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If a trans person killed someone in self defense would cops take their word for it or just arrest them? The whole thing is bleak


And what if trans people bow down and don’t fight back?


Same thing that happens when you buck up and fight back. The outcome is the same, death and genocide. Don't get me wrong I plan on going FULL Sarah Connor mode when the civil war starts. Until then I am slowly building supplies and have 2 bug out suitcases packed already. I've setup an escape route with my chosen family, we're all prepared to homestead and commit homicide to stay alive. Get your pack educated and ready, be ready to move, yes arm yourselves. Read the anarchist cook book and learn how to make napalm and improvised devices. In the words of Scar from Lion King.... BE PREPARED!


That sounds like a nifty book. Where does one acquire such a thing?


It's available online easily but do yourself a favor and don't *ever* try to make anything from it. For real. The instructions in there are at best useless and at worst dangerous for the one trying to build the devices. Read it as a curiosity and nothing more.


Thanks :) truth be told I wasn’t going to anyways, but I’ve been interested in it ever since my friend in high school printed off a copy


Ok, anarchist cookbook is dog shit though and some of it is actively misleading and dangerous. I'd recommend reading the us army improvised munitions handbook. It's available as a PDF from Internet archives as well as many other army handbooks that detail sone of their tactics for insurgencies and large protest movements. Also, you should learn to sew, and how to apply first aid for combat wounds (how to apply a tourniquet, a chest seal, etc) If you want body armor, use ceramic. Ar500 doesn't stop bullets, it deflects them (into your arms, legs, friends, etc). Also, do cardio with any kit you have. Being Sarah Conner doesn't happen overnight, and good luck :)


Assume you will be arrested, cis people killing in self defense often are too. They have gun owners insurance that will pay to bail you out, but I haven’t looked into a policy myself (probably should)


It won't matter who's a cop or not once the civil war starts. War is bleak, best thing I can offer is to tell you to prepare yourself well.


good chance the person would be a cop, or a cops buddy


My therapist is concerned about me having a gun because I have been a high risk of suicide in the past. I can’t say I don’t share his concern. I’d own one if I had someplace out of immediate reach to keep it, but my relationship with my family is…not great, and I don’t feel comfortable asking friends to keep it for me. I hate it. I wish I could just…have a normal brain so that it wouldn’t be an issue.


Please don't feel bad about it. Guns aren't for everyone, and it's better if you're able to acknowledge that than being a risk to yourself. For everyone who's armed in a resistance, there's like 20 different people running support. Every role is important. Find a non combat skill, and get good at it if you want. Get into touch with your local trans community (if you don't have one, you can absolutely start one too :) Also, pepper spray is almost as good as a gun in most self defense situations, and pulling some mace out doesn't usually escalate things to lethal force.


Thank you. I’ve been on a bit of a zine binge as of late - I’ve been thinking about creating one to help trans kids and youth survive unsupportive environments. I’ll keep the pepper spray in mind!


May I send you a DM?


Armed retaliation isn't how it works. We're a minority. We're not starting a revolution with home arsenals. Guns are for personal defense, when you're walking alone at night, not for retaliation against the government. Pull a weapon on a cop and you're arrested, if not dead.


In armed retaliation, a gun is for the w9rst case scenario where a fascist kill squad is actively busting down your door and you're going to be dead soon anyway.


You don't have to retaliate to keep yourself and your community safe. Become dangerous, and stay peaceful as long as you can. You're aware that it is nigh impossible to win in a straight fight, but you can make it so that it's really hard for them to justify risking the attempt.


I understand people are scared. but fear mongering like this isn't good for anyone. no amount of guns will protect our healthcare from being taken away. Nor will they protect us if they did decide to round us up. All it is doing is directing people to violence, which will not end well for us. If people want to prepare, they should be making plans to move to sanctuary states or even flee the country.


Correct, prepare to make yourself safe first. My partner and I have setup an escape route and transport convoy with our chosen family. We have bug out suitcases packed and ready. We're saving money in case we need it. Once the group is safe and secured, we'll be in zombie apocalypse mode and remove harmful or hostile people as we interact with them. The only answer to violence that works is to be more violent than your attackers. When they are too scared to use violence against you then you can talk things out. Civility is the best course of action always, however you cannot extend civility to someone intent on killing you. In short when things devolve to open violence, you need to be prepared to be more violent and inhumane than your enemy. You must be willing to line the roads with the bodies of those that would have done you harm. With how much hate, bigotry, and discrimination I've dealt with, I won't lie I'm willing to go full anarchist zombie apocalypse levels of survival. I hope it doesn't come to that, I really do. But I see the world around me and there is a legitimate cause for these levels of concern and commitment.


My apologies, but, you’re missing the point.


