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I am so sorry you are in so much pain right now and I am so impressed you were able to push through 7 hours of work in pain!! That’s SO hard to do. Your “do I owe someone money” comment made me laugh because that’s so true. I feel like the Lord only knows what the triggers are sometimes!! Take it day by day, and minute by minute when you have to. TN SUCKS but you’ve got this! You’re a warrior! I hope your pain lifts soon and then stays away for a very long time.


🥰thanks so much.


You’re so welcome. I’m so sorry you’re a part of this shitty club!! ♥️


Sending virtual headpats. Good job surviving this day.




Sending healing pain vibes your way. 🚫⚡




Good on you for getting through a 7 hour shift. True definition of a warrior! Well done, sending healing hugs 🫂


🥰🥰thank you!


Good job on managing to work AT ALL with all that going on! When I flare up I certainly couldn't work so you're already winning there. The medication cocktail is something I'm all too familiar with. I'm going to make myself some clever method to keep track of all of them. Btw you owe me tree-fiddy /s :D


I have nickles and dimes and purse candy.


Dang it loch Ness monster


Sending love this club is shit xx


I had something similar yesterday. But I don't think what I get is migraines, it's all TN. I'm a rare one that has it on both sides, but symptoms on the left side are few and far between. I've had a very stressful work week. Too much stress always ramps it up for me. I work from home, but have to go in to the office once a week for a bit of paperwork. I did that yesterday, for the last hour, then as I started driving home I had pain next to my nose, both sides of my face. It became more intense and spread a little further. It was hurting to wear my glasses but I had to wear them to drive. By the time I got home, about 30 minutes later, more of my face was in pain and the back of my head was as well. That pain lasted through the night. I had to take a lot of Tylenol 3s spaced over several hours. This morning I had to put Diclofenac on the back of my neck. It's helping me get through my work day, but my face pain is back too, still mostly my nose, both sides.


Aww. You did say previously you were getting migraines too. Well, gentle high five from me for getting through the day(s). I'm better today, so I wish you the same relief.


Thanks. No, no migraines, but I have a rare type of TN that also involves the back of my head and neck. Glad to hear yours has eased up. Mine has too, although oddly I still have some pain and what feels like dental freezing wearing off, only on the left side of my face, which I almost never get. I finally get to relax, so hopefully that will help.


Oh, sorry misremembered. Let's blame the drugs. 😆 I just know your username. 😆


Hey - did you get TN before or after migraine? I have a chronic migraine but as it went on I got weird symptoms like moving my upper right up or touching my teeth causes it to flare up behind my eyeball. Is yours anything like that? Sorry it’s not relevant, just a question from one long time sufferer to another - hope you’re doing better today


My TN developed many years after my migraines. My pain has been moving around lately. Right this moment is in my ear canal. If I find the right position the pain stops for awhile. It's like playing hide and seek with the invisible man. He eventually finds me. 😒


Sneaky bastard isn’t he… yours sounds like mine, a spectre looming around different areas of my face causing a dreadful searing ache wherever he treads. Does anything help you? Anything trigger it and make it worse? Mine seems to be coming from the upper neck


Twinsies! Right at the base of my skull and neck. If I press there, sometimes I can get the pain to ease up. Sometimes, it makes it worse. I'm having a hard time eating, drinking, and talking the last several weeks. I find if I prop myself just right and get an object to fill the gap between the neck and whatever... I do pretty okay. But then I can't move or there's pain. But, this also doesn't work at the same time. I cannot sleep for the life of me. There's so much pain.


So - get this: I took indomethicin last night for the first time in several months, and poof, nearly all gone. So I took it again this morning and lunch today, and have only had one stabby attack lasting 17 seconds today, and some mild ache in my forehead right now, but it’s been the best day in ages. Also for the first time in months I can bend forward and my sinus doesn’t feel like it’s full of glue. Someone on another sub mentioned “hemicrania continua”, but “paroxysmal Hemicrania” fits the pain pattern better if that’s what it is. Neck aggravation turns out to be a know trigger. I was doing the “just right” position thing like you the last three weeks too, sleeping on a block or rolled towel until the “spot” wasn’t compressed. Also bought some naproxen today because it’s half life is twice that of indomethicin incase a broad spectrum anti inflammatory is just helping. Hoping it isn’t all just a placebo effect…


A lot of my pain is in the teeth and jaw area, so I take NSAIDs to relieve any additional pain from clenching and whatever other antics would tire out my poor muscles. My pain is just all over, but it always seems ro end up there.


I’m sorry tooooo. It’s frkn awful. Somedays i don’t even remember if i took my meds so i take more. Gets to the point it just doesn’t matter anymore. Anything to take it away


Hot hot showers help me too btw