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I do but there is so many good ones and not enough time. The pain of being an adult.


I remember going through trails 1 and 2 during my university days in 1-2 months. Now i am 1 year into trails 3rd and most likely still at the middle, there is not much to do when you only have around 1 free hour of leisure before bed 😅


If you can beat trails in the sky 2nd, you probably could beat the 3rd in 3 months (if you do. 1 hour playing everyday) as long you don't do the side story. If I'm in a year playing and still haven't beaten it, I might as well restart to remember the lore lmao.


The funny part is that the side stories are 100 times more interesting than the main plot. And unlike trails 2nd, the dungeon esque system of trails 3rd makes it fairly easy to remember the main plot, which funny enough is precisely why I am taking so long with it, as the repetitive format is a big breakaway from the 2 previous titles.


It's nice to see that you enjoy the 3rd because many people like to discard the 3rd game due to "irrelevant" or lack of plot. I personally love the 3rd because of how I able to see other characters stories. The 2nd is still the best so far in term of storytelling out of all trails games I have played (I'm still in CS2).


Ikr??? 😭


Yeah, I gotta play Chrono Trigger and Earthbound!


Yes! I'll try Earthbound too just because Joey seems to really love it lol


Please do, for the music alone it's worth it. You've already heard the music before so it can even be a fun game pointing out the times you've seen the music used in Youtube. Also the game is just a good, fun time and the game is short.


Jrpgs are genuinely some of the best games you can play currently with the amount of slop or half baked games you get with modern gaming sometimes also I literally don't watch much shonen because I play so many jrpgs lol


just played eiyuden chronicles HH and it was a nice throwback, also chained echoes


>eiyuden chronicles HH Oh yeah this is the game that Pete's playing in his streams >also chained echoes Oh now that you've mentioned this, I also want to play this game along with Sea of Stars!


Both of these and Sea of Stars made me question if I really liked games like those in the past. In Eiyuudens case I even got back to Suikoden and yeah it's not that I remembered wrong but Eiyuuden was... What the fuck happened?! Did they even know what those games made special? And the Sea of Stars hype... People realized after a few hours that the game is pretty boring and has a terrible story. Chained Echoes is the best of those three imo. Wasn't that special but I enjoyed my time with that one unlike the other ones. Eiyuuden still hurts as a backer.


AAA games had become too monotonous and repetitive. That's why people like me want to try something different .


yeah I wish I had a shadow clone to atleast lessen my backlogs


*Yeah I wish I had* *A shadow clone to atleast* *Lessen my backlogs* \- mokochan013 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh you dont want to start with trails as well


Garnt's current addiction 😂. But the reason I don't really want to play the Trails series rn is because I haven't heard or read anything about it aside from Garnt. Like it seems like a pretty niche series. Same goes for the Tales series. I want to play the highly regarded JRPGs first lol


Ive started trails because of grant too. Im deep in the rabbit hole now 🥲


How do you like it so far?


Sky trilogy was amazing! Loving the story and characters so far. Just started out with the crossbell arc (the 4th title)


Sounds great! Is the gameplay of the series turn-based? I don't mind if it's turn-based as long as it's good.


It is turn based though not like Pokemon but in the sense that actions cause a certain delay down a timeline. So a speedy character will get more turns than a slow one or ultimates give you bigger delays than just a quick attack.


I was planning to continue the series this summer because I definitely want to play through it my plan is 3rd-azure currently


>3rd-azure How'd you end up with that sequence


I started fc in an August because originally I just wanted to play fc because i wasn't sure if I wanted to continue the series and I was very wrong so SC was very sudden and I ended up trying to finish the game as fast as I could because my college semester was going to start up again


Then what about zero?


I mean 3rd through azure meaning all 3 games


If you haven’t played it yet, i highly recommend the Yakuza/like a dragon games!


Because of Garnt i am now in the third installment of the trails in the sky series.


I got the strong urge to play Chrono trigger, but I just beat Mother 3 like yesterday and I needed a small break before starting up another JRPG.


Alright, I'll be the one guy here... No, I don't feel like sinking tens/hundreds of hours playing through these tedious gameplay loops and interface fuckery even if story and worldbuilding is good. I'd rather watch a story summary on the yt.