I don’t think it’s wrong to consider preparing with things like a passport, but it’s naive for conservatives to think guns can protect them as individuals from the government, and it’d be equally naive of us to think if it came to them rounding us up that a few trans people owning guns would prevent it. If things were going on and that bad, I think us all having guns may do more harm as an excuse that we’re a potential threat than good in deterring the government from coming after us than good in allowing us to form an organized resistance of any sort against a modern military and state with surveillance capabilities such as the USA. And if it came to fighting back, unless you’re getting an unregistered firearm, if the government was rounding up trans people don’t you think they’d cross reference their ‘trans lists’ with gun owners to target in advance? Presumably if we’re being rounded up it’s on the pitch that trans people are mentally ill degenerates, and once they label you as mentally ill well that’s one way to strip guns from them. That said, there is still some time and even if things go down the worst case scenarios, Canada has policies accepting trans refugees from America. And I’m not saying there’s nothing you can do, and hell maybe owning a gun is better than nothing, but it’s by no means any real insurance against being rounded up, and I don’t want any of us to be so naive as to believe that and be complacent. I get it’s nice to believe there is something you individually can do to protect yourself, but that’s a pretty naive way to look at a genocide. If it comes to trans people being rounded up, there’s a serious problem. The slightly good thing is I think we’re a bit away from that. Don’t get me wrong I’m well aware republicans are evil and hate us, but the majority of Americans actually support transgender people right now, the GOP for a time from ~2017-2022 they made trans people a major issue and didn’t do well electorally for it. Of course a genocide doesn’t require full throated public support, but it does require large scale dehumanization and alienation of minorities, in a way that doesn’t exist at this moment and would be difficult and take time to mold and change the broader public opinion. There is of course harmful legislation going on in republicans states, but nationally trans people are not a big focus for republicans, they’re almost totally focused on immigration as an issue for this election.


Also, even after that clusterfuck of a debate, a lot of analysts are giving very good odds that the Dems will hold the House.


It doesn’t matter. I’m a trans Jewish atheist. I’m fucked if project 2025 is implemented. We all are. Having a gun or not won’t matter. The police department has more guns and power. VOTE. Realize that our lives are on the line. It’s not even trump. He’s a placeholder for the next GOP guy. The plan is to institute fascism in America. Period.


Please do not encourage people to get guns using the same rhetoric that conservatives do. "it's the only way to protect ourselves" my ass, "gun rights" are a tool conservative alt-righters use to safeguard their dominance in this country.


I disagree. Guns won't stop legal action blocking our healthcare and it puts a lot of us at risk. More guns just mean more potentially lost to suicide or anger. Vote. Vote early, vote often, have a backup plan of where to move. Get a savings account.


You have a very good point, given that we're a population already vulnerable to suicide. But it's probably not a dichotomy question of either voting or guns. They're independent ways of defending rights.


Voting won't save us. The law might, but probably not and only in a limited way. Having a good plan B (and a plan c) seems like it's in order.


Guns are mechanical. They work, and they’re not magic. Voting is invisible and untrustworthy, as they seem to do whatever the F they want anyway.


Let's be clear, gerrymandering (and first past the post thresholds) is the untrustworthy part. It's still worth voting. But you have a point too, that at the end of the day you have to "do what you have to" at a personal level to ensure that you defend your own right to live. Especially if nobody else is willing to take responsibility for protecting you (ie, indifferent or prejudiced cops).


Yep. 🤝 when it hits the fan, it’s ultimately up to the individual.


What happens when the gestapo knocks on your door? You wanna just give up and let them imprison you? Experiment on you? Torture you for info about your friends? If we all can come out swinging and won’t go down without a fight, they’ll think twice. Also, if trans folks and firearms could become a trend, it would send a message.


Yes, the right would love nothing more than to have another way of scaring people out of supporting trans people. You're not going to fend off the National Guard with your home arsenal. It doesn't work that way.


Although I love the idea of an armed rebellion as much as the next person, you won’t be fighting the National Guard with a legally attained home arsenal. You’re forgetting that the National Guard have main battle tanks, armoured personnel carriers, and a plethora of different aircraft-as well as their infantry having better training than the average person as well as there’s more of them


Yup, a reminder that when the right wing nutter decided to try to murder people in his town with an improvised tank because they wouldn't offer even more money than the previous three deals he went back when he was selling his land there were national guard F-16s on standby before he tried to murder a councilman and discovered his tank couldn't get out of a basement.


Sooo.. water balloons?


Still dead or captured either way... Realistically most people aren't fighting their way out of a swat raid. You're better off having "friends" with or without guns than you are yourself. At least if they take you in the middle of the night and a dozen other people there's someone still around to speak up, in theory. At the very least you expand the number of people they have to deal with exponentially (and each person they deal with has friends and family that may need to be dealt with) I mean obviously guns are needed, we've seen what happens when unarmed crowds go up against guns. But we've also seen what happens when lone guns go against government


I’d personally rather be dead than become a lab rat. But to each their own.


