sorry, you had to be playing 12 years ago, when you were 5, or you missed out. You snooze you lose". I'd love it for the CM set to be available to everyone.


It’s like any other aspect of life though. You set priorities and if you want something, you get it while it’s available. if not, you may miss out. I think people make this out to be a bigger deal than it is. would I like some previous seasons elite set now for transmog? Yes! But is it that serious that I don’t have access to them because I didn’t earn them at the time, no, it’s really not. It is just a game after all..


Exactly, it's just a game, so it doesn't have to be like any other aspect in life...


I think 3 expansions is long enough that the previous elite pvp sets should open up tbh. Just like mythic raid transmog and rewards eventually become easily farmable. That's 6 years to show off your "skill and hard work" before it opens up for Marks of Honor. Honestly, since the introduction of the Services chat channel and WoW token, I don't treat Mythic and Gladiator achievements with the respect I used to.


I would kinda agree. It sounds like the most "fair" approach that might be most widely accepted.


If anything, they could do recolors with very slightly different shades so the people who got them back then can still feel special. Or just have items with different names. But tbh nobody cares that you were good at PvP several expansions ago.


Wow pvp exclusivity is so odd to me. Like you said, I can go back and get mythic sets and mounts from any expac, why does pvp get uniques? Wow pvp isn't even close to why wow is popular or still a relevant game 25+ years later


Like, I just started playing a few weeks ago. And there is _so much_ I'll never be able to access. And really, that just breaks my heart.


Tbf there is so much in the game you can still access and more to come. As a new player there is no point in longing for the things you can’t get. I’ve played for a decent time now and still merely 3/4 through getting every obtainable mount let alone most of the raid sets, so why be upset I can’t get the plagued proto or some PvP Set I just managed to get the hands and legs from.


I miss the BC days when you could just go farm honor points and buy the old season's gladiator gear. Honestly I'd say after an xpac is done make all the ensembles available with marks of honor. Achievements and time stamps should be fine for those who care about it.


I've played since vanilla, have had many old item and got rid of it before transmog existed, I'm sure I've got some rare stuff too. My stance is that, all of this locked behind rating stuff should become available to everyone like, what, two expansions later? Maybe just the next expansion? This game is old, most of the rare stuff people got is either not exciting to them anymore, or those players quit. Let new people go out and get the cool old stuff they want, this is a video game, it's not actually worth anything to have exclusive 'unobtainable' items. Like even the clout you would have back in the day before crossrealm/raidfinder, where we all were just little celebrities in our own server, it's all gone. Open this shit up blizz.


But then it would look like you were good at PVP 8 years ago and hurt the PvPers feelings :(


There is no other game mode other than pet battles where dev man hours go to appease such a small minority (as pvp). As someone who normally maxes out at 1800 for the mog, all old sets should be obtainable after that expansion. Don't give me the skill or the takes away from your accomplishment argument. Mythic raiders have seen the erosion of their exclusive strangle hold over mog and nothing has suffered. Any other gatekeeping of years old transmog because "muh rewards" is ridiculous.


Oh boy, you’ve really upset the PvP gods with this one lmao


I agree with you 100%. The problem is that the loudest and most toxic elite pvpers will screech from the rooftops anytime this is seriously considered by blizz. Try posting this on r/worldofpvp and see what happens. They legit believe their pvp sets have actual prestige and value and aren’t prepared to share cosmetics with anyone ever.


Man I feel the same for the current white owl druid set.. PvP reward which I never good with neither interested and on the top of it, not with druid for sure… Most probably will go unaviable with me having 0 chance to get it


Funny cause they don’t put nearly the effort into pvp as they do pve and yet PvP top tier has some of the best mogs, illusions, and mounts that can’t be obtained after the season. KSM mounts are the into real exception aside from the now should and helm effects they added in DF


That feeling when you play around in Wowheads dressing room and really like a piece of gear. That was me with Monk's Legion PvP set (The Chi Orbs), almost shed a tear when I saw I could no longer obtain them. FOMO on a game as old as WoW hurts; if they want more players to explore different avenues, they need to stop with these expansion lockouts. Fashion is endgame