Been playing jrpgs since my childhood with pokemon on my first handheld console (gameboy colour) and Digimon World on my first tv console (PSone). Games i've played for the past 20 or so years: On PS2 Digimon 1-4, Xenosaga Ep 1-3, FFX and X-2, FFXII, Shadow hearts 1 and 2, Arc the Lad (forgot the 2 games i played), Wild Arms 3-5, Tales of the Abyss, Atelier Iris 1-3, Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry 2 and 3 i think On PS3 FFXIII and the shitty sequel (not gonna touch LR. Ever.), Tales of Xillia 1 and 2, Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2, + the japanese remaster Hyperdimension Neptune 1 and 2, Tales of Symphonia 1 and 2, Drakengard 3, DMC 4 i think, Fairy Fencer F, Dragon Star Vanir On PSP and Vita OG Monster Hunter, Hyperdimension Neptune rebirth 1 and 2, Trails to Zero and Azure (in japanese cuz there was no eng at that time), Y's 7, Nayuta no Kiseki On PS4 Hyperdimension Neptune V and VII (its V-2 but yea. Their naming is whack). Tales of Zesteria, Tales of Berseria, Digimon Cybersleuth 1 and 2, Trails of Cold Steel 3 and 4 (both eng and jap), The remaining DMC series, Yakuza (Ryu ga Gotoku) 1-7, FF7 Remake, Nier Automata + Replicant, Death End Request 1 and 2, Tokyo Xanadu Ex, Y's 8 and 9, Y's eerr...6 i think? The only other one they released as a remake, All Atelier series from rorona to Ryza 2 (the had all the bundles thank god. But the earlier atelier games were a pain to finish), On PS5 Tales of Arise, Kuro no Kiseki 1 and 2 (Trails through Daybreak) in Jap of course, Ryu Ga Gotoku - Ishin, FF7 Rebirth, Atelier Ryza 3, On Nintendo consoles (gameboy colour, advance, DS, 3DS and Switch) All pokemon mainline games from gen 1 till gen 9, and legends arceus, and Pokemon Let's go, All megaman battlenetwork games, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and 3, Nights of Azure 1 and 2, (I mainly buy nintendo consoles for pokemon. Yes its dumb but i love pokemon) On PC Trails in the Sky 1-3 (i played this before Cold Steel 3 but after the crossbell duology but thx to that i enjoyed CS 3 and 4 more when the cameos and stars drop in). Mery Skelter 1 and 2, FFXIV (currently all jobs at 90 and waiting for DT), Hyperdimension Neptune Rebirth 3 Shld be missing a few but off my head this is all i can rmb. As you can see, i love my jrpgs and all that i've played, i personally find them all to be bangers.


There’s a FF17? (See the PS2 section)


Oops. Typo. Edited. Ff12


I figured as much lol. Side note, also waiting for DT. Working on my last 90 in the meantime.


idk if it counts as a jrpg but given the boys talk of chrono trigger and being new to a game thats relatively small with little amounts of coverage try out in stars in time if you like earthbound or undertale! Beyond the characters and the story (which are amazing mind you) the way it uses essentially a time travel rezero esque looping mechanic with actual INSANE quality of life gameplay improvements so doing the same thing over and over again has purpose without getting monotonous. genuinely better built mechanically than most rpg's period. Vibes story and character wise, imagine frieren meets deltarune/undertale. (it's not quite that but the overlap of subject matter is close enough as serves as good trigger warning if stories that deal with mental health, the passage of time etc bums you out) Still incredibly charming, well written, well built, fun and cheap tho with a LOT of replayability check it out!


Trust Garnt on trails, it's definitely good. For sure trails starts slow since it builds the world and characters around it.. so much that you even care about its NPC side stories and characters (its fully optional to talk to NPCs but the option is there). But when the shit hits the fan. damn. it's a one heck of a ride. Many others don't like trails because they feel it's too long before the story picks up. but I advise that you keep the pace and just enjoy the quests and current story. not rushing is the key for enjoying trails.


Dude, I literally picked up Final Fantasy XIV and Lost Odyssey because of the boys. Like you, my backlog consist of FF games, Chrono Trigger, Persona, and other JRPGs 🤣


If you want a jrpg series to keep you busy.... try the Trails series. I know Garnt's journey on trails is getting a lot of people interested in the series. It's an AMAZING franchise, and I can't stress enough how good they are. I know it's long, I know the first few games don't have modern graphics nor voice acting, but they are still important to the overarching story, and are really solid games on their own. If you plan on getting into the series, don't get discouraged on how slow the first games of each arc are. They get better, and the combat evolves, too. Although a lot of die-hard fans will BEG you to play in release order (Sky -> Zero/Azure -> Cold steel -> Reverie-> Daybreak) I do suggest that you CAN start with Cold steel 1 and go right to cold steel 2 if you don't like the early graphics. If you like what you see, go back and play from the very beginning before moving onto Cold steel 3. Cold steel 3 is where all the arcs converge into one overarching narrative, and characters from previous games start returning and play major roles. As somebody who isn't too fond of the early graphics and gameplay, I still went back to the early games after cold steel 1 and 2. The payoff is quite worth it and infact, Sky 3rd and Azure are my favorite games in the entire series, with Azure being my favorite jrpg ever.


Play JRPGs now? I've alreadg been playing em 😂 welcome to the club tho!


