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You don't have to answer if you'd rather keep it private, but why don't you qualify for PSLF? What kind of loans do you have and when did you take them out?


As far as I know, it’s because I’m employed by a travel company that is for-profit. If I were to be a staff nurse at most of these not-for-profit hospitals, I’d qualify for PSLF.


I have had 4 hospitals that I have traveled to fill out my PSLF forms. 2 did not. But that’s pretty good averages. My advice. Sign up for PSLF and the SAVE programs. You will have to call each hospital you have traveled to and find the person that fills out PSLF forms. I usually start with calling HR. The PSLF program is frozen right now with mohela so I’m not sure if other loan servicers are frozen also. The form is super easy to fill out on the fedloan.gov website. Just because we work for a travel company doesn’t mean we you don’t qualify. As long as it’s nonprofit hospital you are good to go.


Its not where you work, its who you work for, and your employer is the agency, which is for profit.


Above is my experience. I have 4 payments left and my loans will be forgiven. I have been a nurse working for non profits for 11 years now. You do you though.


Good luck with that fraud charge.


When I spoke to mohela a representative, this is what they told me to do. So I’m going to continue with what I’m doing. A fraud charge sounds like a little much for this situation. Especially when the student loan system has been broken and a total lie for a long long time. Before Biden started actually working on loan forgiveness, very few PLSF loan forgivenesses had actually happened as promised. I don’t know actual number, but I’m sure someone could look that up.


Direct from studentaid.gov. You must be a direct employee of a qualifying employer for your employment to qualify. This means that employees of contracted organizations, that are not themselves a qualifying employer, won’t qualify for PSLF including government contractors and for-profit organizations.


This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!


Unless you contract directly with the hospital, you work for a for profit entity and are not eligible, regardless of whether they fill out the form. You're setting yourself up for problems down the road. 


Typically we don't qualify for pslf as contractors who go from hospital to hospital. At least, that was my understanding.


I paid off my public student loans from the biggest to the smallest. But this was during when payments were paused so the interest was not an issue.


What nobody tells you is after 10 years it goes away. They tell us it sticks with us for life, even if bankrupt. I can attest to it disappearing. It wasnt planned, i just irresponsible and lucky


I thought it was supposed to 10 years of making qualified payments.


Idk dude. I graduated in 2010, butt my loan paperwork says 2014...and i kid u not i was finally thinking like...man, i need to start tryin to pay that shit off...again it was all random luck, but i do remember reading someone else post here on reddit lol...it true...if i can figure out how to post pics i will


Heads up that there's a lot of good info on r/studentloans. 


What? “I’m traveling so I can pay off my loans. What does everyone that’s also traveling to pay off their loans do to pay off their loans?”


Asking if there are any options related to PSLF or SAVE that would be more advantageous than simply paying them off.


- Refi and consolidate at a lower rate - Dump whatever you can afford to lower principle - Pay principle weekly instead of monthly - Don’t buy meme stocks


I can do all but the last point. GME to the moon 🚀🚀🚀


According to your hx, you got in 21d ago, well after either of the rallies. You’re likely slightly negative - broke even if you’re lucky. Don’t confuse 30 days of reading subreddit hype as actual knowledge. If you’re actually serious about paying down the loan, look at actual value investing. Best thing I did was took advantage of the 2021 rallies and have since made even bigger strides re-allocating funds. The majority of retail investors have this pipe dream of “sticking it to the hedge funds” and have no idea what they’re actually doing except DRSing their net worth, “Diamond hands”, praying to MOASS. In reality, you’re hampering actual financial progress. Learn to recognize both sides of the coin.