If the 140 (worldwide number) pvpers could read they'd be really mad right now (For info I have multiple elite sets for my lock, and even I think it's stupid, FOMO has no place in the modern world)


Why are people so hostile about the exclusivity of these pvp sets while after roughly 4/5 years you can also easily solo farm the mythic sets? why is that effort diminished compared to the pvp one? People suggested the attain the rank and be capable of getting the sets from former expansions and honestly that sounds like a really solid way to do it, or dumb it down even more to how easy mythic Tmog is obtainable and just slap a X amount of years until its available timer on it? 2 expansions ahead of the set? sure get it for 50 marks.


Is that mail skirt obtainable? Or is that the gear in question here?


He means the head piece. The skirt is either from the Darkshore warfront or BFA PvP.


I’m really liking this one, feels pretty clean but still flashy enough


Looks like the ant people living underground on Bojack Horseman


A middle ground solution of allowing players to earn previous Elite PvP sets at a later date (ie. once the expansion the set came from is in legacy mode) and requiring the player to earn rating at a sufficiently high level like a vicious saddle (1800 for armor/2400 weapons) would be ideal. Not everything needs to be earned the game way, but it should still be able to be earned. The mY PrEStiGe gatekeepers aren't completely wrong; PvE and PvP are not apples to apples. This doesn't mean the current system is healthy and can't be modified encourage more players and better retention. Blizzard continues to move away from the FOMO because \*the player base doesn't like it\*. PvP remains the most egregious example of this outdated way of thinking, and will be the hardest for them to move back from.


They should make it so you can purchase if you his the rating threshold for the current seasons


Behold the Canadian death shaman eh


It would be great if you could just get a token like with the pvp mounts for which you could buy old elite sets again and the problem would be solved... But Blizzard sticks to this shitty FOMO, because otherwise they would lose players.


Imagine paying for expansions that remove pre-existing content. Transmog really makes you realize how many items are unobtainable for no reason other than “because!” I’m in the same basket where I can’t use certain models because I didn’t PvP enough during MoP. It’s literally legacy cosmetics, lmao. Just enable them


Fucking open it up! Why time gate cosmetics.


I guess it’s an unpopular opinion, but a big part of what made MMOs so cool as a kid was running across someone with an item I’d never seen before/a super item. Then I’d look it up and find out that guy was a bad ass. I think having exclusive items is a part of MMOs that needs to remain


Exclusive for badasses yes, exclusive because someone was playing the game before you were, no. "You have this item/title/whatever because you accomplished something truly impressive" = great. "You have this item because you accomplished something before I knew this game existed" = bullshit.


for pvp elite sets its literally both though, you had to be there at the time but you also had to have an ounce of skill


Yes, and it shouldn't be. One is fine, the other is not fine.


Yea but most of the people want these to be at 1800. With shuffle it is significantly easier than it ever was to achieve 2k back in the day


Lots of seasons and expansions had different breakpoint on the actual rating you got rewards and the difficulty of the season. Instead of worry about small potatoes (1800 vs 2000), why not take actions that would encourage new players to learn the game mode, and give people a reason to keep playing the season (and likely keep increasing in rating)? More new players + longer retention over the course of a season? Isn't that a better long term benefit than protecting mY PrEsTiGE?


I don't care about the prestige part of it, my titles and mounts are safe with me and won't ever be available again. The bigger issue is making it feel rewarding for the pvpers. My solution is 50 wins over 2100 in 3s gives an old elite set. Promotes 3v3 participation and it really isn't that hard to get if someone dedicates time to it. If you really want it that bad you can put in similiar effort.


"I don't care about prestige" Literally the rest of the sentence: "my titles and mounts are safe with me and won't ever be available again." Uh huh. PvP isn't going to thrive off of doubling down off their previous unsuccessful patterns. Throwing a new reward structure behind Rated 3s when new players want to play Solo Shuffle and Random Rated BGs? Huh? By that logic, neither SS or RRBG shouldn't even give the \*\*current\*\* season elite sets. You are literally gatekeeping even within your own PvP community. You see that, right?