I’m currently playing Chained Echoes and Digimon survive. Not too many complaints with chained echoes other than the game should tell you when a character >! is truly dead story wise. Seriously I kept a 2 spare sets of gear for some dead characters till The eldritch looking god eyes came peaking out of the clouds. !< My complaint with Digimon survive is that the >! True good ending !< requires new game plus.


I tried playing persona 4 since they talked persona 5 royal, but idk i cant get into it. I played 3 hr and it feels like im not doing anything just reading dialogue. i know these games can be good if i play enough , but dude nowadays i dont have the patience for it. Final Fantasy seems pretty fun tho. But here's the problem they're kinda expensive and i think id get as much enjoyment if i watch play throughs and lore vids. The game the boys have made me get into is fear and hunger. Ive already love horror rpg's so i made sense id like it. I just cant wait to see Garnt stream Undertale and maybe i hope to see Joey play Omori. Would love to see connor play it but i know its not his type of game.


Done with Bravely Default 2 and Persona 5 Royal. Currently playing Octopath Traveller 2. Any other recommendations bros?


I was already a fire emblem and persona andy before the boys


I do. don't know where to start was thinking chrono trigger would be the best starter one


I assumed like 9/10 viewers of the podcast already played them actively




Started Void Stranger because of them. Damn, what a weird game, but it's genius.


I wanna watch the boys play an RPG together. Kinda like when they played Oldschool Runescape together with Techtone & Mouse. That was probably one of the best collabs they ever did


I think they played Granblue Fantasy Relink together but I haven't watched it yet.


I got into Trails a year after it was mentioned by Garnt, and I heard a lot about it for several years until I finally decided on playing it, and honestly it might end up being the only JRPG series that I even bother playing, even the FF Remake and Rebirth hype didn't interest me at all, but somehow Trails just ended being perfect for me even if I don't enjoy the turn based battles or messing with builds, and I wouldn't even give the games I played so far more than an 8 imo, but somehow I just care more about playing the next one than the 'masterpieces' like OG FF7 or Chrono Trigger that it is always mentioned.


Recently played Persona 3 Reload, Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 5 Royal and I can’t recommend them enough!


I want to play P5R and P3R as well! Hopefully they make a remake of P4 too 🤞


Honestly I feel P4G still holds up. The dungeons are a lil annoying but nothing too bad. The characters are far better than 3 and 5 imo and the story is excellent


I'm sure it does but now that Reload just came out, I'm waiting for a P4 remake with an updated art-style lol cause P3R looks gorgeous!


I reckon start with Yakuza and work through the series, should keep you busy for a bit!


I play jrpgs all the time


a little bit ngl


If you're a PS5 gamer, play Tales of Arise, Persona 3 Reload, and Nier Automata. If you also have a switch, play Fire Emblem Three Houses and Xenoblade Chronicles.


Aight hear me out… If you enjoy Attack on Titan, you should play Xenoblade Chronicles 1 I got halfway through a comparison vid essay script n had to stop cuz life n work. It was 60 pages long n I only got halfway through the game n anime. Get the Definite edition on switch, try to avoid spoilers, watch Chuggaconroy’s walkthrough on youtube if you get stuck or want tutorial TLDR .


>Aight hear me out… If you enjoy Attack on Titan, you should play Xenoblade Chronicles 1 This so random 😂


The overlap of story beats/mechanics is insane With those things being foils of one another Idk how to describe it without saying too much but bro…. If u know u know


Not a JRPG, but that episode got me to play Void Stranger and holy shit, it's so good but also such a trip, it makes total sense why he recommended to look up nothing and dive in.


Didn't Connor say that that game was a bad game for streaming though?


I started my trails journey last year around october or november and now im at zero no kiseki, already for Ao no koseki and CS1 and CS2 downloaded


Started playing Void Stranger and the first tales game.


I feel it’s rare for a FPS gamer to play a turn based game vice versa. I didn’t start playing actual JRPG until the pandemic started where I played FE: three houses and FF10 as well Persona 4 Golden. Just recently I beaten black ops 3 in the hardest difficulty with no deaths while I just finished FF15.


Sad to see this sub/trash taste themselves ignore *Dragon Quest* the most important JRPG franchise


nah, never had an interest in jrpgs and hearing them talk about it did nothing to increase my interest.


Only JRPG I played from TT was octopath traveler 2. Pretty solid game. Would recommend.


I've been playing jrpgs my whole life


I just played Chrono Trigger and FF7 original and the remakes myself. I have P3 to play and been wanting to do the nier games


I suck at jrpg combat / turn based


I feel ya! I got back into 14 recently. Out of your list though, man if you haven't played 9 yet, it's filled with so much charm and deep thought provoking questions about life. Check it out ASAP!


Yeah FF9 seems to have a lot of fans! I want to play FF6, 7, and 8 first before I play FF9 lol. Cause I want to see the progression lol. But yeah the games that seem to be regarded as the best in the FF series are FF6, 7, and 9 lol


Good point, plus you will get the references to earlier games