I just like the stock


Some of us travel to invest more into certain “mEmE sToCks”. Glad I stumbled upon the GameStop communities and been a part of the saga, some would even say this is like a modern day battle of David and Goliath. I’m thankful to the powers that be which continue to allow me to invest my hard earned money into a company that has better potential than a lotto ticket to improve the lives of myself and many more. Lucky for me, I’m made more than plenty from my travel salary to be able to amass a comfortable amount of shares. GameStop is in a strong enough financial position to start acquiring other companies and provide greater value to its investors. The real problem we face is that it’s really hard to be patient in today’s fast paced world, and being able to endure economic volatility more frequently takes a lot of effort. We get so much information, since the advent of the internet and now AI, that it’s hard to know what’s real and what’s not. To add to this stress, there are certain institutions out there, such as hedge funds, that rely upon unethical methods to increase their ill gotten gains. Seeing as how most of congress is bought off by hedge funds, it’s laughable to think that We the People could ever stand a chance. One would think that the institutions can survive longer than your typical investors, but ladies and gents, this time is ours and these hedge funds are incredibly f*cked. Hedge funds thought it might be a good idea to short a certain company thinking it was going to tank, and make a killing. Little did they expect that people on the internet would expose how their predatory scheme works and learn how they profit off failing businesses. One could possibly suggest that it’s a lucrative endeavor betting against and companies that provide jobs to people who need them, but God forbid some poor degenerates over the globe ruin that for them and take back what’s theirs. Gamers of all people, they are always trying strategize and take it to the next level. Who would have thought that a once dying company, with a majority ownership owned by household investors, would have such an impact on the global economy? Well, we are doing it and movies and documentaries have been and are being made about this movement. The story continues and history is being made.. TLDR: There are indications that hedge funds are coordinating together and intentionally shorting companies internationally out of existence and cooking their books. Hedge funds are f*cked. GameStop’s financial statements paints a very bullish picture. Hedge funds that are short on GameStop are hemorrhaging a lot of money everyday, many of which are incredibly and increasingly over leveraged. To their disadvantage, we are retarded and don’t know what the word, “sell”, even means. For the past years, I’ve seen countless articles and financial news media sources trying to tell me to sell my shares of GameStop. My questions is, if I’m selling who’s needing to buy my shares so bad? **Keep in mind that investing does carry risk. Never yolo or gamble into anything until you have conducted proper research and assessed your own risk appetite.** Note: I personally choose to eat cheap ramen and simple rice dishes, so that I can invest more of my liquid assets into companies I see with great growth potential (even if it’s in a “mEmE ETF). **Not financial advice** Also!!! The CEO of GameStop was the original owner, founder, and CEO of Chewy. I have further reason to believe that GameStop is being guided by the best person for the job, and is on track for great long-term growth.


> GameStop’s financial statements paints a very bullish picture Which part of a 29% sales decline and no profit since 2018 paints a “very bullish picture”? 😂🤡 I’m an avid gamer and I have legitimately not even stepped foot into a GME in probably 10 years. > GameStop is in a strong enough financial position to start acquiring other companies and provide greater value to its investors And what value would that be? Who exactly would they acquire and for what purpose? The only thing they’ve “acquired” is $2 billion by, guess what, selling their shares 🙃. I drank my fair share of Kool-Aid & played along (and have since took my profits) but I legitimately cannot see any true inherent value in GME. GME at this point as strictly a speculative attempt at a short squeeze - OPs comments seem to solidify this.


After their recent stock sale, they have amassed over $4B. Who’s to say they can’t use that money to invest in other companies, kind of like Berkshire Hathaway did. And just because they currently sell video games and collectibles, that doesn’t mean their business model can’t change. Short-term profits only address a small part of the overall picture. From their Q1 2024 results, it appears they are doing a good job at reducing their net losses by reducing operating expenses. Maybe not seeing profits right at this moment, but GameStop ain’t going anywhere. $4B is a lot to work with. Glad to hear you made a profit, and sorry you had to settle for kool-aid. However, there is plenty of value to be found in this company, you just seem like someone who is only looking for a quick buck. Do you remember when: Berkshire Hathaway was a textile company? American Express was an express mail business? Nokia was a pulp mill? Samsung was a grocery trader? Marriott was a root beer stand? Instagram was a check-in app? I don't — businesses evolve.