I meant it as in the stuff I care about (rank 1 titles and glad mounts, which should never be given to casuals) are safe with me. Old elite sets should be available, but it should be done in a way that promotes the health of pvp. Not do rando bgs and get sets people put effort into.


I agree that it should be done in a way that makes the game healthy. I strongly disagree that 3s is the place to do that. I've said this a few time in other places, but rated PvP is extremely difficult to break into for a new player, so if the goal is to incentivize players, put this new reward structure in ALL rated PvP modes is the way to go. 2s, 3s, Solo, Random BGs. The amounts of progress can differ of course, but it shouldn't matter how you enjoy Rated PvP.


It really wouldn't matter to me what bracket it was in. The biggest problem on the pvp side is incentivizing the gap between 2100 and 2400 in 3s.


I don't think anyone in this thread has put forth that idea.


They 100% have


While I agree that's cool, I think you should still be able to work for and earn older rewards in some manner. A lot of the exclusive stuff in wow is simply "had to be playing at that time".


I think the best compromise would be for the unlock-requirement to remain, but there’s no time limit. IE if you needed 2400 back then, you need 2400 now. Or something like the PvP mounts, where you get a token and you use that token to get the mount you want.


Oh yes, I totally agree with you there!


Using your example, you should think of them as badasses for accomplishing something difficult, not playing at the correct time. You should think 'wow, this guy inspires me to put in the effort so that I too can look this hella fresh'. I have a lot of the mage tower weapon appearances, but I absolutely think people should be able to put in the effort to gain them now as well. Edit: Just spotted your comment about agreeing, so long as people put in equivalent effort now. It seems we're in agreement here.


Thank you for seeing my other comment 😂


Kind of agree to a point, legacy seeing someone in Naxx gear was neat. But that same appeal is limited if this was years later… kind of neat but not the same immediate appeal


Not to mention they’ve now made those sets obtainable in game anyway.


Yeah, I can see unlocking old sets by achieving a certain rating as not a terrible thing...but on the other hand mmos are living worlds, that's what makes them mmos, and why I am not really interested in going back and playing BC or Wrath even though I think those expansions, at their time, were way better than retail. Playing them live is a very different experience than going back and playing them now. Many changes blizzard has made were to cater to players who simply do not like mmorpgs, which drove away the actual fans.


Unfortunately people want everything they want and expect that from the devs, and everyone who disagrees is wrong. Then we get games that have no exclusive items/everyone gets everything. Then people complain and the cycle continues


Yeah, BFA was practically the gear is meaningless, everyone gets it by showing up game with super watered down spellbooks that so many people are clamoring for right now. People *hated* BFA. Even I talked shit on it at the time because it felt like a mobile game version of WoW. I mean, the loudest group that blizzard has been trying to pander to (who they used to ignore) are that lower/mid level player who never quite reaches BiS levels with gear, or never quite reaches 1800, and they are 200% certain that it's not their fault.


Are those shoulders mail? I thought they were leather.


The black version is leather, red version is mail. I also hate when blizz does this; recolouring an item and making it unobtainable in another armor type. Give my cloth wearer the black version of the red serias mask ffs.


i like this helmet belt combo and yeah if i could go get old sets like that I would, but I guess blizzard has a large enough majority of playerbase that would stop playing the game if they no longer had exclusivity


I actually really doubt someone would stop playing for that reason.


Just the other day I put together a transmog set to chase to wear in TWW. I see the belt is one of those pvp ones that I have to have a super high rating to get. I just kissed it goodbye and swapped the belt. It’s def disappointing to know I’ll never get it cuz I’m def not gonna go grind pvp rating now for one belt, and Ik it’ll never be made available again after so… oh well


I'm down with recolored ones to keep the prestige of the original




Just make it legacy loot into a new exp. Farmable for everyone




Back in legion funnily enough for this season blizz said they wanted to add vicious saddles but for PvP, and were open for feedback. The pvp playerbase was so feral they backed off instantly. PvP players LOVE their limited time rewards.