I see where you’re coming from, but I think you’re forgetting some important details on what a gvt roundup has looked like in the past.


There's never going to be a "government roundup" that you can shoot your way out of. It's always going to be a militarized police force, like Russia. Or it'll be like Roe, a court overrule where thousands of people have to go out of state to get medical care and thousands more die needlessly. Having community support is going to be best. Go shoot guns with your friends, or go rock climbing or play gay board games. The power fantasy of a shootout just isn't going to happen. Your friend talking to the mayor is going to get you out of jail. Unless of course you had a shootout with the sheriffs office...


I agree. Also, it’s not a fantasy, it’s a tough reality that nobody wants to be in. Community is by far the most important thing one could have. The community should be armed. There is a reason why genocide always starts with weapon confiscation.


> What happens when the gestapo knocks on your door? The only way to survive this scenario is to either go into hiding or escape the country before they arrive. Once they arrive, your choices are to give yourself up, or die. > If we all can come out swinging and won’t go down without a fight, they’ll think twice. They'll think twice about their choice of weapon, not about what they're doing. All this will do is have them sending tanks instead of police officers.


I’ve wanted to own a firearm for years simply for target shooting enjoyment. however I didn’t want to increase my chances of unaliving myself or someone in my household doing something similar or worse. Now, i've had growing uneasiness heading into the election given polling data and now this debate (and all the softballs Biden is whiffing on) really makes me feel like the republicans might win or even sweep this year. If I’m gonna stay in this country where supremacists and bigots feel empowered by a hostile administration and congress and court I really have to reconsider my priorities regarding firearms risk vs the need to level the playing field against potential hate crimes and to be ready for worse at a societal level. I hate that I have to consider this at all.


I feel ya. At the end of the day, owning firearms is YOUR responsibility. There is no “oh my dumb kid grabbed it while I wasn’t looking” or any of that. It’s all on you to make sure nothing like that can happen. I own firearms for the same reason Jewish people in Germany could’ve used them. If they’re gonna round you up anyway, might as well make sure they know it won’t be easy.


Not everyone can own a firearm. Those that can, should. Armed minorities are harder to eradicate. Stop the Bleed, IFAK, dry fire, practice practice practice.


r/transguns Come join us




Would if I wasn't far more likely to use it on myself. 


The right for Australia to take over State debt? ,;)


Ben Carson? [Is that you?](https://web.archive.org/web/20240306014825/https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/15/opinion/ben-carson-is-wrong-on-guns-and-the-holocaust.html) Thinking we can arm ourselves out of the situation we face severely underestimates how dire it is.


Many of us are nonviolent and simply do not have the capacity to harm another human being. Please please please advocate for peaceful resistance instead. Guns are an absolute cancer on American society


Bowing down and getting pushed around with no means to retaliate is a cancer. I should have made clear that armed resistance is obv LAST RESORT but needs to remain a possibility.




*if you’re in the right mental place!!!


A passport is going to prove more useful than a gun if Trump is elected. It doesn't work like in the movies. I've said it before frequently but it bears repeating: you can't John Wick your way out of institutionalized transphobia. People have the wrong idea how dictatorships start in the first place. Reading everything about project2025, it's gonna be an eerily quiet take-over done with dispassionate efficiency. Once a new status quo is established the majority of the population will go along with it because they're not negatively affected by it and they won't put their asses on the line for minorities out of fear this could change. That is the true lesson of the rise of the third reich.


I can tell you right now, I'm already screwed no matter which way I look at it. If I try to get ANY sort of weapons to defend myself, my family will probably make sure I won't be able to. The thing is, I have a whole bunch of medical conditions which pretty much leaves me with no other option but to live with family. That (being disabled) in and of itself makes me a huge target to be killed. Then on top of that I'm a member of the LGBT community (no duh, I'm on this page after all, lol). Then last but not least I'm a leftist & I wouldn't doubt for a SECOND that they would target anybody to the left of Henry Kissinger.


For anyone reading this who's based in Germany, seriously consider applying for a "Kleinwaffenschein". Owning firearms in Germany is very difficult to do and extremely expensive, however with the Kleinwaffenschein you are legally allowed to conceal carry a blank firing pistol that can be loaded with regular blanks, capsicum rounds (pepper spray), or CS gas rounds. Normally just flashing a weapon will have any would-be assailants running away, but in case you do have to use it on another person, it is only permitted to do so in cases where you believe your life to be in danger. You must first fire a warning shot and back up at least 1 Metre before unloading on them, but it is way more affective than pepper spray, much more affordable and attainable than lethal firearms, and of course much less deadly which makes owning and using one more realistic for a lot of people. The license costs 50 euro and a blank firing revolver and ammo will cost you about 150-200 in total.


I teach classes in Oklahoma. DM if you want details.