Totally agree. So many cool recolours that are just completely inaccessable to most players. Especially the sets from Legion. Took a break during X expansion? Didn't do PvP? Didn't even start playing the game until it became old content? Well fuck you, you're not having it. I genuinely don't understand the thought process behind "let's make these mythic tier sets available to farm but lock players out of the PvP sets". Mythic and elite were/are the representation of equivalent difficulty tiers and the elite sets are there as an alternative for people who don't like raiding. They are the absolute pinnacle of endgame content. The difference is that mythic transmogs are still available to farm but elite recolours are impossible to obtain. You can also get the mounts but not the armours. Makes no sense man.


Too bad, luckily for u theres a million other transmog pieces in the game


I'd prefer some things in wow actually remain an achievement to get, the top comment is the perfect solution imo. If you achieve 2k (or whatever it is now) in any season you get the current set and an additional token to buy an old set.


Or you know we could let the players who actually got the rank keep the looks for themselves. Its cool that you get something for your efforts and it should not dissappear just because that expansion ends.


So why the double standard when it comes to PVE players who put the work in to get mythic raid gear?


This doesnt make sense when you compare it to someone that has played since the start and someone that just started a year ago What more effort did you put it for playing longer?


And I can respect that point of view, but from my perspective its just to bad. Didnt play when these items where in circulation? To bad they are only for the players that played at that certain point in time. As someone else mentioned in this thread, there are thousands upon thousands of items you can get. It is fair that there are some that you cant


Why should pvp transmogs be exclusive to the season while mythic raid mogs not only stay available but they alsp become so easy to get they might aswell be automatically added to your collection? It makes no sense. Just make them purchasable for honor tokens after 1 or 2 expansions that way you get to feel special for being good at pvp but everybody else can still have cool transmog


Raid encounters get easier within the tier, within the expansion and within the future of wows lifetime Arena and rbg titles are more like cutting edge You actually had to be good enough within the confines of that season No they can continue to feel special until wow's end and you're going to have to deal with that


I wasnt talking about the titles but the transmogs. Titles can stay fomo in my opinion because they arent nearly as influential for the look of your char as transmogs and because transmog really is the true endgame of wow I just think its stupid that, like the op, people cant have their character look cool not because they dont want to work for it but because they didnt play more than 5 years ago




I think I'm one of five people who think some things should remain exclusive.


I'm with you.


My unpopular opinion: I’m completely okay with there being stuff in a game that I missed out on/am not able to get. Gives a bit of prestige to things.


Lmao any dissenting opinion for welfare gear on here gets immediately downvoted.


Getting 1800/2100/2400 and then grinding out an entire vicious saddle = welfare.


It’s implied in the OP that they just want to get it in an easy way. No where was there any presented scenario of achieving it through rating.


I disagree. Let there be exclusive things that people can earn to show off.


Get guhd


No. You miss out you miss out


Agreed - the everyone has everything sucks. I wish so badly more shit was gated


Stop demanding hand outs. There is 1000 other items , you will survive missing 5


Not demanding a handout, I’m willing to work for it. The same way you can with the PVP season mount saddles.


Won’t lie I personally only wear elite sets because of the exclusivity about them. If you open up elite sets/glad mounts then at the same time you should put AOTC/challenge modes on the trading post. Then nothing is special or unique to anyone and you can look like a….whatever that is


Can’t you already get past gladiator mounts with the vicious saddle?


No?...literally never You can get old "vicious war" mounts and that's it, those have always been participation awards




No, you’ll survive without this one set. There’s 200 others for your class.


Nope learn to deal with it :) If you wanted it you would've gone for it


Sorry, no. As a top PvP player, all my hard work and hours spent progressing to get that set would be invalidated if you, who didn't spend hours in arena que, got it. I would go to Blizz forums and cry really hard. So no, you can't have it.


What makes you so much more special than top PVE players who’s transmogs anyone can get very easily the next expansion later?


Because even while the content is current, PVE is designed to get easier, week 1 mythic is a different beast to week 20 mythic week 1 pvp and week 20 pvp are not really different and the skill required is basically the same


Pve is inherently always going to get nerfed and overgeared A cutting edge mount means nothing by the end of the tier because like 1200+ guilds have 2 of them drop a week in reclear Your output and input in pvp are relative to other players, completely different


This is what people don't seem to understand about PvP / PvE. Mythic raiding is hard, sure, but NOT the same as top rated PvP. A Scripted fight will always be the same, Often by the end of the season, the PVE gets nerfed making it easier for most guilds.


Honestly? I agree with your stance. You did work really hard to earn it. Much like people who worked really hard and bought a high end car 20 years ago and then kept it pristine for that time, vs somebody who just came into enjoying cars. Like, hell yeah I'm jealous that you have that, I wish I could get it too, but they don't make them anymore. If they wanted to re-release the high-end PVP transmogs, they should only release the ability to get them to people who made it to that tier in the current expansion. The people in the current expansion also worked really hard to get to that point, why not give them the option of picking up old transmogs if they got to the same tier of PVP?


Your car example is terrible. Scarcity is a real thing, yes. Artificial scarcity is NOT. Nobody's arguing that these sets should be free. If they make them available again they should be just as hard (hell, why not even harder to a reasonable degree?) to get, but they *should* be available.


2k in mop is legitimately like 2500 non solo shuffle rating now And no, they should not be made available again


Thank you for your bad takes. We'll mail your participation trophy post-haste.


And Blizzard won't be mailing you any elite sets anytime soon :)


Not arguing that they shouldn't be available, I'm trying to say that people should have to EARN THEM. You're just wanting a solid gold metal for participating instead of actually competing. You're wanting the equivalent for an Olympic Metal for just playing. Why do you feel like you deserve that when people actually dedicate themselves to actually earn them? Earn it. Actually commit. I get that people have lives outside of the game. But when you want something that requires that dedication, you either fully commit or you accept it and deal. Don't sit there and bitch about "artificial scarcity" existing but you don't care to understand why. Those people committed. You didn't. Suck it up.


You people just can't read, can you?


I’ll probably die on the unpopular hill that exclusive items in the game are good for the game 🤷


Try elaborating why you think it's good for the game. Because I sure as shit don't see it.


It literally adds value to pieces because it draws attention, because it's wickedly rare And anyway, it's not on us to defend limited elite sets, you have no leverage, it is on you to convince Blizzard to rerelease them which they rightfully aren't doing


To me it’s an incentive to play the game. Let’s say Blizzard comes out with a new challenging aspect to the game that rewards gear. If you know that gear is going to be available for just completing that challenge and for a limited time, you are more likely to do it. On the other hand, if you know it will be available for free or low effort later you are less likely to do it. Human nature essentially. That’s my view on it anyway.


Hmm. I recognize that my own drive is tied to acquisition, but I don't follow why said acquisition has to be artificially scarce or time limited. It was a major drive for me to do the Mage Tower back in Legion, but the reward was both personal achievement and, of course, the weapon appearance. Given that the Mage Tower has retained at least some semblance of difficulty, I wouldn't mind anyone else working to get it either. Having an incentive to play is fine. But I think it turns volatile when the main drive behind it is to keep it out of the hands of your fellow players. In the spirit of being objective, quick example with the health of the game in mind: Your friend wants to start playing. They reach Orgrimmar and come across someone wearing cool gear. Is it healthier that you tell them that that's unlucky, because that appearance can no longer be earned, or that they can get it, but it requires serious effort. Which do you think is more likely to turn your friend off from the game?


Of course the latter. If it can still be earned and it’s a challenge, that’s better gameplay. If they ask where you get that item and you say “you just go faceroll this dungeon or raid or challenge that was hard 5+ years ago” then it becomes rather trivial. My paradigm is not “keeping it out of the hands of fellow players” but rather “rewarding challenging gameplay in the time it is challenging”. If Blizzard can make time walking actually work for those pieces and bring it to the level of difficulty it was back then, I’m all for it. Hopefully that makes sense.


No imo. Recolors tho ? Yes 👍


You can't have everything. WoW is too filled with FOMO players. I miss exclusivity.


Everyone wants everything now. I don’t agree.


It was a sarcasm btw


Yeah I seem to be the only person who understood "I'll go cry about it on the forums" to be obvious sarcasm. Sorry that the mob got ya.